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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Development of Microalgae-based novel high added-value products for the Cosmetic and Aquaculture industry

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Transcriptome associated with novel bioactive products in fish

Report on the transcriptome analysis of larval stages and immune-related genes. High-throughput expression analysis will be performed on fish samples supplied with the bioactive compounds to evaluate regulatory pathways, using RNAseq technology

Stimulation of growth by methanol

Report on the effect of microalgae biomass production under mixotrophic conditions by addition of selected concentrations of methanol into the growth medium.

Transcriptome associated with novel bioactive products in microalgae

Report on the transcriptome analysis of selected microalgae strains grown under differential environmental and nutritional regimes associated with novel bioactive products, using RNAseq technology

In vitro toxicity assessments of microalgae extracts or compounds

Report on in vitro toxicity assessment of microalgae extracts or compounds using human dermal keratinocytes and normal human fibroblasts cell cultures

Report on the quality control of the cosmeceutical products

Report on the quality control of the cosmeceutical products at different storage conditions by using optical and physicochemical methods and microbiological testing.

Optimal conditions of photonic quality

Report on the optimization of microalgae biomass production under different light wavelengths, including white light, red light, green light and blue light.

Metabolomic profile of microalgae under different culture regimes

Report on the accumulation of a wide range of compounds spanning both primary and secondary metabolism under different growth conditions

Report on the effect of microalgae extracts or compounds on the transcription of skin-related genes using human cell lines.

Report on the the transcription effect of selected microalgae extracts or compounds on normal human keratinocytes and normal human fibroblasts in vitro using real-time RT-qPCR

Catalomic profile of microalgae under different culture regimes

Report on the activities of enzymes of cosmetic importance such as proteases, lipases, superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase, under different growth conditions

Final project evaluation and assessment report

Final project evaluation and assessment report including external audits as necessary

Report on outreach activities to the general public

Report on the outreach activities aimed towards the general public including articles, videos etc.

Proceedings of the training workshops

Report on the proceeding and activities of the planned workshops which will be realised with in the project

Establish the main biological effects of novel nutraceuticals on fish performance

Report on the main biological effects of novel nutraceuticals on fish performance, including embryos from natural spawning of soles exposed to the biocompound to assess toxicity.

Detailed report on the training and transfer of knowledge obtained through the secondments

Report on the training and transfer of knowledge activities and skills obtained through the secondments plan for each secondee.

Purification and characterization of hatching enzyme

Report on the development of a proposed method for the purification and subsequent characterization of hatching enzyme, with a possible application in cosmetics

Progress reports and project evaluation and assessment reports

Detailed progress reports and progress evaluation and assessment reports including identification of possible risks during the project duration

Glycomic profile of microalgae under different culture regimes

Report on the yield and quality of polysaccharides production, including polysaccharide isolation, fractionation and structural characterization

Establish protocols for nutraceuticals administration

Report on the main biological effects of novel nutraceuticals on fish performance, including larval culture of soles under standard conditions and supplying microcapsules containing compounds until completion of metamorphosis.

Identification and characterization of high-value added enzymes (proteases, lipases and antioxidant enzymes) with potential applications in cosmetology

Report on the screening aiming at evaluating substrate specificity and activity of selected enzymes in algae extracts. The study will be focuses only on enzymes with interest in cosmetology

Purification and structural analysis of selected algae polysaccharides

Report on the purification and structural analysis of selected algae polysaccharides, including monosaccharide content determined by classical chromatography methods. Special attention will be paid on uronic and sulphate content which often carry the physico-chemical and biological properties of marine polysaccharides.

Progress report Month 36

Reporting the clompletion of tasks, deliverables and milestons as set forth, including scientific repporting, financials, etc

Progress report Month 12

Reporting the clompletion of tasks, deliverables and milestons as set forth, including scientific repporting, financials, etc...

Comparative model of human and fish keratinocyte response to microalgal extracts

Report on the comparative in vitro assessment and model development of human and fish keratinocyte response to microalgae extracts using selected in vitro enzyme assays and transcriptional effects.

Define the ontogeny of immune barriers and effects of nutraceuticals

Report on the ontogeny of immune barriers and effects of nutraceuticals, including survival and evaluation of growth, metamorphic success and malformations using skeletal staining techniques.

Optimization of growth under various growth media

Report on the optimization of microalgae biomass production in different growth media

Optimal conditions of light intensity

Report on the optimization of microalgae biomass production under different light intensities

Minutes of all managements meetings held

Minutes of all major meeting held for the management of the project

Development of a fish epithelial model and assessment of toxicity and impact on the transcriptome and enzyme activities of microalgal extracts

Report on the development of a fish epithelial model and assessment of toxicity and impact on the transcriptome and enzyme activities of microalgal extracts. Selected in vitro enzyme assays, transcriptional effects and in vitro toxicity/endocrine disruptor effects of microalgal extracts will included

Transfer of the optimal growth conditions from lab scale to the large scale photobioreactors

Report on the scale up and preculturing process would go through 500mL, 1L and 5L flasks to the 50L PBR reactors placed inside the artificial light room and finally to the outdoor PBRs placed inside a pilot plant greenhouse.

