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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Securing Software against Physical Attacks


Coco: Co-Design and Co-Verification of Masked Software Implementations on CPUs

Autores: Barbara Gigerl, Vedad Hadzic, Robert Primas, Stefan Mangard, Roderick Bloem
Publicado en: Proceedings of the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, 2021
Editor: USENIX Association

The Evolution of Transient-Execution Attacks

Autores: Claudio Canella, Khaled N. Khasawneh, Daniel Gruss
Publicado en: Proceedings of the 2020 on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, 2020, Página(s) 163-168, ISBN 9781450379441
Editor: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3386263.3407583

A Fast and Compact RISC-V Accelerator for Ascon and Friends

Autores: Stefan Steinegger*, Robert Primas
Publicado en: Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications - 19th International Conference, CARDIS 2020, Revised Selected Papers, Edición 19th International Conference, CARDIS 2020, Revised Selected Papers, 2020, Página(s) 53-67, ISBN 978-3-030-68486-0
Editor: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-68487-7_4

NetSpectre: Read Arbitrary Memory over Network

Autores: Michael Schwarz, Martin Schwarzl, Moritz Lipp, Jon Masters, Daniel Gruss
Publicado en: Computer Security – ESORICS 2019 - 24th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Luxembourg, September 23–27, 2019, Proceedings, Part I, Edición 11735, 2019, Página(s) 279-299, ISBN 978-3-030-29958-3
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-29959-0_14

ZombieLoad: Cross-Privilege-Boundary Data Sampling

Autores: Michael Schwarz, Moritz Lipp, Daniel Moghimi, Jo Van Bulck, Julian Stecklina, Thomas Prescher, Daniel Gruss
Publicado en: CCS 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Edición Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC, 2019, Página(s) 753-768
Editor: ACM/IEEE

HECTOR-V: A Heterogeneous CPU Architecture for a Secure RISC-V Execution Environment

Autores: Pascal Nasahl, Robert Schilling, Mario Werner, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: ACM ASIACCS 2021, 2021
Editor: ACM ASIACCS 2021

KASLR: Break It, Fix It, Repeat

Autores: Claudio Canella, Michael Schwarz, Martin Haubenwallner, Martin Schwarzl, Daniel Gruss
Publicado en: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2020, Página(s) 481-493, ISBN 9781450367509
Editor: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3320269.3384747

SecWalk: Protecting Page Table Walks Against Fault Attacks

Autores: Robert Schilling, Pascal Nasahl, Stefan Weiglhofer, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2022
Editor: IEEE

Systematic Analysis of Randomization-based Protected Cache Architectures

Autores: Antoon Purnal, Lukas Giner, Daniel Gruß, Ingrid Verbauwhede
Publicado en: 42th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2021
Editor: IEEE SP 2021

SERVAS! Secure Enclaves via RISC-V Authenticryption Shield

Autores: Stefan Steinegger*, David Schrammel, Samuel Weiser, Pascal Nasahl, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: 26th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Edición Proceedings, Part II, 2021, Página(s) 370-391, ISBN 978-3-030-88427-7
Editor: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-88428-4_19

Jenny: Securing Syscalls for PKU-based Memory Isolation Systems

Autores: David Schrammel*, Samuel Weiser, Richard Sadek, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: Proceedings of the 31st USENIX Security Symposium, 2022
Editor: USENIX Association

ConTExT: A Generic Approach for Mitigating Spectre

Autores: Michael Schwarz, Moritz Lipp, Claudio Alberto Canella, Robert Schilling, Florian Kargl, Daniel Gruß
Publicado en: Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2020, 2020
Editor: Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2020

Leakage Resilient Value Comparison With Application to Message Authentication

Autores: Christoph Erwin Dobraunig, Bart Mennink
Publicado en: Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2021 - 40th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Proceedings, 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-77886-6
Editor: Springer

