CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
Bin2Grid YouTube video channel.
Final Publishable ReportFinal Report plus presentation of the project achievements in Brussels
Report on the EU scale transferability methodologyReport on the EU scale transferability methodology.
Report on the promotion of sustainable food and beverage waste managementReport on the promotion of sustainable food and beverage waste management.
Compilation of 24 FoodWaste Working Group meeting minutesCompilation of 24 Food Waste WG meeting minutes.
Report on economic aspects of biogas production in the target citiesReport on operational/economical assessment for segregated collection of food and beverage industry waste.
Report on concept of filling stations network for each target cityReport on concept of local filling stations network for each target city.
4 prefeasibility studies for selected target citiesFour prefeasibility studies for selected target cities.
4 reports on operating/economical assessment in the target cities4 reports on operating/economical assessment in the target cities.
Report on the availability and suitability of wastes from the food and beverage industry in the target citiesReport on the availability and suitability of wastes from the food and beverage industry in the target cities.
Methodology for the implementation of business strategiesMethodology for the implementation of business strategies.
4 surveys on separate food collection among citizens and catering services4 surveys on separate food collection among citizens and catering services.
Guidelines on segregated food waste collectionGuidelines on segregated food waste collection.
Guideline for anaerobic digestion of food and beverage wastesGuideline for anaerobic digestion of food and beverage wastes.
Factsheets on good practice of biogas upgradeFactsheet on good practice of biogas upgrade.
Factsheet on food waste types and energy potentialFactsheet on food waste types and energy potential.
Factsheets on good practice on segregated collection of food wasteFactsheets on good practice on segregated collection of food waste (in English and 4 target cities native languages).
Report on concept of satellite local filling stations networkReport on concept of satellite local filling stations network.
4 reports on pilot projects on food waste management in the target cities4 reports on pilot projects on food waste management in the target cities.
Factsheets on current biogas/biomethane handling practicesFactsheets on current biogas/biomethane handling practices.
Report on training courses on food and beverage waste managementReport on training courses on food and beverage waste management.
Benchmark tool for food waste-to –biofuel chain in the target cityBenchmark tool for Waste-to-Biofuel chain in the target city.
Report on other projects, initiatives and schemesReport on other projects, initiatives and schemes.
Report of promotional activities of good practice conceptsReport of promotional activities of good practice concepts.
Report on good practise partnershipReport on good practice partnership.
Report on good practice of biomethane usage as a transportation fuelReport on good practice of biomethane usage as a transportation fuel.
4 reports on segregated food waste awareness campaigns4 reports on the segregated food waste awareness campaigns.
Bin2Grid Communication and Promotional MaterialsBin2Grid Communication and Promotional Materials.
Social networking platformsSocial networking platforms.
Feasibility study for each target city on food waste managementFeasibility study for each target city on food waste management.
Report for each study tourReport on each study tour (M13, 20, 26).
Bin2Grid web portal.
Pars Region Waste Observatory (ORDIF)
Pubblicato in:
Numero 11.03.2016, 2016
Bojan Ribić (ZCH), Neven Voća (FAZ)
Pubblicato in:
Book of Abstracts-Vizije_gospodarenja_otpadom_2016, Numero Annual - 2016, 2016, Pagina/e 4, 6, 13
Tehno Eko magazine
Rutz, D., Ribić, B., Mergner, R., Ugalde J. M., Janssen, R., Hadžic, A., Mijić, G., Pukšec, P., Duić , N., Zweiler, R., Doczekal, C., Novakovits, P., Gruevska, A., Antevski, G., Chaloski, M., Mitkovski, D., Ikonomova Martinovska, C., Cvetkovska, E., Morales, I., Cañaveral, G., Ladrón de Guevara, C., Bel, J.B., Craddock, F.
Pubblicato in:
European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, Numero 2016, 2016, Pagina/e 283 - 289, ISBN 978-88-89407-165
ETA Florence
Tomislav Puksec, Neven Duic, Bojan Ribic
Pubblicato in:
EGE - Energetika Marketing
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