CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
An environmental assessment of the developed biobased SRPC will first be done at composite level. This includes the environmental impact during design, fabrication, use and disposal and will enable to make a comparison with conventional fossil-based alternatives. This deliverable will be the outcome of Task 6.1.
Analysis of the End-of-Life ScenariosThis deliverable will be a report discussing the different end-of-life options for the biobased SRPC, taking into account both the environmental performance and the technical burdens limiting proper waste management. The deliverable will be the outcome of Task 6.3.
Industrial processing guidelines and material application data sheetsThis deliverable will provide processing guidelines and material data sheets for the industrial upscaling of the compounding process. The deliverable will be applied during the large scale production needed for the prototype use cases (WP5). This deliverable will be the outcome of Tasks 1.4 and (mainly) 1.5.
Industrial processing guidelines for low and high Tm PLA filamentsThis deliverable will provide processing guidelines and product data sheets for the industrial upscaling of the melt spinning and irradiation processes, leading to the required low and high melting PLA filaments. The deliverable will be applied in the large scale production needed for the prototype use cases (WP5). This deliverable will be the outcome of Tasks 2.4 and (mainly) 2.5.
Life Cycle Assessment at product prototype levelAn environmental assessment of the developed biobased SRPC will be done at prototype level. This includes the environmental impact during design, fabrication, use and disposal and will enable to make a comparison with conventional fossil-based alternatives. This deliverable will be the outcome of Task 6.1.
Technical report for standardisation inputThis deliverable is a technical report that will be given as input to standardisation working groups. This will be the outcome of Task 7.5.
Life Cycle Costing at composite material levelAn economic assessment of the developed biobased SRPC will first be done at composite level. This includes the total cost of a product during design, fabrication, use and disposal and will contribute to the choice of technological route for the production of the SRPC. The deliverable will serve as important input for the business plans and will be the outcome of Task 6.2.
Guidelines for industrial scale-upThis deliverable will provide fabrication specifications and material data sheets for the industrial upscaling of the processing to composites, including process specifications and work instructions. Also the required equipment is listed. The deliverable will directly be applied for the prototype production (WP5). This deliverable will be the outcome of Task 4.5.
Safety GuidelinesThis deliverable will lead to safety guidelines containing aspects during production, use and decommissioning of the SRPC. The guidelines will support safety-by-design approaches and provide guidance in the handling of nanomaterials. A first version will be available at the early stages of the project (M4), an updated version at the project end. The deliverable will be the outcome of Task 6.4.
Life Cycle Costing at product prototype levelAn economic assessment of the developed biobased SRPC will be done at prototype level. This includes the total cost of a product during design, fabrication, use and disposal and will contribute to the choice of technological route for the production of the SRPC. The deliverable will serve as important input for the business plans and will be the outcome of Task 6.2.
Preliminary assessment of LCA and LCCThis deliverable will be a first version of the LCA and LCC analysis and will serve as a criterion for the selection of functionalised materials and high Tm/LCP compounds ( Milestone 2). This deliverable will result from the preliminary analysis done in Tasks 6.1 and 6.2.
Industrial processing guidelines and material application data sheets for hybrid yarns, woven fabrics, UD-tapes and reinforced pelletsThis deliverable will provide processing guidelines and material data sheets for the industrial upscaling of the processes resulting in the different composite intermediates. The deliverable will be applied in the large scale production needed for the prototype use cases (WP5). This deliverable will be the outcome of Task 3.5.
This deliverable will be a user-friendly software platform to be used by the industry for providing guidelines for materials design with PLA SRPC. This deliverable will result from Task 4.1.
Materials for training and technology transferThis deliverable will include different materials (presentations, leaflets, articles, videos, etc) for training and technology transfer of the newly developed products and technologies to stakeholders. These will be distributed to actors involved in training personnel as well as to promote the project developments. This deliverable will be the outcome of Task 7.4. A preliminary version will be available at M15.
Final event: Technology Transfer Symposium/WorkshopThis deliverable comprises the organisation of a symposium or workshop to attract the interest of a broad international audience on self-reinforced polymer composites. This fits within the dissemination and communication activities of Task 7.1.
This deliverable leads to the optimised production of the prototype (self-healing and self-cleaning) dryer process fan and bottom baseboard via injection moulding, and additionally includes a full characterisation of the prototypes. This deliverable will be the demonstrator and guiding report for the consumer goods case, resulting from Tasks 5.2 and 5.3.
Prototype cowl-top support and its characterizationThis deliverable leads to the optimised production of the prototype (self-sensing) cowl-top support via injection moulding and the introduction of UD tapes with overmoulding, and additionally includes a full characterisation of the prototype. This deliverable will be the demonstrator and guiding report for the automotive case, resulting from Tasks 5.2 and 5.3.
Prototype luggage and its characterizationThis deliverable leads to the optimised production of the prototype (self-healing and self-cleaning) luggage via compression moulding and thermoforming of the suitcase shell and injection moulding of the suitcase components. It additionally includes a full characterisation of the prototype. This deliverable will be the demonstrator and guiding report for the luggage case, resulting from Tasks 5.2 and 5.3.
A project website will be created containing general information on the project and the technology area as well as public deliverables and other public documents. Next to the public part, there will also be a restricted area for the project partners. This will be done in the framework of Task 7.1.
G Buyle, L Van der Schueren, J Beauson, S Goutianos, G Schillani, B Madsen
Published in:
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Issue 406, 2018, Page(s) 012038, ISSN 1757-899X
IOP Publishing Ltd
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