Repurposing Segmentation as a Practical LVI-NULL Mitigation in SGX

Autores: Lukas Giner, Andreas Kogler, Claudio Alberto Canella, Michael Schwarz, Daniel Gruss
Publicado en: 31th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22), 2021
Editor: USENIX '22

Fantastic timers and where to find them: High-resolution microarchitectural attacks in javascript

Autores: Michael Schwarz*, Clémentine Maurice, Daniel Gruss, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: Financial Cryptography and Data Security - 21st International Conference FC 2017, Revised Selected Papers, Edición 10322 LNCS, 2017, Página(s) 247-267, ISBN 978-3-319-70972-7
Editor: Springer Wien
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-70972-7_13

CrypTag: Thwarting Physical and Logical Memory Vulnerabilities using Cryptographically Colored Memory

Autores: Pascal Nasahl, Robert Schilling, Mario Werner, Jan Hoogerbrugge, Marcel Medwed, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: ACM ASIACCS 202, 2021
Editor: ACM ASIACCS 202

FIPAC: Thwarting Fault- and Software-Induced Control-Flow Attacks with ARM Pointer Authentication

Autores: Schilling, Robert; Nasahl, Pascal; Mangard, Stefan
Publicado en: 13th International Workshop on Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design - COSADE 2022, Edición in press, 2022
Editor: Springer

PLATYPUS: Software-based Power Side-Channel Attacks on x86

Autores: Moritz Lipp, Andreas Kogler, David Oswald, Michael Schwarz, Catherine Easdon, Claudio Canella, Daniel Gruss
Publicado en: 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 2021
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/sp40001.2021.00063

An Algebraic Attack on Ciphers with Low-Degree Round Functions: Application to Full MiMC

Autores: Maria Eichlseder and Lorenzo Grassi and Reinhard Lüftenegger and Morten Øygarden and Christian Rechberger and Markus Schofnegger and Qingju Wang
Publicado en: IACR-ASIACRYPT-2020, 2020, Página(s) 477-506, ISBN 978-3-030-64836-7
Editor: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-64837-4_16

Evolution of Defenses against Transient-Execution Attacks

Autores: Claudio Canella, Sai Manoj Pudukotai Dinakarrao, Daniel Gruss, Khaled N. Khasawneh
Publicado en: Proceedings of the 2020 on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, 2020, Página(s) 169-174, ISBN 9781450379441
Editor: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3386263.3407584

Protecting Indirect Branches against Fault Attacks using ARM Pointer Authentication

Autores: Pascal Nasahl*, Robert Schilling, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2021
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/host49136.2021.9702268

Automating Seccomp Filter Generation for Linux Applications

Autores: Claudio Canella, Mario Werner, Daniel Gruss, Michael Schwarz
Publicado en: ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop 2021, 2020, Página(s) 139-151
Editor: cs.CR
DOI: 10.1145/3474123.3486762

Ciminion: Symmetric Encryption Based on Toffoli-Gates over Large Finite Fields

Autores: Christoph Erwin Dobraunig, Lorenzo Grassi, Anna Guinet , Daniël Kuijsters
Publicado en: Eurocrypt 2021, 2021
Editor: IACR

Concealing Secrets in Embedded Processors Designs

Autores: Hannes Gross, Manuel Jelinek, Stefan Mangard, Thomas Unterluggauer, Mario Werner
Publicado en: CARDIS 2016, 2017, Página(s) 89-104
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-54669-8_6

High speed ASIC implementations of leakage-resilient cryptography

Autores: Robert Schilling, Thomas Unterluggauer, Stefan Mangard, Frank K. Gurkaynak, Michael Muehlberghuber, Luca Benini
Publicado en: 2018 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2018, Página(s) 1259-1264, ISBN 978-3-9819263-0-9
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/DATE.2018.8342208

Another Flip in the Wall of Rowhammer Defenses

Autores: Daniel Gruss, Moritz Lipp, Michael Schwarz, Daniel Genkin, Jonas Juffinger, Sioli O'Connell, Wolfgang Schoechl, Yuval Yarom
Publicado en: 39th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2018, 2017
Editor: IEEE

