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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Moving towards Life Cycle Thinking by integrating Advanced Waste Management Systems

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Implementation of the Back-End for R1, R2 and R3

R+OTHER Format Source code and virtual machine image. Short description Source code and virtual image of the implementation of the back end of the Operational and Management module. This module will consist of FIWARE Generic Enablers like the Identity Manager, Device Backend Gateway, Context Broker, Connector Framework, CEP, ST Historic and Open Data; Objectives • Implement the architecture of the Operation and Management module and the different IoT devices. • Implement the communication protocols and data models that communicate all the modules to be developed in the project. Content and methodology This deliverable will include the source code of the implementation which will be available in a public repository. As we plan to use AGILE methodologies to develop the IT tools, both the technical documentation and the implementation will be ready to be delivered continuously. In any case, this deliverable will contain at: • Month 12: a beta implementation of the back-end and an update of the technical documentation. • Milestone 2: a RC implementation of the back-end and an update of the technical documentation • Milestone 3: the final versions of the back-end and an update of the technical documentation. Please note that it is expected that partial deliverables will be compiled automatically from the current state of both, the source and documentation repositories. Finally, the source code will be packaged into a virtual machine in order to be easily reviewed. Targets Project partners. Waste Managers, Public Administration, Stakeholders that want to use the public infrastructure. Tasks involved All task in WP1 and T2.2 Relation with other deliverables The back-end will be used across the proyect. For example, the Collection (T2.3) and Planning (T2.4) modules, the apps (T4.5), the design of the prevention campaigns (T4.1), the learning materials (T4.2), the serious games (T4.3) and citizen science actions (T4.4).  

Implementation of R1: Operation and Management Module

R+OTHER Format Source code and virtual machine image. Short description Source code of the implementation of the Operational and Management module. This deliverable will ontain the logic of the Operation and Management module and the different front-ends including the Monitoring System and the different Dashboards. Objectives Content and methodology • Implementation: source code of the implementation which will be available in a public repository. • User interfaces for the components of the system. As we plan to use AGILE methodologies to develop the IT tools, both the technical documentation and the implementation will be ready to be delivered continuously. In any case, this deliverable will contain at: • Milestone 2: a beta implementation of the front-end and an update of the technical documentation. • Milestone 3: the RC versions of the front-end and an update of the technical documentation. • Milestone 4: the final version of the front-end and an update of the technical documentation. Please note that it is expected that partial deliverables will be compiled automatically from the current state of both, the source and documentation repositories. Finally, the source code will be packaged into a virtual machine in order to be easily reviewed. Targets Project partners. Waste Managers, Public Administration, Stakeholders that want to use the public infrastructure. Tasks involved All task in WP1 and T2.2 Relation with other deliverables This deliberable has partial conection with D2.6, D2.8 and D2.10 as they will share part of the infrastructure an interfaces.

Best Practices database in Circular Economy, Economic Instruments and Prevention Actions

Type: other Short description: Databases with the best iniciatives found in the European Union related to circular economy actions, economic instruments used and prevention actions related to the waste management. Objectives Build a database of circular economy Best Practices and New Business Models, economic instruments used to prevent the creation of waste as weel as to foster correct sorting of the waste and best practices in prevention and awareness campaigns. Content and methodology To build the databases, surveys will be send to relevant stakeholders. Interviews will be made when possible. Finally, both direct search on internet and continuos technology watchs will be made. ● On month 6 a data model to store all the information will be made. ● On month 12 it will be delivered a database with PAYT and incentive schemes, Innovative Business Models to foster circular economy nd Best Practices in Prevention and Awareness Campaigns in place at EU level, including a viability evaluation for the implementation in the 4 pilots. It will be targeting primarily waste reduction, high recycling, high quality of the recyclable fractions collected, comfort for citizens. About 10 major PAYT schemes will be described (e.g. based on volume, weight, number of deliveries, containers access, etc.). At least 10 innovative business models related to circular economy will be described (e.g. input and output materials , LCA of the process, localization, etc.). Finally, more than 10 Prevention and Awareness Campaigns will be described (e.g. target group, delivery system, objective, results, etc.) Targets Citizen, stakeholders and project partners. Tasks involved T1.1, T1.3, T2.5, T4.1 and T5.1 Relation with other deliverables This databases will be used in D2.5, D4.1 and D5.1.

Implementation of R4: Circular Economy Planning Module

R+OTHER - Format Source code and the virtual machine image. Short description Source code of the implementation of the Circular Economy Planning Module. This module consists of a set of tools that will facilitate the retrieving of circular economy possibilities to public administration enterprise managers and potential investors at the pilot regions Objectives Develop the Circula Economy Planning Module Content and methodology This deliverable will include the implementation of the Circular Economy Planning Module available in a public repository. In any case, this deliverable will contain at: ● Milestone 2: a beta implementation of the Circular Economy Planning Module and an update of the technical documentation. ● Milestone 3: a RC implementation of the Circular Economy Planning Module and an update of the technical documentation. ● Milestone 4: the final version of the Circular Economy Planning Module and the technical documentation. Please note that it is expected that partial deliverables will be compiled automatically from the current state of both, the source and documentation repositories. Finally, the source code will be packaged into a virtual machine in order to be easily reviewed. Targets Project partners, Academia, Public Authorities, Enterprise Managers, investors and potential contributors to the platform Tasks involved All task in WP1 and Task T2.4. Moreover, this module will be used by the serious games (T4.2) and the citizen science actions (T4.3). Relation with other deliverables This deliverable will have a close relationship with D1.1, D1.2, D1.3, D2.7, D2.8, D4.5, D4.9 and D4.10.

Implementation of the Apps of R5, R6 and R7

R + Other Format Source code and binary in the respective mobile software distribution platforms. Short description Three Apps will be developed in this project: ● Food App: to prevent edible food waste ● Local Trade App: to foster sustainable trade, cooperative actions and tourism following waste hierarchy and promoting circular economy ● Citizen App: to foster transparency and citizen participation Objectives Developt the three apps Content and methodology Source code of the implementation of the three APPS following an AGILE methodologies. This deliverable will contain at: ● Milestone 2: a beta implementation of the Apps and an update of the technical documentation. ● Milestone 3: a RC implementation of the Apps and an update of the technical documentation. ● Milestone 4: the final version of the Apps and the technical documentation. Please note that it is expected that partial deliverables will be compiled automatically from the current state of both, the source and documentation repositories. Finally, the source code will be packaged into a binary app and published in the respective mobile software distribution platforms to be easily used by citizens. Targets Citizen, Public Authorities, Waste Managers, Project Partners and potential contributors to the platform Tasks involved All task in WP1 and WP2, Task 4.1, T4.5 and T5.2 Relation with other deliverables D1.1, D1.3, D2.1; D2.5, D2.7, D2.9, D4.1-D4.2, D5.1 and D5.2

Implementation of R3: Planning Module

R+OTHER - Format Source code and the virtual machine image. Short description Source code of the implementation of the Planning Module. The Planning Module is a set of tools to optimize different aspects of the waste collection system composed of the following components: ● Tools to create models of the generation patterns and future trends ● Multi-objective optimization procedures ● Infraestructures and event planning ● Open Data Module. ● Sustainable Public Procurement Recommendation ● What-if platform (editor, simulator and visualization systems) Objectives Develop the Planning Module Content and methodology As we plan to use AGILE methodologies to develop the IT tools, both the technical documentation and the implementation will be ready to be delivered continuously. In any case, this deliverable will contain at: ● Milestone 2: a beta implementation of the Planning Module and an update of the technical documentation. ● Milestone 3: a RC implementation of the Planning Module and an update of the technical documentation. ● Milestone 4: the final version of the Planning Module and the technical documentation. Please note that it is expected that partial deliverables will be compiled automatically from the current state of both, the source and documentation repositories. Finally, the source code will be packaged into a virtual machine in order to be easily reviewed. Targets Project partners, Academia, Waste Managers, public administration and potential contributors to the platform. Tasks involved This deliverable will be in relation with all the task in WP1 and Task T2.1-T2.3 Moreover, this module will be principally used by the different technological and non-technological solutions of the project (WP3, WP4, WP5). Relation with other deliverables This deliverable will have a close relationship with D2.1-D2.10,D3.1-D3.4, D4.2-D4.12, D5.1 and D5.2.

Implementation of the R10: Eco-design game

R + Other Dissemination level: PP - Partially Public Format The Eco-Design Game will be delivered as a web app in the following languages: English, Danish, Greek, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Short description The following games will be delivered as playable prototypes. ● Sorting game: A small 2D single-player skills-based game with a number of levels, where the participant will win only by acquiring abilities for waste sorting. ● Eco-design game: A small 2D single-player online puzzle game where the player wins the game by combining elements and making new eco-designs. ● Planning game: A small 2D real-time single-player planning game, where the player gains points by understanding and optimizing the underlying waste system. ● Virtual city game: A 2D online real time multiplayer virtual city strategy game, where the player gains points by developing your city and taking into account circular economy principles. Objectives Develop the serious game R10: Eco-Design Game Content and methodology The Eco-Design Game will be built based on the specifications set out in the Pilots Planning Documentation (Deliverable D1.1) following an AGILE methodology. This game will be delivered as a WebGL game that can be played from the project's web site in modern browsers (FireFox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11). Finally, this deliberable will be at the following stages: ● Alpha: first rough prototype of the core gameplay. This should be completed at Month 12. ● Beta: Prototype that is featured completed with some preliminar content. This should be made at Milestone 2. ● Final: Final complete version of the prototype for the final pilot. This should be made by Milestone 3. Targets Consortium Partners, Schools and Universities, General public, Academia, Local authorities, Waste managers. Tasks involved All task in WP1 and WP2, and Tasks 4.1-T4.3 Relation with other deliverables D1.1-D1.3, D2.1, D.2.5, D.2.7, D2.9 D4.2, D4.3, D4.4.

