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Prosperity through innovation and promotion of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

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Summary of new/ enhanced programmes to encourage SUMP in countries and regions

This document will describe the changes to national and regional governments’ programmes to encourage and promote SUMP that have resulted from the project’s activities in the PROSPERITY target countries.

Quality assurance guidance

This will guide partners in how to produce innovative and excellent outputs and deliverables, and their role in ensuring that these quality standards are met

Tailor-made national SUMP promotion programs

This document has as basis the Road Map towards creation and running of nation-wide enduring networks on SUMP and the Cities Activation Strategy. It will be updated, improved and enriched by results from the WP3 and WP4 (outputs from the work between and with Ministries/high level agencies and cities)and with special foczus on national financing and funding opportunities

Country / city specific, tailor-made recommendation documents on training needs.

This document will highlighting training needs in each country with special focus on the PROSPERITY partner city.

Recommendations on national and regional government programmes to encourage SUMP

A document and presentation that, based on the findings of D3.1 and discussions in Task 3.2 sets out recommendations to EU member states’ Ministries and other higher levels of government on how best to encourage SUMP, both in terms of the most effective mechanisms, and how these mechanisms fit with different framework conditions

3 SUMP Guidelines

3 brochures on specific topics (titles and topics to be agreed with the client) will be developed in form of brochures. As example for these SUMP guidelines the ones from the CH4LLANGE project should be taken. Volume +/- 20 pages.

Final Innovation Report

Further developed and updated version of D3.1. Report consisting of innovations identified as well as on innovation implementations started or finalised within PROSPERITY. As annex it will contain all innovation files. The latter contain the innovation category, the benefits, links to best practise and serve as basis for transferring the described innovation to the relevant tool, guideline or other material

D.1.1 List of Partners

Updated List of Partners

Tailor-made training modules and programmes, on different SUMP topics and adapted to the needs of each country

This deliverable contains the training materials for each topic as well as the training programmes carried out.

Final monitoring and evaluation report

The final results of the project’s M&E activities in line with the objectives of this WP and the project as a whole are the main content It will thus demonstrate the project’s final impacts. M&E updates every 6M

Higher Levels of Government - their support for SUMP in the EU.

Document summarising, categorising and appraising national and regional support programmes for SUMP in different EU countries. Includes a short summary, organised to reflect what higher levels of government participating in PROSPERITY wish to learn

General dissemination and communication material

It contains mainly aset of standard information material folder, roll-up and poster in the partner languages

PROSPERITY Visual Identity and Website

Website will be adapted and set online - using visual identities provided by teh CIVITAS Satellite project.

Webinar materials

This deliverable contains all ppt used at the webinars.

1 implemented international SUMP Conference



A Sustainable Model of Urban Governance. From Urban Mobility to Cultural Heritage Management for Liveable Cities and Happy Communities

Autoren: Irina Rotaru
Veröffentlicht in: Project challenges: sustainable development and urban resilience, 2019
Herausgeber: Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli

"Shaping the City of Tomorrow through Disruption Responsive Network Urbanism / Plasmare la città di domani attraverso ""urbanism network"" reattivo alla ruttura"

Autoren: Irina Rotaru
Veröffentlicht in: Producing the project / La produzione del progetto, 2019
Herausgeber: SITdA

From Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) to Operational Energy Policies and Measures for the City of Tomorrow

Autoren: Irina Rotaru and Mihai Husch
Veröffentlicht in: Romanian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revista Română de Inginerie Civilă, Ausgabe Volume10 (2019), Ausgabe 3, 2019, Seite(n) 348-353, ISSN 2068-3987
Herausgeber: MATRIX ROM

Real “Smart Cities”: Insights from Civitas PROSPERITY

Autoren: Irina Rotaru
Veröffentlicht in: REAL CORP 2019 Proceedings, 2019, Seite(n) 583-588, ISBN 978-3-9504173-6-4
Herausgeber: CORP – Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning

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