Periodic Reporting for period 3 - COCOHA (Cognitive Control of a Hearing Aid)
Période du rapport: 2018-01-01 au 2018-12-31
• New computational methods have been developed to decode subject’s attention from brain signals and derive reliable control signals using recent machine-learning techniques.
• Hardware/software solutions have been investigated to handle the potentially wide range of device configurations (on ear, wearable, distributed and collaborative networks of devices and microphones) in a uniform way.
• Prototypes have been implemented by the industrial partner using hearing aid technology, to investigate feasibility and verify usability.
• An international scientific workshop was organized to bring in the latest expertise, publicize our project, and sensitize the community to its goals.
• Very significant progress has been made with EEG signal processing and classification algorithms, improving the reliability of decoding decisions and decreasing the duration of data recording required to make them.
• New EEG-based control paradigms have been piloted that potentially allow additional control information to be exploited by decoding algorithms.
• Our industrial partner has made progress in developing (and in some cases patenting) techniques likely to be implemented in marketable hearing aid devices.