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Built to Specifications: Self-Inspection, 3D Modelling, Management and Quality-Check Tools for the 21st Century Construction Worksite

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Imagery Comparison Deliverable

The output of Task 4.4 will be a document describing and evaluating on construction site data using the image-based technique for identifying discrepancies between as-built and as-planned construction state

Acoustic in situ test results

Evaluation of experimental results of the novel methodology tested in a controlled environment. The tests done with the software developed and the acoustic methodology created will be reported in this deliverable. The experimental results will be compared with the results obtained from sound insulation measurements done with conventional equipment.

User, Self-Inspection, and Quality Check Requirements

The final targeted user groups will be identified in a very early stage and during the first months of the project the 6 workshops of task 11 with members of the future user groups will be conducted The output of these workshops will be processed and the needs of the future users regarding selfinspection and quality checks will be identified These requirements will be reported in the deliverable D11

Automated Quality Assurance and Compliance methodology

A report that describes and explains the step by step methodologies required to implement the selfinspection techniques for Quality Assurance and Compliance to achieve the required standards of energy performance and IEQ In separate sections for each selfinspection technique the report will provide a detailed performance description or story of what the software must do to provide a convenient easy to use experience for the user of the VCM system This is necessary as input to WP6 so that the software developers have a clear description of how the software has to function

Integrated Self-Inspection Quality Check Framework

The framework of the integrated approach which is described in the deliverable D13 are based on the outcomes of the 6 workshops processed compiled and supplemented by additional information In this report it will also be documented which out of the numerous amount of the elements of the integrated process are selected for the methodology of Virtual Construction Management Platform VCMP The deliverable D13 directly leads to the development of the system architecture D14

Market Analysis
Planning and Management of the field test operations

Guidelines organisation and planning for pilot test implementation in different worksites

Pilots results

Final comparative and performance assessment of the field test operation by end-users including feedback.

Critical analysis of the thermal self-inspection techniques and protocols developed

Validation report of the developed method under laboratory conditions and also, in realistic conditions, at pilot site scale and critical analysis.

Performance Gap Assessment Methodology

In the deliverable D12 which is a report the methodology will be described how the mismatch between planned energy performance and the performance at commissioning stage due to the construction process can be assessed This methodology will be dealing with those parts of the construction process which are being seen as highly influencing the energy performance if not executed as planned

Data required as evidence of compliance

A report defining and describing the characteristics of the data that is required as evidence of compliance with the relevant standards for each self-inspection technique and quality check procedure.

IAQ indicators

Proposal of IAQ indicatorsIn this report will be described a group of indicators allowing qualifying indoor air quality on the basis of the parameters monitored by the sensor The indicators development will increase the visibility of the results for the workers and the users This development will be based on our knowledge of indoor ambiances regulatory values guide values and health values Plus a thinking will be lead on the use and display of these indicators related to the IAQ interface development following task

Acoustic methodology

Report of acoustic methodology developed for in situ sound insulation measurements with mobile devices and indoor positioning A methodology for the application of these devices to sound insulation measurements and acoustic maps generation will be developed and reported in this deliverable

IAQ specifications

In this deliverable the detailed specifications for the IAQ interface and for the BIM platform will be described This interface will have an informative role on the presentation of IAQ results but also interactive functions making possible an exchange with the users Especially this platform will propose recommendations or corrective actions according to the IAQ observed results

Building modelling and 3D automated referencing

Description of the different models developed in this task: Wall model, inverse model to determine the building thermal parameters from TIR and direct model to study the impact of actual materials on the building energy balance. Output of task 2.1 and Task 2.2

Parametric loudspeaker lab test results

The characterization of the source will be done in an anechoic room In addition a set of reverberation time measurements in buildings and sound insulation measurements will be done to evaluate the level of noise generated by this source

3D Mobile Capture Deliverable

The output of Task 43 will be a demonstration and report of a prototype of on site 3D model capture with a consumer mobile device

Training Plan
Mobile devices lab test results

Different plug-ins and iOS apps will be tested and compared with standardized measurements made according to ISO regulation. The uncertainty associated with the use of microphones class 2 in mobile devices and assess will be quantified and the reliability of the information generated in the acoustic measurements performed with these microphones will be evaluated.

State of the art of the next generation thermal self-inspection technique

Summary of non intrusive instrumentation based on imagery techniques usable in construction sector and benchmark of existing mobile systems. Output of Task 2.1 and part of Task 2.3.

