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CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


D7.2- Dissemination strategy and plan and Communication activities. (M12)

Dissemination strategy and plan and Communication activities. Report (vers. a M03). An updated version of this report will be provided in all the periodic reports (at M06, M18, M30) and all three final reports (at M12, M24, M36). The report will include both completed and planned activities.

D4.1- Design and Specification of Home Daily Activity Services (version b)

Design and specification of the Home Daily Activity services. Report (vers. a M12, vers. b M24). The report will provide the design and specification of the software ICT services to be developed under Task 4.1.

D8.1- Interim Project Reports and Yearly Financial and Progress Project Reports (M24)

Interim project reports and yearly financial and progress project reports (Interim reports on M06, M18, M30); Yearly financial and progress reports: vers. a M12, vers. b M24, vers. c M36

D8.1-Interim Project Reports and Yearly Financial and Progress Project Reports (M6)

Interim project reports and yearly financial and progress project reports (Interim reports on M06, M18, M30); Yearly financial and progress reports: vers. a M12, vers. b M24, vers. c M36

D6.2- Privacy Protection Plan

Privacy Protection Plan. Report (M06)

D1.1 Specification of User Needs Analysis and Design of Behaviour Patterns Model (version b)

Specification of user needs analysis and design of behaviour patterns model. Report (version a M08, version b M24). The report will provide the outcome of the Task1.1 and Task 1.2 and will include the identified user needs, behaviour patterns including dialogue patterns and the functional specification of the ICT services that the GrowMeUp robot will provide.

D8.1- Interim Project Reports and Yearly Financial and Progress Project Reports (M30)

Interim project reports and yearly financial and progress project reports (Interim reports on M06, M18, M30); Yearly financial and progress reports: vers. a M12, vers. b M24, vers. c M36

D7.5- Business Strategy (version c)

Business Strategy. Report (vers. a M16, vers. b M24, vers. c b36)

D7.2- Dissemination strategy and plan and Communication activities. (M30)

Dissemination strategy and plan and Communication activities. Report (vers. a M03). An updated version of this report will be provided in all the periodic reports (at M06, M18, M30) and all three final reports (at M12, M24, M36). The report will include both completed and planned activities.

D8.1- Interim Project Reports and Yearly Financial and Progress Project Reports (M18)

Interim project reports and yearly financial and progress project reports (Interim reports on M06, M18, M30); Yearly financial and progress reports: vers. a M12, vers. b M24, vers. c M36

D5.1- Specification of Overall System Architecture and Security and Privacy Infrastructure (version a)

Specification of overall system architecture and security and privacy infrastructure. Report (vers. a M08, vers. b M16) A report will include information about all issues concerning the system architecture.

D8.1- Interim Project Reports and Yearly Financial and Progress Project Reports(M36)

Interim project reports and yearly financial and progress project reports (Interim reports on M06, M18, M30); Yearly financial and progress reports: vers. a M12, vers. b M24, vers. c M36

D7.3- Exploitation and Standardization Strategy and Plan (M24)

Exploitation Strategy and Plan. Report (vers. a M08). An updated version of this report will be provided in all the periodic reports (at M18, M30) and all three final reports (at M12, M24, M36). The report will include both completed and planned activities.

D7.4- Standardization activities and Data Management (version c)

Standardization activities and Data Management. Report (vers. a M12, vers. bM24, vers cM36)

D7.3- Exploitation and Standardization Strategy and Plan (M30)

Exploitation Strategy and Plan. Report (vers. a M08). An updated version of this report will be provided in all the periodic reports (at M18, M30) and all three final reports (at M12, M24, M36). The report will include both completed and planned activities.

D6.5- Overall System Evaluation and Initial Replication

Overall system evaluation and initial replication. Report/Software (M36)

D7.2- Dissemination strategy and plan and Communication activities. (M24)

Dissemination strategy and plan and Communication activities. Report (vers. a M03). An updated version of this report will be provided in all the periodic reports (at M06, M18, M30) and all three final reports (at M12, M24, M36). The report will include both completed and planned activities.

