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Risultati finali
describes the state of the art in the different technologies used to address data life cycle and dynamic data management.
Certification Assessment Reportreports on the DSA assessment process, summarising progress (or otherwise) of participating organisations through the formal process of DSA certification.
Detailed Plan for Training Activities in Months 13 – 36outlines the training plan for the second and third year of EUDAT, including an inventory report of learning goals and target groups based on survey and consultation as well as an analysis of related training formats.
Interim Report of Use of HTTP as a Federation Technologydetails functional requirements of a federated HTTP API for data access to the EUDAT CDI. It will also report on functional and stress testing, detailing the tests performed, results and highlighting areas that many need to be addressed including features such as handing of missing/corrupt data, handling of site network issues at EUDAT data centres and access using PIDs.
Associate Partnership Programmepresents the EUDAT strategy, approach and method for organising the involvement of external stakeholders to the project.
Service Portfolio Processes Definition and SLA Template Setdescribes the new processes for maintenance and management of the CDI Service Portfolio, including templates for CDI Service Definition, Service Level Agreements and the overall Service Catalogue.
Final Report on Provision of Staging Supportdetails requirements to ensure efficient use of tape technology within EUDAT. It will cover typical problems associated with accessing tape backed data and make test based recommendations on policies which should be implemented by data centres to ensure the best possible use is made of tape systems in order to optimise user experience.
Interim Report on Testing of Scalability of Graph Technology Implementationprovides an assessment of the available technologies, describe relevant use cases and report on testing of these.
Initial Service Prototypespresents the proof-of-concept prototypes of the extension of current services or new services that integrate Data Life Cycle into the WF tools that will be used by WP5.
EUDAT Conference Outputs and Recommendationsis a concise report summarising the outputs and recommendations from the EUDAT Conference, highlighting recommendations for future EUDAT developments and emphasising future trends that emerge in the course of the event.
Final Report on Use of HTTP Protocol as Standard within EUDATprovides reports on both data ingest and access using federated, rule-based (if applicable) HTTP technology. It will extend the report in D9.1 to cover testing of data ingest and combined ingest/access with the same features which are described in D9.1. It will also cover handling of errors on ingest and ensuring data integrity during transfer from community sites to EUDAT. In addition, it will report on the use of HTTP as the internal protocol within the EUDAT CDI such that existing services such as B2SAFE and B2STAGE can make use of this protocol in a production environment without reliance on iRODS services.
Stakeholder Analysis & Communication Reportsummarises of WP3 activities and tangible outputs and achievements, including concrete examples of success stories and metrics and assessment on the KPIs.
EUDAT/EGI Final Report on the Joint Call for Proposalsdescribes the organisation and implementation of the joint EUDAT/EGI call and includes relevant recommendations for service development and the harmonization of access policy.
Final Report on Testing of Graph Technologiesreports on the testing of additional use cases beyond those in D9.3 and suggest possible extended use cases not currently considered. It will detail steps required to integrate and make use graph technologies within the EUDAT CDI and report on user experience of extended testing.
Pilot Activity Involving Commercial Providers and Private Usersdescribes the organisation and implementation of the pilots with commercial stakeholders and includes relevant recommendations for service development and the harmonization of access policy.
Final Report on Efficient Integrity Checkingcovers the requirements for efficient fixity of checking for data held on tape at EUDAT data centres. It will detail the implementation requirements at each site and show how this checking can be done without impacting user access to data and how errors should be dealt with by EUDAT, either automatically by the CDI or through some other manual process and how this information should be recorded and reported.
Final Report on the Applicability of Object Stores within EUDATexpands on D9.1 and include deliveries of APIs to interface Object Stores to the existing CDI and migration paths from the existing CDI to one entirely based on object storage technologies.
Assessment of Commercial Storage Servicesprovides an evaluation of commercial storage services, and of the viability to integrate them within the EUDAT CDI.
Guidelines on Open Access and Restricted Access Data (final)defines guidelines for dealing with both open and restricted data in a common, consistent way across the whole EUDAT CDI.
Data and Computing Landscape Characteristics and Scientific Communities’ Environment & Requirementsdescribes for each surveyed community, their data management and computing environment, the technical constraints resulting from the standards and technologies currently in use within the community, user requirements with respect to the services to be implemented in the CDI, and requirements and opportunities related to policy development and training.
Report on Status and Progress of Operations, year 1describe the progress of operations on an annual basis, including all data projects being implemented or achieved within the CDI.
Guidelines on Open Access and Restricted Access Data (draft)reports on strategic guidelines for the management of open data, data under embargo and restricted access data within the EUDAT CDI, including the results from the initial survey of national and European legal frameworks and guidelines.
Activity Report, year 2reports on the discussions within the working groups and the progress made, as well as the involvement of external experts in these groups and the use of budget. Further, this deliverable reviews the activities that have been conducted with ESFRI (clusters) and the RDA, noting any relevant outcomes and recommendations for EUDAT.
Report on Governance Modelrecommends a final governance model for the future EUDAT CDI, covering the identified risks and benefits from a range of organisational options.
