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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Consolidating the European Research Area on biodiversity and ecosystem services

Risultati finali

Update of the multi-annual roadmap

Updated multiannual roadmap

Report on framework for promoting the use of research infrastructures for biodiversity and ecosystem services in BiodivERsA3 joint calls
List of selected projects recommended for funding
Report on case study on alignment of national research programme
Description of the call and its content
First report on the exploration of topics and relevant European and international initiatives to engage for future joint calls to strengthen the ERA in the field
Second report on the exploration of topics and relevant European and international initiatives to engage for future joint calls to strengthen the ERA in the field
Final project conference to present the major research results and impacts

Final project conference to present the major research results and impacts and promote the uptake of results

A booklet presenting the outputs and outcomes of the funded projects
First version of the multi-annual roadmap

First version of the multiannual roadmap

Additional call brochure

Brochure presenting the results of the additional cofunded call including a description of the selected projects

BiodivERsA Guide on policy relevance

A BiodivERsA guide on policy relevance and effective sciencepolicy interfacing in research proposals

Publication of policy briefs on BiodivERsA2 funded projects
Publication of policy briefs based on results of co-funded call projects

Publication of policy briefs based on results of cofunded call projects

Document illustrating the scientific excellence and societal impact BiodivERsA projects funded by 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 calls

Document illustrating the scientific excellence and societal impact BiodivERsA projects funded by 20102011 20112012 and 20122013 calls

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