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CORDIS - EU research results



Reporting period: 2018-09-01 to 2020-02-29

EU resource intensive industries generates more than €1,600 billion turnover and have over 6.8 million employees (1), have a high dependence on resources (20-30 % are imported). In 2019, the value of total trade (import plus exports) of raw materials between the EU-27 and the rest of the world was €135 billion. Since exports (€54 billion) were lower than imports (€81 billion) there was trade deficit of €27 billion (2). There is a clear interest in sustainability improvements and competitiveness, which decouples human wellbeing from resource consumption.
Local and wider co-operation in Industrial symbiosis (IS) can reduce the need for virgin raw material and waste disposal, closing the material loop and reducing emissions and energy use and create new revenue streams. EU has some support networks for IS and European Innovation Partnerships. However, in order to make IS a widespread commercial reality, more needs to be done to manage the flow of waste material from different sectors and industries.
The overall objective of FISSAC project was to develop and demonstrate an innovative IS model towards a zero waste approach in the resource intensive industries (ferrous/non-ferrous metals, cement, ceramic, natural stone and chemical sectors) across the construction value chain. The project tackles harmonized technological and non- technological aspects, leading to material closed-loop processes and moving to a circular economy.
The implementation of the innovative IS model is facilitated by a methodology and software platform. The FISSAC IS platform is able to support decision making in material flow analyses and industrial clustering. It aims to demonstrate and maximize environmental, social and financial benefits of IS networks to support circular economy and to facilitate the formation and operation of IS networks.
In order to tackle technological barriers, FISSAC has demonstrated the applicability of the new IS model as well as the effectiveness of the innovative processes, services and products at different levels:
•Manufacturing processes and Product validation
•Demonstration of the software platform
•Replicability assessment through living lab (LL) concept.
FISSAC implies a transformation that brings multiple changes as organisational culture, habits, labour and market skills. Non-technological barriers have been also tackled in the project in the LL and other activities for social engagement and acceptance for identifying sociocultural barriers that could hinder the transformation process. Target groups of beneficiaries and influencers of the FISSAC model have been involved to validate the model, to participate in LL and webinars and to test its replicability in new markets and regions.
Regarding the applicability of the new IS model some of the enabling factors that have been identified are: Clearer and simpler regulatory framework to simplify the exchange of waste; Initiatives to enhance the market uptake for secondary raw materials; Trust and collaboration needs among the stakeholders in order to build together new opportunities; and Training materials and exchange of experiences.
(1) (2)Eurostat Comext data code: DS-016895
The final period work was mainly focused on:
•Implementing the new construction products based on SRMs: Eco-cement and Green concrete, Innovative ceramic tiles and Wood-plastic composites tested in 5 case studies considering the manufacturing processes, technical performance and their implementation in construction applications
•Development of FISSAC IS software platform: implementation of indicators, visualisation of the analyses’ results and extra functionalities were added. It addresses the two major decision-making support needs for the IS: Simulation, demonstration and verification of IS case studies with a spatial perspective and Evaluation of the environmental impact and material flow costs of the proposed IS solutions
•Living labs (LLs) were focused on non-technical barriers and social acceptance as key factors required to implement IS. LL leaders engaged relevant actors to identify appropriate challenges related to IS in their regions. Within designed meetings, their collaborative knowledge and experience were used to understand how these challenges can be addressed
•The Exploitation strategy of the exploitable results (9) defines: TRL for each result, the exploitation plans and strategy for each partner, the IPR management and future actions regarding the IP and Exploitable rights shares. The main results developed in the project are: FISSAC Model: IS Methodology and Platform; Blended and CSA cement; Light wall and Urban porcelain EcoTiles; Wood Plastic Composites; Ready mix and Precast Green concrete
•The dissemination strategy was designed to spread the results at EU and international level, but also at local/regional level. IS involves a wide variety of stakeholders acting at local level, a tailored dissemination has provided interesting outcomes in terms of involvement and participation.The website has been an effective channel to disseminate contents for stakeholders and general public and it allowed a sound cooperation among the partners, acting as hub. The final conference was designed as an open the debate to support the implementation and acceleration of the FISSAC approach at EU level. Many stakeholders had the opportunity to work on key topics drawing inspiration from FISSAC
FISSAC new products were manufactured at industrial scale to validate the recycling and production processes. They were implemented through 5 different case studies (CS) considering the whole supply chain of the IS at real scale:
CS1-Concrete road pavement
CS2-Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks
CS3-Precast Green Concrete elements
CS4-Innovative Wall & porcelain Ecotiles
CS5-Wood Plastic Composites
They have a dedicated section on website:
To assess the replicability of the IS opportunities, the CS carried out within the project were examined and it can be stated that the replicability of the IS opportunities investigated within the project is high, since SRM and products have presented good results from the technical point of view, if compared to standard products. To assess replicability potential at country level and other sectors, specific criteria have been developed and reported in D7.2 and evaluated in D7.5. Find details on:
A normalization impact assessment and a characterization assessment were conducted for the real CS. The experience gained during the implementation were used to provide an overview of FISSAC model main strong and weak points and recommendations to improve IS potential as: process SRM with adequate methods; if necessary, introduce radical design change; choose local value chain; identify providers able to guarantee constant supply over time; and reliable information about products performance.
The most promising outcomes were summarized in FISSAC model: scenario, platform and methodology (find summary on the project website). They should help to advance the changes regarding waste area impacts. Our aim is that our demonstration Scenario experience using industrial waste and by-products as resources across the construction value chain will be replicated in other regions and scenarios supported by FISSAC Platform and the methodology guiding the main steps to initiate the activities.