CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
Fully operative AM devices suited for multi material production of ceramic components and implementation of conventionally manufactured semi-components exist.
Jewelry componentSeveral ceramic watchcases combining black and white zirconia can be demonstrated and evaluated.
Individualised gripper for minimally invasive surgeryDifferent grippers with individualised geometry can be demonstrated and evaluated by practically relevant tests.
Pilots of 1st generationA first generation of fully operative further developed AM devices for FDM, LCM and T3DP is ready to prepare testing parts by a multi material approach. This deliverable will be the technical basis for WP5 and WP6
Customised IR-heaterCustomised IR limb heater can be demonstrated.
Characterisation results of green and sintered demonstrators from WP6
LCM suspensions for multi material approachSuspension couples for LCM multi material approach are available. LCM suspensions for structural combinations of dense/porous or for differently coloured ceramic components or for the individualisation of conventionally manufactured semi-products exist. Material data for simulation (WP5) are measured.
Testing part for T3DP combined with conventional shaping routesTesting component for the combination of a conventionally manufactured semi-component (e.g. ceramic injection moulded parts or green tapes) with T3DP is developed. Results of the investigations will be summarized in a lab-report.
Choice of materials, shaping routes and testing partsThe report will contain a market survey on ceramic AM technologies and feedstocks, the chosen materials and material combinations, the polymeric binders such as the chosen AM technologies and combinations of AM and conventional shaping routes, respectively.
Tailor binders for LCM suspensions and FDM/t3DP feedstocksFirst tailored binder compositions for LCM suspensions and FDM/T3DP feedstocks are available
LCM multifunctional testing partTesting components consisting of different structures (porous/dense) and different colours (black/white) are developed. Results of the investigations will be summarized in a lab-report.
Testing part for FDM combined with conventional shaping routesTesting component for the combination of a conventionally manufactured semi-component (e.g. ceramic green tapes) with FDM is developed. Results of the investigations will be summarized in a lab-report.
Testing part for LCM combined with conventional shaping routesTesting component for the combination of a conventionally manufactured semi-component (e.g. ceramic injection moulded parts or green tapes) with LCM is developed. Results of the investigations will be summarized in a lab-report.
Multiscale simulation for FDMA multi scale simulation approach is developed and verified with experimental results in a report.
Project progress reportReports on the project progress with comparison of the planned and actual schedule will be delivered. It reports any deviations from the work plan and risks associated with the performed work and planned milestones. It provides further a status of cerAMfacturing financial status and its spending. Presented every half a year.
T3DP multi material testing partTesting component for a ceramic material combination is developed. Depending on the decisions taken in WP2 the combination may concern either different colours or physically properties like electrical conductivity. Results of the investigations will be summarized in a lab-report.
FDM/T3DP feedstocks fur multi material approachFeedstock couples for FDM and T3DP multi material approach are available. FDM and T3DP feedstocks for ceramic semi-components with different properties or for the individualisation of conventionally manufactured semi-products exist. Material data for simulation (WP5) are measured.
FDM multi material testing partTesting component for the ceramic material combination electrically conductive/insulation is developed. Results of the investigations will be summarized in a lab-report.
Results of functional testsResults of functionality tests on all the demonstrators
A movie showing the objectives and results of the project to support the dissemination and raise interest in the broader public.
2nd Project ConferenceSecond project conference, presenting the final results of the project to invited organisations and experts.
Complete and Final Dissemination and Exploitation PlanThe complete and final dissemination and exploitation plan for the project. It is based on the first final version from month 12, after it was further developed in the project and based on the results.
Industrial WorkshopA workshop especially for interested industrial organisations to show the development in the AM field.
Final dissemination and exploitation planThe final dissemination and exploitation plan for the project. It will be monitored and adjusted further during the project and exploitation plan will be further developed for the partners.
1st Project ConferenceFirst project conference, presenting the first results of the project to invited organisations and experts.
Project Websiteproject website with a private and a public section
E. Schwarzer, M. Götz, D. Markova, D. Stafford, U. Scheithauer, T. Moritz
Pubblicato in:
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Numero 37/16, 2017, Pagina/e 5329-5338, ISSN 0955-2219
Elsevier BV
Uwe Scheithauer, Steven Weingarten, Robert Johne, Eric Schwarzer, Johannes Abel, Hans-Jürgen Richter, Tassilo Moritz, Alexander Michaelis
Pubblicato in:
Materials, Numero 10/12, 2017, Pagina/e 1368, ISSN 1996-1944
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Uwe Scheithauer, Robert Johne, Steven Weingarten, Eric Schwarzer, Hans-Jürgen Richter, Tassilo Moritz, Alexander Michaelis
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Numero 27/1, 2018, Pagina/e 44-51, ISSN 1059-9495
ASM International
Uwe Scheithauer, Eric Schwarzer, Hans-Jürgen Richter, Tassilo Moritz
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Numero 12/1, 2015, Pagina/e 26-31, ISSN 1546-542X
American Ceramic Society
Joamin Gonzalez-Gutierrez, Santiago Cano, Stephan Schuschnigg, Christian Kukla, Janak Sapkota, Clemens Holzer
Pubblicato in:
Materials, Numero 11/5, 2018, Pagina/e 840, ISSN 1996-1944
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Tassilo Moritz, Axel Müller-Köhn, Johannes Abel, Uwe Scheithauer, Steven Weingarten
Pubblicato in:
Powder Injection Moulding International, Numero vol. 12 (2018) No. 4, 2018, Pagina/e 77-84, ISSN 2055-6667
Inovar Communications Ldt.
Tassilo Moritz
Pubblicato in:
Impact, Numero 2017/3, 2017, Pagina/e 80-82, ISSN 2398-7073
Science Impact Ltd
Tassilo Moritz, Uwe Scheithauer, Eric Schwarzer, Matthias Ahlhelm
Pubblicato in:
wt Werkstattstechnik online, Numero Jahrgang 106 (2016) H. 7/8, 2016, Pagina/e 569-570, ISSN 1436-4980
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