CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
The consultation and validation activities with the external communities will mainly take place through the foreseen 3 industrial workshops that will be organized by the project (by AXIOM industrial actors).
Evaluation of the compiler and tools infrastructureAfter the first prototype AXIOM board will be delivered, the testing will be necessary to verify the initial software toolchain. Final research results will be included in this deliverable.
Design Space Exploration (DSE) on the prototype for the AXIOMDefinition and development of appropriate Design Space Exploration (DSE) tools and methodologies.
Final Report on AXIOM EventsThe AXIOM final conference will be organized close to the end of the project ideally as a satellite event at a larger international conference. The conference will target to present and validate AXIOM final outcomes and mostly communicate the anticipated next steps at research and innovation level.
Initial AXIOM Evaluation Platform (AEP) definition and initial testsDefinition of the AXIOM evaluation platform (AEP) appropriate for Cyber-Physical Systems
Technical specifications of AXIOM boardThis deliverable is a report outlining the most relevant system architecture details
Programming model extensionsThis deliverable include the final API document and the software developed, released as Open-Source Software, and added to the BSC website (
Performance and energy evaluation of the AXIOMIntegrate in the evaluation platform the main results from all the all work packages.
Scenarios and requirements and ReportScenario collection and production in the domain of Smart Home/Living (SHL) and Smart Video-Surveillance (SVS) carried out by Contextual Inquiries methods on the field with end Users and Stakeholders.
This deliverable will consist in an update of deliverable D5.3 containing also the mechanism for load balancing. An additional document will provide the analysis of the real-time guarantees that the system can meet.
Parallel programming library and documentationThis deliverable will consist in an update of deliverable D5.1 with the addition of the Linux kernel driver for the high-speed interconnect developed in Task 5.1, the Remote Memory Access mechanism developed in Task 5.2 and the library for parallel programming developed in Task 5.3.
AXIOM code generation and instrumentationDocumentation for the prototype compiler and first comparative research results is included in this deliverable.
Report on proof of conceptsSelection, envisioning and refinement of Scenarios to be put in to scene by prototypes of AXIOM architecture in the domain of Smart Living/Home (SLH) and Smart Video-Surveillance (SVS). Porting of the Smart Living/Home Application and Smart Video-Surveillance to the OmpSs Programming Model
The goal of this deliverable is to create a web site for the AXIOM project. The site will contain a public part that will serve as a point of visibility for people outside the consortium to make enquiries about the project and to obtain publicly available documentation. Besides the public part, the web site will have part with controlled access, where only partners in the project will be allowed. This part will contain deliverables and reports that have restricted dissemination level, and drafts of deliverables that are being prepared. It will also provide collaborative tools (e.g., wiki) that can be used by multiple partners for collaborating on reports and deliverables.
Amourgianos-Lorentzos, Vasileios
Publié dans:
Technical University of Crete
Bosch Pons, J
Publié dans:
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Mazumdar, Somnath and Giorgi Roberto
Publié dans:
D. Jiménez-González, C. Álvarez, A. Filgueras, X. Martorell, J. Langer, J. Noguera, K. Vissers
Publié dans:
Burgio P.; Alvarez C.; Ayguadé E.; Filgueras A.; Jiménez-González D.; Martorell X.; Navarro N. and Giorgi R.
Publié dans:
Ada User Journal, Numéro 36 (4), 2015, ISSN 1381-6551
Ada Language UK Ltd.
Giorgi, R; , Mazumdar, S.; Viola, S.; Gai, P.; Garzarella, S.; Morelli, B.; Pnevmatikatos, D.; Theodoropoulos, D.; Álvarez, C.; Ayguadé, E.; Bueno, J.; Filgueras, A.; Jiménez-González, D; Martorell, X.
Publié dans:
Ada User journal, Numéro 37 (4), 2016, Page(s) 228-235, ISSN 1381-6551
Ada Language UK Ltd.
Roberto Giorgi
Publié dans:
WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Numéro Vol. 14, 2015, Page(s) 546-558, ISSN 1109-2750
World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
Verdoscia, Lorenzo; Giorgi, Roberto
Publié dans:
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, Page(s) 1-21, ISSN 1563-5147
Alvarez, Carlos; Ayguade, Eduard; Bosch, Jaume; Bueno, Javier; Cherkashin, Artem; Filgueras, Antonio; Jiminez-Gonzalez, Daniel; Martorell, Xavier; Navarro, Nacho; Vidal, Miquel; Theodoropoulos, Dimitris; Pnevmatikatos, Dionisios; Catani, Davide; Oro, David; Fernandez, Carles; Segura, Carlos; Rodriguez, Javier; Hernando, Javier; Scordino, Claudio; Gai, Paolo; Passera, Pierluigi; Pomella, Aberto; Be
Publié dans:
ELSEVIER Microprocessors and Microsystems, Numéro 47 (B), 2016, Page(s) 262-277, ISSN 0141-9331
Elsevier BV
Rizzo, Antonio; Burresi, Giovanni; Montefoschi, Francesco; Caporali, Maurizio; Giorgi, Roberto
Publié dans:
Interaction Design and Architecture(s), Numéro 1 (30), 2016, Page(s) 95-112, ISSN 1826-9745
Burgio, Paolo; Alvarez, Carlos; Ayguade, Eduard; Filgueras, Antonio; Jiminez-Gonzalez, Daniel; Martorell, Xavier; Navarro, Nacho; Giorgi, Roberto
Publié dans:
Ada User Journal, Numéro 37 (1), 2016, Page(s) 59-63, ISSN 1381-6551
Ada Language UK Ltd.
Roberto Giorgi
Publié dans:
Proc. Int.l Conf. on Computer Engineering and Applications (CEA), 2015, Page(s) 91–100, ISBN 978-1-61804-276-7
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