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Open dynamic Manufacturing Operating System for Smart Plug-and-Produce Automation Components

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - openMOS (Open dynamic Manufacturing Operating System for Smart Plug-and-Produce Automation Components)

Berichtszeitraum: 2017-04-01 bis 2019-01-31

The motivation for the openMOS project is that European Manufacturing Industry has to become increasingly agile to compete in the global economy. OEMs need to be able to produce premium quality on demand. Traditional manufacturing models, which are based on large production volumes and continuous improvement, become increasingly difficult to sustain. Ever smaller lot sizes are required to be able to achieve short lead times for an increasing range of products and variants. High variety and flexibility is traditionally the domain of manual manufacturing systems. Repeatable high quality, on the other hand, is the strength of automation systems. The root cause of many warranty issues for high quality products can be traced back to manual work.
THE CHALLENGES preventing the wider introduction of plug-and-produce systems by industry and SMEs are:
1. CONNECTIVITY: Lost in translation
2. TRANSPARENCY: The information bottleneck
3. INTELLIGENCE: Trust vs control
4. AGILITY: From new product introduction until end of life
5. RESILIENCE: The changeability-variability balance
6. ECONOMY: Separation between hardware and software is restricting flexible automation
7. TRANSFORMATION: Resistance to change, diversity and high initial entry barrier
To address the identified challenges, the openMOS project addresses the following key objectives.
1. Embed automation devices and components with plug-and-produce capabilities
2. Open service-based communication Platform for secure and real time capable vertical and horizontal connectivity
3. Integrating agent-based manufacturing operating system with manufacturing service bus
4. Self-adjustment and dynamic scheduling strategies to reduce energy usage based on learned behaviour models
5. Rapid integration and self-tuning strategies for changeover time reduction
6. Industrialization and demonstration
7. Standardization, dissemination and exploitation
WP1 – Industrial Requirements, Standardisation and Business Motivation
- User Requirements Specification (USR) for plug-and-produce systems
- Preliminary definition of Key Process Indicators (KPI) for flexible automation
- Definition of validation processes and parameters
- Continuous standardisation activities for industrial exposure and technological transfer

WP2 – Embedded Smart Plug-and-Produce Device Adapter
- PCB design and technical specification of plug-and-produce device controller
- Architecture design and first implementation of a plug-and-produce device adapter
- Plug-and-produce sensor nodes for product tracking and air quality measurements

WP3 – Open Plug-and-Produce Manufacturing Service Bus
- First version of the reference architecture for modular plug-and-produce systems
- Assessment of open standards for service bus technology
- Implementation and testing of the manufacturing service bus
- Preliminary description of the common semantic model
- RFiD system for dynamic product tracking

WP4 – Rapid Changeover and Energy Optimisation System
- Open agent-based manufacturing operation system platform
- Assessment of current database technology for model learning in high throughput systems
- Methods for energy consumption monitoring and model learning

WP5 – TRL 5-8 Plug-and-Produce Devices and Machine Demonstrators
- Implementation of a device adapter for legacy industrial systems, such as: industrial robots, PLCs and AGVs
- Technical specifications for new plug-and-produce industrial devices and machines, such as: servo axis, transport module, feeding devices and electronic assembly machines

WP6 – TRL 5-6 Cell Level Early Demonstration and Testing
- Early demonstration of openMOS technology, such as:
o Plug-and-produce device adapters;
o Integration of legacy systems;
o Service discovery and registration;
o Horizontal and vertical communication through the manufacturing service bus;
o Skill-based execution of product recipes;
o Agent instantiation of virtualised resources;

WP7 – TRL 6-7 Industrial Pilot Demonstrators
- Identification and preparation of target validation scenarios

WP8 – Dissemination
- Technical workshops (OPC UA and AutomationML)
- Conference contributions and publications
- Dissemination material, such as: website, flyer, newsletter, logo and design
- IPR protection and management

WP9 – Project Management
- Coordination
- Periodic meetings
- Financial management
- Project intranet

See for more details on the objectives of each WP.
The openMOS project extends the results reached by successful past and current research projects, such as: EUPASS, IDEAS, OPAK, PRIME, FRAME and Self-Learning. Current progress beyond the state-of-the-art include:
- Design and development of a layered skill-based reference architecture for flexible, adaptive and self-optimising production systems
- Development of an open agent-based architecture for plug-and-produce manufacturing resources and components
- Definition of a methodology to support the step required to integrate legacy devices inside new flexible systems
- Plug-in concept for sensor integration on devices
- Specification for smart devices that perform analysis, communications, data storage and control interfacing
- Global manufacturing framework supported by cloud technology, from local embedded devices to upper managerial decision making tools and vice versa
- Use of plug-and-produce methods and cyber physical device agents for faster integration and real control behaviour