Use of BIM technologically for self-inspection and quality checks

This report will describe the improved BIM technology with different new features like object level non BIM data linking IFC GUIDs integrity workflow and on site mobile usage from BIM tools in the cloud This report is a direct output of Task 45

Airtightness test methodology

An efficient method for identifying leakage pathways when using the airtightness tester In this deliverable the most efficient method for identifying the leakage pathways between pulse tests will be evaluated and a methodology developed

Methodology for Smart Material Self-Inspection & Quality Checks

Output of Task 4.1 with photo evidence of prototypes and reporting on the modelling developed in Task 4.2

Long Term Testing teams Workshop materials

User manuel documents and pedagogic materials for training end users testing the system on the worksites

Virtual Construction Management Platform (freeware version)

A free version of the Virtual construction Management platform will be demonstrated at an dissemination event aimed at the stakeholder community.

Public Website & Press Release

The project website will be designed and built including project Intranet for the consortium An initial press release highlighting the project will be issues to community stakeholders and partners for further dissemination The website will be continuously updated and press releases be repeated across the project

Contribution to the open source BIM community

Output of tasks 4.5 and 4.6.This will include new BIM software open source tools improvements development within the project and will be provided to the BIM community to disseminate the new innovations in the industry

Public Communication Materials

General Communication material on the project will be developed for use at dissemination events websites workshops etc for all of the project partners This will be updated across the project lifetime

Minimal Survey Data Set

A list of the Minimal Survey Data Set which can be efficiently captured to satisfy each selfinspection technique and quality check procedure and test


Reducing Energy Performance Gap in Buildings—Built2Spec Project Solution

Autores: Daniele Bortoluzzi, Andrea Costa, Sara Casciati
Publicado en: Proceedings, Edición 1/7, 2017, Página(s) 640, ISSN 2504-3900
Editor: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/proceedings1070640

Industry and academia collaborate to improve energy efficiency in concrete buildings

Autores: Magdalena Hajdukiewicz, Jamie Goggins
Publicado en: Engineers Journal, Edición 2015-07-28, 2015, ISSN 0332-1711
Editor: Engineers Journal

NUIG and SMEs collaborate in EU Horizon 2020 project in energy-efficient buildings call

Autores: Magdalena Hajdukiewicz
Publicado en: Engineers Journal, Edición 2015-10-13, 2015, ISSN 0332-1711
Editor: Engeeners Journal

Embedded instrumentation as a teaching tool for construction students

Autores: Shane Newell, Jamie Goggins
Publicado en: Engineers Journal, Edición 11.04.2017, 2017, ISSN 0332-1711
Editor: Engineers Ireland

Real-time monitoring of concrete–lattice-girder slabs during construction

Autores: Shane Newell, Jamie Goggins
Publicado en: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, Edición 170/12, 2017, Página(s) 885-900, ISSN 0965-0911
Editor: ICE Publishing
DOI: 10.1680/jstbu.16.00198

Construction of an Omnidirectional Parametric Loudspeaker Consisting in a Spherical Distribution of Ultrasound Transducers

Autores: Marc Arnela, Oriol Guasch, Patricia Sánchez-Martín, Joan Camps, Rosa Alsina-Pagès, Carme Martínez-Suquía
Publicado en: Sensors, Edición 18/12, 2018, Página(s) 4317, ISSN 1424-8220
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/s18124317

Lifecycle environmental and economic performance of nearly zero energy buildings (NZEB) in Ireland

Autores: Jamie Goggins, Paul Moran, Alan Armstrong, Magdalena Hajdukiewicz
Publicado en: Energy and Buildings, Edición 116, 2016, Página(s) 622-637, ISSN 0378-7788
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.01.016

Real-time monitoring to investigate structural performance of hybrid precast concrete educational buildings

Autores: Shane Newell, Jamie Goggins, Magdalena Hajdukiewicz
Publicado en: Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, Edición 1/4, 2016, Página(s) 147-155, ISSN 2470-5314
Editor: Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/24705314.2016.1240525

Super-insulate or use renewable technology? Life cycle cost, energy and global warming potential analysis of nearly zero energy buildings (NZEB) in a temperate oceanic climate

Autores: Paul Moran, Jamie Goggins, Magdalena Hajdukiewicz
Publicado en: Energy and Buildings, Edición 139, 2017, Página(s) 590-607, ISSN 0378-7788
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.01.029

How to reduce a gap between the predicted and actual performance of buildings

Autores: Magdalena Hajdukiewicz
Publicado en: Global Magazine of the Concrete Society, Edición 24.03.2017, 2017, ISSN 0010-5317
Editor: The Concrete Society

Construction and characterization of an omnidirectional parametric loudspeaker consisting of ultrasound transducers set on sphere

