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Buildings as Material Banks: Integrating Materials Passports with Reversible Building Design to Optimise Circular Industrial Value Chains

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Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Revised Final Work Plan

Description A revised and thoroughly updated Annex 1 to the Grant Agreement

Framework for regulations and standards

Description – The Framework for Regulations and Standards will be a written report (PDF) on suggestions for future policies and standards. The suggested future policies and standards will not only respond directly to existing barriers identified, but will also reinforce existing regulations and cover areas that are not yet regulated. The suggestions for future policies and standards will be assessed with regard to how they can facilitate the transition towards circular and dynamic buildings, their effect on waste reduction and the reduction of the use of virgin resources, as well as their impact on different stakeholders. Impact assessment of current policy actions will be based on resource productivity indicators and other key performance indicators (as defined in the EU Resource Efficiency Roadmap), the avoided environmental burden and the estimated financial cost related to current policy actions. To allow for an effective analysis, it is necessary to narrow the scope of the policy instruments to be investigated. Two approaches are to be taken to define the boundaries of the analysis. The first is the limitation of the geographic scope in relation to the BAMB project. In addition to broadly applicable EU level regulations, policies and standards that are to be examined; 3 locations will be defined based on pilot locations and the geographical activity of the involved BAMB partners in order to sufficiently narrow the scope for an in-depth analysis at the local and national levels. This does not exclude however that best practices be identified in other national and local contexts. The second approach to determine the scope is to identify the policy levels to be investigated based on: 1) the narrowed geographic scope that has been selected, 2) the impact of the regulations, policies, and standards on BAMB. For each defined geographical area, the policies impacting BAMB on the different links of the value chain are going to be investigated and mapped in a policy matrix. The policy matrix is a table to be used to identify and categorize policy instruments, providing a broad view of the elements investigated. To categorize instruments, the matrix will take into account the different links of the value chain (raw materials, production of products, construction, building use, end of life/waste, reuse/recycle) as well as the type or objective of the policy instruments in question (judicial- legislation/regulation, authorization, control; financial- taxes, subsidies, premiums, specific financial mechanisms; public investments– infrastructure, equipment, human resources, excellence; information- raising awareness, training and education, labelling; research and innovation – technical research, science, foundations; etc.). Content for the final recommendations will also take into account conclusions and input from a governance platform within the BAMB project, as well as interactions with other EU and international platforms dedicated to related areas of work (i.e. UNEP – SBCI, JRC etc.).

Data Management Plan

Description The Data Management Plan is a document that formally outlines how data and issues regarding intellectual property are to be handled both during the project and after its completion To be addressed in the planoPartners positive list regarding access rights to backgroundoPartners negative list regarding access rights to backgroundoDescription of data to be generated by the project type format etcoData storage requirementsoDuring projectoLongterm postprojectoData managementoSecurityoBackupsoDesignation of responsible partnersoPolicies for the future use and exploitation of dataoThe dissemination status of all deliverables public confidential classified

Reversible Building Design User Requirements Report

Description: Report summarizing User Requirements with respect to Reversible Building Design and the developed tools aiming to enhance circular and dynamic building design (D8, D9, D10). The user requirements include the definition of the different types of users, buildings, systems and components to be included in the development of the tools as well as the functional requirements of the tools. The report will summarize user requirements with respect to the use of transformation and re-use potential tools as well as the design protocol with associated virtual simulator. It will be structured around 5 chapters: 1) General requirements for reversible buildings 2) User Requirements for the Transformation Capacity tool 3) User Requirements for the Reuse Potential tool 4) User Requirements for the Design protocol and virtual simulator 5) Further recommendations

