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Network for the exchange and transfer of innovative knowledge between European wine-growing regions to increase the productivity and sustainability of the sector


Report on the knowledge transfer activities

This document will sum up the activities undertaken by the 10 facilitator agents to transfer the project results to practitionners.

Report on the first meeting of the scientific working group

This document will gather the different reports of the first scientific working groups meetings.

Final report

This document constitutes the final report requested by the EC.

One international technical workshop report

This document will contain the minutes of the second International facilitator agents meeting.

Interviews reports

This document will gather all the information collected by the 10 facilitator during their interviews and an analysis of the grey liteerature, performed by IFV.

Technical articles

As least 4 technical articles (in 8 languages) presenting innovative practices will be produced, available on the knowledge reservoir.

Dissemination plans

This document will gather: - One common European dissemination plan, for the dissemination of the project results at European scale - 10 local dissemination plans, to be used by facilitator agents to disseminate the project results at local scale.

Technical datasheets

This document will gather at least 30 technical datasheets, produced in English. These technical datasheets will constitute the rough content of the knowledge reservoir and the knowledge base to develop End-user Flyers in WP3

Report on the first meeting of facilitator agents

This document will gather the minutes of the first International facilitator agent's meeting, summarising the main decisions that have been validated during the meeting.

Evaluation of the project process and guidelines on mechanisms for innovation-driven research

This document will contain an evaluation of the methodology used in WINETWORK for colecting and transfering the innovative knowledge. Partners will revise the methodology for providing guidelines to transfer it to other contexts.

EIP Practice abstract

Short summary of around 200 words or 1200 charcters that will contain: - Short and easily understandable title (one key sentence on the research project/best practice, max 150 characters) - What problem/opportunity will the knowledge generated tackle for the practitioner/end-user? (objective of the project) - What would be the main benefits/opportunities to the end-user if the generated knowledge is implemented? (what does the project bring + how can the practitioner/end-user use the results?) - Main results (max 2-3 main results: what has been done during the project) - The main outcome/recommendation: provide the main outcome/practice/information/recommendation generated from this project

Report on communication activities

At the end of the project, partners will write a report on the communications activities that have been undertaken to assess their efficiency.

One international scientific workshop report

This document will contain the minutes of the Inertnational scientfic workshop.

Report on the training and support to the facilitator agents

At M24, FEUGA will write a report describing the different activities that have been implemented for training and supporting the 10 facilitator agents in the project implementation.

Training modules

Four training modules will be produced by VIN. They will be used by ISS to train end-users to innovative practices. Therefore, they will be available in all project languges (and English) and uploaded on the knowledge reservoir.

Strategy for sustainability of WINETWORK

This document will contain some precise elements for sustaining the WINETWORK network after the end of the project lifetime.

Network handbook

The Network handbook is a document describing the governance, procedures, templates and guidelines related to the network implementation.

Report on the first meetings of the technical working groups

This document will gather the different reports of the first local technical working groups meetings.

Report on research needs expressed by the winegrowers

This document will present the results of the consultation of winegrowers regarding their n eeds for future research projects.

End-used flyers

As least 30 end-user flyers (in 8 languages) presenting innovative practices will be produced, available on the knowledge reservoir.

Ten local technical workshop reports

Each facilitator agent will provide a report in English on the local technical workshops.

Powerpoint presentations

As least 4 powerpoint presentations (in 8 languages) presenting innovative practices will be produced, available on the knowledge reservoir.

Workshop reports

This document will gather the minutes of the 10 workshops organised by the facilitator agents on future research agendas.

Video clips

As least 6 video clips (in 8 languages) presenting innovative practices will be produced, available on the knowledge reservoir.

Video seminars

As least 5 video seminars (in 8 languages) presenting innovative practices will be produced, available on the knowledge reservoir.

Future research agenda for the network

This document constitutes the roadmap for the sustainability of the network, identifying priorities and opportunities for further research projects.

Project website

A dedicated project website will be available at M6.

Knowledge reservoir available on web

The IT portal constituting the Reservoir of Knowledge will be available online. It will be filled in months after months when the different end-user materials will be available.


