CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
SEMS Insight Report addressing experiences on availability quality security and the management of energy Relates to Task 32 Sustainable Energy Management Systems
Core and Site Specific Data Collection ProtocolsTask 82 Development of Core and Site Specific Data Collection ProtocolsCore and Site Specific Data Collection Protocols M17This deliverable will describe the specific data collection methods and instruments to be used to implement the CMEF in each city
Monitoring Programme Analysis ReportsD85 Monitoring Programme Analysis Report M53Task 85 Economic Social and Environmental Appraisal Task 84 Analysis of Monitoring DataMonitoring Programme Analysis Report months M47 M53 This deliverable will provide an analysis report on the performance of the PPP measures based on the evaluation indicators established in Task 14
Measures Exploitation Potential ReportTask 71 Profile Measures Measures Exploitation Potential Report
Three replication roadmapsReplication roadmaps
Common Monitoring and Evaluation FrameworkTask 81 Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework M12This deliverable will present the CMEF for the project including the specific evaluation targets the relevant evaluation indicators appropriate data standard and data collection methods
Press and media activities (3)Task 65 Press and media activitiesAt least 30 press releases and articles published M1 to 60
D1.1. Minutes of the project meetingsTask 11 Coordination and general managementD11 Minutes of the project meetings month 1
One replication strategyReplication strategy relates to Task 51 Replication strategy and roadmap
D1.11. Minutes of the project meetingsTask 11 Coordination and general managementMinutes of the project meetings month 21
One practical replication handbookOne practical replication handbook 5EUROCITIESRPUM40 M56 relates to Task 53 Capacity building activities
Portfolio of co-designed Urban ServicesPortfolio of codesigned Urban Services ROTHER M30M42 PURelates to Task 23 Codesign urban services
D1.15. Minutes of the project meetingsTask 11 Coordination and general managementMinutes of the project meetings month 45
D1.16. Minutes of the project meetingsTask 11 Coordination and general managementMinutes of the project meetings month 51
Final Economic, social and environmental appraisalTask 85 Economic Social and Environmental AppraisalFinal Economic social and environmental appraisalThis deliverable will provide the final assessment of the overall economic social and environmental impact of the PPP measures implemented in each city using the full CMEF
D1.14. Minutes of the project meetingsTask 11 Coordination and general managementMinutes of the project meetings month 39
Replication/Scale-Up CitiesRecruit 35 cities outside of the SCC01 cohort to work with to replicate andor scaleup smart cities solutions from Sharing Cities Cities will usertest key replication guidance and deliverables and will receive the wisdom of Sharing Cities experiences with potential for some study visits to further their work Cities will also be supported in the development of smart cities solutions action plans
Lighthouse City Needs & Opportunities MatchingTask 72 Assess Need Lighthouse City Needs a report capturing per measure the scope and financing funding needs for the principal cities including options where appropriate This deliverable also captures the Lighthouse City Opportunity Matching which was originally captured in D76
Risk Management ReportTask 15 Risk ManagementD18 Risk management report month 60
Urban Sharing Platform RequirementsRelates to Task 41 City Requirements Gathering
D1.13. Minutes of the project meetingsTask 11 Coordination and general managementMinutes of the project meetings month 33
D1.9. Minutes of the project meetingsTask 11 Coordination and general managementD11 Minutes of the project meetings months 6
Local energy productionExperiences tools and model guide Relates to Task 31 Building Retrofit
PlaybooksThe Sharing Cities programme has developed an approach called packaging which can be replicated The programme has followed a usercentreddesign approach to develop resources Playbooks for each of the Sharing Cities measures These Playbooks will provide all the information that a city officer needs to replicate the technology Sharing Cities has implemented covering technical specifications business modelling procurement market engagement monitoring etc
