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REnaissance of Places with Innovative Citizenship and TEchnolgy

Periodic Reporting for period 4 - REPLICATE (REnaissance of Places with Innovative Citizenship and TEchnolgy)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2019-08-01 do 2021-01-31

The main objective of REPLICATE project is the development and validation in three lighthouse cities (San Sebastián - Spain, Florence – Italy and Bristol – UK) of a comprehensive and sustainable City Business Model to enhance the transition process to a smart city in the areas of the energy efficiency, sustainable mobility and ICT/Infrastructure. This will accelerate the deployment of innovative technologies, organizational and economic solutions to significantly increase resource and energy efficiency improve the sustainability of urban transport and drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions in urban areas.
REPLICATE project aims to increase the quality of life for citizens across Europe by demonstrating the impact of innovative technologies used to co-create smart city services with citizens, and prove the optimal process for replicating successes within cities and across cities.
The Business Models that are being tested through large scale demonstrators at the three cities are approached with an integrated planning through a co-productive vision, involving citizens and cities’ stakeholders, providing integrated viable solutions to existing challenges in urban areas and to procure sustainable services. Sustainability of the solutions is fostered in three areas: economic and environmental and finally, fostering transparency in the public management.
In addition, the Model features the replicability of the solutions and their scale up in the entire city and in follower cities, particularly in three follower cities (Essen – Germany, Laussane - Switzerland and Nilüfer-Turkey) that are involved in the project and therefore, have access to know-how and results achieved on the project so they can apply the developed model. At the moment, there are 2 observer cities, Guanzhou (China) and Bogota (Colombia).
Work performed during the period 1st August 2019 - 31st January 2021:

Management of the last 18 months of the project in close collaboration with the partners implementing the additional quality control mechanism established withing the consortium. Special emphasis on the interactions among all the partners and among the project and the SCC01 projects community.

The main activity taking place in this WP during this reporting period has been completing the work with both the Lighthouse Cities and the Fellow Cities and to collect and analyse data for the final report on the replicability of business models. The analysis focused on capturing the processes and capabilities that will enable municipalities to finance smart city projects independent of SCC1 funding as a set of generic Value Creation Ecosystem (VCE) models.

WP3 -WP4-WP5 PILOTS IN LH cities
The objective of the three lighthouse cities (WP3, WP4, WP5) has been to validate a comprehensive and sustainable City Business Models to be replicated in other districts, at metropolitan level and in other similar cities. During this period monitoring has taken place.

During this period, the Smart City platform performance and impact analysis in the pilots have been performed. The ICT platforms have been monitored and some benchmarks have been performed. Each pilot has also updated the Smart city platform future strategy and some conclusions and lessons learnt have been gathered.

During this period the final output of these analysis consisted in the final adaptation of the technologies and business models in a roadmap for their future implementation (design of implementation roadmap in lighthouse cities), taking into consideration the particular boundary conditions in each city as well as the technology constraints.

WP8 is focused on the analysis to the extent to which replicability, adaptability, and scalability of the implemented solutions in the lighthouse cities may be feasible in the fellow cities. During this period, the work has been focused on (i) the critical factor analysis, (ii) stakeholders’ network diagnose and (iii) the promotion of a sharing participative environment organizing networking activities among lighthouse cities and follower/fellow cities through the programme ‘City-to-City-Learning’ Programme ( (iv) resulting in the final formulation of the Replication and Adaptability Plans by the fellow cities over the last year 2020.

WP9 has been oriented to those industrial partners that will have to exploit the results of REPLICATE providing an overview of future business opportunities. In this period, WP9 has been focused on the final task 9.3 which has identified and validated business opportunities in order to confirm their suitability and usefulness.

The two main objectives of this work package during this period, have been (1) to apply the monitoring methodology developed previously in the project in the three lighthouse cities and (2) to identify the guidelines (lessons learnt, barriers or difficulties overcame, etc.) that help cities to build the recommendations about the monitoring process. The monitoring programs of the three Lighthouse cities have been applied and implemented. Additionally, the guidelines about the monitoring process of the three Lighthouse Cities, thanks to the answers compiled in the survey based on their own experiences, expectative and results obtained.
The monitoring methodology in general and the developed monitoring programmes in particular provide to the cities of the project as well as to fellow cities that are interested on replicating the activities of the project, a complete framework and guidelines for carrying out a complete monitoring of the evolution of the city.

The main objective of the WP11 during this period has been to continue with the dissemination activities in order to communicate the project activities and results. Many dissemination and communication activities have been carried out during this period.
REPLICATE project principal impact is to develop and validate a sustainable City Business Model to be replicated in other cities; deploying wide-scale, innovative and integrated solutions in the energy, transport and ICTs. General impacts expected on the projects are:
• To reach thermal energy consumption savings in the districts (buildings) involved, that have seen estimated up to 56% in relation to existing situation in building retrofitting and up to 35 % in District Heating, validating cost effective technical solutions in energy efficiency sector
• To implement sustainable e-mobility measures integrating EVs, recharging systems and Information Mobility Systems
• To develop new sustainable and cost-effective services to citizens and Administrations providing integrated infrastructures that improve municipal resources through: a new ICT model for Smart City, development of an intelligent lighting system and deployment of high speed mobile wireless network
Replicate Commitment
Replicate Overview