Proceedings of the Summer schools

Report on the proceeding and activities of summer schools which will be realised with in the project

Intellectual property and networking activities report

Report on the management of Intellectual property and networking activities management between the members of the consortium

Mapping bioactive properties using in vitro enzyme bioassays

Report on the screening and examination of bioactivity of algae extracts by evaluating the inhibition potency of extracts towards enzyme targets of importance for the cosmetic industry

Steady-state kinetic characterization of enzymes and thermodynamics analysis of the enzyme stability

Report on the kinetic and stability characterization of the new isolated enzymes. Steady-state kinetic analysis will be used to characterize the kinetic parameters of the enzymes.

A downstream processing protocol for enzymes purification

Report on the development of an application based downstream processing protocol for enzymes purification with an emphasis in the development of a single-step, low cost and environmental friendly method for enzyme purification

Publications in scientific journals/conferences

Scientific publications in international peer-review scientific journals and conferences attended by members of the consortium

Biannual e-newsletters

A bi-annual e-newsletter will inform end users and stakeholders on scientific progress, job opportunities and upcoming events regarding the scope of this project.

Analytical Handbook

An analytical handbook containing main protocols and procedures developed by the partners with in the duration of the project

ALGAE4A-B Project Website

A project website containing all the information regarding the scope and activities of the consortium during the implementation of the project

Training and e-learning web-site

A web-site containing Training and e-learning material produced by the project


Phylogeny, expression patterns and regulation of DNA Methyltransferases in early development of the flatfish, Solea senegalensis

Auteurs: Joana Firmino, Carlos Carballo, Paula Armesto, Marco A. Campinho, Deborah M. Power, Manuel Manchado
Publié dans: BMC Developmental Biology, Numéro 17/1, 2017, ISSN 1471-213X
Éditeur: BioMed Central
DOI: 10.1186/s12861-017-0154-0

Antioxidant capacity and immunomodulatory effects of a chrysolaminarin-enriched extract in Senegalese sole

Auteurs: Carlos Carballo, Evangelia G. Chronopoulou, Sofia Letsiou, Claudia Maya, Nikolaos E. Labrou, Carlos Infante, Deborah M. Power, Manuel Manchado
Publié dans: Fish & Shellfish Immunology, Numéro 82, 2018, Page(s) 1-8, ISSN 1050-4648
Éditeur: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.fsi.2018.07.052

Understanding pseudo-albinism in sole (Solea senegalensis): a transcriptomics and metagenomics approach

Auteurs: Patricia I. S. Pinto, Cláudia C. Guerreiro, Rita A. Costa, Juan F. Martinez-Blanch, Carlos Carballo, Francisco M. Codoñer, Manuel Manchado, Deborah M. Power
Publié dans: Scientific Reports, Numéro 9/1, 2019, ISSN 2045-2322
Éditeur: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-49501-6

Transcriptomic and metabolomic adaptation of Nannochloropsis gaditana grown under different light regimes

Auteurs: Maria Patelou, Carlos Infante, Flavien Dardelle, Dörte Randewig, Evangelia D. Kouri, Michael K. Udvardi, Eleni Tsiplakou, Lalia Mantecón, Emmanouil Flemetakis
Publié dans: Algal Research, Numéro 45, 2020, Page(s) 101735, ISSN 2211-9264
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2019.101735

Cartilage acidic protein 1 promotes increased cell viability, cell proliferation and energy metabolism in primary human dermal fibroblasts

Auteurs: Sophia Letsiou, Rute Felix, João C. Cardoso, Liliana Anjos, Ana L. Mestre, Henirique L. Gomes, Deborah M. Power
Publié dans: Biochimie, 2020, ISSN 0300-9084
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.biochi.2020.02.008

Yeast β-glucans and microalgal extracts modulate the immune response and gut microbiome in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis)

Auteurs: Carlos Carballo, Patricia I.S. Pinto, Ana Patricia Mateus, Concha Berbel, Cláudia C. Guerreiro, Juan F. Martinez-Blanch, Francisco M. Codoñer, Lalia Mantecon, Deborah M. Power, Manuel Manchado
Publié dans: Fish & Shellfish Immunology, Numéro 92, 2019, Page(s) 31-39, ISSN 1050-4648
Éditeur: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.fsi.2019.05.044

Genomic and phylogenetic analysis of choriolysins, and biological activity of hatching liquid in the flatfish Senegalese sole

Auteurs: Carlos Carballo, Evangelia G. Chronopoulou, Sophia Letsiou, Eleni Spanidi, Konstantinos Gardikis, Nikolaos E. Labrou, Manuel Manchado
Publié dans: PLOS ONE, Numéro 14/12, 2019, Page(s) e0225666, ISSN 1932-6203
Éditeur: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0225666

