CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
This report will highlight the air quality and climate change problems in the implementing cities. This deliverable is an output of Task 1.1.
A database and report for the baseline environmental and socio-economic assessmentThe database will be used for the evaluation in Task 5.3. This deliverable is an output of Task 5.1.
Report on local stakeholders engagementA detailed report on technical solutions that have the potential to influence those personal choices which reduce air pollution. This will be an output of Task 4.4
Detailed report for the assessment of air quality and UHI in EU selected cities preinfrastructural solutionsThe report will deliver maps of high resolutions whenever possible of pollutants and greenhouse gases of the target cities to serve as a reference against which to evaluate changes. This deliverable is an output of Task 6.1.
Detailed report based on numerical simulation of the effect of PCSs at the urban levelThis report will highlight the effect of some interventions on mitigating the effect of UHI in the target cities. This deliverable is an output of Task 6.3.
Sensor monitoring experiences and technological innovationsThis report will provide guidelines on sensor utilisation for outdoor and indoor monitoring of pollution. It will also integrate the originally planned aspects of the deliverable 7.10 (Potentials and prospects with technological integration with other EU funded platforms, a report, outlining synergies with other EU funded platforms in order to maximise the exploitation of the iSCAPE’s technological outcomes) into one comprehensive report as an output of Task 7.4.
Implementation plans for each partner cityThese plans will give detail how, when, where and by whom the physical and behavioural interventions or field campaigns will be carried out. This deliverable is an output of Task 2.2.1.
Stakeholder Management PlanThis document will detail how the Living Labs will be managed and highlighting communication lines linking the consortium and the local stakeholders. This deliverable is an output of Task 2.2.3.
Behavioural simulations design aspects reportA detailed report on the behavioural simulations design aspects for environmental analysis will be provided based on the outcomes of the Task 4.2.2.
Report on deployment of neighbourhood interventionsThis report will detail the functionality and effectiveness of neighbourhood interventions. This deliverable is an output of Task 3.5.
Report on iSCAPE socio-economic impact assessment methodologyThis deliverable will describe the methodological framework to be used for assessing the socio-economic impact of iSCAPE outputs and pilot and for developing a strategic portfolio choice framework. This deliverable is an output of Task 5.5.
Exploitation strategyOn the basis of first interim research results, a strategy will be defined to explore potential further development and implementation of the project deliverables by identifying the ones that can be utilised in generalising legislative efforts in national or regional scale as well identifying targeted markets and tasks that could be carried out with innovative living labs. The strategy will be updated twice (in Month 18 and 36) to integrate project outcomes (MS11). The first (Month 6) and second (Month 18) versions are led by JRC and the third (Month 36) is led by UCD. It is related to Task 7.1.
Experiences from photocatalytic films in urban domainsThis will be in the form of a report on the use of photocatalytic coatings on residential and commercial building facades in urban environments for different climatic conditions. This output is related to Task 7.4.
Detailed work plan for first six monthsIn order to avoid a slow start of activities a detailed work plan for the first six months will be developed during the kick-off meeting with clearly assigned tasks to all involved partners. This deliverable is an output of Task 9.1.
Citizen science communities reportA detailed report on the findings of the citizen science workshops to influence policy changes. This will be an output of Task 4.4
Report on deployment of urban interventionsThis report will detail the potential functionality and effectiveness of urban interventions. This deliverable is an output of Task 3.6.
Report on environmental effects of behavioural actionsA detailed report on environmental effects of behavioural actions identified in WP1. This is an outcome of the Task 4.1.
Report on technical advancements for photocatalytic coatingsA detailed report on technical advancements for photocatalytic coatings for building facades. This deliverable is an output of Task 3.5.
Detailed report of the effect of PCs on air quality in the future CC (2050) in the target citiesThe report will contain also information on how the PCs implementation in other EU cities would be effective. This deliverable is an output of Task 6.4.2.
Report of climate effectiveness of urban interventionsThis report will detail the climate effectiveness of urban interventions This deliverable is an output of Task 3.6.
