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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

New approaches for the valorisation of URBAN bulky waste into high added value RECycled products

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


E-learning modules

Web based dissemination tool to be used in the Training Sessions, as complement of other training resources, which will be generated in several languages (EN, ES, DE, FR, NL, PL, TR).

Interactive tool for communication, utilization and advisory of models

Interactive website tool that will complement other dissemination and communication materials of the project, as an overall URBANREC Best Practice Guide, to ensure that there is a wide adoption of the URBANREC materials & technologies, by the EU industry and citizens. Linked to Task 7.3.-Communication activities, and integrated in the project website, if possible.

Guide on URBANREC bulky waste management system and Recommendations for a European legislation on bulky waste

Report including a theoretical framework for the implementation of URBANREC waste management system including the influence of each country legislation, a business model based on the results obtained in each country and concrete recommendations for the improvement of European legislation on bulky waste management. Task 6.1 and task 6.3

Definition of final URBANREC demonstrators

List of project demonstrators together with defined specifications for each one. Task 2.5

Report of environmental, economic and social analysis

This deliverable will include: -the assessment of the economic performance of the final products developed (demonstrators) and of the global management system developed in the framework of URBANREC project (waste management system including from transport to civic amenity site). -the analysis of the results of the public questionnaires completed to evaluated the social perception about bulky waste management implemented within URBANREC project (from waste management system to final demonstrators developed). -LCA of products and services (civic amenity sites) for assessing the potential environmental impacts of products and services. A summary of the information related to LCA, economic assessment and social perception will be public. Task 4.1, 4.3 and 4.4.

Feasibility study of improving collection system in CONSORCIO

Report on electronic cards implementation and improvements to be implemented in the collection system in CONSORCIO (based on the results obtained in IMOG). Task 5.2

Communication activities for mutual learning and wide implementation of new bulky waste management- URBANREC

Summary report on the entire set of communciation activities developed through the project´s life, linked to Task 7.3 and which is the result of the previous deliverable D7.1

Report on the implementation of the URBANREC global management system in Poland and Turkey

Technical report devoted to improve collection and sorting system including the feasibility of implementing fragmentation system and valorisation routes in Poland and Turkey. Task 5.3 and task 5.4

Feasibility study of the implementation of fragmentation and CHGP technologies in IMOG.

Technological, economic and functional report on the implementation of the fragmentation and CHGP technologies (developed in CVI region) in IMOG. Task 5.1

Communication plan for the URBANREC project

Communication activities will be planned in the sense of art 38 of the MGA (different from Dissemination and exploitation). They must be implemented from the outset and continue throughout the entire action with a comprehensive communication plan that defines clear objectives (adapted to the various relevant target audiences) and sets out a concrete planning for the communication activities including a description and timing for each activity.

Definition of the starting situation in URBANREC regions

Report including information about bulky waste management (1 factsheet per country) and comparison between the various regions scenes. task 1.1

Roadmap to improve Eco-efficiency on European Waste Management & Pro-active standardizatrion strategy

Roadmap generated under URBANREC for subsequent steps beyond the project, aligned with the EU strategies and to be proposed to the releavant platforms/networks.

Final Dissemination Plan, including a Report on Training & Clustering activities

Final version of the previous 2 deliverables, D8.1. & D8.2., updated until the project end, but only showing the public information related to all the dissemination activities (which will complement the Coomunication ones), and including the public feedback of the Training for technology transfer and Clustering activities developed under Task 8.3. & Task 8.4.

Guide of good practice for eco-design of products

Guide of good practice for eco-design of products, based on all the inputs obtained in the previous WPs. Task 6.2

Waste behaviour, Manufacturing and Business and Public governance´s Models to adapt a conventional bulky waste management into a new URBANREC system based in citizen participation

Report on the conclusions obtained in the interactive website tool to be developed, linked to Task 7.2., and the inputs provided within Task 7.1. in terms of waste and materials flow analysis and material efficiency, which will set the basis for any future real implementation.


Life Cycle Assessment as a Tool to Implement Sustainable Development in the Bioeconomy and Circular Economy

Auteurs: Izabela Samson-Bręk, Marta Gabryszewska, Justyna Wrzosek, Barbara Gworek
Publié dans: Elements of Bioeconomy, 2019, ISBN 978-1-78923-861-7
Éditeur: IntechOpen
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.84664

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