Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FLOWERED (de-FLuoridation technologies for imprOving quality of WatEr and agRo-animal products along the East African Rift Valley in the context of aDaptation to climate change.)
Reporting period: 2017-12-01 to 2019-11-30
The main project's outputs consist of: identification and mapping the specific geological-hydrogeological-geochemical conditions of water contamination also with different land uses; development of mitigation options for fluoride contamination in agricultural and livestock systems; identification and testing of innovative water defluoridation technologies; development of an innovative Geo-Data system with a web platform for data sharing and a mobile application for the collection of data.
The results of the project promote the creation of market opportunities for European water innovations outside Europe with a specific action carried out by SMEs to assess possible market opportunities for the innovative technologies implemented. It is expected that the PESTEL and SWOT analyses will have a significant impact on the implementation and commercialization of FLOWERED defluoridation technologies. Moreover, by sharing knowledge results and involving young research, women, and a large number of local actors within scale strategies, training activities, and participatory learning events, FLOWERED has ensured a better preparation of African partners to address water, agriculture, and climate change vulnerabilities. The project results and this widespread new knowledge promote a crucial impact on policymaking and legal framework development in the target countries. Socio-economic benefits from the effects of the commercialization of FLOWERED run-off technologies, the results of PESTEL and SWOT analyses, and stakeholder feedback will serve in the future to make adjustments to FLOWERED run-off technologies, especially if other funding resources are available. The key to ensuring the sustainability of FLOWERED's action has been to organize the innovation process from a participatory perspective and to address the enabling and limiting factors at the institutional level. The potential long-term effects aim at improving the quality of life of the final beneficiaries by reducing exposure to contaminated water.