Suzbijanje zlatne žutice vinove loze: smanjenje šteta i sprječavanje daljnjeg širenja (eng. Flavescence Dorée and its management in vineyard contain the disease and avoid further spread)

Auteurs: Kristina Diklić, Marijan Bubola, DanijelaPoljuha
Publié dans: ArtGlasnik Zaštite Bilja, Numéro Article sent to the journal in 11/2017, expected publication in the first months of 2018, 2018, ISSN 0350-9664
Éditeur: Zadružna štampa d.d., Croatia

Provedba preventivnih mjera s ciljem sprječavanja širenja zlatne žutice u nezaražena područja (eng. Flavescence Dorée: the importance of territory monitoring)

Auteurs: Kristina Diklić, Marijan Bubola, DanijelaPoljuha
Publié dans: Glasnik Zaštite Bilja, Numéro Article sent to the journal in 11/2017, expected publication in the first months of 2018, 2018, ISSN 0350-9664
Éditeur: Zadružna štampa d.d., Croatia

Primjena vrsta roda Trichoderma u suzbijanju bolesti drva vinove loze (eng. Application of Trichoderma spp. in the management of grapevine trunk diseases in Europe)

Auteurs: Kristina Diklić, Marijan Bubola, DanijelaPoljuha
Publié dans: Glasnik Zaštite Bilja, Numéro Article sent to the journal in 11/2017, expected publication in the first months of 2018, 2018, ISSN 0350-9664
Éditeur: Zadružna štampa d.d., Croatia

Simptomi i mjere suzbijanja bolesti drva vinove loze (eng. Global vineyard Management to control Grapevine Trunk diseases)

Auteurs: Kristina Diklić, Marijan Bubola, DanijelaPoljuha
Publié dans: Glasnik Zaštite Bilja, Numéro Article sent to the journal in 11/2017, expected publication in the first months of 2018, 2018, ISSN 0350-9664
Éditeur: Zadružna štampa d.d., Croatia

Winetwork: a network for the exchange and transfer of innovative knowledge between European wine-growing regions to increase the productivity and sustainability of the sector.

Auteurs: F. Fontaine and E. Serrano
Publié dans: Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 2015, Page(s) 435, ISSN 0031-9465
Éditeur: Unione Fitopatologica Mediterranea
DOI: 10.14601/Phytopathol_Mediterr-16495

Project WINETWORK: Identification and dissemination of innovative control strategies for management of flavescence dorée and grapevine trunk diseases

Auteurs: Marijan Bubola, Kristina Diklić, DanijelaPoljuha, Fanny Prezman, Eric Serrano
Publié dans: 10th International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology / Book of Abstracts, Numéro 13-18 June 2016, 2016, Page(s) 208-209
Éditeur: Università di Verona, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie

In search of practices that reduce negative impact of grapevine trunk diseases in European vineyards

Auteurs: Kristina Diklić, Marijan Bubola, DanijelaPoljuha, Gianni Trioli, Fanny Prezman, Eric Serrano
Publié dans: Fifth International Congress on Mountain and Steep Slope Viticulture / Proceeding Posters, Numéro 29 March – 1 April 2017, 2017, Page(s) 60-61
Éditeur: CERVIM - Centre for the Research, Study, Protection, Co-ordination and Advancement of Mountain Viticulture

Strategies implemented for flavescence dorée control in European winegrowing regions

Auteurs: Marijan Bubola, Kristina Diklić, DanijelaPoljuha, Gianni Trioli, Fanny Prezman, Eric Serrano
Publié dans: Fifth International Congress on Mountain and Steep Slope Vitivulture / Proceeding Posters, Numéro 29 March – 1 April 2017, 2017, Page(s) 29
Éditeur: CERVIM - Centre for the Research, Study, Protection, Co-ordination and Advancement of Mountain Viticulture

An Innovative Approach in Grapevine Trunk Diseases and Flavescence Dorée Research: Project WINETWORK

Auteurs: DanijelaPoljuha, Marijan Bubola, Kristina Diklić, Fanny Prezman
Publié dans: 6th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation / Book of Abstracts, Numéro 15-18 June 2016, 2016, Page(s) 78,105, ISBN 978-953-7778-13-2
Éditeur: Croatian Microbiology Society

A szőlő korai tőkeelhalásáért felelős kórokozók azonosítása

Auteurs: Anett Csikós, Kálmán Zoltán Váczy
Publié dans: Tavaszi Szél 2015 Konferenciakötet / Spring Wind 2015 Abstract book, Numéro Volume I., December 2015, 2015, Page(s) 17-22, ISBN 978-615-5250-03-3
Éditeur: Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége
DOI: 10.17048/TSZ.2015.1

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