Autores: Marc Arnela, Patricia Sanchez-Martın, Marcos Hervas, Joan Camps, Oriol Guasch, Carme Martınez-Suquıa and Rosa-Maria Alsina-Pages
Publicado en: Proceedings of NOVEM 2018, Edición November 2018, 2018, Página(s) 175945 - 1-11
Editor: La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull on behalf of NOVEM International Organizing Committee

Experimental study on the measurement of building infiltration and air leakage rate (at 4 and 50 Pa) by means of tracer gas methods, blower door and the novel pulse technique in a detached UK home

Autores: Vega Pasos, Alan; Zheng, Xiaofeng; Sougkakis, Vasileios; Gillott, Mark; Meulemans, Johann; Samin, Olivier; Alzetto, Florent; Smith, Luke; Jackson, Stephen; Wood, Christopher J.
Publicado en: Smart Ventilation for buildings, Edición 18.09.2018, 2018
Editor: AIVC

Experimental investigation of the impact of environmental conditions on the measurement of building infiltration, and its correlation with airtightness

Autores: Vega Pasos, Alan; Zheng, Xiaofeng; Sougkakis, Vasileios; Gillott, Mark; Meulemans, Johann; Samin, Olivier; Alzetto, Florent; Smith, Luke; Jackson, Stephen; Wood, Christopher J
Publicado en: Smart ventilation for buildings, Edición 08.08.2018, 2018
Editor: AIVC Conference

Field trialling of a new airtightness tester in a range of UK homes

Autores: Edward Cooper, Xiaofeng Zheng, Christopher Wood, Mark Gillot, David Tetlow, Saffa Riffat, Lia De Simon
Publicado en: Effective ventilation in high performance buildings, Edición 2015-09-23, 2015
Editor: Air infiltration and ventilation centre

B2S Project Review

Autores: Andrea Costa, Daniele Bortoluzzi, Germain Adell
Publicado en: EeB PPP Project Review 2015 - 5th edition of the EeB PPP - Project funded Review, Edición 2015-12-20, 2015
Editor: EeB PPP

Improving indoor air quality (iaq) self-inspection and quality check measures to reduce the gap between building predicted and real performances

Autores: D. Bortoluzzi, F. Noris, A. Costa, T.B. Messervey, G. Adell, C. Cantau and Julien Roquette
Publicado en: Procedia – Environmental Science, Engineering and Management - issue 3, vol.2/ 2015 of Procedia-ESEM, Edición 2015-11-03, 2015
Editor: Procedia Environmental Sciences

Built2spec project: tools for self-inspection and quality checks – towards 21st century construction

Autores: Andrea Costa1, Germain Adell2, Angel Font Fernandez3, Daniele Bortoluzzi1 and Thomas Brian Messervey1 1 R2M Solution Srl - Via Fratelli Cuzio, 42 – Polo Tecnologico di Pavia – 27100 Pavia (PV) - Italy 2 Nobatek - Rue de Mirambeau 67 - 64600 Anglet - France 3 Eurecat - Av. Universitat Autònoma, 23 - 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès - Spain
Publicado en: Proceeding of the 12th REHVA World Congress: volume 8, Edición 22.05.2016, 2016, Página(s) Proceeding of the 12th REHVA World Congress: volume 8
Editor: REHVA World Congress

Behaviour of hybrid concrete lattice girder flat slab system using insitu structural health monitoring

Autores: Shane Newell, Jamie Goggins, Magdalena Hajdukiewicz, Dave Holleran
Publicado en: Proceedings of the Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2016), Edición 29.08.2016, 2016
Editor: Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Association
DOI: 10.13025/s8ms34

Potential applications for image-based systems in structural engineering

Autores: Oscar De La Torre, Shane Newell, Michael Flanagan, Jamie Goggins
Publicado en: Proceedings of the Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2016), Edición 29.08.2016, 2016
Editor: Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Association

Methodology for quality checks for energy efficient buildings

Autores: Magdalena Hajdukiewicz, Jamie Goggis, Marcus Keane
Publicado en: Proceedings of World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED2017) – Young Researchers Conference, Edición 01.03.2017, 2017
Editor: World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED2017)
DOI: 10.13025/s88c7d

Energy efficiency improvement in concrete buildings

Autores: Magdalena Hajdukiewicz, Jamie Goggins
Publicado en: Global Magazine of the Concrete Society, Edición September 2015, 2015-09-11, 2015, Página(s) 54-55
Editor: The Concrete Society, UK

NUI Galway Engineering Project Seeks to Reduce Gap in Energy Performance of Buildings

Autores: Magdalena Hajdukiewicz
Publicado en: NUI Galway News & Events, Edición 09.05.2017, 2017
Editor: NUI Galway

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