Project Implementation Plan

Description The Project Implementation Plan is a master plan that summarizes all components needed to successfully implement the project in its entirety It is intended to serve as a reference tool for all BAMB partners throughout the duration of the project Presented as a pdf the document contains the following key sectionsProject OverviewProject goalList of work packages and lead beneficiariesList of deliverablesSummary of project effort in personmonthsManagement bodies and project teams This section will clearly define the roles responsibilities structure and procedures for the various internal and external management bodies and project teams It will also identify all known participants of the internal management bodies Project Steering Group Project Coordination Team Communication Team These bodies and teams includeProject Steering GroupProject Coordination TeamCommunication TeamIndustrial and Dissemination Board Stakeholder NetworkEvents and collaborative working This section will clearly identify the processes and tools to facilitate collaboration amongst partners as part of work package activities management bodies and as participants in external events where BAMB is to be presented TeleconferencingWHTSON platformProject planning and budget This section will provide an updated detailed budget that corresponds to the revised BAMB work planAdministration and reporting guidelines This section will provide an overview of both the internal procedures for monitoring and reporting specific to the BAMB project and the EC requirements to be taken into account for periodic reporting Risk assessment and quality insurance will be given particular emphasis and will be further enhance by the Risk Management Plan and the Reporting and Monitoring Plan to be found in the AnnexesPeriodic reports EC requirementContinuous reporting internal to the BAMB projectFinancial administration monitoring and reporting The section will provide references to the Annotated Grant Agreement regarding financial issues and reporting requirementsExternal communication This section will provide a general overview of elements for consideration when communicating about BAMB It is to be complimented by the Communication Plan developed in WP6Key AnnexesLegal basis for the BAMB Project Logical Framework for the BAMB project A planning and management tool in the form of a table which summarizes the key components of the project in a logical and structured manner in order to provide a clear and concise overview of the project in its entirety The calendar elements of the framework will be further detailed in the Activities Schedule provided in the Annexes Included in the Logical Framework table Objectives Outputs Deliverables Description of outputs Tasks Subtasks Responsible partners Completion dates Verification criteria Means of verification Risks and assumptions Reporting templatesModel timesheetsPartner contact informationActivities schedule a series of Gantt Charts illustrating the start and finish dates of tasks completion dates for Deliverables and Milestones and key periods of reporting The Gantt Charts are meant to provide an overview of the project calendar and the status of progress This will facilitate monitoring and project coordination Elements to be included in the Charts include overall WP calendar start and end dates task calendars start and end datesworkshops andor events necessary to complete a task or deliverabledeliverable and milestone completion datesnecessary work dayspercentage of work completed responsible parties for WPActionTaskDeliverable and an indication line for the current calendar dayinteraction between WPActionTaskDeliverables

Synthesis of the state-of-the-art and key barriers and opportunities for Materials Passports and Reversible Building Design in the current system

Based on topic specific stateoftheart reports an overview will be given of currently known opportunities and barriers for uptake of Materials Passports and Reversible Building Design within the vested system These stateoftheart reports will investigate the main technical economic financial environmental legal spatial and logistic driverscauses for every known type of actor within the current value chain Focussing on the European context and more specifically the countries involved within the BAMB project the following topics will be investigated by the following partners value chain at building product level EPEA and IBM value chain at building level IBM and VITO availability of information between actors along the value chain with a specific point of concern related to the applicability of building information modelling BIM within the current building practice in EU ie review of BIM standardisation within EU and review of EU and International BIM related systems and plugins related to sustainability BREidentification of commonly used methods to refurbish and maintain buildings for major construction types VUB UTwente and SGDFelaboration on the cause of demolition of buildings and major maintenance needs of buildings VUB UTwente and SGDFestimation of the availability composition amount and quality of CD Waste in the EU VUB UTwente and SGDFestimation of reuse potential of buildings components and materials within the existing buildings stock VUB UTwente and SGDFidentification of existing niche solutionsapplicationsstrategies key actors and barriers to accelerate the reuse of oresidues as material resources not necessarily for building products EPEA ogeneric components applicable for different buildings VUB UTwente and SGDF otransfunctional buildings VUB UTwente and IBMidentification of existing initiatives and regulations impeding or supporting reuse of materials components and buildings Brussels Environment BRE and VITOidentification of existing financial and business models impeding or supporting reuse of resources materials components and buildings IBMAll identified key actors within the vested system will be represented through a network diagram currently characterised by a governing linear value chain and linked to key opportunities and barriers The aim of this network diagram is to visualise possible system failures and gains at a single glance as much as possible supported by facts and figures The definite visualisation will be decided through stakeholder consultationThe synthesis report will be submitted as a written document in PDF form This information will predominantly include a summary of the stateoftheart reports and some testimonies of key actors However the crude stateoftheart reports are not to be understood as part of the final deliverable but these supporting documents can be made available to the European Commission