Implementation of the R9: Sorting Game

R+OTHER – Dissemination level: Public Format The Sorting Game will be delivered as a web app in the following languages: English, Danish, Greek, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Short description The following games will be delivered as playable prototypes. ● Sorting game: A small 2D single-player skills-based game with a number of levels, where the participant will win only by acquiring abilities for waste sorting. ● Eco-design game: A small 2D single-player online puzzle game where the player wins the game by combining elements and making new eco-designs. ● Planning game: A small 2D real-time single-player planning game, where the player gains points by understanding and optimizing the underlying waste system. ● Virtual city game: A 2D online real time multiplayer virtual city strategy game, where the player gains points by developing your city and taking into account circular economy principles. Objectives Develop the serious game R9: Sorting Game Content and methodology The Sorting Game will be built based on the specifications set out in the Pilots Planning Documentation (Deliverable D1.1) following an AGILE methodology. This game will be delivered as a WebGL game that can be played from the project's web site in modern browsers (FireFox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11). Finally, this deliberable will be at the following stages: ● Alpha: first rough prototype of the core gameplay. This should be completed at Month 12. ● Beta: Prototype that is featured completed with some preliminar content. This should be made at Milestone 2. ● Final: Final complete version of the prototype for the final pilot. This should be made by Milestone 3. Targets Consortium Partners, Schools and Universities, General public, Academia, Local authorities, Waste managers. Tasks involved All task in WP1 and WP2, and Tasks 4.1-T4.3 Relation with other deliverables D1.1-D1.3, D2.1, D.2.5, D.2.7, D2.9 D4.2, D4.3, D4.4.

Implementation of R17: non ICT Innovative Social Actions

"R - Format Written report in English, delivered as a printable PDF following the identity style guide created in the Communication and dissemination Plan, with a professional graphical editing. Short description This report will describe the environmental education strategies to be followed during the implementation of each pilot, including the most innovative social actions that will not use the ICT platform to reach a high level of awareness and change in habits from the different targets involved. Objectives The aim of this program is to develop the best environmental education and awareness strategy and to present it along with the implementation of all the required actions to undertake the demonstrative objectives of the pilot sites. The final goal is to reach a high rate of empowerment and awareness, and finally, a change in consumption and waste management habits among the different stakeholders involved in the implementation of the different actions. Content and methodology The deliverable will include a full program that defines a strategic and integral awareness/participation campaign for each pilot, new innovative social actions will be defined to promote prevention and social empowerment. General strategy and each communication activity will be deeply described and scheduled, application methodology deployed, ready to be implemented in each pilot. Both online & offline materials, networks, training, empowerment, and other direct tools will be developed according to the contents and objectives of the project. The Report will be divided into these sections: ● Targets and Key messages definition, in general and for each pilot taking into account the socio-economic context, current situation, kind of pilot actions to be developed. ●● Awareness/Participation Campaign definition ○ General contents. Definition of common strategies. ○ Strategy for each pilot. Definition of the action plan for each pilot, awareness and educational actions to be developed. Experiences gained in Seveso, Cascais, Zamudio and Halandri will be included in the best practice database. A close work between coordinator responsible for this deliverable and all involved partners will be done to define the actions and contents. Several workshops (with local partners but also with Public Authorities, Civic entities, Citizen and Industries) will be hold to reach consensus about the strategies included in the Environmental Education Program. Finally, specific innovative awareness campaigns will be defined: ● The outcome of the ""virtuous households contest"" performed in Seveso will be included in this deliverable, as a reminder about the theoretical maximum recycling rate and waste reduction that citizens are able to achieve when highly motivated with a prize. ● SEVESO is committed to dramatically reduce the amount of disposable nappies providing a free service lasting one to three months including rental and washing for participating families. ● In Zamudio several courses of creative cooking for leftover reutilization will be taught to further reduce the amount of edible food waste. Targets Local authorities, Civic entities, Citizens, Economic Activities, Industries Tasks involved This Delivery is the output of Task 4.1 Other tasks involved: All Task in WP1, T2.4, T2.5 and all task in WP3 and WP4 Relation with other deliverables D1.1, D1.4-D1.7, D2.7-D2.10, D3.1-D3.4, D4.1-D4.12, D5.3. "

Full Test Report

Format: (R) Technical document. Short description: Report written in English and with parts available in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Greek, with the overall progress of the pilots. Objectives ● To summarize the actions taken ● To assess the progress made in every pilot with respect to the baseline Content and methodology: This report will contain the following information: ○ an update of the evaluation of the state of the waste collection system of every pilot once all the pilots activities have been completed ○ an update of the social actions carried out at every pilot site ○ a final report of the results of the technologies tested○ a review in terms of the KPIs and the project baseline following the sustainability model defined in D1.3 ○ Techno-economic public study of the effectiveness of the production of biofuel from pre-dried shredded kitchen waste and the production of biofuels and compost from disposable napies. ○ LCA of the production of biofuel from pre-dried shredded kitchen waste and the production of biofuels and compost from disposable napies Targets Citizen, stakeholders and project partners. Tasks involved T1.4-1.6. Relation with other deliverables Update of the baseline measured in D1.3.

Technical Documentation of the Invoicing Module for R2

R + Other Dissemination level: PP - Partially Public Format The final product will be a new invoicing software that integrate PAYT (Pay As You Throw) schemes. Also a web site will be prepared to link invoicing data to external restricted use (i.e. Citizen and Local Trade App ). The software and related manual will be prepared in, at least, English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French and Italian, following the specific national law and regulation about waste tax. Short description A fundamental step to move towards a PAYT scheme is the possibility to generate clear and immediately understandable invoices for citizens, related to the amount of waste generated according to the local regulation on waste tax. This software will be able to do this, including the use of strong and reliable indicators and a web module that will allow to disclose the main parameters to the apps that will be developed for citizens in the Waste4Think project. Objectives The objectives of this deliverable are the following: 1. Ensure that the measurement methodology for waste will comply with criteria of reliability, safety, fairness and transparency. 2. Identify indicators for the chosen measurement model and provide to the Local Authority with IT instruments to facilitate the monitoring and control phases, in order to easily identify anomalies and take corrective actions Content and methodology This deliverable will include ● a complete architecture specification a ● The technical documentation. ● A user manual for the two different access profiles (citizens, municipality) Targets Municipalities and Consortia of Local Authorities, Public Utility companies, Citizen. Tasks involved It is the output of T5.4. Involved with all task of WP1, T2.1, T2.2, T4.5, T5.1, T5.2 and T5.3 Relation with other deliverables D1.1, D1.3, D2.1, and D5.1.

Deployment & Integration Report

Format: (R) Technical document. Short description: Report written in English and with parts available in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Greek, with the overall progress of the pilots during the Deployment and Integration Phase. Objectives ● To summarize the actions taken ● To assess the progress made in every pilot with respect to the baseline Content and methodology: This report will contain the following information: ○ a preliminary evaluation of the state of the waste collection system of every pilot ○ an update of the social actions taken in every pilot ○ a report of the technologies integrated○ a review in terms of the KPIs and the project baseline following the sustainability model defined in D1.3 Targets Citizen, stakeholders and project partners. Tasks involved T1.4-1.6. Relation with other deliverables Update of the baseline measured in D1.3.

Technical Documentation of R1: Operation and Management Module

R+OTHER Format Technical documentation written in English Short description Technical documentation describing the Operational and Management module. This module will be based on the FIWARE platform and will consist of: • Development Platform: Databases, Source Code Repositories, Documentation Management Systems, Issue Tracking System and Continuous Integration Platforms; • Different IoT devices like scales, volumetric sensors, artificial vision systems, traffic congestion sensors, treatment plant monitoring, identification systems, etc. installed all over the value chain of the waste management. • Back-end: FIWARE Generic Enablers like the Identity Manager, Device Backend Gateway, Context Broker, Connector Framework, CEP, ST Historic and Open Data; • Front-end: including the Monitoring System and the different Dashboards. Objectives • Set the architecture of the Operation and Management module and the different IoT devices. • Define the communication protocols and data models that communicate all the modules to be developed in the project. • Write the technical documentation and the user's manuals. Content and methodology This deliverable will include: • Architecture specifications: data models, communication protocols, public APIs and UML diagrams of the architecture. • Technical documentation: API description, installation and user manuals and other similar technical documentation. As we plan to use AGILE methodologies to develop the IT tools, both the technical documentation and the implementation will be ready to be delivered continuously. In any case, this deliverable will contain at: • Milestone 1: a complete architecture specification of the back-end and the first draft of the technical documentation. Draft design of the sensor platform. • Month 12: Final design of the sensor platform. A complete architecture specification of the front-end. Targets Project partners. Waste Managers, Public Administration, Stakeholders that want to use the public infrastructure. Tasks involved All task in WP1 and T2.1 an T2.2 Relation with other deliverables This deliverable defines the core infrastructure of the project. All task of WP1 and WP2 will use directly or indirectly this documentation. Moreover, the apps (T4.5), the design of the prevention campaigns (T4.1), the learning materials (T4.2), the serious games (T4.3) and citizen science actions (T4.4) will also use this documentation.

