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SPP Regions

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42 eco-innovative tender models

The regional expert partners will be responsible for publishing an eco-innovative tender model within three months of the award of the contract. These models (case studies) will follow the format applied within the GPP 2020 and PRIMES project, which are designed with replication in mind – they should provide all the information required in order for another authority to replicate them. In preparing each model the energy and CO2 savings will be calculated by the regional expert partner, using the calculation models developed in WP6. To allow for sufficient time for regional activities to be established, the first three tenders are envisaged to happen within the first 24 months of the project, and the final three in the final year.

Annual monitoring report 2016

Each network will submit an annual report (submitted in months 13, 25 and then month 34), following a template prepared by Ecoinstitut. This will include a description of the collaboration activities undertaken, including capacity building activities and information on tenders published or under development (see WP3). Common indicators and calculation methodologies will be developed within WP6 in order to enable the aggregation of results. The final annual report will also include a plan for the continuation of the network for the next years after the conclusion of the project, including the financing of the network.

15 tender models

Continued expansion of the Tender Model Series – a series of detailed case studies on individual tenders, designed to allow for direct replication of the tender by other authorities. Initiated in the GPP 2020 project (co-ordinated by ICLEI), and being developed further within the PRIMES project (both IEE-funded), SPP Regions will continue to develop the series using the tenders implemented within the project. Additional models will be published from network members outside the consortium – aim: 5 models per year, 15 in total.

Annual monitoring report 2017

Each network will submit an annual report (submitted in months 13, 25 and then month 34), following a template prepared by Ecoinstitut. This will include a description of the collaboration activities undertaken, including capacity building activities and information on tenders published or under development (see WP3). Common indicators and calculation methodologies will be developed within WP6 in order to enable the aggregation of results. The final annual report will also include a plan for the continuation of the network for the next years after the conclusion of the project, including the financing of the network.

State-of-the-art reports on Market Engagement, Life Cycle Costing, Performance-Based Specifications and circular procurement

The four topics will be dealt with two at a time over the second and third years of the project (roughly one every 8 months/year), to ensure each receives sufficient focus once the regional networks are firmly established. The precise schedule of work will be determined at the kick-off meeting. Each topic will be led by a different expert project partner: • Market engagement – ICLEI • Life cycle costing – Ecoinstitut • Performance-based/output specifications – UWE • Circular procurement – Danish EPA To establish the basis of discussion for each topic a state-of-the-art report will be prepared by the lead expert organisation, with detailed input and feedback from the other expert organisations. This report should outline the current state of play across Europe, highlight typical challenges and possible solutions, as well as providing a series of good practice examples. To add to the experiences of the experts within the consortium, interviews with external experts and desktop research will be undertaken. Each of the regional networks will also be asked to contribute a short report on their experiences with the given topic, to feed in to the state-of-the-art report. To further ensure the comprehensiveness of the research subcontracting budget is available for each lead partner to bring in external expertise. CIPS (the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply), one of the leading professional procurement organisations in Europe, has indicated its support for the project (see letter of support), however subcontracts will be awarded in compliance with the financial regulations. Once finalised, a Europe-wide consultation exercise will be carried out, with relevant experts identified and approached by consortium partners, as well as directly through the Sustainable Procurement and Innovation Network, and the Procurement Forum.

Implementation plans for new networks

Each new RNP will develop a detailed implementation plan for their activities over the course of the project and beyond, with the assistance of the REPs. These plans will outline: • The organisational structure of the networks, including administrative responsibilities, the roles of each member, and where relevant information on the financing of network activities, • The functioning of the network – i.e. what mechanisms will be established to enable collaboration between members. These will at least include regular face-to-face meetings • A list of topics/tenders which will form the provisional basis for collaboration activities. • Specific capacity building requirements of staff in the participating network authorities, • Where relevant (i.e. where membership is not already established or restricted), the approach to recruitment and promotion of the networks activities, and a terms of reference for participation, • A schedule for monitoring and reporting on activities and results. Each plan will be developed by Month 7, and will then be reviewed by the three existing network partnerships and Ecoinstitut, with the support of ICLEI. These plans will be developed by the regional network project partners in collaboration with municipalities/authorities in the region keen to participate in the networks. These plans will then be discussed in detail at the second partners’ meeting in Month 8 in Barcelona. Final plans will be delivered by Month 10, and approved by all network participants.

Annual tender monitoring report 2018rep

At the end of each year a public report will be prepared by EcoEnergy providing an overview of the tender activities undertaken, energy and CO2 emission savings achieved, capacity building actions and communication activities undertaken, as reported under Task 2.5.

Annual tender monitoring report 2017

At the end of each year a public report will be prepared by EcoEnergy providing an overview of the tender activities undertaken, energy and CO2 emission savings achieved, capacity building actions and communication activities undertaken, as reported under Task 2.5.

Updated Procura+ Manual

Update of Procura+ Manual – building on the results particularly of the European Best Practice Exchange (WP5), and the Tender Model Series, the Procura+ Manual will be updated and reprinted by the end of the project.

SPP/PPI network brochure

A publication providing detailed information on the establishment, functioning and achievements of the networks within the project, to act as a blueprint for replication. This will be prepared by Month 24.