Case study of demand aggregation and associated governance & decision making, technical, business model, procurement, funding factorsCase study of demand aggregation and associated governance decision making technical business model procurement funding factors RDEM M18 PURelates to Task 34 Smart Lampposts
Documented technical, uses cases and financial architecture of the systems for each district and evaluation of the relative merits - part 2Documented technical uses cases and financial architecture of the systems for each district and evaluation of the relative merits part 2 RM48PURelates to Task 32 Sustainable Energy Management Systems
Scale-Up ReportTask 79 SME ScaleUp Businesses ScaleUp Report anticipated as authored with Advisory Board member Sherry Coutu who authored the UK ScaleUp report R M40 PU
Component-based designComponentbased design in collaboration with testbeds for national EIP initiatives R M15 PURelates to Task 34 Smart Lampposts
Digital Social Market ImplementationDigital Social Market Implementation R M2048 PU Relates to Task 22 Develop the Digital Social Market
Document the various integrated mobility measures in each district, addressing technical, human, and financial aspects - Part 1Documented the various integrated mobility measures in each district addressing technical human and financial RM43PURelates to Task 33 Shared eMobility
Two scientific publicationsmonths M40 M48 relates to Task 53 Capacity building activities relates to Task 53 Capacity building activities
Funding London ModelTask 75 Package the London Funding Model Funding London Model
District Bond design, suitable for replicationDistrict Bond design suitable for replication R M1219 PURelates to Task 22 Develop the Digital Social Market strategy
Ten technical handbooksTen technical handbooks5EUROCITIESRPUM40 M56 relates to Task 53 Capacity building activities
Fund Potential London ModelTask 76 Assess Potential within Principal Cities Fund Potential London Model
Interim Report on Model ToolboxTask 85 Economic Social and Environmental AppraisalInterim Report on Model ToolboxThis deliverable will provide an interim description of the components of the upscaling and replication toolbox
Interim Economic, social and environmental appraisalInterim Economic social and environmental appraisalThis deliverable will provide an interim assessment of the overall economic social and environmental impact of the PPP measures implemented in each city using the full CMEF
Methods Book of existing and next stage customer insight and engagement methodsMethods Book of existing and next stage customer insight and engagement methods R M112 PURelates to Task 21 Catalogue current landscape
Press and media activities (1)Task 65 Press and media activitiesD67 At least 30 press releases and articles published M1 to 60
One roadmap implementation report per follower city per year (Year 2 to 4)months M24 M36 M48 M60Relates to Task 52 Implementation of the replication roadmaps
Publishable report on the implementation of WP3 by the technical lead, highlighting activities that have taken place, risks encountered, corrective actions taken and lessons learnedPublishable report on the implementation of WP3 by the technical lead highlighting activities that have taken place risks encountered corrective actions taken and lessons learned
Document the various integrated mobility measures in each district, addressing technical, human, and financial aspects - Part 2Documented the various integrated mobility measures in each district addressing technical human and financial RM60PURelates to Task 33 Shared eMobility
Six city baseline reportsBaseline reports relates to Task 51 Replication strategy and roadmap
Report on Community Engagement HubsReport on Community Engagement Hubs R M9 PURelates to Task 21 Catalogue current landscape
Urban Sharing Platform Requirements - Update (2)Relates to Task 41 City Requirements Gathering
Community hubs - Digital hubs and the renovation/construction of public spaces that act as community hubsDigital hubs and the renovation or construction of spaces to act as community hubs OTHER M1860 PU Relates to Task 23 Codesign urban services The deliverable will detail the solution adopted by each city describe the approach of the hubs whether physical spaces or digital provide an update on the status of the hubs implemented planned ongoing in each city and a statistical evaluation of the impact of the physical spacesdigital measures