Report on Behavioural interventionsThis report will present through a state-of-the-art overview a comprehensive summary of behavioural interventions which are possible and provide suggestions for their testing and implementation in WP4. This deliverable is an output of Task 1.3.
Report on photocatalytic coatingThis report will detail the functionality and effectiveness of photocatalytic coating in cities over three representative annual periods. This deliverable is an output of Task 3.5.
Generalisation summary of infrastructural recommendations for urban policy makers including stakeholder feedbackThis report will present final recommendations on infrastructural interventions after taking feedback from partners, stakeholders, urban planners, regulator and industrial needs. This deliverable is an output of Task 7.2. This deliverable will also integrate the originally planned aspects of the deliverable 7.6 (Identification of episodes liaising air quality with climate change) into one comprehensive report as an outcome of Task 7.2
Detailed report on local meteorological conditionsThis report will include scenarios for meteorological conditions (temperature, humidity, solar radiation, precipitation, wind speed and direction) currently and in the future (for the year 2050) with and without the proposed PCSs for the target cities. This deliverable is an output of Task 6.4.1.
Behavioural recommendations including personal exposure estimates and health impactsThis will be in the form of a comprehensive report, integrating the originally planned aspects of deliverable 7.3 (Input-output link with an atmospheric dispersion model (outdoor concentrations); deliverable 7.4 (Personal exposure estimate improvement), and deliverable 7.5 (Translating environmental effects into human health). This output is related to Task 7.3.
Living Labs for Air quality knowledge and policy packageThis deliverable 1) creates a compilation of the curated knowledge related to Living Labs in the form of publications/guidebooks and policy papers, and 2) reports on activities performed to transfer this knowledge (webinars, workshops, etc.), participating in World Bank relevant events (in WP8), publications. This deliverable also integrates the originally planned aspects of the deliverable 7.7 (Geographical harmonisation and generalisation of the iSCAPE operational domains, a set of policy briefs) into one comprehensive deliverable as an outcome of Task 7.5.
Air pollution and meteorology monitoring reportThese reports will detail air pollution levels and meteorological conditions in the target cities. This deliverable is an output of Task 5.2. (Month 24 and Month 36)
Report on solutions at urban levelA detailed report on the implications of urban design for mitigating air pollution and improving the local climate. This deliverable is an output of Task 3.3.
Stakeholders analysis and risk assessmentThis report will highlight barriers to the Living Labs and respective foreseen interventions in the six cities. This deliverable is an output of Task 2.1.
Plan for extending the life of Living Labs beyond iSCAPEThis deliverable is an output of Task 5.4.
Report on policy options for AQ and CCA detailed report will be constructed delineating a series of policy options based on the target cities analysed. Efficacy of policy option for both AQ and CC will be demonstrated based on output of Task 4.3
Report on footprint of PCSsA detailed report on the footprint of PCSs interventions identified in WP1 and their benefits at all spatial scales. This deliverable is an output of Task 3.2
Guidelines to promote passive methods for improving urban air quality in climate change scenariosThe guidelines will account for local settings, by considering the fundamental design of urban areas and the potential for low cost retrofits for some passive methods in existing areas in the built environment. This deliverable is an output of Task 1.2.
Strategic portfolio choiceThis document will detail interventions characteristics and optimal use to provide a portfolio of PCSs for EU cities and beyond (developing countries) which require improvements in air quality. This deliverable is an output of Task 5.3.
Detailed report based on CFD simulations performed at neighbourhood scaleThis report will show the effects on local air pollution due to PCs in the target cities. This deliverables is an output of Task 6.2.
Final scientific publicationiSCAPE intends to produce important research results on general understanding of the relationship between climate change and air pollution and the reduction of impacts through Passive Control Systems. A final scientific publication is planned. It will be decided in the due course of the project if it will be a book or a special issue of a scientific journal. This is an output of Task 8.4.