Chrysolaminarin encapsulation in cyclodextrins and hydrolyzed rice flour. In vitro and in vivo efficacy studies on human dermal fibroblasts and fish larvae

Auteurs: Konstantinos Gardikis, Manuel Manchado, Israel Guerrero-Cózar, Claudia Maya, Carlos Infante, Sophia Letsiou, Vasiliki-Ioanna Boka, William Helbert
Publié dans: BIT’s 8th Annual International Symposium of Drug Delivery Systems (SDDS-2018), 2018
Éditeur: Not known

Marine products as effective raw materials for cosmetics – a research and innovation approach

Auteurs: Konstantinos Gardikis, Sophia Letsiou
Publié dans: 30th International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, 2018
Éditeur: Not known

In vitro effects of cyanobacteria exopolysaccharides on primary human dermal cells

Auteurs: Ioanna Anastasiou, Katerina I. Kalliampakou, Sophia Letsiou, Carlos Infante , William Helbert, Kostantinos Gardikis, Lalia Mantecon and Emmanouil Flemetakis.
Publié dans: 10th European Conferenceon Marine Natural Products proceedings, 2017
Éditeur: 10th European Conferenceon Marine Natural Products proceedings

Electric Cell-substrate Impedance Sensing (ECIS) as a method to test marine bioactive compounds in wound healing

Auteurs: Félix RC, Letsiou S, Anjos L, Gomes HL, Power DM
Publié dans: 4th Conference on Impedance-Based Cell Assays (IBCA2018), 2018
Éditeur: IBCA

Microalgal polysaccharide extracts modulate the immune response and microbiome in the gut of Senegalese sole (Solea Senegalensis)

Auteurs: Patrícia Pinto, C Carballo, AP Mateus, J Martinez-Blanch, F Codoner, L Mantecon, M Manchado, DM Power
Publié dans: 31th New European Soc. for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry (ESCPB 2018), 2018
Éditeur: Not known

In vitro antioxidant and wound healing effects of cyanobacteria exopolysaccharides on primary human fibroblasts

Auteurs: Ioanna Anastasiou, Sophia Letsiou, Katerina I. Kalliampakou, Carlos Infante , William Helbert, Kostantinos Gardikis, Lalia Mantecón and Emmanouil Flemetakis
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 68th Helenic Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society, 2017
Éditeur: 68th Helenic Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society

In vitro effects of Cartilage acidic protein 1 on primary human dermal fibroblasts

Auteurs: Anjos L, Cardoso JCR, Gardikis K, Power DM and Letsiou S
Publié dans: 10th European Conferenceon Marine Natural Products proceedings, 2017
Éditeur: 10th European Conferenceon Marine Natural Products proceedings

Genomic and epigenetic advances in sole aquaculture

Auteurs: Manuel Manchado
Publié dans: 2018
Éditeur: SIBIC2018, the VII Congress of the Iberian Society for Ichthyology

Omics signatures of pseudo-albino in Senegalese sole

Auteurs: Pinto PIS, Guerreiro C, Costa RA, Martinez-Blanch JF, Carballo C, Codoñer F, Manchado M, Power DM
Publié dans: VII Congress of the Iberian Soc. for Ichthyology, 2018
Éditeur: Proceedings of the VII Congress of the Iberian Soc. for Ichthyology


Auteurs: Ana Manuela Crespo1, Carlos Carballo1, Lalia Mantecón2y Manuel Manchado1
Publié dans: 2018
Éditeur: Not known


Auteurs: Carballo C.1*, Chronopoulou E.2, Crespo A.1, Gardikis K.3, Labrou N.2, Manchado M.
Publié dans: International Flatfish Symposium 2017, 2017
Éditeur: International Flatfish Symposium 2017

Estudio de las propiedades antioxidantes e inmunomoduladoras de la crisolaminarina

Auteurs: Carlos Carballo, Evangelia G. Chronopoulou; Sofia Letsiou; Claudia Maya; Nikolaos E. Labrou; Carlos Infante; Deborah M. Power; Manuel Manchado
Publié dans: IX Jornadas de Acuicultura en el Litoral Suratlántico - La Acuicultura Progresa, 2018
Éditeur: IX Jornadas de Acuicultura en el Litoral Suratlántico

The use of fish mineralized tissues to assess estrogenic endocrine disruption and other ongoing transcriptome and microbiome studies at CCMAR (including Algae4ab)

Auteurs: P. Pinto (CCMAR)
Publié dans: Invited talk at research centre UMR I-02 SEBIO, University le Havre-Normandie (France), 2019
Éditeur: NA

Genetic estimates and immune response associated with the Lymphocystis Disease Virus (LCDV) in marine fish

Auteurs: C. Carballo
Publié dans: 2020
Éditeur: University of Malaga

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