Final technical and financial reportsTask 13 Technical Progress MonitoringD15 Final technical and financial reports month 60
Urban Sharing Platform Reference ModelUrban Sharing Platform Reference ModelCEFRIEL UDNAM12 M24 M36 M48Relates to Task 42 CoDevelopment of the Urban Sharing Platform Reference Architecture
Monitoring Programme Data ReportsD84 Monitoring Programme Data Report M57Task 83 Design Implement and Maintain Core and Site Specific Monitoring ProgrammesMonitoring Programme Data Report months M45 M57 This deliverable will provide a summary of the monitoring programme activities and data focusing on data quality and simple descriptive analyses
Report of Urban Platform Sharing and ReuseMonths M24 M36 M48 M60Relates to Task 45 Share and Extend the Urban Sharing Platform
Project Management PlanTask 11 Coordination and general managementD12 Project Management Plan to include a Work Breakdown Structure WBS assignment of responsibilities and timing Month 2 To be reviewed as a minimum in Month 13 and Month 24 and revised as necessary at these review points
Risk management registerTask 15 Risk ManagementD17 Risk management register continuously updated
Risk Assessment PlanTask 15 Risk ManagementD16 Risk Assessment Plan month 2
Documented technical, uses cases and financial architecture of the systems for each district and evaluation of the relative merits - part 1Documented technical uses cases and financial architecture of the systems for each district and evaluation of the relative merits part 1 RM30PURelates to Task 32 Sustainable Energy Management Systems
National scale-up meetingsNational scaleup meetings D513 National scaleup meetings Year 2 to 4
Measure - Business Model Profile ReportTask 73 Research Potential Business Models Measure Business Model Profile Report
Urban Sharing Platform Requirements - Update (3)Relates to Task 41 City Requirements Gathering
Local Monitoring Programme DesignTask 83 Design Implement and Maintain Core and Site Specific Monitoring ProgrammesThis deliverable will describe the design of the overall monitoring programme activities in each city
Case study capture of Building Retrofit, including discussion on experience in different building types and energy efficiency performanceCase study capture of Building Retrofit including discussion on experience in different building types and energy efficiency performance RM36PURelates to Task 31 Building Retrofit
Communication StrategyTask 65 Press and media activitiesD66 Media and social media strategy M6 Updated every 6 months
D1.17. Minutes of the project meetingsTask 11 Coordination and general managementMinutes of the project meetings month 57
A process to support creation of urban services in follower/scale-up citiesA process to support creation of urban services in followerscaleup cities R M2436 PU Relates to Task 23 Codesign urban services
Broader EU Scale-Up City Needs - similar to aboveTask 72 Assess Need Similar to requirement D72 Lighthouse City Needs a report capturing per measure the scope and financing funding needs for the principal cities including options where appropriate
D1.10. Minutes of the project meetingsTask 11 Coordination and general managementD11 Minutes of the project meetings month 13
Leaflet (English)Task 63 Promotion toolsD63 Leaflet M6
Quality Assurance PlanTask 12 Quality Control AssuranceD13 Quality Assurance Plan month 2
D1.12. Minutes of the project meetingsTask 11 Coordination and general managementMinutes of the project meetings month 27
Final Report on Model ToolboxTask 86 Development and Application of Upscaling and replication ToolboxFinal Report on Model Toolbox This deliverable will provide a final description of the upscaling and replication toolbox together with case studies of its application
Press and media activities (2)Task 65 Press and media activitiesAt least 30 press releases and articles published M1 to 60
Opportunity Matching - Scale-Up CitiesTask 74 Matching Process Opportunity Matching ScaleUp Cities
Report of Urban Sharing Platform OperationReport of Urban Sharing Platform Operation Months M24 M36 M48 M60Relates to Task 44 Operate and Govern the Urban Sharing Platform
One replication training manualManual for replicationrelates to Task 51 Replication strategy and roadmap
Task 64 Digital communication toolsD65 Twelve videos tutorials and infographics M36 to M48
Twenty technical webinarsMonths 1 to 41 relates to Task 53 Capacity building activities