Communication and dissemination strategyThis document will determine how the project communicates with the outside world and how and will specifically address awareness-raising and knowledge sharing amongst the user and target groups. This will be an output of Task 8.1.
Community feedback reportsThese reports will give a brief overview of stakeholder feedback on the suggested solutions. This deliverable is an output of Task 2.3.
Report on climate change and air qualityThis report will present state-of-the-art of urban climate change simulations and contain the analysis of the cities in terms of AQ and CC in the various cities and their interaction. This deliverable is an output of Task 1.4.
Report on interventionsThis report will detail an evaluation of the interventions. This deliverable is an output of Task 5.3.
Report on actions plansThis report sums up the implementation action taken in the different cities on the urban level. This deliverable is an output of Task 3.6.
Summary of air quality sensors and recommendations for applicationThis brief report will present state-of-the-art on air quality sensing and recommendations for their deployment in the field studies of the iSCAPE. This deliverable is an output of Task 1.5.
Activation of iSCAPE project website as a key element for disseminating and communicating project activities and results. It is an output of Task 8.2.
Virtual Living Lab platform aThe Virtual Living Lab platform first iteration will disseminate the findings of the project and provide real-time access to the data collected with the low-cost and high-end monitoring stations. This will be an output of Task 8.3.
Virtual Living Lab Platform bD8.3 b) Virtual Living Lab platform – Second iteration due M18. This release will contain extended functionalities and content, including the interactive map and information on the sensing kits from WP3.
The high-end and low-cost monitoring stations will be developed. This deliverable is an output of Task 3.1. Sensors design is finished by M12 and field validation of the prototypes will start at the iSCAEPE living labs as part of MS4 - Development of measurement stations.
1st version Real time reporting system for monitoring with sensor technologiesSoftware platform is released internally to support the integration with the sensor platforms by M12.
Comprehensive release High-end and low-cost sensing platformsThis is the comprehensive release of teh high-end and low-cost sensing platforms prototypes developed in D3.1. Sensor will be manufactured, connected to the software platform and deployed at the iSCAPE living labs at M24 as part of MS6. A final validation of the sensors performance will be performed to support the exploitation strategy T7.4).
Demonstrator of a cost/utility function taking activity-based information into accountThis task will be based on the outcome of the Task 4.2.1.
Prototype of a fully integrated behavioural (data-driven) simulatorPrototype development of a fully integrated data-driven simulator will be completed. A prototype and a technical document on the behaviour-based environmental simulation will be presented to the other WPs in the project. This deliverable will highlight the outcomes of the Task 4.2.3.
Public/2nd release of the platform supporting integration with Virtual Living LabSoftware platform is integrated with the Virtual Living Lab T8.3. Both are publicly released as part of MS5 - Data software platform first stable release
Definition on management of research data and how it will be made open. This deliverable is an output of Task 3.1
Gallagher, J., Broderick, B., Kumar, P., McNabola, A. & Pilla, F.
Published in:
Issue AAAR 36th Annual Conference,, 2017
Pulvirenti, B.; Di Sabatino, S.
Published in:
HARMO 2017 - 18th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Proceedings, Issue 2017, 2017, Page(s) 902-906
Hungarian Meteorological Service
Di Sabatino, S.; Barbano, F.; Barbieri, C.; Bratich, E.; Brunetti, A.F.; Drebs, A.; Kumar, P.; Jylhä, K.; Minguzzi, E.; Nardino, M.; Pilla, F.; Pulvirenti, B.; Torreggiani, L.; Valmassoi, A.
Published in:
AMS 98th Annual Meeting, 2018
American Meteorological Society
Jylhä, K.; Drebs, A.; Mäkelä, A.; Fortelius, C.; Nurni, V.; Votsis, A.; Maidell-Münster, L.; Stibe, S.; Maerz, A.; Barrett, L.; Di Sabatino, S.; Barbano, F.; Brunetti, A.F.; Pulvirenti, B.; Kumar, P.; Pilla, F.
