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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
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TCBL – Textile and Clothing Business Labs Transformative Business Models for the Textile Clothing Sector


Report on Knowledge Champions and Knowl-edge Space ignition activities

This report documents criteria and process of the selection of Knowledge Champions and provides the directory of Knowledge Champions. Moreover, it provides an overview of the selected content and discussions for igniting the Knowledge Spaces including a summary of the knowledge captured and key statistics.

Dissemination and Communication Plan - update 1

Update on D8.1, deriving the dissemination and communication objectives and tasks for each project partner for this period.

Dissemination and Communication Plan - Update 2

Update on D8.1, deriving the dissemination and communication objectives and tasks for each project partner for this period.

Achievements and Perspectives in Knowledge Exchange (with special focus on scouting and issue tracking) - Task 2.4 - version 1

This deliverable is issued in three subsequent versions at the end of each project year, in order to document the results of Task 2.4

T&C Business Systems: Internal Pilots

Further development and comparative analysis based on the experience of the first cycle of experimenta-tion with the Associate Business System Pilots (identified through the first Call for EoI), and in particular the validation of the first service concepts and business support frameworks with project partners and the Business Labs of WP3 and the hypothesis transition scenarios. Report on the specifications for the 2nd Call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) for T&C Business Associates and results of the evaluation, including the selection of the Business System Pilots to be incorporated as new project partners.

Achievements and Perspectives in Knowledge Exchange (with special focus on scouting and issue tracking) - Task 2.4 - version 3

The deliverable is issued in three subsequent versions at the end of each project year, in order to document the results of Task 2.4.

Technical Ecosystem Framework version 3

Describes the general architecture for the TCBL ecosystem, including both digital and socio-economic components. This framework therefore includes an open platform schema with the functional relationships between the features of the cloud infrastructure, the knowledge spaces and business services, and the interoperability requirements between them and between them and external environments such as social networks. In addition, it develops high-level “user views” onto the framework (using techniques such as scenarios, user journeys, etc.) to represent the goals and objectives of the different stakeholders and how their transactional patterns interact with the general system requirements.

Value Exchange and Governance Framework – version 1

Defines the perimeter and dynamics of the overall TCBL ecosystem across and in light of the value modelling tri-als, scenario building and governance toolbox analyses carried out in Tasks T6.4 and T6.5 above. In the context of the Technical Ecosystem Framework set forth in D6.1 and the stakeholder dynamics monitored in Task 6.3, this deliverable analyses the transactional value of the business relationships emerging in the project in terms of the specific benefits for each of the stakeholders involved. Drawing on specific cases of service models hypothesized by the Business Labs and composed by Business Pilots to define innovative business scenarios, the value added of each of the TCBL elements in these processes is generalized to form a high-level business model framework. The governance implications of these processes, as captured by Task 6.5, are in parallel developed together with pro-posed models and solutions to be tested in the successive phases, leading towards a final governance model for the sustainability of the TCBL ecosystem.

Achievements and Perspectives in Knowledge Exchange (with special focus on scouting and issue tracking) - Task 2.3 - version 1

The deliverable is issued in three subsequent versions at the end of each project year, in order to document the results of Task 2.3

Achievements and Perspectives in Knowledge Exchange (with special focus on scouting and issue tracking) - Task 2.5 - version 2

This deliverable is issued in three subsequent versions at the end of each project year, in order to document the results of Task 2.5

Achievements and Perspectives in Knowledge Exchange (with special focus on scouting and issue tracking) - Task 2.4 - version 2

The deliverable is issued in three subsequent versions at the end of each project year, in order to document the results of Task 2.4

Technical Ecosystem Framework version 2

Describes the general architecture for the TCBL ecosystem, including both digital and socio-economic components. This framework therefore includes an open platform schema with the functional relationships between the features of the cloud infrastructure, the knowledge spaces and business services, and the interoperability requirements between them and between them and external environments such as social networks. In addition, it develops high-level “user views” onto the framework (using techniques such as scenarios, user journeys, etc.) to represent the goals and objectives of the different stakeholders and how their transactional patterns interact with the general system requirements.

Value Exchange and Governance Framework version 2

Defines the perimeter and dynamics of the overall TCBL ecosystem across and in light of the value modelling tri-als, scenario building and governance toolbox analyses carried out in Tasks T6.4 and T6.5 above. In the context of the Technical Ecosystem Framework set forth in D6.1 and the stakeholder dynamics monitored in Task 6.3, this deliverable analyses the transactional value of the business relationships emerging in the project in terms of the specific benefits for each of the stakeholders involved. Drawing on specific cases of service models hypothesized by the Business Labs and composed by Business Pilots to define innovative business scenarios, the value added of each of the TCBL elements in these processes is generalized to form a high-level business model framework. The governance implications of these processes, as captured by Task 6.5, are in parallel developed together with pro-posed models and solutions to be tested in the successive phases, leading towards a final governance model for the sustainability of the TCBL ecosystem.

