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Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
This report will provide information on the potentially viable funding schemes to promote the development and acceptance of biogas and biomethane projects
Report on the application of the toolThe document will report the the analisys (application of methodology and calculation) carried on in the 2 demostrative areas.
Preliminary report on networkingInitial report on networking activities performed; a draft report will be recorded every time networking activities are performed; the document will describe all the activities performed up to the 18th month, focusing on the shared problems, challenges and synergies created, with recommendation to overcome issues.
preliminary reports of participatory processes, one for each territoryAt the month 18, more or less at the midpoint of the participatory process about biogas in two territories, an interim report will be provided, including: - the actual strategy followed - the choice of subcontractor(s) and the cooperation with it - a description of the process of community involvement. - the actual targets involved and their participation - the resources deployed for the participatory process - dates, lasts and results of meetings - the interaction with local authorities and stakeholders groups
Report on results of funding activitiesthe activities performed during the WP4.4 (Cooperation) will end out with the application of the most suitable funding scheme for the territory; the description of the application and the results will be given in this report.
State of the art and best practices collectionOne document with all information from the sub WPs mentioned in the work package. The report will collect the state of the art in Italy and Europe of: - the current biogas and biomethane scenario in Italy and assessment of the residual biomass potential; - technical background on biogas and biomethane production and gas grid injection, and best practices; - use of digestate and best practices; - participatory process in energy field and best practices.
Leaflet on AD for studentTogether with the baffled type reactor (ABR) Legambiente and CNR will provide a short leaflet about the operation mode of anaerobic digester to all students and schools involved in the educational tour.
National law proposal on participation processesThe law proposal on the participation will be shaped on the French model; it will propose an innovative tool for encouraging and promoting new forms and methods of participation, through the construction of new participatory institutes and shared rules for dialogue and discussion in order to evaluate possible solutions within a given timeline, and take the actual final decision.
Guidelines for welldone biogas/biomethane plantsBased on the previous studies and partners’ know-how, important technical, social and economical indications will be provided through this document in order to get stakeholders fully aware about the advantages of the biogas diffusion.
Methodological report on the socio-economic analysisThis report will include an overview of the state of the art with respect to the relevant methods for socio-economic analysis, with a specific focus on tools for social cost/benefit analysis (CBA), multi criteria analysis (MCA) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
Report on digestato and byproduct.The rebort will describe the best experiences on the use of byproducts and digestate in order to present them to the competent authorities.
Overall project’s socio-economic assessment reportThis report will provide a summary of results from this and (where relevant) other WPs, in terms of the socio-economic impact of dissemination activities, proposed funding and other proposed actions.
Participatory process framework modelA document will be drawn up in order to fix a model for participatory process in ISAAC project. The document will define, in about 15 pages, a framework for participatory model, following the recommendations of Strategy of Local Development (CE 2011/0282): it will include The definition of the areas and populations involved an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. a description of the strategy and its objectives, a description of the integrated and innovative character of the strategy and a hierarchy of objectives, including clear and measurable targets for outputs or results. a description of the process of community involvement. the management and monitoring arrangements foreseen. the financial plan of the process. The document will include information about where, when and how plan participatory meeting, groups to be involved, personal data management, necessary documents to prepared, considering also previous European experience of participatory process involved in biogas issues.
Guidelines for harmonizationThe Guidelines with checklist, timetable and regulation reference, including the scheme for the correct interpretation of the national law on by-products an emission in atmosphere; the guidelines will be presented to the Steering Committee of The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MIPAAF) during a technical table on bioenergy that is composed only by PA responsible for administrative procedures
Open Day on ISAAC final resultsThe final conference will be organized at the end of the project’s life in order to diffuse project’s results. Policy makers and Public Authorities and citizens will be invited, along with one of the project contacted during the networking activities.
Handbook on trainingThe Handbook will be tailored for municipal and regional technicians; it will be be the reference document for all interpretation of all regulatory issues on biogas. It will include all the technical material used during the training, improved after receiving the feedbacks by trainees with in deep analysis of the topics.
