CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.
Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .
Development of ICT Smart City Platform concept and of integration of demonstration IT Systems within this This deliverable is associated with task 5.3
Project web pageProject web page This deliverable is associated with task 11.1
Travel West journey planner upgraded to offer a personalised mobility service for citizens.Travel West journey planner upgraded to offer a personalised mobility service for citizens. This deliverable is associated with task 5.2.3
Standardization and synergies between intelligent lightning systems and ICT Smart city platformStandardization and synergies between intelligent lightning systems and ICT Smart city platform This deliverable is associated with task 6.7
Energy demand platform deployed to monitor energy generation and demand.Energy demand platform deployed to monitor energy generation and demand. This deliverable is associated with task 5.1.3
Open data platform to share the outcomes integrated in the common ICT PlatformOpen data platform to share the outcomes integrated in the common ICT Platform This deliverable is associated with task 8.3
Demand side platformDemand side platform This deliverable is associated with task 3.1.3
Final executive summary report for publication This document will describe the information related to the different dissemination and communication activities developed during the project lifetime as well as main figures and conclusions. This deliverable is associated with task 11.4
Project Management Plan v2A document summarizing all the required knowledge for the good management of the project (in terms of administrative forms, financial aspects, quality process, etc.). First revision of Project Management Plan will be done in M20 This deliverable is associated with task 1.1.1
Sectorial Business analysis / Exploitation potential in the field of low energy, ICT, Sustainable mobility and other remaining sectors included in REPLICATESectorial Business analysis / Exploitation potential in the field of low energy, ICT, Sustainable mobility and other remaining sectors included in REPLICATE This deliverable is associated with task 9.2
Report on the deployment of EVs in the cityReport on the deployment of EVs in the city of San Sebastián
Report on replication potential of City Business ModelsReport on replication potential of City Business Models This deliverable is associated with task 2.4
Report on the use of the ITSReport on the use of the ITS This deliverable is associated with task 3.3.1
Guidelines for ex-ante impact evaluation of replication scenariosGuidelines for ex-ante impact evaluation of replication scenarios This deliverable is associated with task 10.6
Report on indicators for monitoring at city levelReport on indicators for monitoring at city level This deliverable is associated to task 10.1
Communication materialCommunication material This deliverable is associated with task 11.2
Publishable report: the work and the impact of the project in the pilot area .v2Final comprehensive report about the pilot action and the achievements. Final publishable document summarising all the aspect of the pilot ( technical, financial, social, innovation..) to add more information about the impacts and the replicability issues. Update in M60.
Lighthouse cities‘ replication plansLighthouse cities‘ replication plans This deliverable is associated with task 7.4
Project Management Plan v1A document summarizing all the required knowledge for the good management of the project (in terms of administrative forms, financial aspects, quality process, etc.). Particularly this document will contain the following lines: Planning of meetings Management system description Definition of rules to ensure effective team work Controlling and monitoring structure t Guidelines for financial reporting, Project Risk Management Plan Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): with the assignment of responsibilities and timing. This deliverable is associated with task 1.1.1
Report on High speed mobile network based on postWIMAX technologyReport on High speed mobile network based on postWIMAX technology This deliverable is associated with task 3.3.3
Report on technical solutions v2Report on technical solutions v2 This deliverable is associated with task 7.2
Report on management models v2Report on management models v2 This deliverable is associated with task 7.3
Business opportunities report validationBusiness opportunities report validation This deliverable is associated with task 9.3
Publishable report: the work and the impact of the project in the pilot areaFinal comprehensive report about the pilot action and the achievements. Final publishable document summarising all the aspect of the pilot ( technical, financial, social, innovation..) to add more information about the impacts and the replicability issues. Formenr Deliverable D4.38 Investment report has been included under this deliverable. Update in M60.