Achievements and Perspectives in Knowledge Exchange (with special focus on scouting and issue tracking) - Task 2.5 - version 1

This deliverable is issued in three subsequent versions at the end of each project year, in order to document the results of Task 2.5

T&C Business Systems: Engagement and Impact

Further developments and comparative analysis, including the role of the new partner Business System Pilots, further validation of service concepts, transition scenarios and business support frameworks with business system pilots, and potential extensions of the TCBL approach to related sectors in design-driven consumer goods. Report on the specifications for the 3rd Call for Expressions of Interest (EoI), focusing on extending the typologies of Business System Pilots and the scope of activities to related sectors, and re-sults of the evaluation.

Dissemination and Communication Plan

Document explaining the overall communication strategy to disseminate the project’s results, conclusions and recommendations and the general plan to implement the strategy in order to achieve the stated goals for the pe-riod, including the derivation of objectives and tasks for each project partner according to its main business activi-ties and stakeholder connections, determination and commitment to individual and conjoint dissemination actions.

Dissemination and Communication Plan – update 3

Update on D8.1, deriving the dissemination and communication objectives and tasks for each project partner for this period.

Achievements and Perspectives in Knowledge Exchange (with special focus on scouting and issue tracking) - Task 2.3 -version 2

The deliverable is issued in three subsequent versions at the end of each project year, in order to document the results of Task 2.3.

Achievements and Perspectives in Knowledge Exchange (with special focus on scouting and issue tracking) - Task 2.3 - version 3

The deliverable is issued in three subsequent versions at the end of each project year, in order to document the results of Task 2.3

Cloud Infrastructure

Delivers the common cloud infrastructure for all of the ICT services supporting the TCBL ecosystem, based on the FI-PPP’s FI-WARE platform. This will involve first identifying the FI-WARE Generic Enablers relevant to TCBL re-quirements, including inter alia the CKAN Open Data portal and the Context Broker, and then opening a FI-LAB in-stance with the required features. In addition, this deliverable specifies the interoperability requirements (APIs, data models, etc.) related to the ICT components that make up the Knowledge Spaces and the Business Services, as well as potential future services.

Value Exchange and Governance Framework version 3

Defines the perimeter and dynamics of the overall TCBL ecosystem across and in light of the value modelling trials, scenario building and governance toolbox analyses carried out in Tasks T6.4 and T6.5 above. In the context of the Technical Ecosystem Framework set forth in D6.1 and the stakeholder dynamics monitored in Task 6.3, this deliverable analyses the transactional value of the business relationships emerging in the project in terms of the specific benefits for each of the stakeholders involved. Drawing on specific cases of service models hypothesized by the Business Labs and composed by Business Pilots to define innovative business scenarios, the value added of each of the TCBL elements in these processes is generalized to form a high-level business model framework. The governance implications of these processes, as captured by Task 6.5, are in parallel developed together with proposed models and solutions to be tested in the successive phases, leading towards a final governance model for the sustainability of the TCBL ecosystem.

T&C Business Systems: Setup

A general description of the pilot experimentation and business support framework, with needs and re-quirements of the Business System Pilots as derived from interaction with local actors in partner territo-ries. This includes an identification of potential Business System Experiments (including the required Ser-vice Concepts from the different Business Labs) as well as a hypothesis set of transition scenarios to be tested in the first round of piloting in year 2. Report on the specifications for the 1st Call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) for the selection of the Business System Pilots to participate in the first round of piloting and results of the evaluation.

Achievements and Perspectives in Knowledge Exchange (with special focus on scouting and issue tracking) - Task 2.5 - version 3

The deliverable is issued in three subsequent versions at the end of each project year, in order to document the results of Task 2.5.

T&C Business Systems: Scaling Up and Out

Final description of the Business System Pilots as transition scenarios and business support frameworks validated by experimentation of the Business Lab services and the definition of new business models based on them, including possible extensions and developments of the initial typologies of Lab and Fac-tory and extensions of the approach to other sectors. Report on the specifications for the 4th Call for Ex-pressions of Interest (EoI), focusing on extending the Associate Business network in the context of the governance, sustainability, and exploitation plans defined in WPs 6 and 7.

Value Exchange and Governance Framework version 4

Defines the perimeter and dynamics of the overall TCBL ecosystem across and in light of the value modelling trials, scenario building and governance toolbox analyses carried out in Tasks T6.4 and T6.5 above. In the context of the Technical Ecosystem Framework set forth in D6.1 and the stakeholder dynamics monitored in Task 6.3, this deliverable analyses the transactional value of the business relationships emerging in the project in terms of the specific benefits for each of the stakeholders involved. Drawing on specific cases of service models hypothesized by the Business Labs and composed by Business Pilots to define innovative business scenarios, the value added of each of the TCBL elements in these processes is generalized to form a high-level business model framework. The governance implications of these processes, as captured by Task 6.5, are in parallel developed together with proposed models and solutions to be tested in the successive phases, leading towards a final governance model for the sustainability of the TCBL ecosystem.

