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INtegrated Spatial PlannIng, land use and soil management Research ActTION


National reports with a review and synthesis of the collated information

Reviewed delibverable 8 reports containing at national levels and related to the scope of INSPIRATION a stateoftheart overview of 1 RI needs of industry endusers and funding agencies 2 how science is connected to policypractice 3 national funding schemes and 4 of transnational funding schemes

National reports on collated infor-mation following the template

The NFPs will use the template as deliverable 7 to interview NKSs of industry endusers and funding agencies to identify their demands related to the scope of INSPIRATION Subsequently information that is publicly available at national levels will be collated and reported

Website and internet operational

A website that can be visited publicly and intranet that can be visited by the consortium

Registry of National Key Stake-holders cooperating in INSPIRA-TION

Under lead of the NFPs a selected group of keystakeholders approx 20 per country will bring in the information needed for being able to achieve the objectives of WP2 In INSPIRATION these keystakeholders are called the National Key Stakeholders NKSs The list of NKSs for each country will be included in a registry This registry will be made publicly available via the INSPIRATION website


The geography of urban agriculture: New trends and challenges

Author(s): Barbora Duží, Bohumil Frantál, Marian Simon Rojo
Published in: Moravian Geographical Reports, Issue 25/3, 2017, Page(s) 130-138, ISSN 1210-8812
Publisher: Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky
DOI: 10.1515/mgr-2017-0012

The strategic research agenda for integrated spatial planning, land use and land management in Europe

Author(s): Panagopoulos, T., Antunes, D.
Published in: International Journal of Environmental Science, Issue 2, 2017, Page(s) 223-230, ISSN 2367-8941
Publisher: IARAS

Soil and land use research in Europe: Lessons learned from INSPIRATION bottom-up strategic research agenda setting

Author(s): Stephan Bartke, Alexandra E. Boekhold, Jos Brils, Detlef Grimski, Uwe Ferber, Justyna Gorgon, Valérie Guérin, Franz Makeschin, Linda Maring, C. Paul Nathanail, Jacques Villeneuve, Josef Zeyer, Christoph Schröter-Schlaack
Published in: Science of The Total Environment, Issue 622-623, 2018, Page(s) 1408-1416, ISSN 0048-9697
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.335

Integrated spatial planning, land use and soil management INSPIRATION and Europeans’ strategic research agenda (SRA)

Author(s): Kozová M., Finka M., Ondrejička V., Jamečný Ľ.
Published in: TERRA SPECTRA, Issue 1, 2017, Page(s) 14-21, ISSN 1338-0370
Publisher: ROAD

Changing Patterns of Allotment Gardening in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Author(s): Attila Tóth, Barbora Duží, Jan Vávra, Ján Supuka, Mária Bihuňová, Denisa Halajová, Stanislav Martinát, Eva Nováková
Published in: Nature and Culture, Issue 13/1, 2018, Page(s) 162-188, ISSN 1558-6073
Publisher: Berghahn Journals
DOI: 10.3167/nc.2018.130108

Európska strategická výskumná agenda pre integrované priestorové plánovanie, využitie územia a manažment pôdy

Author(s): Kozová M, Finka M., Ondrejička V.
Published in: Životné prostredie, 2018, ISSN 0044-4863
Publisher: ÚEL SAV

Een Europese onderzoeksagenda voor het bodem-sediment-watersysteem in relatie tot landgebruik : INSPIRATION

Author(s): Linda Maring, Jos Brils, Sandra Boekhold, Margot de Cleen and Co Molenaar
Published in: Bodem, Issue 4 / April 2015, 2015, Page(s) 30-32, ISSN 0925-1650
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer

Uplatňovanie strategického environmentálneho hodnotenia územnoplánovacej dokumentácie v Slovenskej republike

Author(s): Kozová M.
Published in: Studia Scientifica facultatis Paedagogicae Univ., Issue 4/2015, 2015, Page(s) 91-108, ISSN 1336-2232
Publisher: Catholic Univ.

Analýza manažérskych systémov vo vodárenských spoločnostiach

Author(s): Demko, J.
Published in: Studia Scientifica facultatis Paedagogicae Univ, Issue 4/2015, 2015, Page(s) 62-76, ISSN 1336-2232
Publisher: Catholic University

Europese onderzoeksagenda voor duurzaam bodemgebruik: Nederland en België zoeken hun gemene deler in het INSPIRATION-project

Author(s): Nele Bal, Linda Maring, Margot de Cleen
Published in: Bodem, Issue 4 / August 2016, 2016, Page(s) 30-32, ISSN 0925-1650
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer

Sémantická mapa: příklad Ústí nad Orlicí

Author(s): Osman Robert
Published in: Geografie, Issue 121, 3, 2016, Page(s) 463–492, ISSN 1212-0014
Publisher: czech geographic soc

Applying sustainability techniques in eco-industrial parks

Author(s): C. de Sousa Silva, L. Lackóová, T. Panagopoulos
Published in: Sustainable Development and Planning VIII, Issue 210, 2016, Page(s) 135-145, ISBN 9781-784661533
Publisher: WIT Press
DOI: 10.2495/SDP160121

Seeking a new strategic research agenda on soil, land-use and land management in Europe

Author(s): T. Panagopoulos, V. Ferreira, D. Antunes, L. Lackóová
Published in: Sustainable Development and Planning VIII, Issue 210, 2016, Page(s) 347-357, ISBN 9781-784661533
Publisher: WIT Press
DOI: 10.2495/SDP160291

A National Research Agenda for Integrated Spatial Planning, Land Use and Soil Management

Author(s): Chiodi S., Tabasso M.
Published in: newDist, 2016, Page(s) 214-226, ISSN 2283-8791
Publisher: Politecnico di Torino - DIST

Assessment of Ruzomberok Town Strategic Documents Regarding the Fulfillment of Tasks of Managing UNESCO Vlkolinec Site

Author(s): Kozova, M., Pauditsova, E., Basary, J.
Published in: Dusputationes Scientificiae, Issue 16, 3, 2017, Page(s) 109-136
Publisher: Katolic Univ. Ruzomberok

Building up a platform for implementing the European Strategic Research Agenda on integrated spatial planning, land use and land management in Romania

Author(s): Stefanescu, S.L., Dumitrascu, M.
Published in: Soil Science, Journal of the Romanian National Society of Soil Science, 2018
Publisher: SNRSS, Ed. SOLNESS

INSPIRATION: Stakeholder perspectives on future research needs in soil, land use, and land management—Towards a strategic research agenda for Europe

Author(s): Detlef Grimski, Franz Makeschin, Frank Glante, Stephan Bartke
Published in: International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy 2017, Page(s) 475-497
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-68885-5_25

Die Zukunft der Boden- und Flächenforschung in Europa – eine Forschungsagenda aus Stakeholdersicht : Ergebnisse des EU-Projektes INSPIRATION

Author(s): Detlef Grimski, Stephan Bartke
Published in: altlasten spektrum, Issue 27(1), 2018, Page(s) 5-17, ISSN 0942-3818
Publisher: Erich Schmidt Verlag

Nachhaltige Landnutzung

Author(s): Rosemarie Stangl, Pia Minixhofer, Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern
Published in: Österreichische BauernZeitung / Der Bauer, 2015, Page(s) 10, ISSN 0375-524X
Publisher: Österreichischer Agrarverlagd

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