Report on 2rd surveyThis report will present the results of econometric investigation based on data from the second survey, with a specific attention to the role played by information, dissemination and (possibly) funding schemes proposals in facing the NIMBY syndrome and in enhancing social acceptability of bioenergy plants.
Final report on critical reviewThe document will report on the constraints met during the project implementation and the actions made to overcome them, including the indicators of progress identified in each WP, and the identification of criticalities encountered within the implementation and means adopted to overcome them.
Reports on 1st surveyThis report will present an overview and a preliminary (descriptive) analysis of the data stemming from the first survey, together with the results of econometric investigation based on such data, with a specific attention to the acceptability by the local population of bio-energy plants and the related drivers
Reports on eventsThe deliverable is a short report of all events, meetings and workshops with lists of attendants, pictures and minutes (1 general, involving wider public and 2 round tables for each territory). During each meeting Legambiente’s staff will collect: signature of attendants to the meeting, speakers’ intervention abstract, pictures of the events, general impression on the meeting. All this package will be the deliverable of each event, meeting or workshops.
Brochure on biogasThe brochure about biogas, bio-methane and bioenergy is addressed to a general public, an educational brochure scientifically rigorous, but with an easy style, will explain to the people pro&Con and clarify True&false information about of biogas biomethane, and bioenergy, from both social and economic point of view. With a charming graphic design and infographics and glossary, the brochure will be printed in at least 4000 copies
Report on the biomethane injection into national gas gridThe report will analyse different national regulatory framework comparing them with the Italian law.
Report on meetings and round tablesThe report will include list of participants, minutes, learning points.
Final plan for the use and dissemination of resultsThe document will present detailed data related to the dissemination activities. Data will be concern the Isaac visibility on web and during the events and meetings organized.
Posters and leafletsThe posters will be prepared before the events, all over the period, to be tailored to the specific needs of local communication and according to the targets of the events. Some flyers will be together, in the verso of the posters. Event covered will be the events in WP3 (21) and the graphic style will be used also for workshops for aggregation in WP4. At least 50 posters for each events will be printed and hung everywhere in cities involved.
Brochure, flyers, postersBrochures and flyers with initial information on the project’s objective will be prepared and distributed to the involved citizens and to the whole territory where the pilot project will be implemented. Posters will be prepared for events, workshops, conferences and for all the other national and international conventions where the project team will participate
Preliminary report on workshops with farmersThe document will report on the workshops with farmers including signatures of attendants and pictures; it will be updated to give D4.8
Technical information materialThis material is prepared as support for communication and dissemination activities for technicians and it will be based on the results coming from the application of the computing tool on the areas taken under consideration.
Report on technical round tablesThe technical committee, organized with the support of CIB, along with the Research Centre on Animal Production in Reggio Emilia and the Italian Composting Association (CIC); will be formed by around 6-10 experts. The report will summarize the results of discussions on the correct interpretation of the national law on by-products and emission to atmosphere.
First Report on Dissemination ActivitiesThe document will present detailed data related to the dissemination activities. Data will be concern the Isaac visibility on web and during the events and meetings organized.
Proposal for improvement of national law on biomethane injectionThe final version of the proposal of improvement in the italian regulation for biomethane use.
Final report on networkingFinal report on networking activities performed; the initial report (D8.1) will be updated every time networking activities are performed; the final document will describe all the activities, focusing on the shared problems, challenges and synergies created, with recommendation to overcome issues.
Survey modelA questionnaire that CIB will send to his ordinary member ( farmers with a biogas plant); it will contain questions on contingent problems related with their plants and local opponents groups.
Feedback form for trainingThe deliverable will report on the courses for municipal and regional technicians; two courses will last 4 days each, and will be carried out in the two regions identified by the project; several lectures made by specialists, for 5 hours / day (total 20 hours of lectures)
2 report on participatory processes2 reports of participatory processes, one for each territory (month 30) At the end of the participatory process about biogas plant in two territories, a report will be oprovided, including: - the actual strategy followed - the choice of subcontractor(s) and the cooperation with it/they - a description of the process of community involvement. - the actual targets involved and their participation - the resources deployed for the participatory process - date, last and results of meetings - the interaction with local authorities and stakeholders groups - the results of the participatory process - the impact of the participatory process in NIMBY syndrome and other issues related to biogas, biomethane and bioenergy.