4 Pilots built + Feedback report

Description: For 4 pilots the finalised construction will be submitted as a deliverable, taking into account the results and feedback from the feasibility report and the prototyping. The objectives of the pilot that were studied theoretically in the feasibility report as well as through prototyping will be applied in the building of the pilots. The construction of the pilots will demonstrate how to implement reversible design and materials passports in dynamic and circular buildings. The report on the construction of the pilots and feedback will be structured around 4 chapters, each representing the built pilot and feedback report for one pilot site. Each chapter will address: • Construction drawings: as built plans (of each transformation/relocation. • Specifications of materials: how and why to use in the construction. • Technical specifications and details that provide information about the components which determine the reversibility and implementation of Materials Passports. • Pictures of the building activities, taken during the important phases of the project (photos that capture both the elements which determine the reversibility, waste reduction, and implementation of materials passports) • Assessment of the applied financial/economical aspects of the pilot built. • Assessment of the transformations/relocations: conclusions on the consequences on technical, architectural, economical, comfort… level. Conclusions on the ease of use, needed time and logistical implications. Feedback report on the pilots built concerning the lessons learned, analysis of the process, feedback to WP2-WP3-WP5

Prototyping + Feedback report

Description: Based on the feasibility report, components of the construction will be selected to be designed and developed for prototyping. The frameworks and tools investigated in the feasibility report concerning Material Passports and reversible design will be tested. After testing, redesign and retesting will be done if needed. The prototyping and feedback report will be structured around 4 chapters, each representing the prototyping and feedback report for one pilot site. Each chapter will address: • Further development of design plans for prototyping. • Conclusions on technical preparations and used materials. • Detailed plan for manufacturing of the prototypes. • Manufacturing of the prototypes. • Assessment of the manufacturing and the redesign of the prototypes. • Manufacturing of the redesigned adjustments of the prototypes. • Feedback report on the prototyping concerning the lessons learned, analysis of the process, feedback to WP2-WP3-WP5.

Updated Project Implementation Plan + Annexes

Description - Updates to all Annexes and the Implementation Plan will occur on a rolling basis throughout the project, following internal monitoring and reporting periods (every 6 months). A final Updated Project Implementation Plan and Annexes, presented as a PDF, will be compiled to include all modifications as well as changes log that provides an overview of changes and/or additions made over the course of the project. A key Annex – the Risk Management Plan - is to be added to the Implementation Plan in M7. This document will address possible risks for the completion of WP/Actions/Tasks/Deliverables and establish a plan of response. Addressed in the plan: the identification of risks, their location (internal to the BAMB project or external), their probability, their impact, and measures taken to address/minimize the risks

Feasibility study + Feedback report

Description All pilots will perform a feasibility study in which the objectives of the actions regarding Material Passports and reversible building design will be studied on a theoretical level The different scenarios and choices will be described An analysis of all construction aspects needed to implement these objectives will be made This study will be used as a basis for the prototyping and the construction of the pilots since it will be developed and used as the construction dossier of the pilots The functionality and ease of use of the developed concepts within the other Work Packages of BAMB will also be integrated and tested during the design stage the developed framework for reversible building design Materials Passports and Building Level Integrated Decision Making Models In addition certain innovative financial and economical concepts will be implemented based on which input can be given to the development of new business models This will generate feedback to the other Work Packages so they can improve their developments and research The feasibility report will be structured around 6 chapters each representing the feasibility report for one pilot site Each chapter will addressProcessing and conclusions on the existing conditions oThe location oThe needs oThe local building industry oThe stakeholders design team owner industry partners and their role in the actionResearch and monitoring of different transformation andor relocation scenarios of which a minimum of 2 scenarios will be fully developed implemented and assessed Requirements concerning the technical functional and comfort aspects of the developed scenarios Conclusion about the needs in practical use technical engineering architectural designDesign plans oPreliminary design plans oImplementation plan oTechnical detailing andor technical specifications of part of the constructionFeedback report on the toolsconceptsframeworks developed in WP1 WP2 WP3 andor WP5 tested or investigated within the pilot This feedback will contain the ease of use the strengths and weaknesses of the assessed toolsconceptsframeworks Recommendations of improvements will be given

