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Risultati finali
Report on first technical workshop: this deliverable reports on first internal workshop and its main conclusions.
Intermediate project periodic report for period 1Intermediate project periodic report for period 1: project report status at mid-term of period 1
Final international identification reportFinal international identification report: this report will collect all inputs of task 6.2 and will present a synthesis of the collaborations that will have been established
Second report on crosscutting issues and disruptive innovation strategiesconclusions (M 13) D4.5 Report on second technical workshop: This deliverable reports on the second internal workshop and its main conclusions.
First report on cross-cutting issues and disruptive innovation strategiesFirst Cross cutting report & disruptive innovations strategies: this report analyses cross-cutting issues in conjunction with disruptive technologies and proposes strategies to address them. (M12)
Report on the HPC Training Providers’ ForumReport on the HPC Training Providers’ Forum.
Second holistic vision and recommendations reportHolistic vision and recommendations: these reports will provide a holistic vision and some recommendations based on the work done by the others work packages.
Report on promotion of HPC as a Career ChoiceReport on Promotion of HPC as a Career Choice.
Final release of the HPC Ecosystem Balanced ScoreCardFinal release of the HPC Ecosystem Balanced ScoreCard (M30) – employs the methodologies and tools as described in D7.3
Third PRACE SSC Scientific CaseThird version of the PRACE SSC Scientific Case – a full bottom-up new version of PRACE SSC Scientific Case, following the last one published in 2012.
Initial methodology and monitoring tool-setFirst set of reports and recommendations toward applications
First set of reports and recommendations toward applications.
Project periodic report for period 2Project report for period 2. This mandatory periodic report is listed also as a deliverables for project internal purposes
Intermediate project periodic report for period 2Intermediate period report for period 2
Final Evaluation Report of the HPC Job CentreFinal Evaluation Report of the HPC Job Centre.
Report on the BDEC workshops (US)Report on the 2017 BDEC workshops organized in US – Results of the workshop
Update of Strategic Research Agenda (SRA2)Strategic Research Agenda Update (SRA2) Update of ETP4HPC SRA of April 2013 (M5)
Final methodology and monitoring tool-setFinal methodology and monitoring tool-set (M25) – updates the approaches and tools based on experience in creating D7.2
HPC Career Case StudiesInitial HPC Career Case Studies (5 Case Studies of young people working in HPC)
Analysis of international collaboration opportunities for the European projectsAnalysis for international collaboration opportunities for the European projects
Report on European EXDCI conferenceReport on European EXDCI conference (M 30)
ETP4HPC Strategic Research Agenda V3ETP4HPC Strategic Research Agenda Version 3 (SRA3) A new version of ETP4HPC Strategic Research Agenda.
Dissemination PlanDissemination Plan: The dissemination plan will define the target audiences, objectives, communication channels, tools and support material, activities, responsibilities and timing
Project periodic report for period 1Project Report for period 1. This mandatory periodic report is listed also as a deliverables for project internal purposes
Initial Evaluation Report of the HPC Job CentreInitial Evaluation Report of the HPC Job Centre.
Report on start-up mature technologiesReport on start-up mature technologies (M12): this report list and analyze technologies considered as suitable for start-up.
Report on second technical workshopReport on second technical workshop: This deliverable reports on the second internal workshop and its main conclusions.
HPC Training RoadmapHPC Training Roadmap.
Report on tools for start-up and SME in HPCReport on tools for start-ups and SMEs in HPC (M24): this report list funding opportunities and consulting resources associated to tools for Start-Up and SME.
Report on the BDEC workshops (Japan)Report on the first quarter 2018 BDEC workshops organized in Japan/Asia area – Results of the workshop.
First holistic vision and recommendations reportHolistic vision and recommendations: these reports will provide a holistic vision and some recommendations based on the work done by the others work packages.
First release of the HPC Ecosystem BalancedFirst release of the HPC Ecosystem Balanced ScoreCard (M20) – employs the methodologies and tools as described in D7.1.
Report on the BDEC workshops (EU)Report on the 2016 BDEC workshops organized in Europe – Results of the workshop
Final dissemination reportFinal Dissemination Report
HPC Career Case Studies (Updates and additional case studies).
European Technology Platform For High-Performance Computing - ETP4HPC
Pubblicato in:
Jean-Pierre Panziera
Michael Malms
Jean-Philippe Nominé
Maike Gilliot
Marcin Ostasz
Sai Narasimhamurthy
Costas Bekas
Igor Zacharov
Marc Duranton
Thomas Eickermann
Laurent Cargemel
Dirk Pleiter
Paul Carpenter
Guy Lonsdale
Hans-Christian Hoppe
Pascale Rosse-Laurent
Alfred Geiger
Catherine Inglis
David Henty
Erwin Laure
François Bodin
Frank van der Hout
Jean-François Lavignon
Mark Asch
Pubblicato in:
HPC Technology Projects and Centres of Excellence in Computing Applications
Pubblicato in:
M Asch, T Moore, R Badia, M Beck, P Beckman, T Bidot, F Bodin, F Cappello, A Choudhary, B de Supinski, E Deelman, J Dongarra, A Dubey, G Fox, H Fu, S Girona, W Gropp, M Heroux, Y Ishikawa, K Keahey, D Keyes, W Kramer, J-F Lavignon, Y Lu, S Matsuoka, B Mohr, D Reed, S Requena, J Saltz, T Schulthess, R Stevens, M Swany, A Szalay, W Tang, G Varoquaux, J-P Vilotte, R Wisniewski, Z Xu, I Zacharov
Pubblicato in:
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Numero 32/4, 2018, Pagina/e 435-479, ISSN 1094-3420
SAGE Publications
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