Webinars about EU fundingTask 55 Dialogue with fundersD515 D515 Webinars about EU funding programmes Year 2 to 4
Measure - Business Model WorkshopTask 73 Research Potential Business Models Measure Business Model Workshop
Promotional VideosA series of four videos to promote the Sharing Cities programme and showcase the measures that have been successfully trialled and implemented in the three lighthouse cities of London Lisbon and Milan
WebsiteTask 64 Digital communication toolsD64 Website M8
Leaflets (Local Languages)Leaflets Task 63 Promotion tools
Potential smart lamppost fasttrack standard management framework in collaboration with BSI or CEN OTHER M24 PURelates to Task 34 Smart Lampposts
Business Model Guide based on implementations in the 3 districtsBusiness Model Guide based on implementations in the 3 districts OTHER tool M48 PURelates to Task 31 Building Retrofit
Events (2)Task 66 EventsEvents national European international level M12 to M60
Service Layer Design, Development and TestingUrban Services Platform OTHER M2036 PU Relates to Task 24 Build and deploy the service layer
Three Peer Learning EventsThree Peer Learning EventsRelates to Task 51 Replication strategy and roadmap
Scope of learning, tools decision support document.Scope of learning tools decision support document Relates to Task 32 Sustainable Energy Management Systems
3 work shadowing visitsto be completed by month 24 relates to Task 51 Replication strategy and roadmap
Events (3)Task 66 EventsEvents national European international level M12 to M60
Fund Launch National/‘Trans-EU'Task 77 Implementation of CityLevel Smart City Funds Fund Launch NationalTransEU
Three mentoring visits in each follower cityMentoring visits to support follower citiesRelates to Task 52 Implementation of the replication roadmaps
Meetings with fundersTask 55 Dialogue with fundersD510D517 D517 Meetings with funders and banks Year 2 to 4
One two-day replication training1 x 2day trainingrelates to Task 51 Replication strategy and roadmap
Events (1)Task 66 EventsD68 Events national European international level M12 to M60
Development of an integrated energy / mobility performance dashboard to calibrate city achievements and support assessment and justification of action in exploitation citiesDevelopment of an integrated energy mobility performance dashboard to calibrate city achievements and support assessment and justification of action in exploitation cities Potentially in collaboration with an appropriate industry association network OTHER tool M24PURelates to Task 33 Shared eMobility
Cohort of Community FacilitatorsCohort of Community Facilitators OTHER M1248 PURelates to Task 25 Ongoing Facilitation Iteration and Dissemination
INEA common information and dissemination activitiesTask 66 EventsD69 Contribute upon invitation by the INEA to common information and dissemination activities to increase synergies between and the visibility of H2020 supported actions
D6.2. Project logo and project graphic charterTask 62 Visual identity toolkitD62 Project logo and project graphic charter M3
Fund Launch in Principal CitiesTask 77 Implementation of CityLevel Smart City Funds Fund Launch in Principal Cities
Installation of Smart Lampposts multi sensors in the three demonstrator areas to begin Relates to Task 34 Smart Lampposts
Training about bid writingTask 55 Dialogue with fundersD516 D516 Training about bid writing Year 2 to 4
Replication activities in scale-up cities & Peer learning events.Task 54 Replication activities in scaleup cities Peer learning eventsD514 D514 Replication workshops Year 2 to 4
Salvador Acha, Edward O'Dwyer, Indranil Pan and Nilay Shah
Publié dans:
Intelligent Decarbonisation: Can Artificial Intelligence and Cyber-Physical Systems Help Achieve Climate Mitigation Targets? (ISBN-13: 9783030862145 ), 2022
Not available
Francesco Marchet; Tom White
Publié dans:
How Smart Is Your City? Technological Innovation, Ethics and Inclusiveness, 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-56926-6
Not available
Manca, F; Daina, N; Sivakumar, A; Yi, JWX; Zavitsas, K; Gemini, G; Vegetti, I; Dargan, L; Marchet, F
Publié dans:
Sustainable Cities and Society, Numéro 1 Feb 2022, 2022, ISSN 2210-6707
Elsevier BV
Edward O’Dwyer, Indranil Pan, Salvador Acha and Nilay Shah
Publié dans:
Applied Energy, 2019, ISSN 0306-2619
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Causone, F.; Carlucci, S.; Ferrando, M.; Marchenko, A.; Erba, S.