D7.5- Business Strategy (version a)

Business Strategy. Report (vers. a M16, vers. b M24, vers. c b36)

D1.2- Specification of Use Case Scenarios and User Interface (version b)

Specification of use case scenarios and User Interface. Report (vers. a M08, vers. b M16). The report will include the outcome of Task1.3.

D6.1- Trials Specification and Design

Trials specification and design. Report.

D5.2- Specification and Implementation of the Communication Protocol (version b)

Specification and Implementation of the Communication Protocol. (vers. a M08, vers. b M16) The communication protocol will follow a similar strategy of D5.1.

D7.3- Exploitation and Standardization Strategy and Plan (M36)

Exploitation Strategy and Plan. Report (vers. a M08). An updated version of this report will be provided in all the periodic reports (at M18, M30) and all three final reports (at M12, M24, M36). The report will include both completed and planned activities.

D7.3- Exploitation and Standardization Strategy and Plan (M12)

Exploitation Strategy and Plan. Report (vers. a M08). An updated version of this report will be provided in all the periodic reports (at M18, M30) and all three final reports (at M12, M24, M36). The report will include both completed and planned activities.

D6.3- Pilot Setup and Deployments (version a)

Pilot setup and deployments. Report/Software (vers. a M13, vers. b M24)

D7.4- Standardization activities and Data Management (version b)

Standardization activities and Data Management. Report (vers. a M12, vers. bM24, vers cM36)

D5.1- Specification of Overall System Architecture and Security and Privacy Infrastructure (version b)

Specification of overall system architecture and security and privacy infrastructure. Report (vers. a M08, vers. b M16) A report will include information about all issues concerning the system architecture.

D7.3- Exploitation and Standardization Strategy and Plan (M8)

Exploitation Strategy and Plan. Report (vers. a M08). An updated version of this report will be provided in all the periodic reports (at M18, M30) and all three final reports (at M12, M24, M36). The report will include both completed and planned activities.

D3.2- Specification of the User Behaviour Analysis and Environment Analysis component (version a)

Specification of the User Behaviour Analysis and Environment Analysis component Report (vers. a M12, vers. b M24) The report will describe the ontology representation and the proposed graphical model to represent older person’s behaviour and each other models used to perform the environment analysis.

D1.3- Ethical, Privacy, Legal Considerations and Deontological practice

Ethical, Privacy, Legal Considerations and Deontological practice. Report (M06). The report will include the outcome of Task1.4.

D8.1- Interim Project Reports and Yearly Financial and Progress Project Reports (M12))

Interim project reports and yearly financial and progress project reports (Interim reports on M06, M18, M30); Yearly financial and progress reports: vers. a M12, vers. b M24, vers. c M36

D6.4- Pilot Acceptance Evaluation Results (version b)

Pilot acceptance evaluation results. Report (vers. a M18, vers. b M34)

D8.4- Project effective Innovation Plan (M6)

Project effective Innovation Plan. Report (M06, M24, M36)

D4.1- Design and Specification of Home Daily Activity Services (version a)

Design and specification of the Home Daily Activity services. Report (vers. a M12, vers. b M24). The report will provide the design and specification of the software ICT services to be developed under Task 4.1.

D7.5- Business Strategy (version b)

Business Strategy. Report (vers. a M16, vers. b M24, vers. c b36)

D7.4- Standardization activities and Data Management (version a)

Standardization activities and Data Management. Report (vers. a M12, vers. bM24, vers cM36)

D7.3- Exploitation and Standardization Strategy and Plan (M18)

Exploitation Strategy and Plan. Report (vers. a M08). An updated version of this report will be provided in all the periodic reports (at M18, M30) and all three final reports (at M12, M24, M36). The report will include both completed and planned activities.

D6.3- Pilot Setup and Deployments (version b)

Pilot setup and deployments. Report/Software (vers. a M13, vers. b M24)

D7.2- Dissemination strategy and plan and Communication activities. (M36)

Dissemination strategy and plan and Communication activities. Report (vers. a M03). An updated version of this report will be provided in all the periodic reports (at M06, M18, M30) and all three final reports (at M12, M24, M36). The report will include both completed and planned activities.

