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Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
D4.9 – Open Data Platform: Demonstrator, Experience Report and Use Cases (Report + Prototype) (M29) This deliverable will be both demonstrator of the final version of prototype deployed on the selected pilot sites and an experience report based on the 6 months of evolution of ODG prototype since the first prototype was delivered. This report will provide a summary about the scientific use cases supported in the infrastructure with involvement of open data and potential future work and functionalities related to open data.
Evolution of security policies, procedures and best practicesD5.3 - Evolution of security policies, procedures and best practices (R) (M25) Report on the evolution in the security policies and procedures of EGI, as evolved during the project.
Report of quality status for Period 2D1.5 – Report of quality status for Period 2 (R) (M29)
Market Report on the fishery and marine sciences data sectorD2.7 - Market Report on the fishery and marine sciences data sector (R) (M12) Market size and potential, map of the actors present in the market, value chains
Cross-infrastructure case studies reportD4.8 – Cross-infrastructure case studies report (R) (M27) This deliverable will conclude the EGI-EUDAT integration activities with a comprehensive report on all cross-infrastructure case studies undertaken following the call in PM15.
Concept of EGI MarketplaceD2.3 – Concept of EGI Marketplace (R) (M6) Analysis for the EGI marketplace and a proposal for conceptual framework, business processes, business models, and recommendations.
Infrastructure tests and best usage practices for life science service providersD6.10 - Infrastructure tests and best usage practices for life science service providers (R) (M15) This report will summarise tests and best usage practices of the EGI Federated Cloud services for life science service providers.
Report on evaluation of EPOS EGI pilot studiesD6.23 - Report on evaluation of EPOS EGI pilot studies (R) (M30) The report will provide an evaluation of the pilots and demonstrators that have been developed by the EPOS Competence Centre during the project.
Implementation and evaluation of AMBER and/or GROMACSD6.7 - Implementation and evaluation of AMBER and/or GROMACS (R) (M13) Evaluation of the deployment of AMBER and/or GROMACS on a GPGPU testbed of EGI by the MoBrain Competence Centre.
Market Analysis Report of selected sectorsD2.10 - Market Analysis Report of selected sectors (R) (M18) Document describing market potential, the actors present and the value chains, presents the results on the requirements data and reports on the competing offerings including technical perspective, and recommendation for future business development.
Final report on EGI Service Registry and MarketplaceD3.16 - Final report on EGI Service Registry and Marketplace (R) (M30) EGI Service Registry and Marketplace activities during the whole project. Description of the final proof-of-concept prototype released, feedback collect by the users and guideline for the future developments will be reported.
EGI Governance: Analysis and RecommendationsD2.5 - EGI Governance: Analysis and Recommendations (R) (M12) Presentation and assessment of the current EGI and governance model and presents a list of recommendations for improvement, the analysis will evaluate the opportunity for adopting the ERIC legal structure for
Identity Management for Distributed User CommunitiesD3.9 - Identity Management for Distributed User Communities report (R) (M24) Best practice and the technical services to integrate new authentication mechanisms and to implement role based authorisation for the EGI communities
Analysis on techniques to manage big data on the EGI accounting systemD3.6 - Analysis on techniques to manage big data on the EGI accounting system (R) (M15) Techniques to manage big data done in EGI accounting
Design of the EGI Service Registry and MarketplaceD3.2 - Design of the EGI Service Registry and Marketplace (R) (M12) Features of the EGI Service Registry and Marketplace and analysis of existing open-source tools and extensions
Report on the evolution of the EGI OperationsD5.1 - Report on the evolution of the EGI Operations (R) (M15) Report on the evolution roadmap for the second period of the project
e-Infrastructures integration reportD4.6 –e-Infrastructures integration report (R) (M15) Report of integration activities involving D4Science, the pilot activities conducted with the EUDAT service providers and accelerated computing.