An Efficient Side-Channel Protected AES Implementation with Arbitrary Protection Order

Autores: Hannes Gross, Stefan Mangard, Thomas Korak
Publicado en: CT-RSA, 2017, Página(s) 95-112, ISBN 978-3-319-52153-4
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-52153-4_6

Formal Verification of Masked Hardware Implementations in the Presence of Glitches

Autores: Roderick Bloem, Hannes Gross, Rinat Iusupov, Bettina Könighofer, Stefan Mangard, Johannes Winter
Publicado en: Eurocrypt 2018, 2018, Página(s) 321-353
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-78375-8_11

KASLR is Dead

Autores: Daniel Gruss, Moritz Lipp, Michael Schwarz, Richard Fellner, Clémentine Maurice, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: ESSoS'17, 2017, Página(s) 161-176
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-62105-0_11

JavaScript Zero: Real JavaScript and Zero Side-Channel Attacks

Autores: Michael Schwarz Moritz Lipp Daniel Gruss
Publicado en: NDSS 2018, 2018
Editor: NDSS

Higher-Order Side-Channel Protected Implementations of KECCAK

Autores: Hannes Gross, David Schaffenrath, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: 2017 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 2017, Página(s) 205-212, ISBN 978-1-5386-2146-2
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/DSD.2017.21

Multi-core data analytics SoC with a flexible 1.76 Gbit/s AES-XTS cryptographic accelerator in 65 nm CMOS

Autores: Frank K. Gürkaynak, Robert Schilling, Michael Muehlberghuber, Francesco Conti, Stefan Mangard, Luca Benini
Publicado en: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems - CS2 '17, 2017, Página(s) 19-24, ISBN 9781-450348690
Editor: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3031836.3031840

ProcHarvester: Fully Automated Analysis of Procfs Side-Channel Leaks on Android

Autores: Spreitzer, R., Kirchengast, F., Gruss, D., Mangard, S.
Publicado en: AsiaCCS 2018, 2018
Editor: ACM

Malware guard extension

Autores: Michael Schwarz, Samuel Weiser, Daniel Gruss, Clémentine Maurice, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: DIMVA'17, 2017, Página(s) 3-24
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60876-1_1

Leakage Bounds for Gaussian Side Channels

Autores: Thomas Unterluggauer, Thomas Korak, Stefan Mangard, Robert Schilling, Luca Benini, Frank K. Gürkaynak, Michael Muehlberghuber
Publicado en: CARDIS 2018, 2018
Editor: Springer Inernational Verlag

SCAnDroid: Automated Side-Channel Analysis of Android APIs

Autores: Spreitzer, R., Palfinger, G., Mangard, S.
Publicado en: WISEC 2018, 2018
Editor: ACM

Securing conditional branches in the presence of fault attacks

Autores: Robert Schilling, Mario Werner, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: 2018 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2018, Página(s) 1586-1591, ISBN 978-3-9819263-0-9
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/DATE.2018.8342268

Reconciling d+1 Masking in Hardware and Software

Autores: Groß, H., Mangard, S.
Publicado en: CHES 2017, 2017
Editor: Springer

Side-channel plaintext-recovery attacks on leakage-resilient encryption

Autores: Thomas Unterluggauer, Mario Werner, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2017, 2017, Página(s) 1318-1323, ISBN 978-3-9815370-8-6
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/DATE.2017.7927197

Single Trace Attack Against RSA Key Generation in Intel SGX SSL

Autores: Weiser, S., Spreitzer, R., Bodner, L.
Publicado en: AsiaCCS 2018, 2018
Editor: ACM

Securing Memory Encryption and Authentication Against Side-Channel Attacks Using Unprotected Primitives

Autores: Thomas Unterluggauer, Mario Werner, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security - ASIA CCS '17, 2017, Página(s) 690-702, ISBN 9781-450349444
Editor: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3052973.3052985

Transparent memory encryption and authentication

Autores: Mario Werner, Thomas Unterluggauer, Robert Schilling, David Schaffenrath, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: 2017 27th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2017, Página(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-9-0903-0428-1
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/FPL.2017.8056797

KeyDrown: Eliminating Software-Based Keystroke Timing Side-Channel Attacks.

