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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Sharing Cities

Descrizione del progetto

Migliorare la sostenibilità urbana grazie alle tecnologie intelligenti

Oggi circa il 75 % degli europei vive in aree urbane. Il progetto Sharing Cities, finanziato dall’UE, si propone di migliorare la sostenibilità delle città e il benessere dei cittadini usando le tecnologie intelligenti. Il progetto si prefigge quattro obiettivi chiave: raggiungere una dimensione su vasta scala nel mercato europeo delle città intelligenti integrando soluzioni incentrate sulle persone in ambienti urbani complessi, arricchendone così il valore sociale e ambientale; collegare le infrastrutture esistenti consentendo la creazione di servizi digitali, che aiuteranno i cittadini a prendere scelte informate in materia di efficienza energetica e mobilità; proporre modelli aziendali, di investimento e di governance che migliorino la sostenibilità delle comunità; migliorare la capacità dei governi locali di definire le politiche mediante la collaborazione e la co-progettazione.


Sharing Cities has four key objectives.
1) To achieve scale in the European smart cities market by proving that properly designed smart city solutions, based around common needs, can be integrated in complex urban environments. This will be done in a way that exhibits their true potential and allows for the significant scale-up and consequent increase in social, economic and environmental value.
2) Adopt a digital first approach which proves the extent to which ICT integration can improve and connect up existing infrastructure, as well as the design and running of new city infrastructure. This will also allow for the creation of a new set of next stage digital services which will help citizens make better and beneficial choices around energy efficiency and mobility, which when scaled up will enhance the city’s ability to hit key targets for mobility, housing, energy efficiency and resilience, and economic development.
3) Accelerate the market to understand, develop and trial business, investment and governance models, essential for the true aggregation and replication (through collaboration) of smart city solutions in cities of different sizes and maturities. In doing this, we intend to accelerate the pace by which we make transformative improvements, and enhance sustainability in communities.
4) Share and collaborate for society: to respond to increasing demand for participation; to enhance mechanisms for citizens’ engagement; to improve local governments capacity for policy making and service delivery through collaboration and co-design; resulting in outcomes that are better for citizens, businesses and visitors. These will be delivered by a range of expert partners across 8 work packages.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 982 543,99
SE1 2AA London
Regno Unito

Mostra sulla mappa

London Inner London — East Lewisham and Southwark
Tipo di attività
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 2 982 770,08

Partecipanti (43)