Publié dans:
ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, Numéro 202, 2019, ISSN 0378-7788
Elsevier BV
Hong, T.; Ferrando, M.; Luo, X.; Causone, F.
Publié dans:
APPLIED ENERGY, Numéro 277, 2020, ISSN 0306-2619
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Edward O’Dwyer, Indranil Pan, Richard Charlesworth, Sarah Butler and Nilay Shah
Publié dans:
Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, ISSN 2210-6707
Elsevier BV
Rolim, C.; Baptista, P.
Publié dans:
Climate, Numéro Vol 9 (2), 34, 2021, 2021, ISSN 0000-0000
Manca, F; Sivakumar, A; Polak, JW
Publié dans:
Transportation Research Part C, Numéro 105, 2019, ISSN 0968-090X
Pergamon Press Ltd.
E. Cassinadri, E.Gambarini, R.Nocerino, L. Scopelliti,
Publié dans:
International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 24 (2019), Numéro 24, 2019, ISSN 0000-0000
Salvia, G.; Morello, E.; Piga, B.E.A; Boffi, M.; Rainisio, N.; Arcidacono A.
Publié dans:
Territorio, Numéro forthcoming in 2022, accepted for publication, 2022, ISSN 0000-0000
Francesco Causone, Andrea Sangalli, Lorenzo Pagliano, Salvatore Carlucci
Publié dans:
Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, Numéro 39/1, 2017, Page(s) 99-116, ISSN 0143-6244
SAGE Publications
Francesco Causone, Andrea Sangalli, Lorenzo Pagliano, Salvatore Carlucci
Publié dans:
8th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, SEB-16, 11-13 September 2016, Turin, Italy, 2017, ISSN 1876-6102
Elsevier Ltd
Manca, F; Sivakumar, A; Daina, N; Axsen, J; Polak, JW
Publié dans:
Transportation Research Part A, Numéro 140, 2020, ISSN 0191-2607
Ferrando, M.; Causone, F.; Hong, T.; Chen, Y.
Publié dans:
Elsevier BV
Salvia, G.; Morello, E.
Publié dans:
Cities, Numéro vol 98, 2020, 2020, ISSN 0000-0000
Avanzini, M.; Pinheiro, M.D.; Gomes, R.; Rolim, C.
Publié dans:
Energy Policy, Numéro Volume 160, January 2022, 112658, 2022, ISSN 0000-0000
R. Nocerino, P. Tresca, M. Bruglieri, A. Luè, L. Studer
Publié dans:
Transport Research Arena 2018, Vienna, 16-19 April 2018, 2018
C. Bresciani, A. Colorni, F. Lia, A. Luè, R. Nocerino
Publié dans:
Transport Research Arena 2016, Warsaw, 18-21 April 2016, 2016
Nicolo Daina, Francesco Manca, Aruna Sivakumar
Publié dans:
7th International Choice Modelling Conference, May 23 to 25 2022, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2019
Not available
P. Tresca, M. Bruglieri, A. Colorni, A. Luè, R. Nocerino, L. Studer
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the European Transport Conference 2020, 9-11 September 2020, Milano, Italy, 2020
Rolim C.; Caneiras, M.J.; Silva, C.S.
Publié dans:
5th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, Numéro Zurich, 6-7 September 2018, 2018
Not available
Edward O’Dwyer, Indranil Pan, Salvador Acha, Shaun Gibbons and Nilay Shah
Publié dans:
International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction 2019 (ICSIC), 2019, ISBN 978-0-7277-6466-9
ICE Publishing
Piga, B.E.A; Morello, E.
Publié dans:
eCAADe 36 International Conference: Computing for a Better Tomorrow, Numéro 2018, 2018
G. Gemini, S. Pezzoli, A. Luè, F. Lia
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the 10th International Association for Landscape Ecology World Congress, Milano, Italy, 2-5 July 2019, Numéro 5 July 2019, 2019
Nunes, V.; Carli, C.; Rolim, C.; Dordio, M.; Mota, T.
