CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
System Dynamics simulation model and associated documents
Resilience Building PoliciesCommunication platform
A communication platform that facilitates different levels of communication and engagement as a shared resource in the project
The Systemic Risk Assessment QuestionnaireRevised Resilience Maturity Model
Preliminary Resilience Maturity Model
One report perof the review workshop, summarising the feedback on the tool(s) reviewed
List of relevant stakeholdersLists of relevant stakeholders for the security sectors selected by the three implementing CITIES (three stakeholder lists in total). Other contributors to this Deliverable are Ksand and Glasgow.
Peer-review meeting 3One short report on peer-review of each implemented tool per city (6 reports in total), drafted by the peer-reviewing CITIES
Report of the review workshop 2Report of the review workshop 2: One report of the review workshop, summarising the feedback on the tools reviewed
Resilience Management GuidelineResilience Management Guideline incl. 5 pilot implemented tools developed
Exploitation strategyFinal report
This final report summarises the project’s activities over its full duration. This report will cover the main aspects of the work, objectives, results and conclusions. This report will be accompanied by a Societal Impact report.
Existing standards and standardization activities reportA report describing the existing standards and standardization activities
Second policy briefCities requirements related to Resilience
First policy brief
Peer-review meeting 1
One short report on peer-review of eachthe implemented tool per city (153 reports in total), drafted by the peer-reviewing CITIES
Social problems workshop reportReport on the challenges and promising approaches related to social problems identified during the third workshop
Survey report on worldwide approachesDissemination and communication strategy 1
Dissemination and communication strategy developed
Report on EU relevant sectoral approachesOfficial document regarding the further use of the tools
Official document issued by the competent authority of each of the implementing cities on the decision taken regarding the further use of the tools developed in the project. Other contributors to this Deliverable are Riga, Bristol and Rome
Report on literature synthesisReport on Stakeholder Dialogue
European workshop report
Report describing the European Workshop, as well as a comprehensive report
Draft of the CWADraft of the aspired CWA(s)
Standardization potentials reportA report with the summary of standardization potentials
Local Group Model Building workshop reportsLocal Group Model Building workshops reports
Design principles to promote citizen engagementDesign principles for the use of social network services to promote citizen engagement
Holistic Resilience workshop reportReport on the results obtained from the fourth workshop related to holistic resilience
Risk associated to climate change workshop reportReport on the challenges and promising approaches related to risks associated to climate change (and/or other natural risks), identified during the second workshop
Strategy for standardizationA cohesive strategy for standardization, i.e. proposal for a CEN Workshop Agreement
Report on Final conferenceReport on final conference
Report of the review workshop 3One report of the review workshop, summarising the feedback on the tools reviewed
Dissemination and communication strategy 2Dissemination and communication strategy developed
Peer-review meeting 2One short report on peer-review of each implemented tool per city (6 reports in total), drafted by the peer-reviewing CITIES
Delphi analysis reportReport on Stakeholder Workshop
CI dependencies workshop report
Report on the challenges and promising approaches related to cities dependency on critical infrastructures identified during the first workshop
Design principles to promote transdisciplinary collaborationDesign principles for the use of social networking services to promote transdisciplinary collaboration
A prototype of an integrated Resilience Information Portal that provides a coherent framework to support communication and engagement in resilience building activities
Marta Iturriza, Ahmed A. Abdelgawad, Leire Labaka, Jaziar Radianti, Jose M. Sarriegi, Jose J. Gonzalez
Published in:
International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Issue 7/3, 2017, Page(s) 367-379, ISSN 2041-9031
Research Gate
Patricia Marana, Leire Labaka, Jose Mari Sarriegi
Published in:
Safety Science, 2017, ISSN 0925-7535
Elsevier BV
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