Activity Report, year 3reports on the discussions within the working groups and the progress made, as well as the involvement of external experts in these groups and the use of budget. Further, this deliverable reviews the activities that have been conducted with ESFRI (clusters) and the RDA, noting any relevant outcomes and recommendations for EUDAT.
Reports on Service Building Status and Progress, year 3provide an annual overview of the work, developments, and achievements of WP5 activities and include updates of the CDI architecture blueprints and the roadmap of services to be released.
Service Uptake within Communities (final)reports on the service uptake plans and highlights further requirements be taken into consideration for the development of the CDI.
Report on Status and Progress of Operations, year 3describe the progress of operations on an annual basis, including all data projects being implemented or achieved within the CDI.
Certification Implementation Reportreports on the implementation phase of the DSA certification work, describing the steps taken by participating organisations in readiness for final certification.
Report on Service Building Status and Progress, year 1provide an annual overview of the work, developments, and achievements of WP5 activities and include updates of the CDI architecture blueprints and the roadmap of services to be released.
Data and Computing Landscape documentation system and interview templatepresents the methodology to survey scientific communities’ data landscape environments and service requirements, and provides the interview template used to interact with the selected research communities.
Business Plan for Training Activitiesdetermines whether in the future (after EUDAT2020 finishes) training events can be organised in a cost-effective way. Issues covered in the business plan are the maintenance and the updating of the training material. Also a description of the potential market is given.
Implementation Report on Cost Model Pilotssummarises the conclusions from the planned cost model pilots and provide key input into the final business planning activities.
Data and Computing Landscape Characteristics and Scientific Communities’ Environment & Requirements (final)describes for each surveyed community, their data management and computing environment, the technical constraints resulting from the standards and technologies currently in use within the community, user requirements with respect to the services to be implemented in the CDI, and requirements and opportunities related to policy development and training.
Stakeholder Analysis & Communication and Training Strategyis an outline of the stakeholders targeted by EUDAT, defining different potential levels of engagement and outlining the different communication and outreach plans for each stakeholder, including details of the training programme, action plans and implementation steps. Detailed KPIs and metrics will be provided to monitor the effectiveness of the plan.
Report on Status and Progress of Operations, year 2describe the progress of operations on an annual basis, including all data projects being implemented or achieved within the CDI.
Report on Experiences Applying the Prototype with Different Community Use Casesreports on the experiences of validating the proposed mechanisms with real community use cases.
EUDAT2020 Business Planis the final statement on sustainability, cost and possible business models for the CDI, drawing together all inputs from T2.4 and presenting as compelling a case as possible for the future of European collaborative data infrastructure.
Report of Requirementsdescribes and generalizes the requirements communities have regarding data life cycle and dynamic data.
EUDAT/PRACE Joint Call for Proposalsdescribes the organisation and implementation of the joint EUDAT/PRACE call and includes relevant recommendations for service development and the harmonization of access policy.
Activity Report, year 1reports on the discussions within the working groups and the progress made, as well as the involvement of external experts in these groups and the use of budget. Further, this deliverable reviews the activities that have been conducted with ESFRI (clusters) and the RDA, noting any relevant outcomes and recommendations for EUDAT.
Service Uptake within Communitiesreports on the service uptake plans and highlights further requirements be taken into consideration for the development of the CDI.
Interim Report on The Applicability of Object Stores within EUDATprovides an early assessment of object stores both within and as an alternative to the current CDI. The main focus will be on assessing the interoperability of object stores and whether they are capable of implementing B2SAFE functionality both with and without iRODS.
Report on Dynamic Data Framework and Management Servicesdescribes a generic framework to handle dynamic data and the design of the services needed to handle dynamic data.
Report on Service Building Status and Progress, year 2provide an annual overview of the work, developments, and achievements of WP5 activities and include updates of the CDI architecture blueprints and the roadmap of services to be released.
Service Uptake within Communities (update)reports on the service uptake plans and highlights further requirements be taken into consideration for the development of the CDI.
Report on Design Model and Definition of Data Directivesdescribes a model to represent data life cycle, service infrastructures, and provenance as well as a language to define such model.
EUDAT/EGI Pilot Activitypresents the results of the pilot activity with EGI, including the achievements, the problems, and the developments required to improve the level of interoperability between the two e-infrastructures according to users request.
Certification Strategic Plandescribes the planned steps for rolling out (preparation for) DSA certification across participating partners, indicating targets and methods needed.
Data and Computing Landscape Characteristics and Scientific Communities’ Environment & Requirements (update)describes for each surveyed community, their data management and computing environment, the technical constraints resulting from the standards and technologies currently in use within the community, user requirements with respect to the services to be implemented in the CDI, and requirements and opportunities related to policy development and training.
explains data management strategy within the CDI and EUDAT’s support to the Open Research Data Pilot. This deliverable will evolve during the lifetime of the project.
Kindermann, Stephan; Queralt, Anna; Bunakov, Vasily; Meo, Paolo D'Onorio De; Rybicki, Jedrzej
Pubblicato in:
ALLDATA 2016, The Second International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data, Liabon, Portugal, 2016-02-21 - 2016-02-26<br/>, Numero 1, 2016, ISBN 978-1-61208-457-2
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