Published in:
AMS 98th Annual Meeting, 2018
American Meteorological Society
Prandini, F.; Pulvirenti, B.; Barbano, F.; Di Sabatino, S.; Brattich, E.; Drebs, A.; Kumar, P.; Jylhä, K.; Minguzzi, E.; Nardino, M.; Pilla, F.; Torreggiani, L.; Barbieri, C.
Published in:
AMS 98th Annual Meeting, 2018
American Meteorological Society
Di Sabatino, S.; Pulvirenti, B.; Kumar, P.
Published in:
HARMO 2017 - 18th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Proceedings, Issue 2017, 2017, Page(s) 465-469
Hungarian Meteorological Service
Di Sabatino, S.; Castelli, S.T.; Brattich, E.
Published in:
HARMO 2017 - 18th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Proceedings, Issue 2017, 2017, Page(s) 3-4
Hungarian Meteorological Service
Barbano, F.; Barbieri, C.; Brattich, E.; Brunetti, A.F.; Di Sabatino, S.; Drebs, A.; Kumar, P.; Minguzzi E.; Nardino, M; Pilla, F.; Pulvirenti, B.; Torreggiani, L.
Published in:
AMS 98th Annual Meeting, 2017
American Meteorological Society
Kumar, P.; Abhijith, K.V.; Di Sabatino, S.; Pulvirenti, B.; Pilla, F.; Gallagher, J.; McNabola, A.; Baldauf, R.; Broderick, B.; Drebs, A.; Jylhä , K.
Published in:
AMS 98th Annual Meeting, 2018
American Meteorological Society
Kumar, P., Ottosen, T. and Abhijith, K. V.
Published in:
HARMO-19th International Conference on Harmonisation Within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 2019
19th International Conference on Harmonisation Within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes
Abhijith, K.V., Tiwari, A., Kumar, P.
Published in:
AQE-2018, 2018
Investigation of Air Pollution Standing Conference, AQE
Ottosen, T. and Kumar, P.
Published in:
HARMO-19th International Conference on Harmonisation Within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 2019
19th International Conference on Harmonisation Within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes
Abhijith, K.V., and Kumar, P.
Published in:
HARMO-18th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 2017
18th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes
Torreggiani L.; Barbano F.; Barbieri C.; Brattich E.; Deserti M.; Di Nicola F.; Di Sabatino S.; Minguzzi E.; Nardino M.; Prandini F.; Pulvirenti B.; Valmassoi A.
Published in:
PM2018 Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato Atmosferico Libro degli Abstract, Issue 1, 2018, Page(s) 18, ISBN 978-88-942135-1-5
IAS - Sociatà Italiana di Aerosol
Prashant Kumar, Andreas N. Skouloudis, Margaret Bell, Mar Viana, M. Cristina Carotta, George Biskos, Lidia Morawska
Published in:
Science of The Total Environment, Issue 560-561, 2016, Page(s) 150-159, ISSN 0048-9697
Elsevier BV
Salem S. Gharbia, Trevor Smullen, Laurence Gill, Paul Johnston, Francesco Pilla
Published in:
Science of The Total Environment, Issue 633, 2018, Page(s) 571-592, ISSN 0048-9697
Elsevier BV
Jonathan Chenoweth, Andrew R. Anderson, Prashant Kumar, W.F. Hunt, Sarah Jane Chimbwandira, Trisha L.C. Moore
Published in:
Land Use Policy, Issue 75, 2018, Page(s) 137-144, ISSN 0264-8377
Elsevier BV
Shiraz Ahmed, Muhammand Adnan, Davy Janssens, Ansar-ul-Haque Yasar, Prashant Kumar, Elhadi M. Shakshuki
Published in:
Procedia Computer Science, Issue 130, 2018, Page(s) 541-548, ISSN 1877-0509
