Periodic Reporting for period 3 - GrowMeUp (GrowMeUp)
Berichtszeitraum: 2017-02-01 bis 2018-01-31
Cloud Technologies aims:
• To enable different robots to share knowledge continuously and extend their capabilities with reduced effort;
• To capitalize on information made available from other robots, from the elderly or from caregivers;
• To reduce the computational burden on the robot, relieving more demanding tasks from the robot.
Behavior and Emotional Understanding aims:
• To create a scalable and adaptable mathematical model of the elderly typical behavior;
• To enable the system to predict and identify erroneous situations, triggering timely and appropriate services;
• To empower elderly people with a better management of their lives;
• To understand the elderly and provide adequate motivation and guidance on their daily tasks;
Intelligent Dialoguing aims:
• To enable older people to effortlessly and intuitively interact with the system using natural dialogues;
• To understand elderly and use context information so that the robot is able to adapt its interaction and discourse;
• To increase the acceptance by elderly people;
Personalized care aims:
• To provide a set of services that are served differently to all users, according to their preferences and profiles;
• To create a positive long-term relationship between the elderly and the robot, empowering the older person with a personalized robot companion and assistant;
• To foster the integration of the older person within its social circles through the virtual care team network.
All participants in the GrowMeUp interdisciplinary consortium (Figure 1) collaborate in complementary national and international networks, including EU funded projects. These will provide a platform for the continuous exchange of cutting-edge results and novel ideas in these research areas. Moreover, members of the consortium have bilateral collaborations with (non-) European research groups and companies. This illustrates that the present project will be embedded in a broad research network of on-going collaborations on topics of high relevance to the project.
Figure 1: GrowMeUp Consortium at Zuyderland Facilities during the Kick-Off Meeting
Figure 2: GrowMeUp robotic platform external appearance.
The robotic platform is equipped with an intelligent dialoguing system that allows elderly to interact with the robot in an effortless and natural fashion. We continuously tested the robot dialogue interface with the Google Cloud API for speech recognition and the Cerevoice speech synthesizer that were using in both Portuguese and Dutch Trial sites with positive feedback from users. The robot is able to perceive information from the interaction with the user, triggering different responses from the system to the user, mainly through different service categories: Care & Wellness, Guidance and Education/Leisure. Information coming from an external sensors, from the cloud knowledge base and from the robot itself is also taken into consideration in the process of understanding the elderly needs. This understanding is enabled thanks to a set of learning mechanisms enable a robot to learn new objects, new users and algorithms for detecting falls or selecting appropriate services from the cloud. This makes the robot equipped to respond specifically to each older persons needs according to her/his preferences and needs.
The robotic platform was validated through the execution of 9 use cases at participant end-users. Quantitative analysis of results indicate that both older persons and formal / informal caregivers find the robot useful and motivating towards a more independent and active life. However, we found that advances are still needed to achieve full autonomy, specifically in terms of the maturity of Navigation technologies in highly cluttered environments with low-cost hardware and additional dialogue workflow improvements in crowded environments.
Figure 3: Robots working at each of the end-users.
Please visit our project public website:
List of partners and main contacts:
UNIVERSITY OF COIMBRA (Coordinator) - Jorge Dias / GrowMeUp Management - /
UNVERSITY OF GENEVA - Dimitri Konstantas -
ZUYDERLAND- Cindy Wings -
PAL ROBOTICS - Francesco Ferro -
PROBAYES - Kamel Mekhnacha -
CITARD SERVICES LTD. - Eleni Christodoulou -
CARITAS - Carina Dantas -