Report on Smart Buildings and Smart HomesReport on works developed and related to ST3.1.4 Smart Buildings and Smart Homes
Project Management Plan v3A document summarizing all the required knowledge for the good management of the project (in terms of administrative forms, financial aspects, quality process, etc.). Second revision of Project Management Plan, that will be done in month 32. This deliverable is associated with task 1.1.1
Report on indicators for monitoring at project levelReport on indicators for monitoring at project level This deliverable is associated to task 10.1
Communication PlanCommunication Plan This deliverable is associated with task 11.1
Report on the Business Models of Lighthouse CitiesReport on the Business Models of Lighthouse Cities This deliverable is associated with task 2.2
Report on public lightning systemReport on public lightning system This deliverable is associated with task 3.3.4
Report on the deployment of charging infrastructure in the city of San SebastianReport on the deployment of charging infrastructure in the city of San Sebastian This deliverable is associated with task 3.2.2
ECE/SEE workshops This deliverable is associated with task 11.4
Connection of a 13 block (700 flats) district heating network to a gas CHP energy centre.This deliverable is being delayed from month 24 to month 36 due to the re-working of the District Heating proposal. This also helps align the deliverable to parallel pieces of work such as linking into the development of the energy demand management system. This deliverable is associated with task 5.1.2
Buildings retrofittedBuildings retrofitted This deliverable is associated with task 3.1.1
Thirty two e-bikes deployed in a corporate scheme.Thirty two e-bikes deployed in a corporate scheme. This deliverable is associated with task 5.2.1
Transport Infrastructure adaptation including EV charge point installationTransport Infrastructure adaptation including EV charge point installationThis deliverable is associated with task 522
Use of Big Data for mobility servicesUse of Big Data for mobility services This deliverable is associated with task 3.3.2
Two on-demand EV minibuses (Buxi´s) deployedTwo on-demand EV minibuses (Buxi´s) deployed This deliverable is associated with task 5.2.1
Two hundred and forty (20.400m2) residential homes retrofitted in the Neighbourhood Partnership area of Ashley, Easton and Lawrence HillTwo hundred and forty (20.400m2) residential homes retrofitted in the Neighbourhood Partnership area of Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill This deliverable is associated with task 5.1.1
Car club expanded with six electric vehicles.Car club expanded with six electric vehicles. This deliverable is associated with task 5.2.1
Innovation spaces This deliverable is associated with task 11.3
Calzada, Igor
Opublikowane w:
Numer nov 20, 2021, Strona(/y) 256, ISBN 978-0-12-815300-0
Igor Calzada
Opublikowane w:
Smart Cities, Numer 3/4, 2020, Strona(/y) 1145-1172, ISSN 2624-6511
Igor Calzada
Opublikowane w:
Smart Cities, Numer 3/3, 2020, Strona(/y) 978-1003, ISSN 2624-6511
Helen Manchester, Gillian Cope
Opublikowane w:
Oxford Review of Education, Numer 45/2, 2019, Strona(/y) 224-241, ISSN 0305-4985
Carfax Publishing Ltd.
Chiara Boldrini, Raffaele Bruno, Mohamed Haitam Laarabi
Opublikowane w:
EPJ Data Science, Numer 8/1, 2019, ISSN 2193-1127
Springer Open
David Lowe, Mike Yearworth
Opublikowane w:
Journal of the Operational Research Society, Numer 70/8, 2019, Strona(/y) 1393-1395, ISSN 0160-5682
Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
Pietro Edoardo Carnelli
Opublikowane w:
AAAI Publications
Michael Jones, Aftab Khan, Parag Kulkarni, Pietro Carnelli, Mahesh Sooriyabandara
Opublikowane w:
Proceedings of the 14th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems Computing Networking and Services, 2017, Strona(/y) 242-251, ISBN 9781-450353687
ACM Press
Alex Mavromatis, Aloizio Pereira Da Silva, Koteswararao Kondepu, Dimitrios Gkounis, Reza Nejabati, Dimitra Simeonidou
Opublikowane w:
2018 IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), 2018, Strona(/y) 446-451, ISBN 978-1-5386-4982-4
Paul Hassan, Locality
Opublikowane w:
Locality and Bristol City Council
Yearworth, M., & White, L.
Opublikowane w:
University of Bristol , University of Exeter
Igor Calzada
Opublikowane w:
RSA Regional Studies Association
Timeus, K.; Vinaixa, J. and Pardo-Bosch, F. (ESADE)
Opublikowane w:
Public Management Review. IF: 3.162 (Q1), Numer 12 issues per year, 2019
Public Management Review. IF: 3.162 (Q1)
Calzada, Igor
Opublikowane w:
Replicate-EU, 2018
University of Oxford
Igor Calzada
Opublikowane w:
Co-Designing Economies in Transition, 2018, Strona(/y) 191-217, ISBN 978-3-319-66591-7
Springer International Publishing
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