Communication and dissemination catalogue

Description: An electronic report will be compiled with all openly accessible Communication and Dissemination materials in the project. Such materials will include: 3 versions of a BAMB leaflet (distributed over time) with up-to-date information about the project. 6-8 Electronic newsletters (produced every 6 months) Minimum of 5 examples of high-level publication materials (e-books or other electronic publications): An updated instructional publication regarding the creation of buildings with positive impacts A book on design strategies for reversible buildings A book on design strategies for refurbishment A book and reading materials for students presenting technical solutions for dynamic circular buildings and their applications A publication on Materials Passports best practices In addition, a catalogue will be kept of all other scientific articles published by BAMB partners in relation to the content of the project. Communication and dissemination materials for 3 high profile events and the final BAMB event Communication and dissemination materials for the design competition Communication and dissemination materials for the pilots and WPs (results, progress, interesting milestones) Catalog of press clippings, with at least 100 press clippings generated by BAMB events, results and communication.

Communication plan

Description The communication plan is an important document to support the communication and dissemination of the BAMB project and its results Presented as a pdf the Communication Plan will address the following subjectsTarget groups The BAMB project has several interested audiences and target groups These targets all demand different approaches and therefore the plan will include a first Target audience analysis later to be developed with input from WP1 D1 which will specify existing target groups and what information andor data is of interest to themChannels A project with several target groups needs even more media channels Each country or region has its own specific channels eg national and regional channels Therefore the Communication Plan will address which types of channels are best suited for communication and information depending on purpose and target groups Channels already identified includeWebsite with RSS feedSocial media Facebook and TwitterNews letterBrochurefolder BAMB leafletScientific articlesPublications booksMediaEvents three international and a one final conferencePilot projectsIndustrial Dissemination boardInternal naming of documents The internal communication within BAMB will mainly use a system that both stores documents as well as makes them available to the numerous BAMB partners What system will be used is not yet finalized and will not be mentioned in the Communication Plan The plan will however make recommendations for a common structure for filing and naming documents recommendations on how to name folders files and versions of these to ensure a logical overview and easy access for anyone using the systemTone of voiceContent and tone of voice A story line will be developed for cohesive communication about the project and ready to use texts will be developed to support easy and effective communication about BAMBA text describing the BAMB project when the available room is one line of textA text describing the BAMB project when the available room is three lines of textA text describing the BAMB project when the available room is half a page of textPress release guidelines A guide to prioritize which news to release and a description of tone of voice Guidelines will be supplied regarding how a press release should be structured outlined and delivered to obtain the largest possible reachInternal and external communication priority responsibilities and work process Since BAMB is a large and complex project with many participants in several work packages working from different countries there will be a large amount of information to be communicated To maximize the reach of BAMBs communication efforts with regard to the resources at hand the Communication Plan will contain guidelines forPrioritized communication an overview of the prioritized information to communicate as a part of the dissemination of the generated information marketing the project and the further development of BAMB Responsibilities an overview of the responsibilities of partners regarding communicationWork process the internal process for BAMB partners when information is to be produced and releasedDissemination BAMB will generate a great number of results to be communicated during the three years the project will run The results will be produced by the work packages often several working together The Communication Plan therefore will contain a summary of thePlanned results An overview of all planned results on the level of deliverables to be disseminatedAn overview of what is not to be disseminated on the level of deliverablesAreas of responsibility which work package is responsible for which resultWork process the internal process of BAMB when a result is to be disseminatedThe Communication Plan will also contain the following AnnexesAnnex 1

