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Production of powder batches of 3-5 kg in a laboratory atomizer. Results about the reproducibility of the powder production process and the powder characteristics. This deliverable is linked to Task 4.4 Once the atomization process parameters setup has been developed, the production of powder batches of 3-5 kg in a laboratory atomizer could be obtained. For obtaining these amounts in a lab scale, it is not required much time. The result of this DL is powder in small amounts, and then it is easy to follow its assessment.
The NANOTUN3D Website developed as document repository and Knowledge Management System for the Consortium and for promoting and disseminating the project to public society. Specific repositories of the Web will be devoted to the contents on management of innovation and research data policy consistent with those referring to exploitation and protection of results. This deliverable is linked to Task 10.1
The Communication pack consists of different dissemination tools such as print-formatted documents, multimedia presentations, web-formatted documents and the website itself. This deliverable is linked to Task 10.3
Report on exposure assessment and recommendations for protective measuresResults of the exposure assessment and simulation of real-life exposure scenarios in environmental test chambers. This deliverable is linked to Task 2.3
Report on LCA of raw material and nanoparticlesReport on LCA of raw material and nanoparticles: Results of the research on LCA of the manufacturing process of core-shell NP powders with the identification of potential release and exposure scenarios of raw and nanomaterials. These data will enable to identify the most relevant environmental compartiment(s) as well as human target organs and toxicity endpoints for laboratory tests. The report will include the decision on sampling points and human cell models as well, based on the results obtained in this task. This deliverable is linked to Task 2.2
NANOTUN3D Specification Document. Data Management Plan (DMP)NANOTUN3D Specification Document. Data Management Plan (DMP): The NANOTUN3D Specification Document includes a Management Manual with procedures, codification, templates, scopes of information, etc, as well as a Management Roadmap detailing tasks, contributions, deadlines and progress level. The DMP includes datasets to the Digital Object Identifier system of classification with the maximum interoperability, datasets referenced for peer-reviewed publications, the public information stored in NANOTUN3D repository. This deliverable is linked to Task 10.1 The Data Management Plan has experienced problems in its deployment, as, since the Valencia meeting partners found difficulties in compatibilising a more detailed IPR and exploitation plan and the open deployment of relevant data. Although some initial availability to open access to the generated data was defined by several partners, no common position was found and the consortium decided to opt out of the DMP. Although the Data Management Plan won’t launch, D10.1 has a submitted version with all the management procedures and concepts.
State-of-the-art of the actual machining experiences over similar materials during post-processing operationsResults of the research in machining experiences over similar materials for considering as a basis for machining the new nanomodified Ti material. This deliverable is linked to Task 6.1
Report on international legislationResults of the research about international legislation and regulatory recommendations on the use of core-shell nanostructures as a basis for production of metallic nanocomposites for AM. This deliverables is linked to Task 2.1
Communication strategy.The Communication strategy developed according to the specifications from the WP9. This deliverable is linked to Task 10.3
Techno-economic evaluation and impact assessmentResults of the techno-economic evaluation and impact assessment of processes considered for NPs production in comparison against state-of-the-art production plants, process designs, or catalytic reactor systems. This deliverable is linked to Task 1.5
Metal powder characterisation from EIGA and Gas atomisation. Selection of the powder for AM technologies.Results of the nanomodified Ti powder charactersition and NPs distribution into the metal matrix from both powder manufacturing processes, EIGA and VIGA. Results of the powder and powder manufacturing process selected considering technical and economical feasibility criteria. This deliverable is linked to Task 5.1
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