The overall aim of the SOTERIA project is to improve the understanding of the ageing phenomena occurring in reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels and in the internal steels (internals) in order to provide crucial information to regulators and operators to ensure safe long-term operation (LTO) of existing European nuclear power plants (NPPs). SOTERIA has set up a collaborative research consortium which gathers the main European research centres and industrial partners who will combine advanced modelling tools with the exploitation of experimental data to focus on four technical objectives: i) to carry out experiments aiming to explore flux and fluence effects on RPV and internals in pressurised water reactors, ii) to assess the residual lifetime of RPV taking into account metallurgical heterogeneities, iii) to assess the effect of the chemical and radiation environment on cracking in internals and iv) to develop modelling tools and provide a single platform integrating developed modelling tools and experimental data for reassessment of structural components during NPPs lifetime. Building on industry-specific key questions and material, SOTERIA will fill current gaps in safety assessment related to ageing phenomena, by providing a set of modelling tools directly applicable in an industrial environment. Guidelines for better use of modelling, material testing reactors and surveillance data will also be an output of paramount importance. Another important parallel objective is the education of the nuclear engineering and research community of SOTERIA results to improve and harmonise knowledge about NPPs ageing and thereby ensure a high impact of project results. The knowledge and tools generated in SOTERIA will contribute to improving EU nuclear safety policy, to increasing the leadership of the EU in safety related equipment and information and to contribute to improved NPP safety world-wide. The SOTERIA proposal received the NUGENIA label on 10 August 2014.
Champ scientifique
- H2020-Euratom - Euratom Main Programme
- H2020-Euratom-1.8. - Ensure availability and use of research infrastructures of pan_european relevance
- H2020-Euratom-1.3. - Support the development and sustainability of nuclear competences at Union level
- H2020-Euratom-1.1. - Support safe operation of nuclear systems
Régime de financement
RIA - Research and Innovation actionCoordinateur
75015 PARIS 15
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Participants (27)
WA16 8QZ Knutsford
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92400 Courbevoie
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Participation terminée
91052 Erlangen
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75008 Paris
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28040 MADRID
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75794 Paris
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Entité juridique autre qu’un sous-traitant qui est affiliée ou juridiquement liée à un participant. L’entité réalise des travaux dans les conditions prévues par la convention de subvention, fournit des biens ou des services pour l’action, mais n’a pas signé la convention de subvention. Le tiers respecte les règles applicables au participant qui lui est lié dans le cadre de la convention de subvention en ce qui concerne l’éligibilité des coûts et le contrôle des dépenses.
76821 Mont Saint Aignan Cedex
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Entité juridique autre qu’un sous-traitant qui est affiliée ou juridiquement liée à un participant. L’entité réalise des travaux dans les conditions prévues par la convention de subvention, fournit des biens ou des services pour l’action, mais n’a pas signé la convention de subvention. Le tiers respecte les règles applicables au participant qui lui est lié dans le cadre de la convention de subvention en ce qui concerne l’éligibilité des coûts et le contrôle des dépenses.
59000 Lille
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250 68 Husinec-Rez
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75008 Paris
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01328 Dresden
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92260 Fontenay Aux Roses
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1049 Bruxelles / Brussel
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1000 Ljubljana
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100 44 Stockholm
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5232 Villigen Psi
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63800 Cournon-D'Auvergne
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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.
1160 Bruxelles / Brussel
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28703 San Sebastian De Los Reyes - Madrid
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250 68 Husinec Rez
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M13 9PL Manchester
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08034 Barcelona
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169 56 Stockholm
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75013 Paris
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02150 Espoo
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91052 Erlangen
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