Visualisation of the blueprint of desired system configurations

The transition towards a circular and dynamic built environment will require several systemic changes boosting opportunities and eliminating barriers often going beyond technical innovation and altering the current building value chains Materials Passports and Reversible Design Protocols are already defined as important systemic tools in order to start this transition The Blueprint will be used as a guide for front runners and key actors within the defined building value chain including policy makers to implement these systemic tools focussing on the European context and more specifically the countries involved in the BAMB project This is done by listing separately shortterm actions and longterm activities that would enable the transition such as disruptive interventions and supporting slow evolutions Each of the listed actions will be linked to the opportunities and barriers defined within deliverable D1 and suggestions will be given on how to initiate them and which actors need to be involved Missing actors will be clearly identifiedInitially the Blueprint of the desired system configurations will be represented in an interactive and visual way through a private part of the BAMB website At the projects end the objective is for the private content for which there is consensus to be brought to the public sections of the website Each of the listed actions within the Blueprint will be linked as much as possible with one or more new or existing actorsfront runners within a desired network configuration characterised by a circular value chain The aim of this network diagram is to visualise possible system gains and identify linksactors currently missing in the vested system at a single glanceBackground information will be made available through the same web page or links This information will predominantly include the outcome of the cocreation sessions involving all BAMB partners on the BAMB transition framework However the outcomes of the cocreation sessions are not to be understood as part of the deliverable

Operational website

Description Central to communication in BAMB is an external project website and corresponding social media The external website and its structure will build on the Communication Plan where target groups tone of voice and results to be disseminated will be defined The project website will contain uptodate information about the project relevant to the defined target groups and all openly accessible project results communication and dissemination publications will be available through the website All partners will be involved in content development In addition events where BAMB is to be presented will be promoted on the website The website will be freely accessible in English by month 6 of the project and it will be available but not maintained for at least 2 years after the end of the project after which time it will be archived in accordance to regulationsConcerning social media the project website will have a RSS and Twitterfeed and will be connected to a corresponding Facebook page Twitter and Facebook will be used according to the guidelines found in the Communication Plan

Online visualisation of Lessons Learned and Best Practices + Adjusted synthesis of the state-of-the-art and key barriers and opportunities + Adjusted Blueprint

Based on reflexive monitoring of pilot cases, the analysis of the vested system and the Blueprint will be refined. This means that deliverables D1 and D2 will be updated with new insights and in particular new opportunities for a systemic change. Important lessons learned during the reflexive monitoring actions will be listed. This will include the identification of often encountered systemic barriers – such as legal limitations, financial constraints, shortage in supply of adequate solutions – and practical ways to bypass them. Like D1 and D2, D3 will be delivered as a part of a web page. Non-confidential lessons may be added to the web page(s) as background information. The crude outcome of the reflexive monitoring activities is not to be understood as part of the deliverable that will be shared online, but the supporting documents from these activities can be made available to the European Commission.

Updated Data Management Plan

Updates to the Data Management Plan will occur on a rolling basis throughout the project, following internal monitoring and reporting periods (every 6 months). A final Updated Data Management Plan, presented as a PDF, will be compiled to include all modifications as well as a changes log that provides an overview of changes and/or additions made over the course of the project.


Materials Passports: Optimising value recovery from materials

Auteurs: Lars Marten Luscuere
Publié dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Waste and Resource Management, 2016, Page(s) 1-4, ISSN 1747-6526
Éditeur: ICE Publishing
DOI: 10.1680/jwarm.16.00016

Capture and Control of Material Flows and Stocks in Urban Residential Buildings

Auteurs: Matthias A Heinrich, Werner Lang
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 225, 2019, Page(s) 012001, ISSN 1755-1315
Éditeur: Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building, Technical University of Munich
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012001

Assessing buildings’ adaptability at early design stages

Auteurs: Joana B Andrade, Luís Bragança
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 225, 2019, Page(s) 012012, ISSN 1755-1315
Éditeur: University of Minho, Centre for Territory, Environment and Construction
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012012

Why invest in a reversible building design?