Communication and Dissemination Plan

Format The communication plan will be an online document, shared by the project partners and available to all of them. The report will be written in English and will follow the identity style. Short description The communication and dissemination plan will include the objectives, target groups, instruments and messages to be communicated. The deliverable should detail: 1. Definition of the image of the project through the creation of an editorial/ graphic line, that will be used for all promotional materials. 2. Planning of training and promotional materials (brochures, posters, promotional materials, and so on), useful for the spreading and learning of the core themes of the project. Materials will be ecological, sustainable and texts will be edited in English, and when it’s necessary, in pilot areas language; 3. The format of informative panels to be placed in strategic positions of the involved locations, accessible to the public; 4. Process to make press releases, since the start of the project, concerning all relevant events (conferences, public events, meetings and so on), which will be periodically sent to local and national and international media (newspapers, TVs, radios and press agencies). 5. Publication of press releases on the Internet: specialized sites dedicated to the environment/ecology/recycling sites for third sector, partners’ and involved stakeholders’ websites; 6. Relationship of the publishes made at the newsletter, social networks, etc. The deliverable should also include a chronogram of the activities to carry out and the responsibles for each of them. It will also include the relationship of the different activities and the information flows. Objectives The communication plan aims to communicate, spread and promote the results achieved during the implementation of the project, both to the interested subjects and to a wider audience at a local and an European level that could benefit from Waste4Think experience. This deliverable will make clear the target groups and their potential benefits. Content and methodology All promotional materials should be eco-friendly and made with recycled paper. Messages should be clear and attractive and the target groups carefully identified. The communication plan will be defined at Milestone 1 and updated, in relation to the implementation of the project actions, at Milestone 2, Milestone 3, Milestone 4 and Milestone 5. Targets All the actors involved in the circular economy: industries, citizen, waste managers, public administrators, policy makers, etc. Of course, the project partners and communication managers will be the first ones to be informed about. Tasks involved All task in WP7 Relation with other deliverables D7.2 and D7.3

Technical Documentation of the Apps of R5, R6 and R7

R+OTHER Format Technical documentation written in English, with parts in Spanish, Italian, Greek and Portuguese Short description Three Apps will be developed in this project: ● Food App: to prevent edible food waste ● Local Trade App: to foster sustainable trade, cooperative actions and tourism following waste hierarchy and promoting circular economy ● Citizen App: to foster transparency and citizen participation Objectives ● Set the architecture of the different Apps. ● Define the communication protocols and data models that communicate the Apps with the rest of the modules and with the back-end. ● Write the technical documentation and the user's manuals. Content and methodology This deliverable will include: ● Architecture specifications: data models, communication protocols, public APIs and UML diagrams of every App. ● Technical documentation: API description, user manuals and other similar technical documentation. Targets Citizen, Public Authorities, Waste Managers, Project Partners and potential contributors to the platform Tasks involved All task in WP1 and WP2, Task 4.1, T4.5 and T5.2 Relation with other deliverables D1.1, D1.3, D2.1; D2.5, D2.7, D2.9, D4.1-D4.2, D5.1 and D5.2

Pilots Planning documentation

R+OTHER Format: Technical document. Short description: Technical documentation written in English and defining all the cross-cutting aspects of the project that should be taken into consideration from the beginning. Objectives ● Set the legislation framework of all the pilots sites ● Fix the scope of the project: - Identify the user groups and involved stakeholders, - Specify the user functional requirements, - Write the use cases - Define the functional requirements of all the solutions - Define the technical specifications of the envisaged technical solutions Content and methodology Every component of this document will follow a different methodology: ● Legislation: Comprehensive analysis of the current legislation of the 4 pilots will be delivered on Milestone 1. ● Scope: an ‘use cases’ report and a formal definition of the system requirements will be produced at Milestone 1. This report will be the basis of all the solutions developed in the project. Targets Citizen, stakeholders and project partners. Tasks involved T1.1 - T1.2. Relation with other deliverables This deliverable will be the main result of WP1. Moreover, the production of this deliverable will define the Milestone 1 and will be used extensively all over the project.

Preparatory Actions Report

Type: R + Other Format: (R) Technical document. Short description: Report written in English and with parts available in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Greek, with the overall progress of the pilots during the Preparatory Actions. Objectives ● To summarize the actions taken ● To assess the progress made in every pilot with respect to the baseline Content and methodology: This report will contain the following information: ○ a report describing the sensors that have being deployed at every pilot site and their location ○ a summary of the social actions carried out and their results ○ a report with the state of the technologies to be deployed at the pilot sites ○ a review in terms of the KPIs and the project baseline following the sustainability model defined in D1.3 Targets Citizen, stakeholders and project partners. Tasks involved T1.4-1.6. Relation with other deliverables Update of the baseline measured in D1.3.

Technical Documentation of R2: Collection Module

R+OTHER - Dissemination level: Public Format The deliverable contains the technical documentation, installation and user guides of the Collection Module (Mawis U3.0).The documentation will be delivered in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French and Italian. Short description Implementation of the Collection Module. This module will be developed as an extension of the Mawis U2.0 platform of MBA and is composed of a set of tools to optimize different aspects of the waste collection system. In particular: ● An automatic fleet route optimization algorithm ● A navigation software for the computers onboard of the collection truck ● Personalized software tool to foster eco-driving habits. Objectives The objective of this deliverable is to create the documentation of the upgrade the Mawis U2.0 service for Waste Management in order to introduce a more automatic and efficient operation of the waste collection system. Content and methodology A complete technical documentation publicly available in the web page of the project including an user manual and an architecture specification. Targets Waste managers and truck drivers, who will have new tools to improve the operational strategies. Tasks involved This deliverable will be in relation with all the task in WP1 and WP2. Relation with other deliverables This deliverable will have a close relationship with D2.1-D2.4

Technical Documentation of the Serious Games (R9-R12)

"R+OTHER – Dissemination level: Public Format Technical documentation written in English. Short description The following games will be delivered as playable prototypes. ● Sorting game: A small 2D single-player skills-based game with a number of levels, where the participant will win only by acquiring abilities for waste sorting. ● Eco-design game: A small 2D single-player online puzzle game where the player wins the game by combining elements and making new eco-designs. ● Planning game: A small 2D real-time single-player planning game, where the player gains points by understanding and optimizing the underlying waste system. ● Virtual city game: A 2D online real time multiplayer virtual city strategy game, where the player gains points by developing your city and taking into account circular economy principles. Objectives Define the scope, the integration points, and the dependencies of the 4 serious games. Content and methodology The game design document will consolidate all available information from the relevant work packages, the workshops carried out and the groups of end-users, and will develop a full specification for the 4 games. The game design document will include the following for each game: ● Basic information: Target group, context of usage, platform, duration, game genre, # of players, technology requirements and visual style ● Core gameplay: ● Overview features: A description of the game features in terms of functionality and implementation. ● Flowchart: An overview of the progress through the game. ● ‘60 seconds’ game: A short description from a user perspective of how the game is perceived by the player to give an impression of the total user experience. ● Integration overview: A description of the points to be integrated with the external systems and the API along with standards for communication with these. ● User manuals including installation/deployment manuals. These will be available at least in English, Danish, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek and Italian. ● Game Design document: The specification of the games to be developed especially with focus on scope, integration and dependencies. This should be complete at Milestone 1. ● Mock-up: A first mockup of how the game will look like and feel in some few sketches. This should be complete at Milestone 1. ● Pre-prototype: Moreover, this deliverable will also contain a first rough prototype of the core gameplay. This should be completed at Month 12. Targets Consortium Partners, Schools and Universities, General public, Academia, Local authorities, Waste managers. Tasks involved All task in WP1 and WP2, and Tasks 4.1-T4.3 Relation with other deliverables D1.1-D1.3, D2.1, D.2.5, D.2.7, D2.9 D4.2, D4.3, D4.4. "

New Regulations to Implement PAYT Systems (R16)

R - Format This deliverable will be prepared as a written report in English, downloadable through the Waste4Think website. The new PAYT municipal regulation, to be prepared in the framework of the project, will be included in both the official languages of the pilot sites and English. A specific web page including the hyperlinks to all relevant external websites about economic instruments case studies will be also prepared. Short description Across EU there are many economic instruments already implemented to promote high recycling and waste prevention. This report will include an inventory of the best practices, with a particular focus on Pay As You Throw (PAYT) schemes, i.e. those schemes addressing directly the single citizens. Objectives The main objectives are: ● to show how behavioural change and attitude towards recycling and waste prevention can be boosted by using economic instruments ● to highlight the most viable solutions according to the local boundary conditions, with specific reference to the 4 pilots ● to identify new innovative indicators to be used in PAYT schemes ● a specific objective is to introduce PAYT for all citizens of Seveso, Zamudio and Cascais, whose new regulation will be presented in this deliverable. Content and methodology The deliverable will be constantly updated according to the specific milestones of the project. It will include these sections: ● Proposal for the definition of specific PAYT schemes on the pilots sites (Task 5.3) The 3 municipalities relying on road containers, and currently experiencing low recycling rates (Halandri (GR), Cascais (PT), Zamudio (ES) will participate in this common task in order to capitalize from the existing best practices database. The 3 pilots will adopt the new regulation introducing the PAYT scheme, which will be published as an annex to the deliverable (in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and English). So, 3 proposals of PAYT will be reported by Milestone 3 andthe executive regulations should be updated by Milestone 4. Targets Local authorities, Regional and National governments, Enterprises involved in waste collection monitoring for PAYT, Environmental associations, Citizens. Tasks involved This Delivery is the output of Tasks T5.1, T5.2 and T5.3 Other tasks involved: All task in WP1, T2.4, T2.5 and T4.5 Relation with other deliverables D1.1-D1.7, D2.1, D2.5, D2.7, D2.9, D5.1 and D5.2

Project Quality Plan

R - Format and short description This deliverable will be a public report written in English which will give an overview of the most relevant project information, operational procedures and quality procedures in order to run the Waste4Think Project adequately. Objective The Project Quality Plan will aim to be a project management tool, providing some useful information for project partners and WP leaders to carry out their tasks. It will explain the procedures to be followed to assure that activities are carried out as committed on time and with the highest quality possible. Explanation about some of the most important administrative procedures (i.e. Project Reporting) will be also given in this deliverable. Furthermore, the purpose of the deliverable will be also to shortly elaborate on issues stated in the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement from a practical point of view. However, in the event of discrepancy between documents, this Project Quality Plan will be overruled by the EU Grant Agreement including its Annexes, and the Consortium Agreement with its possible addendums. This document will suffer modifications through the lifecycle of Waste4Think project. Content and targets The contents of this report will be a description of the methodology used to assess the quality of every result of the project, in particular: • The composition and responsibilities of the Quality Assurance Committee • The procedure to make the peer-review process of the results This report will be delivered at Milestone 1. Task involved All task of WP8.