Autores: Michael Schwarz, Moritz Lipp, Daniel Gruss, Samuel Weiser, Clémentine Maurice, Raphael Spreitzer, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: NDSS Symposium 2018, 2018
Editor: NDSS Symposium 2018
DOI: 10.14722/ndss.2018.23002

Automated Detection, Exploitation, and Elimination of Double-Fetch Bugs using Modern CPU Features

Autores: Michael Schwarz, Daniel Gruss, Moritz Lipp, Clémentine Maurice, Thomas Schuster, Anders Fogh, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: Proceedings of the 2018 on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security - ASIACCS '18, 2018, Página(s) 587-600, ISBN 9781-450355766
Editor: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3196494.3196508


Autores: Lipp, Moritz; Schwarz, Michael; Gruss, Daniel; Prescher, Thomas; Haas, Werner; Mangard, Stefan; Kocher, Paul; Genkin, Daniel; Yarom, Yuval; Hamburg, Mike
Publicado en: 27th USENIX Security Symposium, Edición 2, 2018
Editor: USENIX Security Symposium 2018:

Sponge-Based Control-Flow Protection for IoT Devices

Autores: Mario Werner, Thomas Unterluggauer, David Schaffenrath, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: 2018 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), 2018, Página(s) 214-226, ISBN 978-1-5386-4228-3
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/eurosp.2018.00023

Pointing in the Right Direction - Securing Memory Accesses in a Faulty World

Autores: Schilling, Robert; Werner, Mario; Nasahl, Pascal; Mangard, Stefan
Publicado en: ACSAC 2018, Edición 2, 2018
Editor: ACSAC 2018

Small Faults Grow Up - Verification of Error Masking Robustness in Arithmetically Encoded Programs

Autores: Anja F. Karl, Robert Schilling, Roderick Bloem, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation - 20th International Conference, VMCAI 2019, Cascais, Portugal, January 13–15, 2019, Proceedings, Edición 11388, 2019, Página(s) 183-204, ISBN 978-3-030-11244-8
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-11245-5_9

Spectre Attacks: Exploiting Speculative Execution

Autores: Kocher, Paul; Genkin, Daniel; Gruss, Daniel; Haas, Werner; Hamburg, Mike; Lipp, Moritz; Mangard, Stefan; Prescher, Thomas; Schwarz, Michael; Yarom, Yuval
Publicado en: 2019 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 2019
Editor: arxiv
DOI: 10.1109/sp.2019.00002

Fault Attacks on Nonce-Based Authenticated Encryption: Application to Keyak and Ketje

Autores: Christoph Dobraunig, Stefan Mangard, Florian Mendel, Robert Primas
Publicado en: Selected Areas in Cryptography – SAC 2018 - 25th International Conference, Calgary, AB, Canada, August 15–17, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, Edición 11349, 2019, Página(s) 257-277, ISBN 978-3-030-10969-1
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-10970-7_12

Generic Low-Latency Masking in Hardware

Autores: Gross, H., Iusupov, R., & Bloem, R.
Publicado en: CHES 2018, 2018
Editor: IACR - Ches 2018
DOI: 10.13154/tches.v2018.i2.1-21

JavaScript Template Attacks: Automatically Inferring Host Information for Targeted Exploits

Autores: Michael Schwarz, Florian Lackner, Daniel Gruss
Publicado en: NDSS 2019, 2019
Editor: Internet Society - NDSS

Statistical Ineffective Fault Attacks on Masked AES with Fault Countermeasures

Autores: Christoph Dobraunig, Maria Eichlseder, Hannes Gross, Stefan Mangard, Florian Mendel, Robert Primas
Publicado en: ASIACRYPT 2018, 2018
Editor: Springer