Auteurs: K Wang, S de Regel, W Debacker, J Michiels, J Vanderheyden
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 225, 2019, Page(s) 012005, ISSN 1755-1315
Éditeur: VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research), Groep Van Roey NV
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012005

A greenhouse that reduces greenhouse effect: how to create a circular activity with construction waste?

Auteurs: A Romnée, C Vandervaeren, O Breda, N De Temmerman
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 225, 2019, Page(s) 012035, ISSN 1755-1315
Éditeur: Belgian Building Research Institute, Sustainable Development Laboratory, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Architectural Engineering, DZeroStudio architects
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012035

Using BIM to optimise and assess the energy efficiency category of SBTool PT -H

Auteurs: J P Carvalho, K Ridder, L Bragança, R Mateus
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 225, 2019, Page(s) 012072, ISSN 1755-1315
Éditeur: University of Minho, Civil Engineering Department
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012072

Building circular in Brussels: an overview through 14 inspiring projects

Auteurs: A-L Maerckx, Y d’Otreppe, N Scherrier
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 225, 2019, Page(s) 012059, ISSN 1755-1315
Éditeur: Cenergie cvba, Brussels Environment, Div. Energie, air, climat et bâtiments durables, Dpt. Stimulation Economique bâtiments durables, Brussels Environment, Div. Information, Coordination générale, Economie circulaire et Ville durable, Dpt. Déchets
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012059

Can Material Passports lower financial barriers for structural steel re-use?

Auteurs: Anse Smeets, Ke Wang, Michał P Drewniok
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 225, 2019, Page(s) 012006, ISSN 1755-1315
Éditeur: VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research), 2 University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012006

New Methods for Sustainable Circular Buildings

Auteurs: J Andrade, C Araújo, M F Castro, L Bragança
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 225, 2019, Page(s) 012037, ISSN 1755-1315
Éditeur: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012037

Obstacles and barriers for measuring building’s circularity

Auteurs: K M Rahla, L Bragança, R Mateus
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 225, 2019, Page(s) 012058, ISSN 1755-1315
Éditeur: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho, The Centre for Territory, Environment and Construction (CTAC)
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012058

Measuring reuse potential and waste creation of wooden façades

Auteurs: Renata Androsevic, Elma Durmisevic, Maurizio Brocato
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 225, 2019, Page(s) 012017, ISSN 1755-1315
Éditeur: Sarajevo Green Design Foundation, University of Twente, Department of Design Production and Management, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Paris-Est University, GSA Laboratory – Geometry-Structure-Architecture, National Graduate School of Architecture
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012017

From Temporary to Permanent; A Circular Approach for Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction

Auteurs: R Askar, A L Rodrigues, L Bragança, D Pinheiro
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 225, 2019, Page(s) 012032, ISSN 1755-1315
Éditeur: Centre of Territory, Environment and Construction, University of Minho, School of Architecture, University of Minho
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012032

European Union legislation for demand-side management and public policies for demand response

Auteurs: B Machado, M F Castro, L Bragança
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 225, 2019, Page(s) 012064, ISSN 1755-1315
Éditeur: University of Minho, CTAC
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012064

Effect of environmental assessment on primary energy of modular prefabricated panel for building renovation in Portugal

Auteurs: Manuela Almeida, Ricardo Barbosa, Raphaele Malheiro
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 225, 2019, Page(s) 012047, ISSN 1755-1315
Éditeur: Centre for Territory, Environment and Construction, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012047

Improving the sustainability assessment method SBTool Urban – A critical review of construction and demolition waste (CDW) indicator

Auteurs: G Kamino, S Gomes, L Bragança
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Numéro 225, 2019, Page(s) 012004, ISSN 1755-1315
Éditeur: University of Minho, Department of Civil Engineering
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012004

Materials Passports - Best Practice Innovative Solutions for a Transition to a Circular Economy in the Built Environment

Auteurs: Matthias Heinrich, Werner Lang
Publié dans: Materials Passports - Best Practice Innovative Solutions for a Transition to a Circular Economy in the Built Environment, 2019, Page(s) 74, ISBN 978-3-941370-96-8
Éditeur: Technische Universität München, in association with BAMB
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2556515

