CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Constitute ISAB and QuInnE inception meeting
Working Paper (policy evaluation)
Working paper on policy evaluation to be delivered to WP3
56 to 70 case studies (i.e. 8 to 10 case studies per country)Data Evaluation Report
Working paper with revised policy evaluation (fed into WP3)
ISAB meeting 1
Meeting of and documentation from International Scientific Advisory Board meeting
Policy Recommendations ReportWorking Paper on Innovation, Job Quality and Employment Policy
Working paper on innovation, job quality and employment policy
Finalise QuInnE manual on stakeholder engagementWorking paper (inequalities)
Working paper on inequalities
ISAB meeting 3Meeting of the International Scientific Advisory Board
Case study briefings to all stakeholders/disseminationSeven country profiles (national innovation and job quality/employment profile + findings from WP3 + task 5.5 from WP5)
Final QuInnE Project Report
Organise/document international workshop attended by WPLs and national-level stakeholders
Working paper (EU industry and cross-national correlations, including new typology)
Working paper (German, French and Spanish firm-level correlations and causality)
ISAB meeting 2
Meeting of and documentation from International Scientific Advisory Board meeting
Local stakeholder workshops to share findings/dialogue on prospective toolsWorking paper (labour market & job quality regimes taxonomy)
Working paper on an integrated approach to the study of innovation, job quality and employment
Data management plan (first version)
Submission of first version of the project's Data Management Plan to EC
Working paper (book-length) synthesising findings from qualitative report.Working paper (social inclusion)
Working paper on social inclusion
Finalise QuInnE data management plan and lodge data with open-access archive
Launch of web-based diagnotic tool
Launch of web-based diagnostic tool
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