List_MAPS is a network dedicated to the training of innovative young researchers in the field of Microbiology and Systems Biology. It focuses on Listeria monocytogenes, an ubiquitous pathogen that is in the EU the leading cause of mortality and food recalls due to foodborne pathogens, costing the EU millions of euro per annum in medical care and associated costs in the food sector. ESRs develop scientific expertise through PhD training, mobility of researchers, summer schools, workshops and transfer-of-knowledge. Working in this dynamic state-of-the-art field provide for training of ESRs to the highest level, with co-operation and movement between academia and industry that enhances ESR training. The overall objective of the research programme is to tackle food safety through the combination of high throughput Deep sequencing of transcripts, Proteomics, Bioinformatics, Mathematics and Microbiology to decipher the transcriptional regulatory circuitry that drives adaptation and virulence of L. monocytogenes from farm to fork. In addition to excellent scientific competences, competitive research requires a range of transferable skills to secure funding, optimise management of working teams and exploit research results. List_MAPS has developed an innovative approach to the training of ESRs in these transferable skills. Overall, the actions carried out in List_MAPS give the opportunity to secure world-class training for creative, entrepreneurial and innovative researchers.