D1.2- Specification of Use Case Scenarios and User Interface (version a)

Specification of use case scenarios and User Interface. Report (vers. a M08, vers. b M16). The report will include the outcome of Task1.3.

D6.4- Pilot Acceptance Evaluation Results (version a)

Pilot acceptance evaluation results. Report (vers. a M18, vers. b M34)

D7.2- Dissemination strategy and plan and Communication activities (M3)

Dissemination strategy and plan and Communication activities. Report (vers. a M03). An updated version of this report will be provided in all the periodic reports (at M06, M18, M30) and all three final reports (at M12, M24, M36). The report will include both completed and planned activities.

D1.1- Specification of User Needs Analysis and Design of Behaviour Patterns Model (version a)

Specification of user needs analysis and design of behaviour patterns model. Report (version a M08, version b M24). The report will provide the outcome of the Task1.1 and Task 1.2 and will include the identified user needs, behaviour patterns including dialogue patterns and the functional specification of the ICT services that the GrowMeUp robot will provide.

D8.4- Project effective Innovation Plan (M24)

Project effective Innovation Plan. Report (M06, M24, M36)

D7.2- Dissemination strategy and plan and Communication activities. (M18)

Dissemination strategy and plan and Communication activities. Report (vers. a M03). An updated version of this report will be provided in all the periodic reports (at M06, M18, M30) and all three final reports (at M12, M24, M36). The report will include both completed and planned activities.

D3.2- Specification of the User Behaviour Analysis and Environment Analysis component (version b)

Specification of the User Behaviour Analysis and Environment Analysis component Report (vers. a M12, vers. b M24) The report will describe the ontology representation and the proposed graphical model to represent older person’s behaviour and each other models used to perform the environment analysis.

D7.2- Dissemination strategy and plan and Communication activities. (M6)

Dissemination strategy and plan and Communication activities. Report (vers. a M03). An updated version of this report will be provided in all the periodic reports (at M06, M18, M30) and all three final reports (at M12, M24, M36). The report will include both completed and planned activities.

D8.3- Project Quality Handbook

Project Quality Handbook. Report (M03)

D5.2- Specification and Implementation of the Communication Protocol (version a)

Specification and Implementation of the Communication Protocol. (vers. a M08, vers. b M16) The communication protocol will follow a similar strategy of D5.1.


ICT services for active ageing and independent living: identification and assessment

Auteurs: Christophoros Christophorou, Styliani Kleanthous, Dimosthenis Georgiadis, Donato M. Cereghetti, Panayiotis Andreou, Cindy Wings, Eleni Christodoulou, George Samaras
Publié dans: Healthcare Technology Letters, Numéro 3/3, 2016, Page(s) 159-164, ISSN 2053-3713
Éditeur: IET
DOI: 10.1049/htl.2016.0031

DJINNI: A Novel Technology Supported Exposure Therapy Paradigm for SAD Combining Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Auteurs: Maher Ben-Moussa, Marius Rubo, Coralie Debracque, Wolf-Gero Lange
Publié dans: Frontiers in Psychiatry, Numéro 8, 2017, ISSN 1664-0640
Éditeur: Frontiers Research Foundation
DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2017.00026

User-Adaptive Robotics Systems: A Survey

Auteurs: G. Martins, L. Santos, J. Dias
Publié dans: International Journal of Social Robotics, Numéro submitted/under revision, 2018, ISSN 1875-4791
Éditeur: Springer Verlag

AURORA: a Context-Aware Human-Robot Interaction Framework Based on Cognitive Development

Auteurs: J. Quintas, G. S. Martins, L. Santos, P. Menezes, J. Dias
Publié dans: IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, Numéro submitted/under revision, 2018, ISSN 2168-2216
Éditeur: IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity

α POMDP: POMDP-based user-adaptive decision-making for social robots

Auteurs: Gonçalo S. Martins, Hend Al Tair, Luís Santos, Jorge Dias
Publié dans: Pattern Recognition Letters, 2018, ISSN 0167-8655
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2018.03.011

The influence of dynamics and speech on understanding humanoid facial expressions