Communications, Dissemination and Engagement StrategyD2.1 – Communications, Dissemination and Engagement Strategy (R) (M03) Strategy for the EGI communications, dissemination and engagement activity, and execution plan the first half of the project
Status report and evolution of operations after the projectD5.4 - Roadmap of the evolution of the EGI Operations beyond EGI-Engage (R) (M30) Status report and evolution of operations after the project
Analysis of requirements on biobank and study workflowsD6.8 - Analysis of requirements on biobank and study workflows (R) (M20) This document provides a summary and an analysis of the requirements captured by the BBMRI-ERIC Competence Centre for workflows from the biobank community.
Platforms for the long-tail of scienceD5.2 - Platforms for the long-tail of science (R) (M12) Report on the services for the long-tail of science made available during the project, including the feedback from users and resource providers about their use.
Final Report on Communications, Dissemination and EngagementD2.14– Final Report on Communications, Dissemination and Engagement (R) (M30) Final results of communications, dissemination and engagement activities in the second half of the project.
Report on the installed LifeWatch applications and their usage recordD6.18 - Report on the installed LifeWatch applications and their usage record (R) (M24) A report to summaries the software applications that have been integrated and installed on EGI by the LifeWatch Competence Centre and to provide statistics about their use.
Cross-border procurement of e-Infrastructure services: Opportunities, Barriers, Use cases, Best PracticesD2.11 - Cross-border procurement of e-Infrastructure services: Opportunities, Barriers, Use cases, Best Practices (R) (M24) Results of the study on cross-border procurement of e-Infrastructure services by large research collaborations or research infrastructure.
Report on data sharing policies and legal framework in fishery and marine sciences data sectorD2.6 - Report on data sharing policies and legal framework in fishery and marine sciences data sector (R) (M12) Constraints and requirements given by IPRs and overall legal framework that may hinder the sharing of data among different institutions in the fishery and marine sciences communities; instructions to data providers and consumers on how to describe and access the life-cycle of data and contents; recommendations of how to support legal interoperability and confidentiality of data owners
Risk analysis and risk response for Period 2D1.4 – Risk analysis and risk response for Period 2 (R) (M20)
Quality plan for Period 1D1.1 – Quality plan for Period 1 (R) (M03) defines: (i) quality processes (e.g., deliverable preparation, review preparation and post-review follow-up, activity-specific processes, etc.), (ii) tools and metrics, (iii) Tracking of progresses, (iv) guidelines for distribution of open-source software produced in the project, (v) gender plan for project management and champion programme
Master Model for SME engagementD2.2 - Master Model for SME engagement (R) (M6) Procedures and activities for SME identification and engagement, examples of collaboration models, and content to be reused in dissemination
Resource template changes: OCCI extension, final specificationD4.3 – Resource template changes: OCCI extension, final specification (OTHER) (M9) This deliverable provides the final specification describing the syntax and semantics of operations on the VM management interface to change and attach resource templates to a running VM instance, effectively changing the allocated resources for that instance.
Report on Data AccountingD3.14 - Report on Data Accounting (R) (M27) Report of the Data Accounting activity: including the data usage record definition, storage solutions supported and integration with accounting repository
CANFAR integration roadmapD4.1 – CANFAR integration roadmap (R) (M6) This document will capture the work of the comprehensive analysis of the CANFAR Cloud infrastructure and the EGI Federated Cloud infrastructure, and present a resulting implementation roadmap that will guide the implementation work of the subsequent 12 months. It will include the complete list of all basic services and tools needing integration, and a brief per-tool risk analysis.
EGI Sustainability: Business Development Plan V2 and EGI governance reportD2.13 - EGI Sustainability: Business Development Plan V2 and EGI governance report (R) (M30) ’Update on the strategic planning and evaluation activities of EGI. It also includes the results of the impact assessment and business development activities that aim at ensuring growth and sustainability and review of the governance for EGI.
Risk analysis and risk response for Period 1D1.2 – Risk analysis and risk response for Period 1 (R) (M08) assesses the probability and impact of risks occurring and to determine the appropriate type of risk response; define a contingency plan if re-planning is not sufficient in face of the actual outcome of work performed and impact of related risks
Communications, Dissemination and Engagement Report and Updated StrategyD2.8 – Communications, Dissemination and Engagement Report and Updated Strategy (R) (M15) Results of communications, dissemination and engagement activities in the first half of the project and outlining the updated plan for the second half.