Technical Documentation of R4: Circular Economy Planning Module

R+OTHER - Format Technical documentation written in English Short description Technical documentation of the Circular Economy Planning Module. This module consists of a set of tools that will facilitate the retrieving of circular economy possibilities to public administration enterprise managers and potential investors at the pilot regions Objectives ● Set the architecture of the Circular Economy Planning Module ● Fix the communication protocols and data models that communicate Circular Economy Planning Module with the back-end and other modules (as the Collection Module, the Planning Module, the Serious Games) ● Write the technical documentation and the user's manual Content and methodology This deliverable will include: ● Architecture specifications: data models, communication protocols, public APIs and UML diagrams of the Circular Economy Planning Module ● Circular Economy Planning Module technical documentation: API description, installation and user manual ● The data model to store the Circular Economy Best Practices and New Business Models Please note that it is expected that partial deliverables will be compiled automatically from the current state of both, the source and documentation repositories. Finally, the source code will be packaged into a virtual machine in order to be easily reviewed. Targets Project partners, Academia, Public Authorities, Enterprise Managers, investors and potential contributors to the platform Tasks involved All task in WP1 and Task T2.4. Moreover, this module will be used by the serious games (T4.2) and the citizen science actions (T4.3). Relation with other deliverables This deliverable will have a close relationship with D1.1, D1.2, D1.3, D2.7, D2.8, D4.5, D4.9 and D4.10.

Best Practices Book (R18)

R - Format This will be a written handbook, delivered as a printable PDF following the identity style guide created in the Communication and dissemination Plan, with a professional graphical editing. It will be delivered in English. Short description This Handbook will be a compilation of the best practices on waste management detected and applied during the project with the contribution of all partners. The Best Practices description will include formal tables with objectives, methodology, foreseen and actual results, recommendations and contact person or entities. Objectives The aim of this Handbook is to compile and transfer the best waste management solutions tested during the four pilots. The objective is to record the lessons learnt and knowledge developed to promote and disseminate the Waste4Think tools and strategies with the best results for the future application of the proposed actions to other sites at different scales. Content and methodology The Best Practices Handbook will collect the most innovative and successful knowledge generated during the project. Assisted by IT Tools the best practices description will be complemented with recommendations and guidelines to reproduce the pilots’ actions. The Best Practices choice will be done with the collaboration of all partners. A close work between coordinator responsible for this deliverable and all involved partners will be done to define the Best Practices included in the Handbook and the most interesting contents. Some forms will be developed to be fulfilled with the requested information and will be included both in the pdf version and in the online database version. For the latter, it will be added a search tool to help users to find the best options taking into account their interests. For each Best Practice it will be described, at least, the following information: ● Best Practice Name ● Short Description ● Waste Management stage involved ● Target ● Objective ● Methodology ● Tools involved ● Indicators ● Monitoring system ● Foreseen and actual results ● Recommendations ● Contacts and links This deliverable will be presented at Milestone 5. Targets Local authorities, Civic Entities, Citizens, Journalist, Economic Activities, Industries, Academia. Tasks involved This Delivery is an output of Tasks 1.5 and T1.6 Relation with other deliverables D1.3-D1.6 and D7.2

Implementation of R8: STEM Lessons

R+OTHER Format The teaching units will be delivered according to the standards defined in Task 7.2 for the materials of the project. The teaching units will be available in the following languages: English, Polish, Spanish and Greek. Short description This deliverable will contain digital STEM lessons for fostering a better understanding of waste-generation prevention actions. Objectives The aim of the educational units is to make possible a bottom up strategy in which citizen and scholars are the main actors. The deliverable should make possible their education as well as the paths and methods for transmitting all the acquired knowledge to other societal layers. Content and methodology Deliverable 4.2 will include a minimum of 4 digital STEM lessons comprising of topic presentation and activities All these resources will be accessible from the web page of the project as well as in relevant public repositories for teaching materials. Finally, the methodology followed to build the STEM lessons will be based on the Inquiry Based Learning and the 5E approach: engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate. Targets All the actors involved in the Circular Economy concept and in the minimum, Public Authorities, Citizen, Industry and Scholars. Tasks involved All task in WP1, T2.4-T2.5 and T4.1 Relation with other deliverables D1.1-D1.3, D2.7-D2.10. and D4.1.

Preliminary Test Report

Format: (R) Technical document. Short description: Report written in English and with parts available in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Greek, with the overall progress of the pilots during the Preliminary Test Phase. Objectives ● To summarize the actions taken ● To assess the progress made in every pilot with respect to the baseline Content and methodology: This report will contain the following information: ○ a complete evaluation of the state of the waste collection system of every pilot ○ an update of the social actions taken in every pilot ○ a preliminary report of the results of the technologies tested ○ a review in terms of the KPIs and the project baseline following the sustainability model defined in D1.3 Targets Citizen, stakeholders and project partners. Tasks involved T1.4-1.6. Relation with other deliverables Update of the baseline measured in D1.3.

Implementation of Citizen Science Solutions of R13, R14 and R15

R - Format Report, written in English and with parts available in Spanish and Greek, with the methodology followed to design and to carry out the citizen science activities of the project. Short description Taking advantage of the stage editors of the serious games, realistic scenarios of the waste management of a city will be made and presented to the participant. Then, citizen will look for solutions for a better management of the city in a co-creation fashion. Finally, the best solution found will be presented to the relevant authorities to be taken into consideration. Objectives ● Present the methodology followed to prepare the citizen science activities ● Set the challenges to present to the citizens ● Summarize the main results of the activities Content and methodology This deliverable will include: ● A written report with an explanation of the challenges (at least 2 for every pilot) to be introduced in the serious games and the methodology to carry out the citizen science activities. This should be made for Milestone 2. ● Technical documentation (including user manual) and implementation of the stage editor and the actual implementation of the challenges described in the previous document. This should be made for Milestone 3. Please note that the technical documentation will only be made in English except for the user’s manual that will be translated. ● Report of the actions carried out (call for participation in the contests, dissemination activities at schools and universities to promote the participation on this citizen science activity, dissemination actions to involve citizen, etc.). This should be made for Milestone 4. ● Report with the results of the actions carried out. In particular, this deliverable will contain the group that got the prizes at the contests, the best solutions found for every challenge and a comparative assessment of the solutions found by humans and by machines. This should be made for Milestone 5. Targets Participant in the Citizen Science Activities, General Public, Academia, Local Authorities, Waste Managers. Tasks involved All task in WP1, T4.1-T4.3 Relation with other deliverables D1.1-D1.3, D4.1-D4.9

Technical Documentation of R3: Planning Module

R+OTHER - Format Technical documentation written in English Short description Technical documentation of the implementation of the Planning Module. The Planning Module is a set of tools to optimize different aspects of the waste collection system composed of the following components: ● Tools to create models of the generation patterns and future trends ● Multi-objective optimization procedures ● Infraestructures and event planning ● Open Data Module. ● Sustainable Public Procurement Recommendation ● What-if platform (editor, simulator and visualization systems) Objectives ● Set the architecture of the Planning Module. ● Fix the communication protocols and data models that communicate Planning Module with the back-end and other modules (as the Collection Module, the O&M Module, the Circular Economy Module and the Serious Games). ● Write the technical documentation and the user's manual. Content and methodology This deliverable will include: ● Architecture specifications: data models, communication protocols, public APIs and UML diagrams of the Planning Module. ● Planning Module technical documentation: API description, installation and user manual and other similar technical documentation. As we plan to use AGILE methodologies to develop the IT tools, both the technical documentation and the implementation will be ready to be delivered continuously. Targets Project partners, Academia, Waste Managers, public administration and potential contributors to the platform. Tasks involved This deliverable will be in relation with all the task in WP1 and Task T2.1-T2.3 Moreover, this module will be principally used by the different technological and non-technological solutions of the project (WP3, WP4, WP5). Relation with other deliverables This deliverable will have a close relationship with D2.1-D2.10, D3.1-D3.4, D4.2-D4.12, D5.1 and D5.2.