K.V. Abhijith, Prashant Kumar
Published in:
Atmospheric Environment, Issue 201, 2019, Page(s) 132-147, ISSN 1352-2310
Elsevier BV
Arvind Tiwari, Prashant Kumar, Richard Baldauf, K. Max Zhang, Francesco Pilla, Silvana Di Sabatino, Erika Brattich, Beatrice Pulvirenti
Published in:
Science of The Total Environment, Issue 672, 2019, Page(s) 410-426, ISSN 0048-9697
Elsevier BV
Prashant Kumar, Angela Druckman, John Gallagher, Birgitta Gatersleben, Sarah Allison, Theodore S. Eisenman, Uy Hoang, Sarkawt Hama, Arvind Tiwari, Ashish Sharma, K.V. Abhijith, Deepti Adlakha, Aonghus McNabola, Thomas Astell-Burt, Xiaoqi Feng, Anne C. Skeldon, Simon de Lusignan, Lidia Morawska
Published in:
Environment International, Issue 133, 2019, Page(s) 105181, ISSN 0160-4120
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Theodore S. Eisenman, Galina Churkina, Sunit P. Jariwala, Prashant Kumar, Gina S. Lovasi, Diane E. Pataki, Kate R. Weinberger, Thomas H. Whitlow
Published in:
Landscape and Urban Planning, Issue 187, 2019, Page(s) 47-59, ISSN 0169-2046
Elsevier BV
Prashant Kumar, Ioar Rivas, Anant Pratap Singh, Vikas Julius Ganesh, Monirupa Ananya, H. Christopher Frey
Published in:
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, Issue 1/1, 2018, ISSN 2397-3722
Nature Research
Thor-Bjørn Ottosen, Prashant Kumar
Published in:
Sustainable Cities and Society, Issue 53, 2020, Page(s) 101919, ISSN 2210-6707
Elsevier BV
Sachit Mahajan, Prashant Kumar, Janaina Antonino Pinto, Agnese Riccetti, Katinka Schaaf, Guillem Camprodon, Viktor Smári, Antonella Passani, Giuseppe Forino
Published in:
Sustainable Cities and Society, Issue 52, 2020, Page(s) 101800, ISSN 2210-6707
Elsevier BV
Lidia Morawska, Phong K. Thai, Xiaoting Liu, Akwasi Asumadu-Sakyi, Godwin Ayoko, Alena Bartonova, Andrea Bedini, Fahe Chai, Bryce Christensen, Matthew Dunbabin, Jian Gao, Gayle S.W. Hagler, Rohan Jayaratne, Prashant Kumar, Alexis K.H. Lau, Peter K.K. Louie, Mandana Mazaheri, Zhi Ning, Nunzio Motta, Ben Mullins, Md Mahmudur Rahman, Zoran Ristovski, Mahnaz Shafiei, Dian Tjondronegoro, Dane Westerdah
Published in:
Environment International, Issue 116, 2018, Page(s) 286-299, ISSN 0160-4120
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Thor-Bjørn Ottosen, Prashant Kumar
Published in:
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, Issue 21/4, 2019, Page(s) 701-713, ISSN 2050-7887
Royal Society of Chemistry
Athanasios Votsis
Published in:
Ecological Economics, Issue 132, 2017, Page(s) 279-289, ISSN 0921-8009
Elsevier BV
Riccardo Buccolieri, Mats Sandberg, Hans Wigö, Silvana Di Sabatino
Published in:
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Issue 189, 2019, Page(s) 91-103, ISSN 0167-6105
Elsevier BV
Reija Ruuhela,Otto Hyvärinen,Kirsti Jylhä
Published in:
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Issue 15/3, 2018, Page(s) 406, ISSN 1660-4601
Laura S. Leo, Riccardo Buccolieri, Silvana Di Sabatino
Published in:
Building Research & Information, Issue 46/8, 2018, Page(s) 931-951, ISSN 0961-3218
E. & F.N. Spon
Shiraz Ahmed, Muhammad Adnan, Davy Janssens, Erika Brattich, Ansar-ul-Haque Yasar, Prashant Kumar, Silvana di Sabatino, Elhadi M. Shakshuki
