Periodic Reporting for period 3 - ENABLE-S3 (European Initiative to Enable Validation for Highly Automated Safe and Secure Systems)
Période du rapport: 2018-06-01 au 2019-05-31
ENABLE-S3 aimed at substituting today’s cost-intensive validation and verification efforts by virtual and semi-virtual testing and verification, coverage-oriented test selection methods and standardization. It was the goal of this project to pave the way for efficient development of highly automated systems. ENABLE-S3 established cost-efficient cross-domain virtual and semi-virtual V&V platforms and methods for Automated Cyber-physical Systems (ACPS). In the course of three project years, advanced functional, safety and security test methods were developed in order to significantly reduce the verification and validation time and to preserve the validity of the tests for the requested high operation range.
This project’s objectives were to keep the effort and costs for testing at a reasonable level. This has been achieved by providing a comprehensive modular verification and validation framework. This framework covers the validation methodology (i.e. methods to reduce the required test effort) and the validation platform to conduct these tests efficiently. The framework consists of validation and verification bricks, which were developed and demonstrated across six industrial domains (Automotive, Aerospace, Rail, Maritime, Health, Farming), fostering cross-domain reuse and knowledge exchange.
As a first step, core requirements relevant across all domains were specified and consolidated. In a second step, these core requirements were refined in technical requirements, which were assigned to a dedicated work package.
In order to facilitate the coordination of a project of this size, a technical management process was established based on the experiences and lessons learned from previous projects. A central part of this process was the generic test architecture, which was developed within the project and describes the core building blocks of a test system together with the respective interfaces. The architecture was presented at relevant conferences and has gained interest by various external companies.
In second year, the focus was put on the development of technology bricks. Based on the feedback of the first iteration, new requirements and technology bricks were refined and then integrated in the demonstrators and evaluated. Additionally, input to standardization and interface specification working groups was provided. Moreover, the experience exchange among use cases and domains was well established, discussing topics such as scenario descriptions, sensor model architectures, etc.
In the third and final year, the demonstrators’ development was completed by additional and extended technology bricks based on phase 2 results. Improvements of tools, technology bricks and methods were done according to the feedback of the second demonstrator iteration phase. This updated bricks were integrated into the final set of demonstrators in the project’s use cases. Every use case defined one or more application steps, describing the combined use of the technology bricks in the demonstrators to achieve the use case’s goal. The application steps are described in the booklet “Demonstrator Overview – Final Results”, available for download on the project homepage:
Also available on the project’s homepage is the document “The Summary of Results”, summarizing the project work and key findings, defining and demonstrating a practical, cost-efficient way to verify and validate highly automated systems.
Specific focus was on creating public interface specifications, most of them were taken over by standardization organisations (ASAM, MODELLICA). Coverage oriented validation was introduced in the automotive technology bricks from TNO and AVL and successfully demonstrated.
The automotive, health, maritime, rail, farming and aerospace use cases demonstrated the virtual and semi-virtual test approaches designed to decrease the validation time significantly. The metrics used through the project comparing the status prior project start and at the end provide an overview of the achievements of the project goals.