Implementation of R17: ICT based Innovative Social Actions

R - Format Written report in English, delivered as a printable PDF following the identity style guide created in the Communication and dissemination Plan, with a professional graphical editing. Short description This report will describe the environmental education strategies to be followed during the implementation of each pilot, including the most innovative social actions that use the ICT platform developed in this project (R1-R15) to reach a high level of awareness and change in habits from the different targets involved. Objectives The aim of this Program is to develop the best environmental education and awareness strategy and to present it along with the implementation of all the required actions to undertake the demonstrative objectives of the pilot sites. The final goal is to reach a high rate of empowerment and awareness, and finally, a change in consumption and waste management habits among the different stakeholders involved in the implementation of the different actions. Content and methodology The deliverable will include a full program that defines a strategic and integral awareness/participation campaign for each pilot, new innovative social actions will be defined to promote prevention and social empowerment. General strategy and each communication activity will be deeply described and scheduled, application methodology deployed, ready to be implemented in each pilot. A set of Teaching Units (Deliverable D4.3-D4.4), Serious Games (Deliverable D4.5-D4.9) and Apps (Deliverable D4.11-D4.12) will be implemented to increase the impact of the social actions and to foster mutual learning, as well as to identify hotspots which allow to define ad hoc campaigns. Finally, a Citizen Science activity (Deliverable D4.12) will be carried out to co-create innovative eco-design solutions. The Report will be divided into these sections: ● Targets and Key messages definition, in general and for each pilot taking into account the socio-economic context, current situation, kind of pilot actions to be developed. ● Awareness/Participation Campaign definition ○ General contents. Definition of common strategies. ○ Strategy for each pilot. Definition of the action plan for each pilot, awareness and educational actions to be developed. Experiences gained in Seveso, Cascais, Zamudio and Halandri will be included in the best practice database. A close work between coordinator responsible for this deliverable and all involved partners will be done to define the actions and contents. Several workshops (with local partners but also with Public Authorities, Civic entities, Citizen and Industries) will be hold to reach consensus about the strategies included in the Environmental Education Program. Targets Local authorities, Civic entities, Citizens, Economic Activities, Industries Tasks involved This Delivery is the output of Task 4.1 Other tasks involved: All Task in WP1, T2.4, T2.5 and all task in WP3 and WP4 Relation with other deliverables D1.1, D1.4-D1.7, D2.7-D2.10, D3.1-D3.4, D4.1-D4.12, D5.3.

Implementation of R8: Digital Learning Materials

R+OTHER Format The digital learning materials will be delivered according to the standards defined in Task 7.2 for the materials of the project and will be available in the following languages: English, Polish, Spanish and Greek. Short description This deliverable will contain several open educational resources for teaching STEM subjects and fostering a better understanding of waste-generation prevention actions. In particular: ● digital project scenarios ● mobile location-based games Objectives The aim of the educational units is to make possible a bottom up strategy in which citizen and scholars are the main actors. The deliverable should make possible their education as well as the paths and methods for transmitting all the acquired knowledge to other societal layers. Content and methodology Deliverable 4.4 will include different types of educational resources that will follow the general motto of ecology and the prevention of waste generation. In particular: ● digital project scenarios with the project idea, plan, outcome, and a description of all the steps to complete the project - minimum 6 projects. Projects will be delivered at Milestone 3 ● mobile location-based games, which can be played using mobile devices and tailored to the particularities of the school areas in the two pilot cities of Spain and Greece - minimum 4 games. Games will be delivered at Milestone 3. All these resources will be accessible from the web page of the project as well as in relevant public repositories for teaching materials. Finally, the methodology followed to build the digital systems will be based on the Inquiry Based Learning and the 5E approach: engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate. Targets All the actors involved in the Circular Economy concept and in the minimum, Public Authorities, Citizen, Industry and Scholars. Tasks involved All task in WP1, T2.4-T2.5 and T4.1 Relation with other deliverables D1.1-D1.3, D2.7-D2.10. and D4.1.

Sustainability Assessment Models

Type: R+OTHER Short description: Technical documentation written in English defining the Sustainability Assessment Model for the project as weel as calculating the baseline of every pilot using this model. Objectives ● Fix the sustainability model and the KPIs to be used in the evaluation of the project objectives. Among the KPIs defined it will be included the main KPIs of the project: urban waste generation, urban waste sorted, waste diverted to landfield and urban waste management costs. ● Set the baseline of the pilot sites. In particular of the main KPIs of the project. Content and methodology Every component of this document will follow a different methodology: ● Sustainability model: Formal specification of the sustainability model. From this model a set of KPIs and the reference methodology for its calculation will be defined. The preliminary version of this report will be produced by Milestone 1. The final version will be obtained at Month 12. ● Indicators and monitoring system. Definition of the indicators to be calculated and monitoring actions to be deployed during the implementation of the awareness actions. This section should be made in Month 12. ● Define the models to calculate the parameters of the PAYT schemes including a set of innovative parameters aimed at certifying the effectiveness of the measurements of PAYT (Task 5.2) Each indicator will be identified to be potentially applied at EU level. Specific assessments will be carried out by SOFTLINE on Seveso or in other municipalities to take into account conditions affecting the correct identification (specific weight, distance, type of receptacle). This section should be made in Month 12. ● Baseline: the pilot sites will be reviewed in terms of the KPIs and the project baseline will be assessed (Milestones 6-9). In this sense, an integral waste management evaluation will be carried out. The report with the results of the baseline assessment of the pilots will be published in Month 12. Targets Citizen, stakeholders and project partners. Tasks involved T1.3. Relation with other deliverables The assessment model will be used in the interims reports (D1.4 – D1.7) to assess the progress towards the main objective of the project.

Data Management Plan

R - Format and short description This deliverable will be a report written in English. A Data Management Plan (DMP) will be prepared during the first months of the project. It will be a formal document that outlines data will be handled during the research activities, and after the project is completed. Objective This report will aim to detail main aspects about data management during the project execution. The goal is to consider the many aspects of data management, metadata generation, data preservation, and analysis before the project begins; this ensures that data are well-managed in the present, and prepared for preservation in the future. Moreover, the DMP will be update at least every year to reflect modification over the original plan. Content and targets Data Management Plan will answer to these questions: ● What file formats are most appropriate? ● How will you name your files? ● Can others understand the data? ● What metadata standards will you use? ● Where will you store the data? ● Who will do the backup? ● Can you publish / share your data? ● How will you license your data? ● Which data need to be kept? ● Who will share & preserve the data? This report will be delivered at Milestone 1 in draft and updated at the end of the project. Task involved Task 8.2.

Implementation of the Sensors for R1, R2 and R3

R+OTHER Format Prototypes Short description Prototypes of the different IoT devices like scales, volumetric sensors, artificial vision systems, traffic congestion sensors, treatment plant monitoring, identification systems, etc. to be installed all over the value chain of the waste management. Objectives Produce prototypes of the sensors to be deployed in the different pilots sites. Content and methodology Prototypes of the sensors to be deployed: Identification and position system, container fill level and bag counter, scales and real time solid waste characterization system in trucks, DIY platform to share edible food, compost monitoring system and real time traffic congestion information. Targets Project partners. Waste Managers, Public Administration, Stakeholders that want to use the public infrastructure. Tasks involved All task in WP1 and T2.1 Relation with other deliverables The sensor platform will be used across the proyect. In this sense, this sensors will be used in all task of WP1 and WP2. Moreover, the apps (T4.5), the design of the prevention campaigns (T4.1), the learning materials (T4.2), the serious games (T4.3) and citizen science actions (T4.4) will also use this documentation.


Presentación del Proyecto Europeo Waste4Think: Tecnologías 4.0 para una gestión inteligente de los residuos urbanos

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: DeustoTech Energy

Zamudio, en un proyecto europeo en clave sostenible

Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: DEIA

Nuevas Tecnologías para una gestión inteligente de los residuos urbanos

Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: 2016

Arranca el proyecto europeo ‘Waste4Think’ participado por ZABALA

Autores: ZABALA
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: NAVARRA Newspaper


Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: FuturENVIRO

Tecnologías 4.0 aplicadas a la gestión de los residuos urbanos

Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: 2016

Waste4Think Project: Technologies 4.0 for intelligent management of urban waste

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: DeustoTech Energy

Settimana europea della riduzione dei riuti: Legambiente elogia il modello Seveso

Autores: Legambiente
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: qui Brianza newspaper

"Waste4Think. Un proyecto para la ""gestión inteligente de los residuos"""

Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: 2016

Zamudio participa en un proyecto europeo para la reducción de residuos

Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: El Correo

Zamudio participa en un proyecto para la reducción de residuos

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2016

Presentation of the European Waste4Think Pro-ject: Technologies 4.0 for intelligent management of urban waste

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: DeustoTech Energy

Technologies 4.0 for smart urban waste management

Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: Press release

Waste4Think en la revista Deusto Ingeniería

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: DeustoTech Energy

Tecnologías 4.0 para una gestión inteligente de los residuos urbanos

Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: 2016

Zamudio en la vangaurdia de la reducción de residuos

Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: 2016

Waste4Think: tecnologías 4.0 para una gestión inteligente de los residuos urbanos

Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: RETEMA

Waste4Think en la revista Equipamiento y Servicios Municipales

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: DeustoTech Energy

Rifiuti, le nuove frontiere

Autores: Legambiente
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Il cittadino di monza e brianza

Report in National Environmental press magazine

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Ecotec

Patras: They converted organ-ic wastes into energy

Autores: Green Tech-nologies/ UPATRAS
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Peloponnisos (ΠΕΛΟΠΟΝΝΗΣΟΣ