SGXJail: Defeating Enclave Malware via Confinement

Autores: Samuel Weiser, Luca Mayr, Michael Schwarz, Daniel Gruss
Publicado en: 22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses ({RAID} 2019), 2019, ISBN 978-1-939133-07-6
Editor: USENIX Association

Protecting RISC-V Processors against Physical Attacks

Autores: Mario Werner, Robert Schilling, Thomas Unterluggauer, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: 2019 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2019, Página(s) 1136-1141, ISBN 978-3-9819263-2-3
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/date.2019.8714811

A Systematic Evaluation of Transient Execution Attacks and Defenses

Autores: Claudio Canella, Jo Van Bulck, Michael Schwarz , Moritz Lipp , Benjamin von Berg , Philipp Ortner , Frank Piessens , Dmitry Evtyushkin, Daniel Gruss
Publicado en: USENIX Security 2019, 2019
Editor: USENIX Association

ScatterCache: Thwarting Cache Attacks via Cache Set Randomization

Autores: Mario Werner, Thomas Unterluggauer, Lukas Giner, Michael Schwarz, Daniel Gruss, and Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: USENIX Security 2019, 2019
Editor: USENIX Association

Practical Enclave Malware with Intel SGX

Autores: Michael Schwarz, Samuel Weiser, Daniel Gruss
Publicado en: Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment - 16th International Conference, DIMVA 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 19–20, 2019, Proceedings, Edición 11543, 2019, Página(s) 177-196, ISBN 978-3-030-22037-2
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-22038-9_9

Medusa: Microarchitectural data leakage via automated attack synthesis

Autores: Daniel Moghimi, Moritz Lipp, Berk Sunar, Michael Schwarz
Publicado en: 29th USENIX Security Symposium, Edición Proceedings of the 29th USENIX Security Symposium, 2020, Página(s) 1427-1444, ISBN 9781939133175
Editor: USENIX Association

Specfuscator: Evaluating Branch Removal as a Spectre Mitigation

Autores: Martin Schwarzl, Claudio Alberto Canella, Daniel Gruss, Michael Schwarz
Publicado en: Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2021 - Virtual conference, 2021
Editor: IFCA

Nethammer: Inducing Rowhammer Faults through Network Requests

Autores: Moritz Lipp, Michael Schwarz, Lukas Raab, Lukas Lamster, Misiker Tadesse Aga, Clementine Maurice, Daniel Gruss
Publicado en: 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW), 2020, Página(s) 710-719, ISBN 978-1-7281-8597-2
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/eurospw51379.2020.00102

Donky: Domain Keys – Efficient In-Process Isolation for RISC-V and x86

Autores: David Schrammel, Samuel Weiser, Stefan Steinegger, Martin Schwarzl, Michael Schwarz, Stefan Mangard, Daniel Gruß
Publicado en: Proceedings of the 29th USENIX Security Symposium 2020, 2020, Página(s) 1677-1694
Editor: 29th USENIX Security Symposium

Take A Way: Exploring the Security Implications of AMD's Cache Way Predictors

Autores: Moritz Lipp, Vedad Hažić, Michael Schwarz, Arthur Perais, Clémentine Maurice, Daniel Gruss
Publicado en: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2020, Página(s) 813-825, ISBN 9781450367509
Editor: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3320269.3384746

Out of Oddity – New Cryptanalytic Techniques Against Symmetric Primitives Optimized for Integrity Proof Systems

Autores: Tim Beyne, Anne Canteaut, Itai Dinur, Maria Eichlseder, Gregor Leander, Gaëtan Leurent, María Naya-Plasencia, Léo Perrin, Yu Sasaki, Yosuke Todo, Friedrich Wiemer
Publicado en: Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2020 - 40th Annual International Cryptology Conference, CRYPTO 2020, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 17–21, 2020, Proceedings, Part III, Edición 12172, 2020, Página(s) 299-328, ISBN 978-3-030-56876-4
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-56877-1_11

