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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EURO 5G (Euro-5G)

Berichtszeitraum: 2016-07-01 bis 2017-09-30

The primary objective of the Euro-5g project is to facilitate effective and efficient co-operation and integration between all projects of the 5G-PPP, the European Commission, The 5G-Infrastructure Association, Networld2020 European Technology Platform (ETP), related projects from Eureka, and related national initiatives to maximize the European momentum towards, and benefits from, the future 5G integrated, ubiquitous and ultra-high capacity networks (Activity I of the call text).

The project will also support the 5G-PPP goal to maintain and enhance the competitiveness of the European ICT industry and to ensure that European society can enjoy the economic and societal benefits these future networks will bring (Activity II of the call text) in collaboration with the 5G Infrastructure Association, the Networld2020 European Technology Platform and vertical sectors, which may be represented by other European Technology Platforms, other PPPs and associations.

As a key facilitator of the 5G-PPP processes in the 5G-PPP governance, the Euro-5g project will, through the operation of the processes, take actions to ensure openness, fairness and transparency (Activity III of the call text) along the following specific project objectives:

Euro-5g will, as a core activity, launch and maintain a comprehensive communications and dissemination program emanating from a lively and continuously updated website and including various social media tools as appropriate (Activity VII of the call text). This program level communications plan will be shared with all the 5G-PPP projects and will include annual reports on the program performance.
Euro-5g will use working group structures spanning the projects of the 5G-PPP and the Networld2020 community to develop informed positions on pre-standards and spectrum that will feed into European and Global discussions in these areas. The ambition is to ensure that 5G standards emerge where they are useful and effective in stimulating uptake and that sufficient spectrum is available and its use optimised by 2020 for 5G communications. (Activities V & VI of the call text).
Euro-5g will also stimulate and involve a highly qualified group of experts for SRIA WG participation via the Networld2020 European Technology Platform to produce innovation roadmaps and the active industrial community will contribute to defining the Experimental requirements of the next phases of the 5G-PPP. (Activity VIII of the call text).
Euro-5g will monitor and analyse international 5G activities and will facilitate respective activities (e.g. meetings, workshops etc.) and work together with the 5G-Infrastructure Association and the European Commission to have good international relations with these global initiatives (Activity IV of the call text) with a view to ensuring global interoperability.
"The Euro-5G Project addresses the support action requirements of H2020 call: ICT-14-2014-Advanced 5G Network Infrastructure for the Future Internet in a holistic way.

The website is the central resource regarding 5G research in Europe. Euro-5G has frequently updated it and has kept growing in terms of content and visitors. The number of visitors increased from 40k in period 1 to 69k in period 2. The 5G Architecture Whitepaper is the most downloaded document. The increase in the number of visits shows its popularity. Twitter has been used as the main social media tool. In total 1,800 tweets have been posted and the number of followers has grown to 2,800.

Under the facilitation of Euro-5G, the 5G-PPP projects have maintained their very constructive attitude of collaboration in the work groups. Support has also been provided to the work groups of the 5G Association. One new work group (Trials WG) has been launched. Discussions on a new WG on “5G for automotive” have started. All other WGs have continued their activity. Several new white papers, issues papers, position papers and vision documents have been produced by the working groups.

The Networld2020 Experts group and the 5G-PPP vision Working group have, supported by Euro-5G project, prepared a new version of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. It addresses “Pervasive Mobile Virtual Services” and was released in September 2016. It is the result of contributions received from more than 140 researchers from industry and academia.

Establishing liaisons and opening up dialogues with related national and international initiatives is a critical aspect in the perspective of ensuring leadership for the European 5G PPP initiative in the global scenario. 5G-IA Secretary General, Jean-Pierre Bienaimé, actively developed international relations with global 5G initiatives. He has spoken at a large number of international events towards establishing and maintaining good international relations. A recent example is the EU – TAIWAN 5G Workshop in Brussels, 27 June 2017. Moreover, a bilateral MoU was signed with “Telebrasil – Projeto 5G Brasil"" at Mobile World Congress 2017.

Regarding liaison with standardisation bodies, the Pre-Standards WG has prepared a summary of 3GPP Phase 1 standardization activities, and was working on the document summarizing the standards activities performed by the projects during the first phase of 5G PPP, documenting the impact that 5G PPP has had on standards. The WG has also supported the projects in their standards work by keeping track of and suggesting upcoming standards events and meetings that can be useful for exploiting their results.
Worth mentioning is that Euro-5G partner 5G-IA was accepted as a Market Representation Partner (MRP) of 3GPP in October 2016 and will thus have the opportunity to impact standards by e.g. offering advice to 3GPP in terms of market requirements (e.g. services, features and functionality), systems and scenarios, allowing to bring in views from 5G PPP.
Regarding ITU-R, the 5G-IA has successfully registered as one of the independent evaluation groups of IMT 2020 (5G) radio interface (under ITU-R WP 5D). The evaluations will start in 2018 and go on until 2020. The 5G-IA has decided to setup a dedicated “Evaluation WG”, to be chaired by Werner Mohr, which will coordinate the activities on behalf of the 5G IA. Strong contribution from 5G projects will be required. Preparations for a first ITU-R workshop to be held in Munich on 4 October 2017 have started.
Finally to state, the Trials WG paper was shared with the other regions of the MoU at the Tokyo Global 5G event. This, and actual trial projects will become the basis for possible joint demonstrations and even inter-continental connections in Phase 3."
As a facilitator of the 5G-PPP programme Euro-5G is assisting the set of 5G-PPP projects to achieve better results and a more coherent and comprehensive result for Europe through the effective management of the inter-project communication and collaboration. The level of participation and contribution from the projects to the joint working Groups and common dissemination and promotion activities has continued to be higher than in any previous PPP. This effective collaboration between European research projects is likely to accelerate the consensus process and ultimately puts the European ICT industry in an excellent position to develop competitive 5G products while creating the market and benefits for 5G services for the European citizens.