Periodic Reporting for period 3 - FUTEBOL (FUTEBOL: Federated Union of Telecommunications Research Facilities for an EU-Brasil Open Laboratory)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2018-03-01 al 2019-02-28
The FUTEBOL approach is to deploy experimental research infrastructure, with open access for external experimenters; conduct experimental research on optical/wireless convergence using this infrastructure; and exploit this research for the evolution of optical/wireless networks. Through this FUTEBOL will achieve impact, both scientific and on industry in Brazil and Europe, and enable sustainable collaboration between researchers and industry in both continents.
Specific objectives are:
- To deploy facilities in Europe and Brazil that can be accessed by external experimenters for experimentation that requires integration of wireless and optical technologies
- To develop and deploy a converged control framework for experimentation at the optical/wireless boundary
- To conduct industry-informed experimental research using the optical/wireless facilities
- To create a sustainable ecosystem of collaborative research and industrial/academic partnerships between Brazil and Europe
- To create education and outreach materials for a broad audience interested in experimental issues in wireless and optical networks FUTEBOL envisions three main use cases related to the new requirements faced by the optical network to support substantial changes in the wireless service requirements. These use cases will be explored through five experiments:
- UC1: The impact of broadband wireless on optical backhauling
-- Exp1: Licensed Shared Access for extended LTE capacity with end-to-end QoE
- UC2: The design of SDN infrastructure for wireless-optical integration
-- Exp2.1: Heterogeneous wireless-optical network management with SDN and virtualization
-- Exp2.2: Real-time remote control of robots over a wireless-optical SDN infrastructure
- UC3: The interplay between IoT wireless and optical networks
-- Exp3.1: Adaptive converged wireless-optical infrastructure for IoT
-- Exp3.2: Radio-over-fiber for IoT environment monitoring
- Deploying cutting edge testbed facilities in Europe and Brazil that enable research and experimentation across wireless, optical, and cloud domains, federating and supporting worldwide access to those facilities.
- Developing a control framework that offers the ability to control and orchestrate optical, wireless, and cloud resources across multiple testbeds deployed across two continents and enabling experiments that involve end-to-end services established across long distances.
- Producing research results in topics including end-to-end slicing across optical and wireless domains, dynamic use of shared spectrum, Internet of Things services using radio-over-fiber and cloud and edge computing, and creation of low-latency services for robotics applications. These research results are produced experimentally using the FUTEBOL testbeds and control framework and have been reported in 92 peer-reviewed papers and numerous public demonstrations and keynote and invited presentations.
The public policy impact of the work is achieved through the project’s engagement with regulators in Brazil and Europe, as well as an international standardisation body. Social impact is shown through the establishment of lasting research collaborations between academics in Europe and Brazil, personnel exchanges (in particular 8 long-term visits by Brazilian academics and post-graduate students to European research groups), and the establishment of joint PhD programmes in Brazilian and European universities. Lasting social impact also comes from the use of the facilities and software developed in the project for undergraduate and graduate education, in particular in Brazil. Economic impact is expected through the involvement of SMEs in the two continents in the use of the research infrastructure and in the participation by the project partner Intel.