Published in:
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Issue 23/5-6, 2019, Page(s) 653-668, ISSN 1617-4909
Springer Verlag
Muhammad Adnan, Shiraz Ahmed, Elhadi M. Shakshuki, Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar
Published in:
Procedia Computer Science, Issue 160, 2019, Page(s) 109-117, ISSN 1877-0509
Shiraz Ahmed, Muhammad Adnan, Davy Janssens, Ansar-ul-Haque Yasar, Geert Wets
Published in:
Procedia Computer Science, Issue 141, 2018, Page(s) 382-389, ISSN 1877-0509
Shiraz Ahmed, Muhammad Adnan, Davy Janssens, Geert Wets
Published in:
Sustainable Cities and Society, Issue 53, 2020, Page(s) 101965, ISSN 2210-6707
Elsevier BV
Muhammad Adnan, Fatma Outay, Shiraz Ahmed, Erika Brattich, Silvana di Sabatino, Davy Janssens
Published in:
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Issue Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2020, ISSN 1617-4909
Springer Verlag
Yendle Barwise, Prashant Kumar
Published in:
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, Issue 3/1, 2020, ISSN 2397-3722
Arvind Tiwari, Prashant Kumar
Published in:
Science of The Total Environment, Issue 723, 2020, Page(s) 138078, ISSN 0048-9697
Elsevier BV
Prashant Kumar, Hamid Omidvarborna, Francesco Pilla, Neil Lewin
Published in:
Science of The Total Environment, 2020, Page(s) 138360, ISSN 0048-9697
Elsevier BV
Guillem Camprodon, Óscar González, Víctor Barberán, Máximo Pérez, Viktor Smári, Miguel Ángel de Heras, Alejandro Bizzotto
Published in:
HardwareX, Issue 6, 2019, Page(s) e00070, ISSN 2468-0672
Olli Saranko, Carl Fortelius, Kirsti Jylhä, Kimmo Ruosteenoja, Erika Brattich, Silvana Di Sabatino, Väinö Nurmi
Published in:
Science of The Total Environment, Issue 727, 2020, Page(s) 138471, ISSN 0048-9697
Elsevier BV
Joel Kuula, Timo Mäkelä, Minna Aurela, Kimmo Teinilä, Samu Varjonen, Óscar González, Hilkka Timonen
Published in:
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Issue 13/5, 2020, Page(s) 2413-2423, ISSN 1867-8548
Aakash C. Rai, Prashant Kumar, Francesco Pilla, Andreas N. Skouloudis, Silvana Di Sabatino, Carlo Ratti, Ansar Yasar, David Rickerby
Published in:
Science of The Total Environment, Issue 607-608, 2017, Page(s) 691-705, ISSN 0048-9697
Elsevier BV
Arianna Valmassoi, Salem Gharbia, Santa Stibe, Silvana Di Sabatino, Francesco Pilla
Published in:
Procedia Computer Science, Issue 109, 2017, Page(s) 367-375, ISSN 1877-0509
Kathryn M. Shaneyfelt, Andrew R. Anderson, Prashant Kumar, William F. Hunt
Published in:
Environmental Pollution, Issue 231, 2017, Page(s) 768-778, ISSN 0269-7491
Pergamon Press Ltd.
K.V. Abhijith, Prashant Kumar, John Gallagher, Aonghus McNabola, Richard Baldauf, Francesco Pilla, Brian Broderick, Silvana Di Sabatino, Beatrice Pulvirenti
Published in:
Atmospheric Environment, Issue 162, 2017, Page(s) 71-86, ISSN 1352-2310
Elsevier BV
Kumar, P., Abhijith, K.V., Barwise, Y.
Published in:
University of Surrey
Sarkawt Hama, Prashant Kumar
Published in:
Silvana Di Sabatino
Published in:
Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXV, 2018, Page(s) 257-267, ISBN 978-3-319-57644-2
Springer International Publishing
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