Business Process Users and Models version 3

This deliverable (in various subsequent editions) constitutes the knowledge repository of bpSquare, which can be accessed by registered profiles free of charge all along the project duration.

Business Process Portal

This deliverable (consisting of a technical description and user guide) documents the publication of the bpSquare platform, made available to the consortium and external pilot users for the forthcoming, planned experimentation tasks, in parallel to the Knowledge Spaces described in WP1 and delivered in launch version as D1.1.

Business Process Users and Models version 2

This deliverable (in various subsequent editions) constitutes the knowledge repository of bpSquare, which can be accessed by registered profiles free of charge all along the project duration.

Open Platform: Engagement and Impact

This deliverable describes the improvement, adaptation and consolidation of the TCBL Open Platform and vDiscover semantic engine during the engagement and impact phase and towards scaling up and out. The second section of the deliverable describes the usability optimisation of the gamification and experience capturing and sharing tools and shows how they are being used in the TCBL community. The following section is about the cloud services and analytics. The chosen approach is described, together with the validation procedure and the validation results.

Business Process Users and Models version 1

This deliverable (in various subsequent editions) constitutes the knowledge repository of bpSquare, which can be accessed by registered profiles free of charge all along the project duration.

Knowledge Spaces: set-up version

This deliverable describes the initial version of TCBL knowledge spaces. It comes with a requirements analysis that covers the needs of the other work packages together with the most common and necessary ICT requirements of the stakeholders, associates, labs and consortium members. The deliverable features as well a first outline of the distributes architecture for TCBL knowledge spaces, together with concise de-scriptions of the main software systems and interfaces to third party services like e.g. LinkedIn or Face-book. D1.1 illustrates as well the planned steps for setting up, configuring and populating the TCBL Knowledge Spaces. The second section of D1.1 describes the requirements analysis for the gamification framework and the gamification needs in TCBL. It comes with an analysis of interesting social gaming features and principles. The section details how the gamification methodology will be chosen, put together, implemented and validated and comes with a first gamification approach to be implemented. The third section of D1.1 is about AR tracking and experience extraction. A technology readiness analysis identifies current trends in experience capturing and sharing (with market size and market penetration prognosis). As well, requirements for experience capturing and sharing tools are identified, including the integration with TCBL knowledge spaces.

Open Platform: Scaling up and out -- Final Platform

The final deliverable in WP1 describes the final status of the TCBL Open Platform with the gamification tool, AR tracking and experience extraction, cloud services as well as the learning material and guides. Each section gives an overview of the component’s specifications, architecture and how it was taken up by the community. As applicable, business models for commercialising/ operating the components/ services after the end of TCBL are being described.

Knowledge Spaces: internal pilot version

The second WP1 deliverable describes the internal pilot version of TCBL knowledge spaces. It comes with a description of the architecture of the TCBL Knowledge Spaces, including brief descriptions of the com-ponents and interfaces. A validation of the chosen specifications together with a SWOT analyses to iden-tify potentials for improvement complete that section. The second section of D1.2 describes the progress in AR tracking and experience extraction. The report describes the selected components with their specifications, trial scenarios and validation results. The AR integration with TCBL knowledge spaces is demonstrated. The third section of D1.2 is about Task 1.4. It starts with an identification of requirements for intelligence for learning on business model development and evolution. Possible approaches are described, compared and discussed. Further, the planned implementation procedure is discussed.

TCBL Conference Report and Video 2

Report on the proceedings of the second TEDx conference of TCBL and a Video presenting re-sults obtained during the first/second/third/fourth year of the project, including shootings on location and inter-views with key T&C stakeholders and consortium members

TCBL Public Communication Tools

Aggregation of a varied set of communication tools to be used in digital and print format, such as brochures, leaf-lets and roll-ups (templates and guidelines report).

TCBL Conference Report and Video 4

Report on the proceedings of the fourth TEDx conference of TCBL and a Video presenting results obtained during the fourth year of the project, including shootings on location and interviews with key T&C stakeholders and consortium members

TCBL Conference Report and Video 3

Report on the proceedings of the first TEDx conference of TCBL and a Video presenting results obtained during the third year of the project, including shootings on location and interviews with key T&C stakeholders and consortium members.

TCBL Website

Website that will serve as an interface for the project’s stakeholders and users and as a portal to related public spaces including co-creation spaces.

TCBL Conference Report and Video

Report on the proceedings of the first TEDx conference of TCBL and a Video presenting results obtained during the first year of the project, including shootings on location and interviews with key T&C stakeholders and consortium members

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