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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Hybrid Electric Energy Integrated Cluster concerning Renewable Fuels

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - HELENIC-REF (Hybrid Electric Energy Integrated Cluster concerning Renewable Fuels)

Berichtszeitraum: 2016-06-01 bis 2018-05-31

The targeted breakthroughs and simultaneously the overall objectives of the HELENIC-REF project refer to:

• The establishment of a new sustainable methodology for the thermolysis of water in relatively low temperatures (below 300oC) using magnetite as the means of thermolysis with the ability if magnetite rejuvenation at temperatures below 300oC
• The use of the same methodology for sustainable thermolysis of water as above mentioned, in the presence of CO2 in order to reduce CO2 to CO (SYNGAS production) or even to hydrocarbons, (like Synthetic Natural Gas – SNG) via methanation process, maintaining the same reduction procedure of the oxidized Fe3O4 nanoporous thick films.
• The conceiving and development of new method for the immediate production of thermal and/or electric energy out by means of burning the produced gases in an effective way.

These actions can be aided by the simulation of the obtained methodologies for water thermolysis and CO2 transformation to SNG and hydrocarbons, as well as the new devices for gas burning by Finite Element Analysis and other technologies, aided and validated by the achieved experimental results, leading to the establishment of a new technical method & approach.
The work performed within the 33 months of the project duration concerns:

• The development of magnetite pellets in the presence of magnetic field, aiding the production of hydrogen; the development of magnetite pellets using electro-spark deposition technology, aiding in-situ structural characterization and modelling of the magnetite; the development of magnetite pellets, using the industrial Phillips method, for hydrogen production; the development of magnetite thin films for hydrogen production; the development of magnetite powders as precursors for the development of magnetite pellets.
• The design and development of an automated bench-top plant for the hydrogen production below 300oC, using Joule heating (current through the magnetite) aided by Peltier fine adjustment of temperature on the pellet; the design and the development of an automated bench-top plant for the hydrogen production below 300oC, using preheated Argon surrounding the magnetite pellet, aided by Joule heating fine tuning of the magnetite pellet; the design and development of an automated bench-top plant for the in-situ X-ray diffraction characterization of the magnetite pellets during the process of thermolysis below 300oC; the development of a vacuum plant for the monitoring of the resistivity dependence of the magnetite pellets on the external magnetic field, in the presence of drift current through the pellet, which is the main macroscopic evidence for the oxidation or reduction evidence of the magnetite.
• The realization of a series of experiments using magnetite pellets for hydrogen production resulting in repeatable hydrogen production demonstrating a Rayleigh dependence either on the energy supplied to the magnetite or on the production time. Following these experiments and using the same plants, the effect of the external magnetic exerted on the magnetite pellets proved the enhancement of the hydrogen production due to the presence of magnetic field and the current passing through the magnetite pellets, thus proving the effect of the Lorentz forces on the enhancement of the hydrogen production. Following these experiments, the production of SYNGAS and fuel has been realized below 300oC, also enhanced by the Lorentz electrons, i.e. the effect of magnetic field perpendicular to the current passing through the magnetite pellet.
• The structural characterization of the magnetite pellets in-situ by using the specially developed plant for X-ray diffraction studies in-situ, during hydrogen production. The surface structural characterization of the magnetite using X-ray Photoluminescence Spectroscopy after experiments. Both techniques practically monitor phase transformations. Following and in parallel to these measurements, ab-initio modeling for the quantum explanation of the effects on the magnetite surface. Finally, monitoring of the resistivity dependence of the magnetite pellets and films on the ambient magnetic field, when magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the applied current, thus determining the Extraordinary Hall Effect in magnetite, which has to be closely related to the Lorentz force effect on the magnetite.
• The design and development of a new device for the production of electric energy causing ionization of hydrogen and oxygen molecules (hydrogen and oxygen cations), finally resulting in explosion producing as by-product pure water. This explosion is responsible for a high voltage output from a piezoresistive element, offering an efficiency of at least 20% in this first experimental realization. This efficiency can be significantly improved by the proper design of the device, the ionizing conductors and the piezoelectric element.
The general conclusions of the work done up to this moment concern:

• The development of a theory and technology for hydrogen production from water (water reduction mechanism) below 300oC, which has been enhanced by using Lorentz force electrons on the surface and on the bulk of magnetite porous pellets, which have been magnetically pre-ordered with the additional provision of external magnetic field by either permanent magnets or electromagnets, following a Rayleigh dependence on time and energy supplied
• The development of a theory and technology for SYNGAS and hydrocarbon production from hydrogen below 300oC, which has been enhanced by using Lorentz force electrons on the surface and on the bulk of magnetite porous pellets, which have been magnetically pre-ordered with the additional provision of external magnetic field by either permanent magnets or electromagnets, following a Rayleigh dependence on energy supplied
• The development of a new device able to ionize hydrogen and air molecules with the consequent result of explosion and therefore the production of electrical voltage at the terminals of a piezoelectric element at room temperature, which resulted in an efficiency of 20%, even at this early stage of development, promising significant efficiency improvement
• The initiation of an explanation of this new method of hydrolysis and enhancement of hydrogen production, by structural characterization, including X-ray Photoluminescence Spectroscopy and ab-initio modelling
However, the rejuvenation of the magnetite below 300oC by means of oxygen release has not been achieved up to now. Despite of that handicap, the consortium is further planning the continuation of the research towards the sustainable rejuvenation of the magnetite below 300oC, the implementation of the technology of hydrogen production, as well as the improvement and optimization of electric energy production device based on the explosion of hydrogen and air, including publications and patents.
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Figure 1