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AUTomotive deRivative Energy system


"The overall aim is to create the foundations for commercializing an automotive derivative fuel cell system in the 50 to 100 kW range, for combined heat and power (CHP) applications in commercial and industrial buildings. More specifically, the project has the following objectives:
• develop system components allowing reduced costs, increased durability and efficiency
• build and validate a first 50 kW PEM prototype CHP system
• create the required value chain from automotive manufacturers to stationary energy end-users
Mass-market production of fuel cells will be a strong factor in reducing first costs. In this respect, joining the forces of two non-competing sectors (automotive and stationary) will bring benefits to both, to increase production volume and ultimately reduce costs to make fuel cells competitive. As a consequence, the project partners have identified a PEM fuel cell based CHP concept to address the stationary power market, primarily for commercial and industrial buildings requiring an installed capacity from about 50 kWe to some hundreds of kWe. The main components of the system have been validated to at least laboratory scale (TRL>4). As a part of the present AutoRE proposal, the overall system will be demonstrated and further validated to increase the technology readiness level to TRL5. In addition, innovative solutions will be demonstrated to continuously improve performance and reduce costs and complexity. The project consortium reflects the full value chain of the fuel cell CHP system which will enhance significantly the route to market for the system/technology.

The proposal relates to FCH-02.5-2014: Innovative fuel cell systems at intermediate power range for distributed combined heat and power generation, and it addresses the main specific challenges and scope laid down in the FCH JU AWP2014 to “develop, manufacturing and validation of a new generation of fuel cell systems with properties that significantly improve competitiveness""."


Net EU contribution
€ 1 535 110,00
United Kingdom

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West Midlands (England) Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire Warwickshire
Activity type
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Total cost
€ 1 535 110,00

Participants (9)