Three network newsletters

Network newsletter – providing a biannual report on the activities of the Network members, including reporting on achievements, with quantified data, facts and figures

Annual monitoring report 2018

Each network will submit an annual report (submitted in months 13, 25 and then month 34), following a template prepared by Ecoinstitut. This will include a description of the collaboration activities undertaken, including capacity building activities and information on tenders published or under development (see WP3). Common indicators and calculation methodologies will be developed within WP6 in order to enable the aggregation of results. The final annual report will also include a plan for the continuation of the network for the next years after the conclusion of the project, including the financing of the network.

Combined report on existing SPP/PPI networks

Each of the three existing network partners will prepare a short (5-10 page) report (based on a template prepared by Ecoinstitut) documenting the experiences of the network. The reports will focus on aspects relevant to potential replication in other regions – including organisation structure, network financing, main collaboration/exchange activities/tools (meetings, email exchange, online forums etc.), monitoring of activities and results, major successes achieved, key success factors, hurdles identified (and strategies to overcome them). Ecoinstitut will review them to ensure consistency. All reports will be finalised within the first three months. A combined publication will be prepared by Ecoinsitut and published within the first four months.

Six reports on existing PPI/SPP networks

Each of the three existing network partners will prepare a short (5-10 page) report (based on a template prepared by Ecoinstitut) documenting the experiences of the network. The reports will focus on aspects relevant to potential replication in other regions – including organisation structure, network financing, main collaboration/exchange activities/tools (meetings, email exchange, online forums etc.), monitoring of activities and results, major successes achieved, key success factors, hurdles identified (and strategies to overcome them). Ecoinstitut will review them to ensure consistency.

Annual tender monitoring report 2016

At the end of each year a public report will be prepared by EcoEnergy providing an overview of the tender activities undertaken, energy and CO2 emission savings achieved, capacity building actions and communication activities undertaken, as reported under Task 2.5.

Reports from regional networks on their experiences with each topic

To both support the direct implementation activities happening in the seven regions, and to help advance knowledge and dialogue at the European level, a structured European best practice exchange will be established, involving some of the most experienced organisations in eco-innovative procurement. Each of the regional networks will also be asked to contribute a short report on their experiences with the given topic, to feed in to the state-of-the-art report.

Promotional leaflet

A leaflet will be prepared, to provide introductory information on the project plans and expected results. This will be printed to coincide with the launch of the website in Month 6.

Project diary

A regularly updated project blog will be published, containing news on project activities, a look behind the scenes into the working of the project, interviews with partners involved. A Storify page ( will likely be established, to collate these different types of content alongside automised tweets and website references to the project. This will provide a vibrant, active feel to project activities.

Visual identity

A designer will be contracted to provide a visual identity for the project, including logo, website design, report and Powerpoint templates, html newsletter design and promotional leaflet design.

Four webinars

To accompany the face-to-face meetings, and ensure regular exchange between Network members a webinar series will also be organised, with at least two webinars per year related to specific SPP/PPI topics. During the project, topics will include those addressed within the European Best Practice Exchange (WP5) and the market sectors in focus.

Two annual Network Seminars

For the final two years of the project an annual 1- 1.5 day seminar will be organised for the Network, building on the existing series of annual Procura+ Seminars. All Network participants will be invited to join, with 50 – 80 attendees anticipated. The seminars organised within the Procura+ Campaign over previous years have very clearly demonstrated the benefits to be gained by direct peer-to-peer exchange on practical implementation challenges. Where appropriate, these seminars may be held alongside or combined with the expert workshops in Task 5.2, or another relevant event such as the EcoProcura conference series (likely planned in 2016).

Three Excel tools for calculating CO2 and energy savings

Based on the calculation concept outlined in section 2.1, and following the model successfully applied within the GPP2020 and PRIMES projects, Excel calculation tools will be developed by EcoEnergy for the specific tenders to be published within WP3. EcoEnergy will operate a permanent calculation helpdesk for regional experts in case of issues/questions regarding the calculations.

European award

The European PPI award, first developed within the PPI Platform project, managed by ICLEI, will be continued within the SPP Regions project. The award has proven successful not only as a means of incentivising implementation, but as a highly effective means of collecting and promoting new ideas and best practice. The scope of the award will be extended to more prominently include sustainability alongside innovation and likely rebranded as the SPPI award. The award will be given at the end of second year of the project 6 months following the launch of the network, and again at the end of the final year.

How-to videos

A series of videos will be produced, presenting techniques and approaches for implementing eco-innovative procurement, drawing on the experiences of all partners and experts participating in the expert workshops. These will be promoted on the website, blog and through social media channels.


A project website will be set up by month 6 to present the results of the project. The website will focus on providing regularly updated news and information from each of the regional networks, as well as presenting the tender model series and reports/guidelines from the European Best Practice Exchange. The website will link directly to the Procurement Forum exchange platform. The website will allow users to register for a project interest group to receive news directly by email. The website will also present a CO2/energy savings counter (as seen on the GPP2020 website: The website will be in English, with basic information will be provided in all other project languages (Bulgarian, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, French, Italian).

Website and promotional leaflet

The Network will be officially launched by Month 18, at the first of the annual Network seminars (Task 4.4). For the launch a promotional leaflet will be developed. In addition the current Sustainable Procurement Resource Centre website ( will be adapted to act as the online home of the network.

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