Auteurs: Nicole Lazzeri, Maher Ben Moussa, Daniele Mazzei, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann
Publié dans: International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Numéro accepted for publication, 2018, ISSN 1729-8814
Éditeur: SAGE

BUM: Bayesian User Model for Distributed Learning of User Characteristics from Heterogeneous Information

Auteurs: Gonçalo S. Martins, Luís Santos and Jorge Dias
Publié dans: IEEE Trans. on Cognitive and Development Systems, Numéro submitted/under revision, 2018, ISSN 2379-8939
Éditeur: IEEE

Association between hearing loss and self-perception of the hearing handicap in older persons

Auteurs: Anamélia Almeida De Oliveira; Carina Dantas; Ana Luísa Jegundo; Ana Filipa Gonçalves de Carvalho
Publié dans: Journal of Aging and Innovation, Numéro submitted/under revision, 2018, ISSN 2182-6951
Éditeur: n/a

1st Workshop on Social Interaction and Multimodal Expression for Socially Intelligent Robots & Workshop on The Barriers of Social Robotics take-up by Society

Auteurs: Christiana Tsiourti, Sten Hanke and Luis Santos
Publié dans: CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( Online Proceedings for Scientific Conferences and Workshops, 2018, ISSN 1613-0073
Éditeur: CEUR

European Portuguese Validation of Usefulness, Satisfaction and Ease of Use Questionnaire (USE).

Auteurs: Carina Dantas, Ana Luísa Jegundo, João Quintas, Ana Isabel Martins, Alexandra Queirós, Nelson Pacheco Rocha
Publié dans: 2017, Page(s) 561-570
Éditeur: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-56538-5_57

A Context-Aware Adaptability Model for Service Robots

Auteurs: G. Martins, P. Ferreira, L. Santos, J. Dias
Publié dans: IJCAI WSR 2016, 2016
Éditeur: online

User Routine Model Using a Cloud-Connected Social Robot

Auteurs: Luis Santos, Jorge Dias
Publié dans: 2016 5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (Cloudnet), 2016, Page(s) 182-187, ISBN 978-1-5090-5093-2
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/CloudNet.2016.34

AD-APT - blurring the boundary between mobile advertising and user satisfaction

Auteurs: Andreas Pamboris, George Antoniou, Constantinos Makris, Panayiotis Andreou, George Samaras
Publié dans: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems - MOBILESoft '16, 2016, Page(s) 175-178, ISBN 9781-450341783
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/2897073.2897090

A Robotic Cloud Ecosystem for Elderly Care and Ageing Well: The GrowMeUp Approach

Auteurs: Dimosthenis Georgiadis, Christophoros Christophorou, Styliani Kleanthous, Panayiotis Andreou, Luis Santos, Eleni Christodoulou, George Samaras
Publié dans: 2016, Page(s) 919-924
Éditeur: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32703-7_179

Analysis of Elderly Users’ Preferences and Expectations on Service Robot’s Personality and Appearance

Auteurs: Styliani Kleanthous, Christophoros Christophorou, Christiana Tsiourti, Carina Dantas, Rachelle Wintjens, George Samaras, Eleni Christodoulou
Publié dans: 2016, Page(s) 35-44
Éditeur: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-39949-2_4

Multimodal Affective Behaviour Expression: Can It Transfer Intentions?

Auteurs: C. Tsiourti, A. Weiss
Publié dans: 12th ACM / IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2017), 2017
Éditeur: ACM

Verification Methodology of Ethical Compliance for users, researchers and developers of Personal Care Robots

Auteurs: Carina Dantas, Pedro Balhau, Ana Jegundo, Luís Santos, Christophoros Christophorou, Cindy Wings, João Quintas, Eleni Christodoulou
Publié dans: WorldCist'17, 2017, Page(s) 754-762
Éditeur: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-56538-5_76

How Avatars in Care Context Should Show Affect

Auteurs: Sascha Fagel, Maher Ben Moussa, Donato Cereghetti
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 10th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 2016, ISBN 978-1-63190-050-1
Éditeur: ACM
DOI: 10.4108/eai.16-5-2016.2264514

