CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
This deliverable is a web based deliverable as describes in task 3.1
All publications on websiteThis deliverable includes all ''publication'' outputs of Task 4.4. including guidances and new letters
The Online SWS Platform (Virtual Marketplace)This deliverable is an online platform as described in task 3.3. The platform serves as a virtual market place, and provides access to the SWS knowledge environment (D3.1) and SWS toolkit (D3.2)
Promotional filmThis deliverable will be a promotional film as described in task 4.4
This deliverable is a demonstration pilot, output of task 2.2. A photographic report will be compiled.
Improved ASR Coastal reference site (TRL8)Improved ASR Coastal field demonstration, output of task 1.3. A photographic report will be compiled.
Completed demonstration of the use of extensively treated wastewater for ASR Coastal (TRL7)This deliverable is a demonstration pilot, output of task 2.3. A photographic report will be compiled.
Improved Freshmaker reference site (TRL8)Improved Freshmaker field demonstration, output of task 1.2. A photographic report will be compiled.
Full implementation of SWS pilot test site in confined fractured chalk aquifer in Falster Island (TRL5)This deliverable is a demonstration site, output of task 2.1. A photographic report will be compiled.
Full implementation of SWS pilot at Venice, Fl. (TRL6)This deliverable is a demonstration pilot, output of task 2.4. A photographic report will be compiled.
Improved Freshkeeper reference site (TRL 7)Improved Freshkeeper field demonstration, output of task 1.1. A photographic report will be compiled.
This deliverable is a toolkit describing the output of task 3.2
Policy briefs and Solution packages for SWS stakeholdersThis deliverable is a report describing the output of task 4.2
Validated regional scale groundwater model NoardburgumValidated groundwater model to study regional effects of full scale Freshkeeper application, output of task 1.1
This deliverable is a report describing feasibility of Freshkeeper application at Venice and a design for a Freshkeeper pilot, output of task 2.4
Technological and economical guide for Freshmaker applicationThis deliverable is a report describing the output of task 1.2
Communication and Dissemination PlanAwareness Raising and dissemination strategy developed Internal project memo with strategy finalized and agreed.
Guide on integrated SWS, water treatment, and ICT application in karstic aquiferThis deliverable is a report describing the output of task 2.2
Lessons learned from trust building activitiesThis deliverable is a report describing the output of task 4.3
Road map for full scale implementation of SWS at VeniceThis deliverable is a report describing the output of task 2.4
Technological and economical guide for ASR-Coastal applicationThis deliverable is a report describing the output of task 1.3
Technological and economical guide for full-scale Freshkeeper applicationThis deliverable is a report describing the output of task 1.1
Road map for full scale implementation of SWS for fractured chalk aquiferThis deliverable is a report describing the output of task 2.1
Guide on using ASR-coastal with treated wastewater for irrigationThis deliverable is a report describing the output of task 2.3
C. Christophoridis, E. Bizani, D. Iossifidis, A.Kallioras, K.Dimitriadis, C. Makropoulos
Published in:
2018, Page(s) 1
Ross, P.S., K.J. Raat, K.G. Zuurbier, A. Hernandéz-Esperiu, M. Gonzalez Escobar
Published in:
International Water Association (IWA) World Congress and Exhibition, 9-14 October 2016, Brisbane, Australia.
Koen G. Zuurbier, Gerard v.d. Berg, Klaasjan Raat
Published in:
Koen Zuurbier, Marcel Paalman, Siebren van der Linde, Dick de Gelder, Peter Meeuwse
Published in:
H20 Online, Issue March 2015, 2015
Koen G. Zuurbier, Klaasjan J. Raat, Marcel Paalman, Ate T. Oosterhof, Pieter J. Stuyfzand
Published in:
Water Resources Management, Issue 31/2, 2017, Page(s) 671-687, ISSN 0920-4741
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Koen G. Zuurbier, Niels Hartog, Pieter J. Stuyfzand
Published in:
Applied Geochemistry, Issue 71, 2016, Page(s) 35-47, ISSN 0883-2927
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Koen Zuurbier, Patrick Smeets, Kees Roest, Wim van Vierssen
Published in:
Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture, 2018, Page(s) 159-175, ISBN 978-3-319-74268-7
Koen Zuurbier
Published in:
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