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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Forward-looking socio-economic research on Energy Efficiency in EU countries.

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Issues of newsletter for the first year - II

All disseminated issues of the PROMITHEASnet Newsletter that will be circulated during the second half of the project duration will form this deliverable.

Press releases package (all distributed press releases along with a list where they were distributed and when) - I

(all distributed press releases along with a list where they were distributed and when will be included) (M16). In case a press release was published in the national language of the beneficiary, then the original printed material along with its translated text will be included in the deliverable. Minimum length: 10 pages.

Review on research efforts and approaches

Review on research efforts and approaches (M5). Report, Minimum length: 90 pages.

Special editions (first book)

It will concern energy efficient policy instruments, technologies and barriers of the eight participating countries. The work from WP1 and WP2 will be used for this edition.

Data Management Plan

Its purpose is to provide an analysis of the main elements of the data management policy that the partners will adopt for the execution of the project.

Interim progress report

This report will present the progress that the consortium has done after one year of work. This will allow partners to understand the progress, the problems that have emerged and the solutions for overcoming them. Additionally, they will assess the achievement of objectives and the impact that the project has until that time period.

Eight (8) national lists of actors and organizations to be surveyed

Eight (8) national lists of actors and organizations to be surveyed (M4). Text document (2 pages each).

Status-quo analysis of energy efficiency policies in 8 EU countries

Indicative minimum length of 5 pages per national case.

Questionnaire template on barriers and driving factors and 7 translated versions of the questionnaire

Questionnaire template on barriers and driving factors and 7 translated versions of the questionnaire (M7). Text document (4-5 pages each)

Proceedings of national workshops

Proceedings of national workshops. Each partner will prepare the respective proceedings that will include: agenda of the event, list of participants, opening speeches, presentations (power point and text), outcomes of brokerage session and main points of discussion about the findings of the project. Minimum length of one proceeding: 20 pages.

Issues of newsletter for the first year - I

All disseminated issues of the PROMITHEASnet Newsletter (from Month1 up to Month 12 of the project implementation) will form this deliverable. The issues will contain news and information about the project apart from the standard structures and information that it contains.

Press releases package (all distributed press releases along with a list where they were distributed and when) -II

All distributed press releases along with a list where they were distributed and when (M24). As previous one.

Final report of WP5

Final report. Minimum length: 25 pages

Technological Trends in energy efficiency

Indicative minimum length of 5 pages per national case.

Working paper on cross-cutting barriers across buildings and transport sector

Working paper on cross-cutting barriers across buildings and transport sector (M5). Indicative length: 30 pages

Interlinkage and synergies between selected other policy areas and energy efficiency

Indicative minimum length of 5 pages per national case.

One issue of scientific journal

This issue will include papers developed within the context of the project.

Landscape of energy efficiency policy packages in a multi-level government system

Indicative minimum length of 5 pages per national case.

Seven (7) national reports on energy efficiency policy scenario analysis for the buildings and transport sectors

Seven (7) national interim reports on energy efficiency policy scenario analysis for the buildings and transport sectors (indicative overall length 250 pages) (M20).

Special editions (second book)

It will be about the project outcomes and will be disseminated at the Conference.

Scientific papers

All submitted papers will be included with information about the submission (title of journal, impact factor, date of submission and information about the progress of submission). Minimum length: 20 pages (M25).

First SC (Kick-off) meeting report

The report will include the agenda, the list of participants, the presentations and the main points of discussion about the project. Minimum length: 5 pages

Third SC meeting report

Same two previous reports of SC meetings.

Synthesis reports on the outcomes of questionnaire survey

Synthesis reports on the outcomes (M10). Report (about 20-60 pages)

Working paper on social, economic, cultural and educational barriers in buildings and transport within each partner country

Working paper on social, economic, cultural and educational barriers in buildings and transport within each partner country (M3). Indicative length: 30 pages.