Zamudio añade la visión 'eco' a la comida popular en favor del euskera

Autores: ZAMUDIO
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Deia

Riutilizzo dei rifiuti, delegazioni dall’Europa

Autores: Seveso/ Legambiente
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Il cittadino di monza e brianza

Two smart waste lorries acquired

Autores: ZAMUDIO
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: El Correo

Al Bosco il meet-ing di «Waste4Think»

Autores: Legambiente
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: """Giornale di Seregno"""

Legambiente a Fa La Cosa Giusta dal 10 al 12 Marzo: Focus su gestione dei rifiuti ed Economia Circolare

Autores: Legambiente
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Legambiente website

Towards a smart management of urban waste

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: El Correo (Innova+)

"""Waste4Think"": Seveso unica città italiana sostenuta dall'Europa per la gestione dei riuti"

Autores: Legambiente
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Qui Brianza

Hondakinen bilketa optimizatzeko teknologiak dituzten kamioiak

Autores: ZAMUDIO/ Mancomunidad de Txorierri
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Aikor

Seveso, una “Cena con il rifiuto” per imparare (meglio) la differenziata

Autores: Seveso/ Legambiente
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: MB News 'Il Giornale online di Monza e della Brianza'

Women beat ste-reotypes from school

Autores: ZAMUDIO
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Noticias de Gipuzkoa

The Waste4Think pilot program was launched

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: Municipality web page

Txorierri will produce biodiesel out of home-waste vegetable oil

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Deia


Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: 2017

Commitment to gather waste vegetable oil

Autores: ZAMUDIO
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 60

Solutions to accomodate tax-es to the actual waste generation

Autores: ZAMUDIO
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 62

Waste4Think: La tecnología al servicio de la ciudadanía para una gestión inteligente de los residuos urbanos

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Deusto Ingeniería

Completed the first half of the Waste4Think operation pro-gram

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Municipali-ty website

Waste4Think, the future of the management of urban waste

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 60

Los beneficios de innovar hacia la economía circular

Autores: ZABALA
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ZABALA Innovation Consulting

Tribute to waste4think magazine Ecotec program

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Municipali-ty web page

Raccolta differenziata Seveso da record: raggiunto l’82%

Autores: Legambiente
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: MB News 'Il Giornale online di Monza e della Brianza'

Report in a web Environmental Magazine

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2017

Report in a Na-tional press newspaper

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: AVGI

Report in Munici-pality of Halandri local press newspaper

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2017

Darecordilsaccoblucolmicrochip Ladifferenziataraggiungel’82%

Autores: Legambiente
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Il Giorno

Camiones con tecnologías para optimizar rutas de recogida

Autores: ZAMUDIO
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 63

Waste4Think visita la Mancomunidad de Sasieta

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: DeustoTech Energy

"""Verifiche nei confronti di chi fa il compostaggio domestico"""

Autores: Legambiente
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Zonanews

Tari: ecco gli stand di Legambiente Numerose le iniziative

Autores: Legambiente
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Giornale di Seregno - Desio

Txorierri bets on optimising urban waste collection

Autores: ZAMUDIO
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Deia

Improving urban waste manage-ment through participation and technology

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 60

Con “Waste4Think” un modelo virtuoso di gestione dei rifiuti

Autores: Legambiente
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: """Giornale di Seregno"""

Waste4Think ekimenak 20 eko-berrikuntza jarriko ditu martxan

Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: SPRI, Business Develop-ment Agency of the Basque Govern-ment

Zamudio gets involved in reduc-ing waste

Autores: ZAMUDIO
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Hemendik

DeustoTech En-ergy en FIWARE summit

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: DeustoTech Energy

Reunión en DeustoTech del proyecto Waste4Think

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: DeustoTech Energy

Clamoroso risultato record: A Seveso la raccolta differenziata vola all’82%

Autores: Legambiente
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Press re-lease of Comune di Seveso and Gelsia

Rifiuti, arriva la Tari su misura

Autores: Legambiente
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Giornale di Seregno - Desio

Waste4Think celebra su reunión de proyecto en Cascais

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: DeustoTech Energy

Technologies and citizen participa-tion against litter

Autores: ZAMUDIO
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: DEIA

In Seveso (Italy), third meeting of WASTE4THINK program

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Municipali-ty website

University of Patras scientific group produces biofuels from ... used nappies and food! It covers building energy needs

Autores: Green Tech-nologies/ UPATRAS
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: newsblog 'The Best news'

Il Bosco delle Querce pronto a sbocciare insieme a “Seveso in fiore”

Autores: Seveso/ Legambiente
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Bosco delle Querce, cambiano gli orari

Arimen Gaua: kandelak eskuan, birziklatzen buruan

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 66


Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Futurenviro

XXI. menderako moduko hondakinen kudeaketa

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 67

La ciudadanía realiza sus primeras aportaciones en Waste4Think

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 64

45 escolares exponen sus claves para un consumo sostenible

Autores: ZAMUDIO
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 64

Zamudio y Waste4Think, ejemplos de ecodiseño en el congreso bianual

Autores: ZAMUDIO
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 66

Segunda sesión de participación ciudadana

Autores: ZAMUDIO
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 66

Erronka, %65 birziklatzea da

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 65

"""El Ayuntamiento de Zamudio organiza, junto a Lagatzu, la primera 'Eko-festa'"""

Autores: ZAMUDIO
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 64

"Txorierriko lehenengo ""eko-festa"""

Autores: ZAMUDIO
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Aikor 172

efficient…food waste

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: efsyn


Autores: Seveso
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Seveso municipality

Conciencia ecológica en todas las comidas y fiestas populares

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 74

Zamudio mantendrá los contenedores de pañales del proyecto Waste4Think

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Residuos Profesional


Autores: Seveso
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Seveso municipality

Eco-news for Eco-parents: launch of reusable nappies campaign in Seveso

Autores: Seveso
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Seveso municipality

W4T project

Autores: Seveso
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Seveso municipality

'Arimen Gaua', una tradición recuperada, ya en el canal de YouTube de Zamudio

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: ADI Zamudio

HMEPIDA: 20 environmental solutions for waste management

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2018

Halfway through the Waste4Think project

Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Futurenviro

Virtuous Households

Autores: Seveso
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Seveso municipality

Waste4think, progressive full scale implementation of the waste management scheme in the municipality of halandri

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2018

El poder contaminante de una única colilla

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 74

Las papeleras de Zamudio reciclan

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Deia

"Preliminary results of the introduction of the PAYT in Seveso and social actions implemented. Magazine ""Recycling"" - issue January-February 2018"

Autores: ARS
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: ZENODO

Waste4Think: Το Χαλάνδρι πρωτοπορεί στην εναλλακτική διαχείριση απορριμάτων

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Huffington post tribute

In Halandri recycle food waste and make fuels and feed

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2018


Autores: Seveso
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Seveso municipality

La recogida selectiva de residuos, también en las papeleras

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 73

«Hay que aprender a no comprar lo que no usaremos»

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 73

El cálculo del pago por generación de residuos, a debate

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 69

Recursos en el papel y el cartón

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 68

Más contenedores para pañales usados y papeleras para recogida selectiva

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 70

Halandri Shows The Way In Alternative Waste Management

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2018

Táperes que combaten la desigualdad y el despilfarro

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 71

El táper solidario llega a Zamudio

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Deia

W4T project

Autores: Seveso
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Seveso municipality

Chalandri produces energy from food waste

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2018

"Introduzione della PAYT: primi risultati del progetto europeo WASTE4think"", ECOMONDO, atti dei seminari, Maggioli Ed, 2017"

Autores: ARS
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Rimini

WESTE methodology for holistically evaluation of the waste management chain

Autores: FDEUSTO
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Athens

Zamudio colocará papeleras y pasos elevados de peatones

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Deia (Hemendik)

PAYT, APP, eco-events

Autores: Seveso
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Seveso municipality

Arimen Gaua, en vídeo

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 72

Los contenedores para pañales se quedan en Zamudio

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 72

Halandri produces energy from the valorization of household waste

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2018

Una gestión alternativa de la fracción orgánica para producción de biomasa. El proyecto piloto de Halandri, Grecia

Autores: BCN
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: RETEMA

Publication of the Briefing: Key factors to meet prevention and recycling targets for municipal solid waste: collection systems, environmental education programmes and taxation

Autores: FDEUSTO
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Deusto Social Impact Briefings

Zamudio colocará pasos elevados para peatones y papeleras de reciclaje

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Deia

Souvenir soap

Autores: EnBio
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Halandri

Se necesitan pañales usados para convertirlos en energía

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 69

Reusable nappies

Autores: Seveso
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Seveso municipality

WASTE4THINK: Το Χαλάνδρι πρωτοπόρος στην εναλλακτική διαχείριση απορριμάτων - Ενημερωτική ημερίδα

Autores: Halandri
Publicado en: 2018

Zamudio, ejemplo de buenas prácticas en innovación

Autores: Zamudio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: ZamudiOrain! 69

First Demo Day of the European project Waste4Think

Autores: FDEUSTO
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: ACR newsletter

D4 .2. Implementation of R17: ICT based Innovative Social Actions

Autores: BCNecologia
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2018
Editor: BCNecologia
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1561838


Autores: Drosi, Gaetano; Avakian, Jennifer; Lorandi, Mattia; Borges, Cruz E.; Martinez, Jordi; Giavini, Michele
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2018
Editor: SOFTline
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1489557

D2.5 Technical Documentation of R2 Collection Modul

Autores: Andreas Schmidt; Jordi Martinez
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2018
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1477838