Report of quality status and quality plan for Period 2D1.3 – Report of quality status and quality plan for Period 2 (R) (M18)
Technical design of the new Accounting Portal and implementation planD3.1 - Technical design of the new Accounting Portal and implementation plan (R) (M6) Technical design of the new Accounting Portal. This deliverable will include also the user requirements collected and the implementation plan.
EGI Sustainability and Business Development PlanD2.9 - EGI Sustainability and Business Development Plan (R) (M15) The document presents an update on the strategic planning and evaluation activities of EGI. It also includes the results of the impact assessment and business development activities that aim at ensuring growth and sustainability of EGI.
VM snapshot support: OCCI extension, final specificationD4.2 – VM snapshot support: OCCI extension, final specification (OTHER) (M9) This deliverable provides the final specification describing the syntax and semantics of operations on the VM management interface to create VM snapshots, designed and expressed as an OCCI extension
D3.4 – First release of the Operational tools (OTHER) (M12) First release including first year developments. The release includes: Operations portal, GOCDB, ARGO, messaging infrastructure and security monitoring tools.
Security toolset release for BBMRI-ERICD6.11 - Security toolset release for BBMRI-ERIC (OTHER) (M21) The final version of the toolset and security libraries released by the BBMRI-ERIC Competence Centre. This includes implementation and testing of the AAI in the project.
web portals for tsunami wave propagation simulations and for WRF-based weather simulationD6.9 - web portals for tsunami wave propagation simulations and for WRF-based weather simulation (OTHER) (M14) Simulation portals developed by the Disaster Mitigation Competence Centre
Second version of enhanced portal for EISCAT_3DD6.21 - Second version of enhanced portal for EISCAT_3D (OTHER) (M28) Improved version of the EISCAT portal with reanalysis features implemented.
GPGPU-enabled web portal(s) for MoBrainD6.12 - GPGPU-enabled web portal(s) for MoBrain (OTHER) (M16) Development of the GPGPU-enabled web portal(s) by the MoBrain Competence Centre.
Final version of Multi-Source Distributed Real-Time Search and Information Retrieval applicationD6.5 - Final version of Multi-Source Distributed Real-Time Search and Information Retrieval application (OTHER) (M12) Real-time search and data retrieval platform developed in the DARIAH Competence Centre based on the SIR software and EGI services.
First release of the new Accounting Portal deployed in productionD3.5 - First release of the new Accounting Portal deployed in production (OTHER) (M14) First release of the new Accounting Portal.
Final release of the accounting and operational toolsD3.17 – Final release of the accounting and operational tools (OTHER) (M30) Description: Final release including final developments and bug fixes. The release includes: Accounting repository, accounting portal, Operations portal, GOCDB, ARGO, messaging infrastructure and security monitoring tools.
Production level gateway for Arts and HumanitiesD6.17 - Production level gateway for Arts and Humanities (OTHER) (M24) A WS-PGRADE based science gateway customised for the Arts and Humanities according to the requirements captured by the DARIAH Competence Centre.
Production portal for EISCAT_3DD6.3 - Production portal for EISCAT_3D (OTHER) (M12) Improved version of the current pilot portal of EISCAT_3D using all the existing EISCAT data in the archive.
Scipion cloud deployment for MoBrainD6.14 - Scipion cloud deployment for MoBrain (OTHER) (M21) Deployment of the Scipion workflow-oriented software integrator tool with the EGI Federated Cloud.
Accounting Repository releaseD3.3 - Accounting Repository release (OTHER) (M12) First release of accounting repository including first year developments.
Deployment of a gCube release with Federated Cloud supportD4.5 – Deployment of a gCube release with Federated Cloud support (OTHER) (M12) The extensions of gCube to support Federated Cloud resources is deployed in production, and fishery and marine sciences community can start using also resources provided by the EGI Federated cloud. This includes relevant documentation for the users.