Printed material (a package with all produced fact sheets and brochures)

Fact sheets will be a four pages synoptic presentation of the project (aim, objectives, methodology – approach, partners, outcomes). Brochures will be used for disseminating information about the respective event.

Proceedings of International Conference

Proceedings of International Conference (M23). UoA_KEPA will prepare this document following the same structure as for the proceedings of the national workshops. Minimum length: 50 pages.

Second SC meeting report

Same as previous deliverable (report for first SC meeting).

Decision support tool

Decision support tool (M13). It will have two parts: The first part will be the actual decision support tool – software. The second one will be the Decision tool methodology - a working paper of minimum length of 20 pages, describing the methodology of the software, and to be delivered one month after delivery of the actual software tool. Draft version will be communicated to all partners in Month 15.


It will contain information about the project.


Inserting end-users behaviour into forward looking energy efficiency modelling

Auteurs: Prof. Dimitrios Mavrakis, Dr. Popi Konidari, Mrs. Anna Flessa
Publié dans: 9th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change issues, Numéro Annual, 2016, Page(s) 203 - 213, ISBN 978-618-82-339-4-2
Éditeur: Energy Policy and Development Centre of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Energy efficiency policy instruments in Serbia as tolls for environmental protection

Auteurs: Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Aleksandar Madžarević, Miloš Tanasijević, Milica Ivić
Publié dans: Proceedings of 6th International Symposium Mining and Environmental Protection, Mining and Environmental Protection, Numéro June 2017, 2017, Page(s) 184 - 191, ISBN 978-86-7352-298-2
Éditeur: Centre for Environmental Engineering, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology

Analysing policy interactions for promoting energy efficiency in the Hellenic sectors of buildings and transport

Auteurs: Dr. KONIDARI Popi (NKUA-KEPA) Mrs. Anna FLESSA, MSc. (NKUA-KEPA) Ms. Aliki-Nefeli MAVRAKI MSC. (NKUA-KEPA) Ms. Eleni-Danai MAVRAKI, MSc (NKUA-KEPA)
Publié dans: International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change, Numéro Annualy, 2015, Page(s) 133-144, ISBN 978-618-82339-2-8
Éditeur: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Energy Policy and Development Centre

Overview of behavioral, economic and institutional barriers to implementation of energy efficiency in the Hellenic building sector

Auteurs: Mrs. Anna FLESSA, MSc. (NKUA-KEPA) Dr. KONIDARI Popi (NKUA-KEPA) Ms. Aliki-Nefeli MAVRAKI MSC. (NKUA-KEPA) Ms. Eleni-Danai MAVRAKI, MSc (NKUA-KEPA)
Publié dans: International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change, Numéro Annualy, 2015, Page(s) 217-230, ISBN 978-618-82339-2-8
Éditeur: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Energy Policy and Development Centre

A methodology to insert end-users behaviour in energy efficiency scenario modelling

Auteurs: Prof. Dimitrios Mavrakis, Dr. Popi KONIDARI
Publié dans: Euro - Asian Journal of sustainable energy development policy, Numéro Volume 5, Number 2, July-December 2016, 2017, Page(s) 59-83, ISSN 1791-6119
Éditeur: Energy Policy and Development Centre of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Barriers to the implementation of the energy efficiency measures in the building sector in Serbia (in Serbian)

Auteurs: Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Aleksandar Madžarević, Milica Ivić
Publié dans: Energija, Numéro XIX March 2017, 2017, Page(s) 383 - 391, ISSN 0354-8651
Éditeur: Association of Energy Sector Specialists

Energy Efficiency barriers in Buildings and Transport: 8 national cases

Auteurs: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – Energy Policy and Development Centre Bocconi University Black Sea Energy Research Centre Oxford Brooks University University of Antwerpen Wuppertal Institute University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology Stockholm Environment Institute - SEI Tallinn
Publié dans: Special Edition, 2017, ISBN 978-619-90807-1-9
Éditeur: Black Sea Energy Research Centre

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