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Galileo-Enhanced MOTIT: an electric scooter sharing service for sustainable urban mobility


Pilot service description

Document describing the pilot service to be deployed in Grand Paris.

Detailed Use Case definition

Document describing the G-MOTIT use case and the requirements for the positioning unit.

Impact assessment report

Document describing the G-MOTIT impact observed after consultation with users and stakeholders involved.

Market analysis report

Document describing the market that G-MOTIT is addressing and the main barriers and drivers for market adoption. A draft version will be provided in Month 10.

Project website and social networks

Set-up on-line of the project website and social media accounts.

Communication materials

Materials (leaflets, movie, roll-outs...) to support dissemination of the project at congresses and social media.


Advanced positioning service for smart mobility applications

Auteurs: Marti Jofre (Pildo Labs Wessex), Santiago Soley (Pildo Labs), Jordi Ortuño (Barcelona City Council)
Publié dans: Proceedings of 22nd ITS World Congress, Bordeaux, France, Numéro Annual, 2015, Page(s) Paper number ITS-2408
Éditeur: ERTICO

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