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, 3-6 June 2019, Madrid, Spain, 2019
Not available
Ferrando, Martina; Marchenko, Alla; Erba, Silvia; Causone, Francesco; Carlucci, Salvatore
Publié dans:
Sean Jones, Richard Charlesworth, Kevin Naik, Thomas Charlesworth, Edward O’Dwyer, Anton Ianakiev, Jeff Johnson, Rabah Boukhanouf, Mark Gillott, Victor Sellwood, Joy Aloor
Publié dans:
The International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, Nottingham Trent University, 17th Edition, 06–09 September 2021, Nottingham, UK, Numéro 17th Edition, 2021, 2021
F. Costa, G. Gemini, A. Luè , I. Vegetti, C. Callegaris, R. Nocerino, A. Canevazzi, V. Sevino
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, 27-30 April 2020, Helsinki, Finland (conference cancelled), 2020, ISSN 2669-8781
Vicente, J.; Rolim, C.; Baptista, P.
Publié dans:
The Role of Sharing Mobility in Contemporary Cities, Numéro pp69-90, 2020, 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-57725-4
Springer, Cham
Salvia, G.; Morello, E.; Arcidacono A.
Publié dans:
MDPI Book, Urban Science Journal, 2019
Hugony, Cecilia; Hugony, Maria Elena; Causone, Francesco; Morello, Eugenio
Publié dans:
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, 2020, ISBN 978-981-32-9867-5
Rolim, C.; Gomes, R.
Publié dans:
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer, Singapore, Numéro vol 163., 2019, ISBN 978-981-32-9868-2
Springer, Singapore
Joana Raquel Azinheira Vicente, supervisors Patrícia Baptista and Catarina Rolim
Publié dans:
Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, 2019
Not available
Jayne Xin Yi Wee, supervisors Francesco Manca, Nicolo Daina, Aruna Sivakumar
Publié dans:
MSc in Transport, Imperial College London, 2020
Not available
José Marco Agrela Lourenço, supervisors Catarina Rolim and Carlos Santos Silva
Publié dans:
Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, 2019
Not available
David Carreira Martins, supervisors Patrícia Baptista and Catarina Rolim
Publié dans:
Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, 2021
Not available
Jia Yong Lim, supervisors Nicolo Daina, Aruna Sivakumar
Publié dans:
MEng in Civil Engineering, Imperial College London, 2021
Not available
Marcello Avanzini, supervisors Ricardo Gomes and Manuel Duarte Pinheiro
Publié dans:
Master of Science Degree in Energy Engineering and Management, Instituto Superior Técnico, 2021
Not available
João Bastos, Telma Mota, Ricardo Ferreira (Altice Labs)
Publié dans:
Innovaction – Altice Labs Annual Publication, 2017, ISSN 0000-0000
Not available
Cláudia Sousa Monteiro, Francesco Causone, Sónia Cunha, André Pina, Silvia Erba
Publié dans:
Energy Procedia, Numéro 134, 2017, Page(s) 442-451, ISSN 1876-6102
Science Direct
Silvia Erba, Francesco Causone, Roberto Armani
Publié dans:
Energy Procedia, Numéro 134, 2017, Page(s) 545-554, ISSN 1876-6102
Science Direct
Ricardo Jorge Ferreira, Filipe Cabral Pinto, Mário Moreira (Altice Labs), Penousal Machado (University of Coimbra)
Publié dans:
Innovaction – Altice Labs Annual Publication, 2018, ISSN 0000-0000
Not available
Filipe Cabral Pinto, Fernando Santiago, Isabel Borges, Paulo Pereira, Maria Rui costa (Altice Labs), Bruno Parreira (withus)
Publié dans:
Innovaction – Altice Labs Annual Publication, 2017, ISSN 0000-0000
Not available
Cátia Oliveira, Inês Oliveira, Filipe Cabral Pinto, Isabel Borges (Altice Labs)
Publié dans:
Innovaction – Altice Labs Annual Publication, 2018, ISSN 0000-0000
Not available
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