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A consortium web site most likely will be prepared and publicly accessible. It will remain online from this time until 3 years after the finishing of the project. Also a partner private area will be prepared with secure access using codification.
Flexible OLED Panels from WP 3 will be integrated into an application-near multi-panel demonstrator.
Transfer of Hybrid OLED demonstratorA glass-based demonstrator of the materials and stacks available in the initial phase of the project will be fabricated to establish a baseline for the large area coating as well as to validate the specifications made in D3.1.1. This device will be transferred to WP4 to make a first generation lighting system.
Performance in OLEDs of new emitters and electron transport materialsThis report will summarize the performance of the new emitters and electron transport materials in OLEDs.
Large area, R2R fabricated flexible solution processed OLED transferred to WP4A R2R fabricated large area fully solution processed OLED demonstrator will be fabricated, with the option to recede to a hybrid device in case the fully solution processed approach fails.
OLED lighting demonstratorOLEDs Panels from WP 3 processed S2S on glass will be integrated into an application-near multi-panel demonstrator.
50 lm/W OLED demonstratorA large area fully solution processed OLED demonstrator will be fabricated on glass in a sheet-to-sheet slot-die coating process with an efficiency of ≥ 50 lm/W. The accompanying report will outline the specifications of the device and indicate the necessary steps to produce devices with similar specifications in a R2R fabrication process on flexible substrates. This device will be transferred to WP4 for integration into a complete lighting system.
A small area device layout will be designed that is compatible with the existing infrastructure for device preparation and evaluation at the three partners involved.
Selection and supply of initial quantities of vacuum ETL and EILIn this report first type of ETL and EIL will be identified for vacuum deposition and additionally promising candidate for solution processing will be described.
Dissemination kitResults from the project will be combined in a final public report including images of the final demonstrators. Some of the demonstrators will also be shown in trade fairs and videos.
Selection and supply of initial quantities of solution HIL, HTL and EML reference inkIn this report the most promising HIL, HTL and EML materials will be described which will be made available to the consortium by partner Solvay.
Supply of first low impact crosslinkers to WP2Partner 6 (IMPERIAL) will provide first batches of low impact crosslinkers to the consortium. A report will be prepared in which the chemical structure and quantities are mentioned.
Supply of solution processed HTM and HIM prepared at larger scaleA report on the upscaling of HTM and HIM will be provided and these materials will be made available to the consortium for larger area processing.
Stakeholder WorkshopA workshop will be organized open to all interested partners with special emphasis on stakeholders of the OLED technology. It will be organized by TNO and most likely be held in a location in the Netherlands.
Aghazada, S.; Huckaba, A. J.; Pertegas, A.; Babael, A.; Grancini, G.; Zimmermann, I.; Bolink, H; Nazeeruddin, M.K.
Veröffentlicht in:
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, ISSN 1434-1948
John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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