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Enhanced Delivery Ecosystem for Neurosurgery in 2020


Innovatives System für das Management von Hirnerkrankungen

Das EU-finanzierte Projekt EDEN2020 zielt auf die Entwicklung eines neuen neurochirurgischen Komplettsystems für die Diagnose und minimalinvasive Behandlung ab. Das Konsortium wird die einzigartige Erfahrung von führenden Forschungseinrichtungen und Industriepartnern im Bereich der Chirurgierobotik nutzen, um eine echte klinische Wirkung zu erzielen. Ziel ist es, ein Sortiment an steuerbaren Kathetern für die Behandlung von Krankheiten in situ mittels robotergestützter Einführung und über längere Zeiträume zu entwickeln und herzustellen. Das System wird in der Lage sein, die sich intraoperativ verändernde Hirnanatomie mit unübertroffener Genauigkeit zu erfassen und optische Diagnostikinstrumente für das Management von Hirnerkrankungen einzusetzen. EDEN2020 wird einen Beitrag zur Bewältigung der großen Herausforderung leisten, Therapien für Menschen mit Krebs zu verbessern, indem es eine Behandlung innerhalb von Gewebestrukturen mit einer beispiellosen Genauigkeit ermöglicht.


Due to an aging population and the spiralling cost of brain disease in Europe and beyond, EDEN2020 aims to develop the gold standard for one-stop diagnosis and minimally invasive treatment in neurosurgery. Supported by a clear business case, it will exploit the unique track record of leading research institutions and key industrial players in the field of surgical robotics to overcome the current technological barriers that stand in the way of real clinical impact.
EDEN2020 will provide a step change in the modelling, planning and delivery of diagnostic sensors and therapies to the brain via flexible surgical access, with an initial focus on cancer therapy. It will engineer a family of steerable catheters for chronic disease management that can be robotically deployed and kept in situ for extended periods. The system will feature enhanced autonomy, surgeon cooperation, targeting proficiency and fault tolerance with a suite of technologies that are commensurate to the unique challenges of neurosurgery. Amongst these, the system will be able to sense and perceive intraoperative, continuously deforming, brain anatomy at unmatched accuracy, precision and update rates, and deploy a range of diagnostic optical sensors with the potential to revolutionise today’s approach to brain disease management. By modelling and predicting drug diffusion within the brain with unprecedented fidelity, EDEN2020 will contribute to the wider clinical challenge of extending and enhancing the quality of life of cancer patients – with the ability to plan therapies around delicate tissue structures and with unparalleled delivery accuracy.
EDEN2020 is strengthened by a significant industrial presence, which is embedded within the entire R&D process to enforce best practices and maximise translation and the exploitation of project outputs. As it aspires to impact the state of the art and consolidate the position of European industrial robotics, it will directly support the Europe 2020 Strategy.


€ 2 929 867,26
Vereinigtes Königreich

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Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 2 929 867,26

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