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Resultado final
The impact assessment performed will produce a report for dissemination purposes and a scientific paperThe report will address environmental economic and social impacts of the measures tested including gender issues
Deliverable 3.3 Scientific article on consume and waste behaviours in EuropeBased on the result of the analysis performed in each city and from the benchmarking of those a scientific article will be developed and submitted to peer review
Deliverable 3.2 Situation and behavioural analysisThis report will describe the results of the situation and behavioural analysis performed in each of the 11 cities This deliverable will integrate the metabolic flows analysis performed in WP and will serve to pinpoint drivers of wasteavoiding behaviours
D7.3 Report of capacity building activities and conferences and eventA report describing the capacity building activities and the events will be drafted. The report will detail the list of participants, contents and conclusions of each event
Deliverable 2.1 Literature review on urban metabolism studies and projectsThis deliverable is a report where methodologies indicator sets and the needed background data are reviewed An important part is related to obtaining information what data indicator sets are suitable practicable and comparable easy to obtain The review will provide knowledge on what data indicator sets are most suitable for linking touristic activities with waste and resource use
Deliverable 3.7 Policy briefs DraftPolicy briefs will summarize the Mobilization experience in the 11 pilot cities. Methodological aspects will be described together with the results, obstacles encountered and lessons learnt. These two documents will target mainly policy makers and researchers in the field of urban planning and decision-making.
Deliverable 3.5 URBAN WASTE gender strategyOn the basis of the results of the focus groups which will be enclosed as annex to the strategy specific objectives and targets will be set for each city to ensure gender representativeness and exploit gender experitse in the strategies developed The strategy will describe also the activities to be organized in each city to support the achievement of the gender objectives
Deliverable 2.7 Compendium of waste management practices in pilot cities and best practices in touristic citiesDeliverable 2.8 compiles information related to current waste prevention and management practices in the pilot cities (from the database) and best practices coming from the EU context (focussing on touristic processes). This document is an important support for the selection of innovative strategies (WP 4).
Deliverable 3.8 Staff exchanges/Workshops ReportReports will be developed for each staff exchange and workshop in order to highlight the lessons learnt/outcomes of these meetings.
Deliverable 4.2 Guidelines for local policy makers for mainstreaming of UrBAN-WASTE strategies into Waste Management PlansThe guidelines will support policy makers in the integration of the strategies into existing or future Waste Management Plans. The guidelines will address synergies in terms of common objectives, impacts, shared use of infrastructure, etc. Guidelines will also addressed cost savings opportunities.
Deliverable 2.4 Database templateThis deliverable is a database template that is used for data collection in the pilot cities The database contains information to be filled in by the pilot cities on sociodemographic data waste and resource related data tourism related information and questions related to ecosystem services ESS see Task 27 Depending on the amount of data needed to derive indicator sets the database template could be a mixture of MS Excel spreadsheets and online questionnaires eg SurveyMonkey etc
Deliverable 4.1 UrBAN-WASTE prevention and management strategies and guidelines for implementationA list of waste prevention and management strategies designed and proposed through a participatory approach. The strategies will address different type of tourist cities and include several prevention and operational steps to be taken, monitoring and evaluation indicators. Each strategy will be gender-sensitive and supported by a financial plan. Guidelines for policy makers for the implementation of the strategies wilbe enclosed. A lrevised version of this deliverable will be submitted at the end of the project, taking into account the lesson learnt during the implementation.
Deliverable 3.4 URBAN-WASTE Mobilization and Mutual Learning PlanThe plan will describe the overall concept of civic mobilization and how CoP are conceived. It will also include operational guidelines for policy makers to implement the mobilization and mutual learning activities in their cities. The monitoring system description will be annexed to the Plan.
Deliverable 6.2 Monitoring reports of pilots11 reports will be produced, one per each pilot, including a description of the targets set for city, the measures selected and the activities performed. Each report will detail how activities have been implemented, main obstacles encountered, lessons learnt and main results achieved.
Deliverable 2.6 Report on benefits of ecosystem services (ESS)This report contains information on social dimensions, economics factors, and tourism for each city, including how ESS are essential for tourism activities and how tourism activities impact the functioning of ESS.
Deliverable 5.3 User friendly ICT tools guidelinesA user-friendly report about the ICT solutions developed in this WP will be drafted. Citizens, tourists and service providers will be the first beneficiaries of these guidelines that will provide tips and trick for a comprehensive use of the ICT instruments proposed.
Deliverable 2.5 Status quo (baseline) assessment reportThis report contains the results of the assessment of environmental impacts, social and economic aspects of the selected pilot cities based on LCA. The results relate to the current situation in the cities, where touristic activities are linked with waste generation and resource use. The report will be updated at month 36 with data collected after the implementation of the strategies.
Deliverable 2.2 Methodology framework document as guidance for accompanying assessmentsThis report outlines the methodological framework for applying MFA and LCA: especially the assessment of environmental impacts, social and economic aspects needs a careful consideration of suitable criteria and impact categories to be used in LCA. Also it has to be defined how to deal with the results of different impact categories (e.g. relative weighing of impact categories).
Deliverable 3.11 - Scientific article on action research methodology applied to URBAN-WASTE caseAn article will be produced describing the action research approach adopted and presenting results and insights from its application on the URBAN-WASTE case.
Deliverable 2.3 Report on indicator sets and touristic processesDeliverable 23 reports on the finally selected indicator sets that have been crosschecked with the cities regarding suitability practicability and data availability In addition this report contains information on selected touristic processes that are aligned with the indicator sets This deliverable is important input for the development of the database template
D7.2 Guidelines for city managers and policy makersThese guidelines will be drafted and published in order to support city managers and policy makers in replicating the UrBAN-WASTE strategies in tourist cities non-partner in the consortium. The guidelines will include a chapter on the environmental, economic and social benefits of the UrBAN-WASTE measures for tourist cities and on the replication potential, resulting from task 7.2. The guidelines will address also how to integrate learnings to refine the urban metabolism concept.
Deliverable 3.9 CoP e-platformThe platform will be integrated into the project website and function as a blog. Users will have to register and create a profile to log in. The platform will be fed periodically also from the project partners involved in the Mobilization Plans.
Deliverable 6.1 Public-Private partnershipsPublic – Private partnership for the implementation of the waste prevention and management strategies will be published (one for each pilot case), including detailed operative programmes for the implementation and monitoring of the strategy and the related roles and responsibilities
Deliverable 3.6 Paper on gender mainstreaming in urban planning: case on waste managementRelying on the analysis performed under WP3, the focus groups, the activities deployed in the framework of the gender strategy and the gender impact assessment performed at the end of the piloting, a paper will be developed to advance knowledge and practices on gender mainstreaming.
Deliverable 5.4, Database definitionDocument defining conditions and requirements on the structure of the database the access policies and the security constraints The conditions will be defined by the partners involved in the WP
D8.6 Final conference reportReport of the conference detailing participants, topics addressed and main conclusions.
Logo project brochure rollup and diverse templates
D8.3 WebsiteProject website
D8.4 NewsletterPublication of a project newsletter every 6 months.
Lidia Aguiar-Castillo, Alberto Clavijo-Rodriguez, Petra De Saa-Perez, Rafael Perez-Jimenez
Publicado en:
Sustainability, Edición 11/8, 2019, Página(s) 2201, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Aguiar-Castillo Lidia, Rufo-Torres Julio, De Petra, Perez-Jimenez Rafael
Publicado en:
Sustainability, Edición 10/5, 2018, Página(s) 1544, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
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