Leaflet on participatory processParticipatory processes in Italy are still an uncommon methods and only very sporadic experience was adopted concerning biogas-related conflicts. Participatory process in ISAAC project, will involve some local people, chosen according social, cultural and economic categories, but all the population must be made aware about what will happen in the community and all phases of the participatory process. For this reason, a specific leaflet will explain the objective of the process, the contribution needed from each stakeholders categories, where citizens can find the information, etc. It will be graphically user frie.dly and captivating, printed in 2000 copies at least
Report on the results of the third surveyThis report will use the data stemming from the third survey, and will further develop the analysis of the impact of dissemination and participatory activities in driving the attitude of the population towards bio-gas and/or biomethane plants and in influencing the NIMBY syndrome.
Report on workshops with farmersThe report will describe the activities carried on during the workshops with farmers. It will include signatures of attendants and pictures. it id the updated version of the preliminary report D4.6
Agreement of Future CooperationAn agreement between international partners identified during the networking activities in order to follow up strategies and communication actions, and to commit themselves to continue the collaboration in exploiting project's experience also after the end of the project.
Report on Exploitation StrategiesThe report will analyze the exploitation strategy with the aim to consolidate the use of the ISAAC platform through the Internet, scientific forums and conferences. The report will contain detailed informations on the participation on the web forum, numbers of conferences attended, numbers of scientific papers realized by the Isaac team.
Posters and leaflets for workshops7 posters and leaflets promoting workshops with farmers, breeders investors and authorities The posters will be prepared before the events, all over the period, to be tailored to the specific needs of local communication and according to the targets of the events. Some flyers will be together, in the verso of the posters. At least 50 posters for each events will be printed and hung in place specifically interesting for the target (farmers and breeders)
Calculation tool for residual biomass availability assessment and biogas/biomethane production potential definition.
The website will represent a dissemination channel at the national and international level, and an instrument facilitating and supporting the interaction with and between the participants to the project initiative. Best practice structure will consider the following headings: Homepage; Project Overview; Consortium; Management Structure; Scientific Methodology and Work Packages; Deliverables and Publications; Events; Media centre; Services and Glossary. The Isaac Website which will contain public information on the project as well as a reserved area accessible by the ISAAC Consortium. The social network dissemination activity will be made by means of the most used social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Video etc.
An ABR in a very reduced scale will be realized and installed in the CNR IIA mobile laboratory. The ABR will be realized in plexiglas cells and will permits to show of the biogas production in each compartment using simple devices and sensors. In order to record the ABR realization and use, the following documents will be attached to the periodic reports: a) Design and project phase of the ABR Prototype (project documentation, specifications images) b) Acquisition of materials (invoices) c) Construction of the ABR (pictures and invoices) d) Testing (data, pictures) e) Technical improvement (if necessary) (invoices, project documentation) f) Picture of its use during the “Educational tour”
Valerio Paolini, Francesco Petracchini, Marco Segreto, Laura Tomassetti, Nour Naja, Angelo Cecinato
Publié dans:
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, Numéro 53/10, 2018, Page(s) 899-906, ISSN 1093-4529
Marcel Dekker Inc.
Claudia Rossi, Serena Drigo, Enrico Giovanni Facci, Ilaria Bientinesi, Lucia Paciucci,
Beppe Croce, Sofia Mannelli and Carlo Pieroni
Publié dans:
REGATEC Conference Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology 2016, 2016, Page(s) 111,112, ISBN 978-91-981149-2-8
Renewable Energy Technology International AB
Enrico Giovanni Facci, Serena Drigo, Ilaria Bientinesi, Claudia Rossi, Francesco Petracchini, Beppe Croce, Sofia Mannelli, Lorenzo Maggioni
Publié dans:
EUBCE 2016 proceedings, 2016, ISBN 978-88-89407-165
ETA-Florence Renewable Energies
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