BUM: Bayesian user model for distributed social robots

Auteurs: Goncalo S. Martins, Luis Santos, Jorge Dias
Publié dans: 2017 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2017, Page(s) 1279-1284, ISBN 978-1-5386-3518-6
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2017.8172469

MULTI-WEAR: A Multi-Wearable Platform For Enhancing Mobile User Experiences

Auteurs: A. Pamboris, P. Andreou, H. Herodotou and G. Samaras
Publié dans: IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference 2018 (CCNC)., Numéro accepted for publication, 2018
Éditeur: IET

Sweet-spotting security and usability for intelligent graphical authentication mechanisms

Auteurs: Marios Belk, Andreas Pamboris, Christos Fidas, Christina Katsini, Nikolaos Avouris, George Samaras
Publié dans: Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence - WI '17, 2017, Page(s) 252-259, ISBN 9781-450349512
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3106426.3106488

Learning through sharing and distributing knowledge with application to object recognition and information retrieval

Auteurs: Alexis Mignon, Alban Bronisz, Ronan Le Hy, Kamel Mekhnacha, Luis Santos
Publié dans: 2017 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2017, Page(s) 1273-1278, ISBN 978-1-5386-3518-6
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2017.8172468

aPOMDP:State-based Decision Making for Personalized Assistive Robots

Auteurs: Hend Al Tair, Gonçalo S. Martins, Luís Santos and Jorge Dias
Publié dans: 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Workshop 3: Artificial Intelligence Applied to Assistive Technologies and Smart Environments, Numéro accepted for publication, 2018
Éditeur: ACM

Speaking robots: The challenges of acceptance by the ageing society

Auteurs: J. Oliveira, G. S. Martins, A. Jegundo, C. Dantas, C. Wings, L. Santos, J. Dias, F. Perdigao
Publié dans: 2017 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2017, Page(s) 1285-1290, ISBN 978-1-5386-3518-6
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2017.8172470

Designing Emotionally Expressive Robots - A Comparative Study on the Perception of Communication Modalities

Auteurs: Christiana Tsiourti, Astrid Weiss, Katarzyna Wac, Markus Vincze
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Human Agent Interaction - HAI '17, 2017, Page(s) 213-222, ISBN 9781-450351133
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3125739.3125744

ICT Systems and Services: Identification and Assessment of a Package of ICT Services for Ageing Well

Auteurs: C. Christophorou, D. Georgiades, P. Andreou, S. Kleanthous, D. M. Cereghetti, J. Meijers, E. Christodoulou, G. Samaras
Éditeur: Springer

Towards a Context-Aware Adaptable Services Framework with Applications in Elderly Care.

Auteurs: G. Martins, L. Santos, J. Dias
Publié dans: International Conference on Social Robotics 2015 - Workshop on IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN THE ELDERLY USING ROBOTIC ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY: BENEFITS, LIMITATIONS, AND CHALLENGES, Numéro 2015, 2015, Page(s) n/a
Éditeur: n/a

On the Development of a Service Robot for Social Interaction with the Elderly

Auteurs: David Portugal, Pedro Trindade, Eleni Christodoulou, George Samaras and Jorge Dias
Publié dans: IET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living 2015, Numéro 2015/15741, 2015, Page(s) p.6., ISBN 978-1-78561-159-9
Éditeur: IET

Best Practice Handbook - Preventing falls in older people

Auteurs: Anamélia Almeida, Anabela Mota Pinto, Carina Dantas, Paulo Nossa
Publié dans: Best Practice Handbook - Preventing falls in older people, 2017
Éditeur: University of Coimbra

bum ros: Distributed User Modelling for Social Robots using ROS

Auteurs: Gonçalo S. Martins, Luís Santos and Jorge Dias
Publié dans: Robot Operating System (ROS): The Complete Reference (Volume 3), Springer, 2018, Numéro accepted for publication, 2018
Éditeur: Springer

The GrowMeUp Project and the Applicability of Action Recognition Techniques

Auteurs: G. Martins, L. Santos, J. Dias
Publié dans: 3rd Workshop on Recognition and Action for Scene Understanding, Numéro 2015, 2015, Page(s) n/a
Éditeur: Springer

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