DATA - Differential Address Trace Analysis: Finding Address-based Side-Channels in Binaries

Autores: Samuel Weiser, Andreas Zankl, Raphael Spreitzer, Katja Miller, Stefan Mangard, Georg Sigl
Publicado en: Proceedings of the 27th USENIX Security Symposium, 2018, Página(s) 603-620, ISBN 978-1-931971-46-1
Editor: USENIX Association

LVI: Hijacking Transient Execution through Microarchitectural Load Value Injection

Autores: Jo Van Bulck, Daniel Moghimi, Michael Schwarz, Moritz Lipp, Marina Minkin, Daniel Genkin, Yuval Yarom, Berk Sunar, Daniel Gruß, Frank Piessens
Publicado en: 2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 2020
Editor: IEEE

An IoT Endpoint System-on-Chip for Secure and Energy-Efficient Near-Sensor Analytics

Autores: Francesco Conti; Robert Schilling; Pasquale Davide Schiavone; Antonio Pullini; Davide Rossi; Frank K. Gurkaynak; Michael Muehlberghuber; Michael Gautschi; Igor Loi; Germain Haugou; Stefan Mangard; Luca Benini
Publicado en: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Edición 23, 2017, ISSN 1549-8328
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/tcsi.2017.2698019

Plundervolt: How a Little Bit of Undervolting Can Create a Lot of Trouble

Autores: Kit Murdock, David Oswald, Flavio D. Garcia, Jo Van Bulck, Frank Piessens, Daniel Gruss
Publicado en: IEEE Security & Privacy, Edición 18/5, 2020, Página(s) 28-37, ISSN 1540-7993
Editor: IEEE Computer Society
DOI: 10.1109/msec.2020.2990495

ISAP v2.0

Autores: Christoph Dobraunig, Maria Eichlseder, Stefan Mangard, Florian Mendel, Bart Mennink, Robert Primas, Thomas Unterluggauer
Publicado en: IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, Edición 2020, 2020, Página(s) 390-416, ISSN 2519-173X
Editor: Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
DOI: 10.13154/tosc.v2020.iS1.390-416

ISAP – Towards Side-Channel Secure Authenticated Encryption

Autores: Dobraunig, Christoph; Eichlseder, Maria; Mangard, Stefan; Mendel, Florian; Unterluggauer, Thomas
Publicado en: IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, Edición 1, 2017, ISSN 2519-173X
Editor: IACR
DOI: 10.13154/tosc.v2017.i1.80-105

Systematic Classification of Side-Channel Attacks: A Case Study for Mobile Devices

Autores: Raphael Spreitzer, Veelasha Moonsamy, Thomas Korak, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Edición 20/1, 2018, Página(s) 465-488, ISSN 1553-877X
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/COMST.2017.2779824

MEAS: memory encryption and authentication secure against side-channel attacks

Autores: Thomas Unterluggauer, Mario Werner, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 2018, ISSN 2190-8508
Editor: Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1007/s13389-018-0180-2

A unified masking approach

Autores: Hannes Gross, Stefan Mangard
Publicado en: Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 2018, ISSN 2190-8508
Editor: Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1007/s13389-018-0184-y

SIFA: Exploiting Ineffective Fault Inductions on Symmetric Cryptography

Autores: Christoph Dobraunig, Maria Eichlseder, Thomas Korak, Stefan Mangard, Florian Mendel, Robert Primas
Publicado en: IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, 2018(3), 2018, ISSN 2569-2925
Editor: Ruhr University Bochum

Tightness of the Suffix Keyed Sponge Bound

Autores: Christoph Dobraunig, Bart Mennink
Publicado en: IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 2020, Página(s) 195-212, ISSN 2519-173X
Editor: Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
DOI: 10.46586/tosc.v2020.i4.195-212

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