Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ERIFORE (Research Infrastructure for Circular Forest Bioeconomy)
Période du rapport: 2017-01-01 au 2018-01-31
The ERIFORE action coordinates, complements and updates the information of the major European research infrastructures in the field of the new forest biomass based products and processes to enable the full potential of this field of bioeconomy. The general aim is to plan and promote developing new world-class infrastructures in a form of co-operative distributed research infrastructure and to facilitate and support its implementation, long-term sustainability and efficient operation. It is essential to the EU that the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) will include in the future also the facilities needed for the forest bioeconomy, thus helping Europe respond to grand challenges in industry, society and science.
The overall objective of the ERIFORE project is to facilitate development in the field of Circular Forest Bioeconomy towards the following overall targets:
1) Coordinate, complement and update major European research infrastructure to enable and unlock the full potential of available forest biomass in balance with diverse use of forests.
2) A new level of co-operation between the major RTD providers in the field.
3) Establish a globally competitive European research infrastructure delivering next gen-eration technologies
The specific targets and main deliverables of ERIFORE action are the following:
1) To enhance the awareness, utilisation and open access of the complementary research fa-cilities between the major European RTD actors in the field of circular forest biorefinery.
2) To prepare a conceptual design and plan for cooperation arrangements between the main European RTD providers with a target to establish an ESFRI project in the field of circular forest bioeconomy.
3) To prepare a stakeholder analysis for the development needs in the infrastructure network at European level. A roadmap to identify the strengths and development needs of research facilities and technological know-how in the field of European circular forest bioeconomy.
4) To upgrade bioeconomy competence base by providing contact interface for facilities for education and training.
The project has outlined some main opportunities to enhance the utilisation of open access research and innovation infrastructures:
1) improved awareness of the available capabilities and facilities,
2) better coordination and cooperation in use and development of the facilities, and
3) enhanced integration of relevant research fields and technology areas for the development of new biorefinery concepts.
Promotion of research integration and cooperation with supporting funding and policy activities, and coordination of the available capabilities and facilities are crucial to foster the development of scientific and technological advancements.
Utilisation of forest biomass to new value added products require the combined understanding of the whole development chain, from biomass sourcing, composition, its deconstruction and further conversions to products. Future biorefinery concepts will go beyond of how biomass is used today. This is directly reflected in the infrastructure needs to realize excellent research, innovations and the most up-to-date education that are required for industrial renewal.
The main result of the ERIFORE design study project is the action plan to become a distributed research infrastructure on the ESFRI roadmap in 2020. The ERIFORE Infradev-1 project has produced the first drafts for (1) business plan and activities, (2) governance model and structure and (3) financing and investment plans of the distributed research infrastructure. Next phase of the ESFRI planning will more carefully address the preconditions for the RI long-term sustainability and secure formal commitments from both Members (countries) and Partners (RI owning RTOs and universities).
Preparation for ESFRI Roadmap submission (2018-2019) The plan is to submit an ESFRI project application for the next up-date of the ESFRI roadmap for 2020. The lead-up to submission has to be used to mature the business plan and in particular to ensure adequate commitments from the main stakeholders being national governments and other policy makers, partner organisations and related scientific and industrial interest groups.
ESFRI project: preparation phase (2020-2022) Having achieved ESFRI project status, it will be a continuous task to build awareness through informing and engaging stakeholders.
From ESFRI project to landmark: implementation and operational phases (from 2023 on) Eventually all legal and contractual arrangements are ready for the distributed RI to become operational. The aim is to ensure that the distributed RI remains at the forefront of science and technology to offer the European research community and industry best opportunities to stay competitive in transferring scientific discoveries into novel concepts, products and services.