Designing for the Circular Economy

Auteurs: Edited By Martin Charter Chapter 32|16 pages Reversible building design By Elma Durmiševic´ Chapter 34|12 pages Circularity information management for buildings The example of materials passports By Lars Luscuere, Douglas Mulhall
Publié dans: 2018, Page(s) 28, ISBN 9781-315113067
Éditeur: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781315113067

Creating Buildings With Positive Impacts

Auteurs: Douglas Mulhall, Michael Braungart, Katja Hansen
Publié dans: Creating Buildings With Positive Impacts, 2019, Page(s) 102, ISBN 978-3-941370-34-0
Éditeur: Technische Universität München, in association with BAMB. In co-operation with Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Munich, and Department of Architectural Engineering + Technology, Delft University of Technology.

Explorations for Reversible Buildings

Auteurs: Elma Durmisevic In collaboration with: Birgul Colakoglu, Istanbul Technical University University of Twente Adnan Pasic, University of Sarajevo Werner Lang, Technical University of Munich Reonald Westerdijk, Zuyd University Valerija Kopilas, Dragan Katic, University of Mostar Maja Popovac, University of DZ Bjedic Sanela Klaric, Renata Androsevic, Sarajevo Green Design Foundation Senada Demirovic
Publié dans: 2019, Page(s) 130, ISBN 978-90-821698-5-0
Éditeur: University of Twente

Circular Economy in Construction Design Strategies for Reversible Buildings

Auteurs: Elma Durmisevic Technical Collaborators /Reviewers Andres Jorissen, TU Eindhoven Rob Nijsen, TU Delft Kasper Broek, Staatsbosbeeheer Jan Jacobs, Kloeckner Metals ODS Pieter Stoutjesdijk, TheNewMakers Marcel Ribberink, Pilkington Nederand
Publié dans: 2019, ISBN 978-90-821-698-4-3
Éditeur: University of Twente

Metals Value Chain Report

Auteurs: Jur Massop
Publié dans: Metals Value Chain Report, 2019, Page(s) 26
Éditeur: EPEA Nederland as part of the Buildings As Material Banks (BAMB) project
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2558195

Systemic view on reuse potential of building elements, components and systems

Auteurs: Durmisevic, Elma Beurskens, Pieter R. Adrosevic, Renata Westerdijk, Reonald
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Part of: HISER International Conference 2017

Reuse of building products and materials – barriers and opportunities

Auteurs: Hobbs, Gilli Adams, Katherine
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Part of: HISER International Conference 2017

Design Support for revisable buildings with focus on visualizing and simulating transformation capacity during initial design phase

Auteurs: Durmisevic, Elma Berg, Marc C. Atteya, Ussama
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Part of: HISER International Conference 2017

Challenging the current approach to end of life of buildings using a life cycle assessment (LCA) approach

Auteurs: Lowres, Flavie Hobbs, Gilli
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Part of: HISER International Conference 2017

Circular economy and design for change within the built environment

Auteurs: Debacker, Wim Manshoven, Saskia Peters, Martijn Ribeiro, Andre De Weerdt, Yves
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Part of: HISER International Conference 2017

How do current policies support a transition towards a circular economy in the built environment?

Auteurs: Henrotay, C. Debacker, W. Steinlage, Molly
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Part of: HISER International Conference 2017

Business models for building material circularity

Auteurs: Wang, K. Vanassche, S. Ribeiro, A. Peters, M. Oseyran, J.
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Part of: HISER International Conference 2017

Extending buildings’ life cycle: Sustainability early design support tool

Auteurs: Andrade, Joana B. Bragança, Luís
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Part of: HISER International Conference 2017

Sustainability assessment method for healthcare buildings

Auteurs: Castro, Maria F. Mateus, Ricardo Bragança, Luís
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Part of: HISER International Conference 2017

Material flows of the German building sector

Auteurs: Heinrich, Matthias A.
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: Part of: HISER International Conference 2017

Droits de propriété intellectuelle

Material PassportFiling nr.: 014774178

Numéro de demande/publication: EUTM 233633
Date: 2015-11-09

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