D2.3 Implementation of the Back-End for R1, R2 and R3

Autores: Dario Pellegrino; Pasquale Andriani; Igor Despot; Cruz E. Borges; Oihane Kamara-Esteban
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2018
Editor: Engineering
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1475829

D7.1- Communication and Dissemination Plan

Autores: Legambiente, Aclima
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2017
Editor: Legambiente, Aclima
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1475781

D4.3 Implementation of R8: STEM Lessons

Autores: arambarri jon; maria madarieta; leire armentia
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2018
Editor: Virtualware
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1475775

Public summary M14-M25

Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2018
Editor: Aclima
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1441168

D2.2 Implementation of the sensors for R1, R2 and R3

Autores: Cruz E. Borges; Ainhoa Alonso-Vicario
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2018
Editor: FDeusto
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1256888

D8.3 Data Management Plan

Autores: Virginia Vargas; Ainhoa Alonso-Vicario; Paula Sánchez; Cruz E. Borges
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2018
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1475830

D 2. 9. Technical Documentation of R4: Circular Economy Planning Module

Autores: Mikel Ibarra; Edurne Fernandez de Liger; Cruz E. Borges; Ainhoa Alonso; Michele Giavini; Carit Rasmussen; Jordi Martinez; Gaetano Drosi; Jennifer Avakian
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2018
Editor: Aclima, FDEUSTO
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1256661

Public summary M1- M6

Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2017
Editor: Aclima
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1157948

D 1.4 Preparatory Actions Report

Autores: Ainhoa Alonso Vicario; Cruz Enrique Borges; Gemma Nohales; Jaime Pardo Lledias; Maria Virginia Vargas Viedma; Marta Vila
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2018
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1920068

D 1.4 Preparatory Actions Report

Autores: Ainhoa Alonso Vicario; Cruz Enrique Borges; Gemma Nohales; Jaime Pardo Lledias; Maria Virginia Vargas Viedma; Marta Vila
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1154702

D 1.4 Preparatory Actions Report

Autores: Ainhoa Alonso Vicario; Cruz Enrique Borges; Gemma Nohales; Jaime Pardo Lledias; Maria Virginia Vargas Viedma; Marta Vila
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1920201

D1.3 Sustainability assessment model

Autores: Ainhoa Alonso-Vicario; Jennifer Avakian; Héctor Barco; Cruz E. Borges; Joao Dinis; Michele Giavini; Igotz Lopez; Gemma Nohales; Iraia Oribe-García; Jaime Pardo Lledías; Mª Virginia Vargas; Jorge Vegas; Marta Vila
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2018
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1135147

Appendix K Cartography for the baseline of the pilots in Waste4Think

Autores: Mª Virginia Vargas
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1069064

D2.1 Technical Documentation of R1: Operation and Management Module

Autores: Ainhoa Alonso-Vicario; Pasquale Andriani; Cruz E. Borges; Michele Giavini; Oihane Kamara-Esteban; Dario Pellegrino; Ander Pijoan; Marta Vila
Publicado en: Edición 2, 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1169330

D2.7 Technical Documentation of R3: Planning Module

Autores: Ainhoa Alonso-Vicario; Cruz E. Borges; Oihane Kamara-Esteban; Ander Pijoan; Jennifer Avakian; Gaetano Drosi
Publicado en: Edición 2, 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1169337

D1.2 Best Practices database in Circular Economy, Economic Instruments and Prevention Actions

Autores: ARS Ambiente
Publicado en: Edición 2, 2017
Editor: ARS Ambiente, BCN Ecologia, Aclima
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1257381

D8.2 Project Quality Plan

Autores: Ainhoa Alonso-Vicario; Paula Sánchez; Joseba Merino
Publicado en: Edición 2, 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1475773

D4.7: Implementation of R10 Eco-Design Game

Autores: Susanne Husted Nielsen; Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: SGI
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2421407

Digital Project and associated STEAM Lesson about Waste Prevention and reuse

Autores: Jon Arambarri, Maria Madarieta, Leire Armentia
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Virtualware
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2538310

Digital Project about Home compost/Food waste

Autores: Jon Arambarri, Maria Madarieta, Leire Armentia
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Virtualware
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2538314

Digital Project and associated STEAM Lessons about Waste source separation and recycling

Autores: Jon Arambarri, Maria Madarieta, Leire Armentia
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Virtualware
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2538312

Elements of dissemination of Waste4Think Project

Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Aclima
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1157861

D1.5 Deployment & Integration Report

Autores: DeustoTech; BCNecología
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: DeustoTech; BCNecología
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2426263

D1.1 Pilots Planning documentation

Autores: Ainhoa Alonso-Vicario; Cruz E. Borges; Gemma Nohales; Iraia Oribe-Garcia; Marta Vila
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Fundación Deusto; BCN Ecología
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2413049

Producción y explotación de la biomasa producida a partir de residuos orgánicos domésticos en el municipio de Halandri en Grecia, en el marco del proyecto H2020 Waste4Think

Autores: Gerasimos Lyberatos, Konstantina, Ainhoa Alonso, Marta Vila
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: National Technical University of Athens; DeustoTechEnergy; BCNecologia
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2529978

D4.6: Implementation of R9 Sorting Game

Autores: Sussane Husted Nielsen; Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: SGI
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2421098

D4.11 Technical Documentation of R5, R6 and R7: Apps

Autores: Darlis Bracho Tudares; Oihane Kamara-Esteban; Hector Barco; Ainhoa Alonso-Vicario
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: FDeusto
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2420672

Fighting Climate Change with Fiware

Autores: Engineering
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Fiware

Two-stage Anaerobic co-digestion of Expired Food Products and Used Disposable Diapers hydrolysate: The effect of pretreatment during the system performance

Autores: UPATRAS
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Hellenic Open University


Autores: Seveso municipality
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Città di Seveso

Uno de cada tres kilos de comida se tira a la basura

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: La Voz de Galicia

Valorization of used dispossable nappies and expired food products through a two-stage anaerobic co-digestion pilot plant

Autores: UPATRAS
Publicado en: 2019

H2020 WASTE4THINK: Helps improving waste management through the piloting of a Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) scheme in 4 European municipalities.

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Deusto Research Newsletter

Cuando tiramos un alimento a la basura, desperdiciamos los recursos invertidos en su producción

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Sociedade Galega do Medio Ambiente (SOGAMA) de la Xunta de Galicia

Reusable nappies final event

Autores: Agenzia Innova 21
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: ZonaNews

Circular economy innovations for industrial and urban waste management

Autores: European Commission
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: CORDIS

Citizen Science study

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT)

W4T project

Autores: Seveso municipality
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: MbNews

Circular approach to waste management

Autores: European Commission
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: European Commission

Digitalisation of urban waste management

Autores: European Commission
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: European Commission

Cuando tiramos un alimento a la basura, también desperdiciamos todos los recursos invertidos en su producción

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: RETEMA

Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation AIOTI WG08 – Smart Cities

Autores: Softline
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Softline

Circular Cities: Innovating to tackle plastic waste

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: PlastiCircle

Researchers develop a new methodology to quantify food waste

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: ACR+

Green Week

Autores: Legambiente
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Zona News

A Seveso raggiunto l’85% di raccolta differenziata grazie al progetto europeo Waste4think

Autores: Legambiente
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Seveso municipality

Eco dinner

Autores: Seveso municipality
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Il Cittadino

Project H2020 Waste4think: Ecosolutions based on ICT tools

Autores: Marta Vila
Publicado en: 2020
Editor: Diputació de Barcelona - Escola Industrial


Autores: UPATRAS
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Renewable Energy _Elsevier Journal

Virtuous Households

Autores: Seveso municipality
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Il Cittadino

Seveso Green Week

Autores: Seveso Municipality
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Periodico dell'Amministrazione comunale - n.1

Uno de cada tres kilos de alimentos que se producen en el planeta se tiran a la basura

Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: iresiduo


Autores: Seveso municipality
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Il Cittadino

Food Waste prevention actions assessment

Autores: Ainhoa Alonso
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: FDeusto


Autores: FDeusto
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: ISWA

Reusable nappies rental service

Autores: Agenzia Innova 21
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Il Giorno

Waste4Think final event

Autores: Municipality of Seveso
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Il Giorno

Best Practices Book Waste4Think

Autores: BCNecologia
Publicado en: 2020
Editor: BCNecologia
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3673976

Waste4think Datamodel

Autores: Waste4think
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Waste4think
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1745487

D5.3 - PAYT Pay As You Throw Regulations

Autores: Giavini Michele
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: ARS Ambiente
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3355379

Waste4Think Innovación tecnológica para el desarrollo de herramientas de participación ciudadana

Autores: Ainhoa Alonso-Vicario
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Fundación Deusto
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1475792


Autores: K. Papadopoulou; H. Pavlopoulos; P. Georgiou; A. Peppas; L. Zoumpoulakis; G. Lyberatos
Publicado en: Edición National Technical University of Athens, 2018
Editor: National Technical University of Athens
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2577508

Valorization of a Food Residue Biomass product in a two-stage anaerobic digestion system for the production of hythane

Autores: D. Mathioudakis; G.M. Lytras; D. Fotiou; C. Lytras; K. Papadopoulou; G. Lyberatos
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: National Technical University of Athens
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2577561

Energy recovery from domestic food wastes via microbiological processes

Autores: I. Ntaikou; G. Antonopoulou; M. Alexandropoulou; G. Lyberatos
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: National Technical University of Athens
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2577470

Digital Project about Monitoring of waste generation

Autores: jon arambarri; leire; maria
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Virtualware
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2563090