Fully integrated MoBRAIN web portalD6.4 - Fully integrated MoBrain web portal (OTHER) (M12) An entry portal by the MoBrain Competence Centre that integrates and/or gather information form the various web portals relevant to the WeNMR, INSTRUCT and N4U research communities.
Data repository for DARIAHD6.2 - Data repository for DARIAH (OTHER) (M11) A digital repository based on gLibrary framework, the DARIAH community’s requirements, and the EGI Federated cloud and grid infrastructures.
Second release of the accounting and operational toolsD3.10 - Second release of the accounting and operational tools (OTHER) (M24) Description: Second release including second year developments. The release includes: Accounting repository, accounting portal, Operations portal, GOCDB, ARGO, messaging infrastructure and security monitoring tools.
D6.1 - Assisted pattern recognition tools integrated with EGI for citizen science (OTHER) (M9) Tools integrated with the most suitable types of resources from EGI for the LifeWatch community.
First release of the EGI Service Registry and Marketplace prototypeD3.7 - First release of the EGI Service Registry and Marketplace prototype (DEM) (M18) First release of the Service Registry and Marketplace proof-of-concept prototype deployed in the EGI infrastructure for testing
Data flow handler and basic R tools to integrate and process data from Ecological Observatories on EGID6.6 - Data flow handler and basic R tools to integrate and process data from Ecological Observatories on EGI (DEM) (M12) Tools for Ecological Observatories by the LifeWatch Competence Centre of EGI.
Demonstrator for ELIXIR workflows implemented in the EGI Federated cloudD6.15 - Demonstrator for ELIXIR workflows implemented in the EGI Federated cloud (DEM) (M24) Demonstrators in the form of Virtual Machine Images in the EGI Federated Cloud.
Second release of the EGI Service Registry and Marketplace prototypeD3.13 - Second release of the EGI Service Registry and Marketplace prototype (DEM) (M26) Second release of the Service Registry and Marketplace proof-of-concept prototype
First data accounting prototypeD3.8 - First data accounting prototype (DEM) (M20) First prototype of data accounting
Second data accounting prototypeD3.15 - Second data accounting prototype (DEM) (M28) The second prototype of the data accounting feature
Application of the simulation portals for scientific scenario in disaster mitigationD6.20 - Application of the simulation portals for scientific scenario in disaster mitigation (DEM) (M24) Demonstrators built by the Disaster Mitigation Competence Centre within the simulation portals.
Evaluated cloud environment and demonstrator of analysis workflow for biobank studiesD6.16 – Evaluated cloud environment and demonstrator of analysis workflow for biobank studies (DEM) (M30) A demonstrator of a biobank research workspace running in the EGI cloud, together with an evaluation of its suitability in a typical NGS use case.
EPOS EGI pilots on computing, data and AAID6.19 - EPOS EGI pilots on computing, data and AAI (DEM) (M24) Description about the three application pilots that the CC identified and documented in M6.4 (EPOS requirements analysis and outline of pilot use cases, month 12).
Relocating VM instances between providers, final specificationD4.4 – Relocating VM instances between providers, final specification (OTHER) (M12) This deliverable provides a first implementable draft of defined interactions between federated Cloud resource providers coordinating the relocation of a suspended virtual appliance from one provider to another.
Open Data Platform First PrototypeD4.7 – Open Data Platform First Prototype (DEM) (M20) The first prototype version of the ODG software stack ready to be deployed on the pilot sites and providing the minimal set of the planned functionalities to make it valuable in the data processing chain.
Design larger scale multi-hazards simulation attempting to reduce the uncertainty of climate change assessmentD6.22 - Design larger scale multi-hazards simulation attempting to reduce the uncertainty of climate change assessment (DEM) (M29) Demonstration of multi-scale hazards simulation by the disaster mitigation competence centre.
Final CANFAR integration releaseD4.10 –Final CANFAR integration release (DEM) (M30) At the end of the activity a demonstrator will give evidence to the successful work undertaken in this task.
D2.4 – Data management plan (R) M06 Plan describing what data the project will generate, whether and how it will be exploited or made accessible for verification and reuse, and how it will be curated and preserved
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