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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

New technology and strategy for a large and sustainable deployment of second generation biofuel in rural areas

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D42 Identification and selection of lignocellulosic biomass feedstock at regional level

Results of the identification and selection of lignocellulosic biomass feedstock at regional level in France, Germany, Argentina and Urugay

D63 Leaflet to start

Introductory leaflet (and e-leaflet) for communication about the project at the beginning

D66 Leaflet to finish

Leaflets (and e-leaflet) presenting results fordissemination activities during the last year of the project

D52 Evaluation and selection of business cases

Results on the evaluation and selection of business cases in France, Germany, Argentina and Uruguay

D610 Final dissemination activities

Report on the communication and promotion activities summarizing all media presence, participation to events and social media achievements

D61 Templates

Design guidelines including a project logo, word and power point templates

D65 User & Stakeholder Advisory Board

User and stakeholder Advisory Board formed with international members potentially interested by the project and the deployment of small-scale ethanol plants

D62 Website

BABET-REAL5 project dedicated website for the storage, communication and exchange of information

D64 Video to start

Introductory web video of the project for communication at the beginning

D67 Video to finish

Web video presenting the project results for dissemination activities during the last year of the project

D13 Lab scale consecutive pretreatment-saccharification-fermentation set-up

Lab scale pilots for the consecutive pretreatment-saccharification-fermentation at INPT, CIEMAT and UNAM

D15 Pilot scale consecutive pretreatment-saccharification-fermentation set-up

Pilot scale consecutive pretreatment-saccharification-fermentation set-up at INPT


Study of the Application of Alkaline Extrusion to the Pretreatment of Eucalyptus Biomass as First Step in a Bioethanol Production Process

Autoren: Aleta Duque, Paloma Manzanares, Alberto González, Mercedes Ballesteros
Veröffentlicht in: Energies, Ausgabe 11/11, 2018, Seite(n) 2961, ISSN 1996-1073
Herausgeber: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en11112961

Paenibacillus sp. A59 GH10 and GH11 Extracellular Endoxylanases: Application in Biomass Bioconversion

Autoren: Silvina Ghio, Ornella Ontañon, Florencia E. Piccinni, Rubén Marrero Díaz de Villegas, Paola Talia, Daniel H. Grasso, Eleonora Campos
Veröffentlicht in: BioEnergy Research, Ausgabe 11/1, 2018, Seite(n) 174-190, ISSN 1939-1234
Herausgeber: Springer Pub. Co.,
DOI: 10.1007/s12155-017-9887-7

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