CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
Public report summarizing the implementation details, at both software and communication levels.
D4.2 - Development and validation of the sequential NABS modelPublic report summarizing the results on the derivation of the EIH mapping algorithm.
D3.3 - GNSS receiver module validation - PublicPublic report on the results of the GNSS receiver module validation
Project website will be created updated throughout the project duration according to gather all public project outcomes and relevant news.
Public report summarizing the integration and validation of the AUDITOR systems.
E. López1, J. Domínguez1, B. Quijano1, C. Fernández2, J. Arribas2,
M. Hernández-Pajares3, A. García-Rigo3,M. Schmidt4, A. Goss4, E. Spaltro5, J. Grosso5,
M. Symeonidou6, S. Fountas6, Z. Tsiropoulos6, F.K. van Evert7, P. Blok7, D. Roma8
Pubblicato in:
Global Wireless Summit 2016 - Special Session: High Accuracy GNSS for Emerging Applications, 2016
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
C. Fernández-Prades, J. Arribas and P. Closas
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of ION GNSS+ 2016, Numero 29th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation ,Portland, OR, Sept. 2016, 2016, Pagina/e 41-66
The Institute of Navigation
C. Fernández-Prades, J. Arribas and P. Closas
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of NAVITEC 2016, Numero 8th edition of Navitec 2016, 14-16 Dec., 2016, Pagina/e 1-9
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