D1.5 Deployment & Integration Report

Autores: DeustoTech; BCNecología
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: DeustoTech; BCNecología
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2561747

Valorization of a Food Residue Biomass product as a solid fuel for the production of pellets

Autores: K. Papadopoulou; K. Papanikola; I. Vaitsos; A. Peppas; C. Lytras; G.M Lytras; D. Mathioudakis; H. Pavlopoulos; G. Lyberatos
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: National Technical University of Athens
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2577527

D4.2 Implementation of R17: ICT based Innovative Social Actions

Autores: BCNecologia
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: BCNecologia
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3233955

Digital Project about Waste Tax

Autores: jon arambarri; leire; maria
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Virtualware
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2563082

D1.3 Sustainability assessment model

Autores: Ainhoa Alonso-Vicario; Jennifer Avakian; Héctor Barco; Cruz E. Borges; Joao Dinis; Michele Giavini; Igotz Lopez; Gemma Nohales; Iraia Oribe-García; Jaime Pardo Lledías; Mª Virginia Vargas; Jorge Vegas; Marta Vila
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Fundación Deusto
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1135148

D4.1 Implementation of R17 Non ICT Innovative Social Actions

Autores: BCNecologia
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: BCNecologia
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3582399

D4.7: Implementation of R10 Eco-Design Game

Autores: Susanne Husted Nielsen; Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: SGI
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3242344

D4.4 Implementation of R8: Digital Learning Materials

Autores: jon arambarri; maria madarieta
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Virtualware
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3234020


Autores: Marta Vila; Michele Giavini; Ainhoa Alonso
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Waste4Think
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3532968

Promotional material for the reusable nappies campaign- Seveso

Autores: Comune di Seveso, Agenzia InnovA21, ARS ambiente, Legambiente, Softline
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Seveso
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1219599

Two stage Anaerobic co digestion of Expired Food Products and Used Disposable Diapers hydrolysate: The effect of pretreatment during the system performance

Autores: K. Tsigkou; P. Tsafrakidou; D. Zagklis; C. Zafiri; M. Kornaros
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: University of Patras
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3416206

Digital Project about Product Life Cycle

Autores: jon arambarri; leire Armentia; maria madarieta
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: Virtualware
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2563072

D4.5. Technical Documentation of the Serious Games (R9-R12)

Autores: Serious Games Interactive
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Serious Games Interactive
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3775270

Halfway through the H2020 project Waste4Think

Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: Halfway through the H2020 project Waste4Think, Edición 1, 2018, ISSN 2340-2628
Editor: Futurenviro
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2387142


Autores: Giavini, Michele; Vila, Marta
Editor: RETEMA
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1575545

I primi risultati del progetto Waste4Think a Seveso

Autores: Michele Giavini; Giorgio Ghiringhelli; Elisa Amodeo; Silvia Colombo; Marzio Marzorati
Publicado en: Recycling 22(1) 27-32, Edición 1, 2018, ISSN 2313-4321
Editor: Recycling
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1213159

An alternative management of biowaste for biomass production

Autores: Prof. Gerasimos Lyberatos, Dr. Konstantina Papadopoulou, Dr. Ainhoa Alonso, Marta Vila, Edurne Fernández
Publicado en: RETEMA, 2018, ISSN 1130-9881
Editor: RETEMA
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2529976


Autores: Aclima
Publicado en: Futurenviro, 2019, ISSN 2340-2628
Editor: Futurenviro


Autores: Giavini, Michele; Vila, Marta
Publicado en: Equipamiento y Servicios Municipales, 2018, ISSN 1131-6381
Editor: Equipamiento y Servicios Municipales
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1575546

I primi risultati del progetto Waste4Think a Seveso

Autores: Michele Giavini; Giorgio Ghiringhelli; Elisa Amodeo; Silvia Colombo; Marzio Marzorati
Publicado en: Recycling, 2018, ISSN 2036-9034
Editor: Recycling
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1213160

Claves para conseguir los objetivos de prevención y reciclaje de residuos municipales: sistemas de recogida, educación ambiental y fiscalidad

Autores: Ainhoa Vicario, Iraia García, Cruz Enrique Borges Hernández, Marta Vila Gambao, Gemma Nohales Duarte, Michele Giavini
Publicado en: DEUSTO Social Impact Briefings No. 2 (2017), 2018, ISBN 9788-416982677
Editor: University of Deusto
DOI: 10.18543/dsib-2(2017)-pp231-263.pdf

Introduzione della PAYT: primi risultati del progetto europeo Waste4think

Autores: Giavini, Michele; Amodeo, Elisa; Colombo, Silvia; Ghiringhelli, Giorgio; Marzorati, Marzio; Colombo, Simona
Publicado en: Edición 2, 2017
Editor: ARS Ambiente, Legambiente Lombardia
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1155638

WESTE methodology for holistically evaluation of the waste management chain

Autores: Iraia Oribe-Garcia; Cruz E. Borges; Marta Vila; Gemma Nohales; Michele Giavini; Elisa Amodeo; Joao Dinis; Gerasimos Lyberatos; Ainhoa Alonso-Vicario
Publicado en: Edición 2, 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1155688

New methodology for food wastage quantification. Identifying gaps and data inconsistencies

Autores: Héctor Barco; Iraia Oribe-Garcia; Cristina Martín; Cruz E Borges; Ainhoa Alonso-Vicario
Publicado en: Edición 2, 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1155702

Moving towards Life Cycle Thinking by integrating Advanced Waste Management Systems: WASTE4THINK

Autores: Konstantina Papadopoulou; Gerasimos Lyberatos; J. Merino Lizarraga; I. López Torre; M. Ibarr; N. Zafeiri; C. Lytras; M. Kornaros; S. Egenfeldt-Nielsen; M. Giavini; R. Mariani; S. Colombo; G. Drosi; A. Schmidt; J. Dinis; M. Vila; P. Andriani; J. Arambarri; E. Melanitou; S. Niakas; A. Alonso-Vicario
Publicado en: Edición 2, 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1155682

WASTE4THINK: La tecnología al servicio de la ciudadanía para una gestión inteligente de los residuos urbanos

Autores: Alonso-Vicario, Ainhoa; Borges, Cruz E.; Oribe-García, Iraia
Publicado en: Edición 2, 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.817333


Autores: GreenTech
Publicado en: 2018

Towards Life Cycle Thinking through Valorization of Used Disposable Nappies and Expired Food Products for the Production of Biofuels and Added-Value Materials

Autores: GreenTech
Publicado en: 2018

Bioelectricity Production from Fermentable Household Waste in a Dual-Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell

Publicado en: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Edición 19, 2017, ISBN 978-960-7475-53-4
Editor: Global NEST
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2577433

Energy recovery from domestic food wastes via microbiological processes

Autores: Ntaikou I.; Antonopoulou G.; Alexandropoulou M.; Lyberatos G.
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: National Technical University of Athens
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2577468

Single-chamber microbial fuel cell and anaerobic digestion for the energetic valorization of household food wastes

Publicado en: 2017
Editor: National Technical University of Athens
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2577488


Publicado en: 2018
Editor: National Technical University of Athens
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2577519


Autores: Ainhoa Alonso; Virginia Vargas; Ander Pijoan; Oihane Kamara; Cruz Borges; Marta Vila; Michele Giavini
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: DeustoTech - Fundación Deusto
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3530301

Hydrogen and Methane Production from Food Residue Biomass Product (FORBI)

Publicado en: 2017
Editor: National Technical University of Athens
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2577437

Food Residue Biomass Product as an Alternative Energy Source for the Cement Industry

Autores: Kaliopi. Papanikola; Konstantina Papadopoulou; Christos Tsiligiannis; Irini Fotinopoulou; Alexandros Katsiampoulas; Eleftherios Chalarakis; Martha Georgiopoulou; Vicky Rontogianni; Ioannis Mixalopoulos; Gerasimos Lyberatos
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1161183


Publicado en: 2018
Editor: National Technical University of Athens
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2577494

Used Disposable Nappies and Expired Food Products Valorization Through One- & Two- Stage Anaerobic Co-digestion

Autores: Tsigkou Konstantina; Tsafrakidou Panagiota; Zagklis Dimitris; Kopsahelis Alexandros; Zafiri Constantina; Kornaros Michael
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: University of Patras
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3404931

Bioelectricity Production from Fermentable Household Waste in a Dual-Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell

Autores: Chatzikonstantinou Dimitra; Tremouli Asimina; Papadopoulou Konstantina; Kanellos Gerasimos; Lampropoulos Ioannis; Lyberatos Gerasimos
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: National Technical University of Athens
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2581390

Hydrogen and Methane Production from Food Residue Biomass Product (FORBI)

Autores: I. Michalopoulos; G.M. Lytras; D. Mathioudakis; C. Lytras; A. Goumenos; I. Zacharopoulos; K. Papadopoulou; G. Lyberatos
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: National Technical University of Athens
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2577569

Valorization of kitchen biowaste for ethanol production via simultaneous saccharification and fermentation using co-cultures of the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia stipitis

Autores: Ioanna Ntaikou; Nikolaos Menis; Maria Alexandropoulou; Georgia Antonopoulou; Gerasimos Lyberatos
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: National Technical University of Athens
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2577427

Life Cycle thinking, the key for a Circular Economy: the Municipality of Halandri case

Publicado en: 2017
Editor: National Technical University of Athens
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2577456


Autores: Tsigkou Konstantina; Tsafrakidou Panagiota; Athanasopoulou Sofia; Zafiri Constantina; Kornaros Michael
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: University of Patras
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3520914

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